If he fights again, he still won't answer, he must be deliberate!

"Do you know where that **** capitalist is? I'm going to find him now!" If he is at home, it will be inconvenient for her to go. She asked with a glimmer of hope, wishing him to be in the company.

Bastard capitalist, what she calls President Situ is really strange.

The white shirt saw that Miss Bai's angry hair was going to stand up, and she quickly confessed: "President Situ is in the company. If you want to go there, I will drive you to take you right away."

What are these words? Why are you so controversial?

Take her in her car?

"You heard that right. The BMW downstairs is a car that Mr. Situ Yuan bought for you. He said it is mainly for your parents to travel."

After Bai Chichi greeted his parents, he followed the white shirt downstairs.

Sure enough, there was a brand-new champagne BMW parked there, and the white shirt respectfully helped Bai Chichi open the back seat door. Bai Chichi didn't say much, and just sat in.

The car had been driving along the main road and stopped in front of the Imperial Building. This is the best office building in the city. Bai Chichi never knew that Situ Qing was working here.

Under the guidance of the white shirt, Bai Chi entered his company late, and all the staff's etiquette is in place. From this aspect alone, it can be seen that they are well-trained. Bai Chichi was not in the mood to think about this, she wanted to see that **** for the first time.

"Car keys." She stretched out her hand to the white shirt, and the white shirt thought to herself, don't you want it?

The complicated expression made the dull Bai Chichi all understand. Of course she didn't want it, she just used the key to smash that servant in the face.

Seeing the good things he did, is this just for the aftermath of what he did to her?

It's money, house, and car. She has become a seller of her for nothing? The price is quite high!

The top floor of the imperial building.

In the large and bright conference room, Situ Qing wore a formal suit and sat at one end of the oval conference table. On both sides of the conference table were some middle and high-level managers, sorted by position.

Bai Chichi had never seen Situ Qing at work, and he was listening attentively to his subordinates reporting the later work arrangements.

He will start with Wen Ruo this afternoon, and the morning meeting is to arrange all work.

He was so serious, Bai Chichi felt that his heart was beating too hard just looking at his profile and couldn't calm down. After breaking up, she stayed up all night and couldn't enter any professional books.

What about him?

Still in the meeting, it seems that it is not affected at all.

She resented, hated, and never took the initiative to give her anyone who couldn't get off the stage. For the first time, she had an urge to give him some color.

Who told him to bully her and be a Chen Shimei?

Holding the folder in one hand and the BMW car key in the other, she twisted open the glass door of the conference room, and walked in with her head held up tall in the sight of everyone watching over...

Bai Chichi's gaudy and vulgar clothes themselves attract people's attention, and she breaks into the meeting room that is in a meeting so directly that she pays more attention.

The executives didn't know what was going on, they saw her clenched fists and stared at President Situ, who was not far away from her. The expression was so sad and sad.

Tsk tusk tusk, black-faced president Situ Yuan, will he still make trouble for women? She was still a woman with scum, her glasses shattered all over the place.

Situ cleared his throat and said: "Today's meeting is here. Follow the good implementation of the discussion, and the meeting is adjourned!"

End? They also want to see a good show, to see if the Tu Niu smashed the boss's face with something in her hand, or if the indifferent and serious boss will still leave her out.

As soon as they came, his half-way meeting ended. It seems that the boss is afraid of others, and he really shames his employees.

Bai Chichi didn't care if those people had gone clean, but they hadn't left yet, but she just left her seat and pretended to pack things "quickly". She went straight to Situ Qing and threw the folder in her hand on him, cold He said: "Take it back! The ghost wants your things!"


cut! The gaze that secretly swept over contained a deep contempt, and they thought how powerful she was.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you leave soon?" Situ Qing frowned and issued an order to chase off the guests. Now they moved really fast.

His office is right next to him, and he really wants to take her to the office to talk alone. There was a secret space there, and once he had a very different idea after he finished his office, that is, rubbing an idiot on his desk, not knowing what it was like.

They have broken up, in order to respect Wen Ruo, his conversation with her should be placed where he will not mess around.

Of course, even if he gets along in private, he will restrain himself. The relationship is different. He has no right to treat her any more, even if he touches her hand, kisses her and hugs her.

He stayed up all night last night, her mind was full of her. Her smile, her cry, everything about her, seemed to have been deeply rooted in his heart.

Bai Chichi originally wanted to slap the car key on his face, but it turned out to be lightly placed on the tabletop with a light movement, and no sound was made the moment the key touched the tabletop.

"Return this to you, bye!"

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left, not daring to look at his face that she had thought about all night.

He is too **** good, just say that and break up. Even if he said: "Bai Chichi, wait for me." No matter how long you wait for him, she may not complain.

But now, she felt that life suddenly seemed to be weightless, she was hanging in the air, unable to go to the sky or to the ground.

He emptied her heart, this bastard, he emptied her heart.

She was wronged, empty, and confused. She didn't go to get drunk, didn't want to fall, it was really not easy for her to be so peaceful.

Situ Qing did not speak to her directly, but called out in a deep voice: "Director Luo." The white shirt agreed to come in from the outside.

In order to often help Bai Chichi and her parents to have a reliable person, he deliberately drew a particularly reliable Luo Hui'an from his company.

"President Situ." Luo Hui'an stood up straight respectfully.

"Follow her. You can help her hold the things she doesn't want to take. Please take the time to do the moving." Situ Qing pointed to the desktop, Luo Hui'an stepped forward and took the folder and keys. Picking it up, he quickly followed Bai Chichi.

Bai Chichi heard that, this guy was deliberately trying to **** her off, she didn't want to talk to him so much and waste her saliva.

Now I have to say, she turned around and snatched the two things from Luo Hui'an, stepped back into his meeting room, slammed the things on the table, and said loudly: "Situ Qing! Break up and break up. Please don't insult me ​​with these things!"

Is he insulting her?

moron! She is an idiot!

She dare to throw something in front of his boss? Luo Hui'an shrank his neck, and did not follow it sensibly. Instead, he stood outside the door and moved aside to stand where they could not see.

"Bai Chichi, this is not an insult, this is what you deserve." Situ Qing's tone is not warm, just telling a fact.

"Deserve it? I deserve a lot. You are so generous. You gave me such a high price. It's a pity that I don't have such a good appearance." She raised her head and looked at him neither humble nor humble.

She was with him, never considered his social status, she simply liked him.

He gave her these things, who did he consider her?

The nature has changed.

Situ Qing was choked by her words. When did she choke so much when she spoke?

Trying to suppress her emotions, Situ Qing said indifferently, "You look good, and you can pass it. Besides, the price of a woman has nothing to do with her look, it depends on who she is with. ."

Bai Chichi sneered and said, "That's right, I've talked to President Situ, Chief Situ, this deal is really good. It's a pity that I don't want what you gave. Why? You want to deal with the aftermath. Can you make your conscience feel better? I don't want you to feel better! You Chen Shimei! You **** who always gives up!"

Finally I said the condemnation I thought about last night, and it was so refreshing when I said it, and I wanted to cry.

If she makes her feel better by scolding him, he is willing to stand here and listen to her scolding for a lifetime.

She said nothing wrong, it was originally his fault.

Situ Qing looked back at her, his eyes inevitably contained guilt and love, and such complicated eyes made Bai Chichi's heart seem to be scalded.

Her aura suddenly became shorter again, her eyes lowered, and she reached the final conclusion.

"In short, I don't want your compensation. I'm not here to sell myself! Please don't insult my self-esteem!"

Situ Qing frowned and said in a deep voice, "Okay, you want to talk about self-esteem with me, let's talk about self-esteem. I saw an old man picking up an empty bottle on the street, and a college student teased her and told her Cock your feet to reach the bottle, and if you reach it, give it to her."

"At times like this, do you say that this old man has self-esteem? You will go for an internship soon, and then you will see all kinds of patients. Look at their relatives being seriously ill, as long as they have money It can be healed, but they don’t. They can only watch their loved ones die. Do you think they have self-esteem?"

"Every time you pass by the pedestrian street and see the fathers of those leukemia patients standing there holding banners, praying for love, they can't use their strength to save their children, do you think there is still self-esteem?"

"Don't think that what I'm talking about has nothing to do with you. I ask you, if your parents are sick and you don't have the money to treat them, what do you do? At that time, is your self-esteem or their lives worth? Because of you It's my woman. Even if I only do it for one day, I have to arrange all of your future life. I didn't give you cash. I know you are a good girl with self-esteem and self-reliance. You will earn it with your own hands. But you also have to think about your parents. They will get sick and get old. It will take many years to take care of them with your own strength. Your son wants to be filial and will not treat you. When they are gone, you will regret it."

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