It took him three months to turn her into his woman, and then abandon her, but he You Yuze took care of her for six years.

Isn't his six years still inferior to Situ Qing's three months?

Unexpectedly, just after he confessed to her, Situ Qing happened to appear again. If he confessed earlier, or he showed up later, maybe he and her are already in a relationship at this time.

He didn't want her eyes, he was moved.

Later he thought, if she really loves him and they belong to each other, maybe he can do the same.

If Situ Qing hadn't made an agreement with him, he probably wouldn't have had a chance to pursue her in his life.

Sometimes you can't be too selfless to be a human being. This is Situ Qing giving up by himself and cannot blame him.

He just lacked luck, and now he has luck again, he must seize this opportunity well.

As long as he doesn't let go, Situ Qing can't openly want to be with her, which he firmly believes.

"Yu Jing." He called her softly.

"Don't call me Yu Jing from now on, I am Bai Chichi." It was someone's idiot.

"I'm used to calling it. I want to call it Yu Jing anyway." You are Yu Jing who is my own.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"I wanted to ask you, when do you go to work?"

"I will go to work when my eyes are better."

"Oh, during this period, will you stay at home or go to Situ's house? Situ Qing is not there. Is it not convenient for you to live in his house?"

This really came to Bai Chichi's heart. She wanted to live in his house and felt very close to him.

It's a pity that she still doesn't have a status. She said she would marry Situ Qing, but he didn't say anything.

She is a girl, so it's hard to force marriage, right?

If it doesn't count, how can it be a forced marriage? When her eyes were bad, he proposed it by himself, and now she just agreed to him.

She thought about it, and finally thought of a good way.

"Let's talk about it," she said vaguely, and he clearly saw a sly light flashing in her eyes.

There was rarely such an expression on her face, which made him stunned.

"I'll look for them on the street, you can rest at home." Bai Chichi got up from the bed.

You Yuze did not say a word, and followed her behind.

Bai Chichi called Xin Xiaozi. They were in a snack bar. She rushed over and pulled Situ Yuan aside by herself.

"Far, I have something to tell you." She whispered.

Xin Xiaozi pretended to be jealous, and said sourly: "Is there anything you can't tell us? I have to say it alone, don't make a mistake, this is my man."

"Don't worry, I won't sleep with him." Bai Chichi was in a very good mood. He even used Xin Xiaozi's words and successfully blocked her mouth.

"What's the matter?" Situ Yuan asked, feeling a little nervous today.

"I ask you, can I go to the army to visit relatives? I mean, I and Qing are not married yet, can I go as a girlfriend? I called him this morning and said I want to marry him , He didn't speak. I thought, or I would give him a surprise attack and visit him in the army. I was also worried that he was too busy at work, and I was afraid that he would be disturbed if he went."

Situ Yuan curled his mouth insidiously while listening.

As expected of his sister-in-law, she still has some ideas.

Get a big sister-in-law into the army. With her personality, she must be known to everyone. This time he can see what to do.

Situ Yuan groaned for a while, and said, "It was not very convenient at first, but if you see the good face of your eyes, let me arrange it. You have to promise me that you can't follow up before you arrive in the army. Make phone call."

"I promise!"

Hey, he can say anything, as long as she can see her black face quickly.

She hasn't been to the army since she grew up, how can she think it is very mysterious.

that's nice! You can have a little love with that guy in the army.

Also, he has a big palm, will she be enveloped by a strong sense of pride wherever she goes.

The haze over the past few days has been swept away, the army is the beginning of her new life, full of expectations.

"By the way, Yuan, what the two of us are talking about, you have to help me keep secret from Xin Xiaozi and You Yuze. I'm afraid they say I am too proactive..."

She is still a little entangled in this point, if she fails to go, she is even more afraid of being laughed at.

"Don't worry, I will keep it secret for you."

Especially if you can't let the surname You know, he might destroy it, he has already destroyed it once in front of her parents.

"When do you want to go?"

"Tomorrow! Just tomorrow? Let's go back soon." She asked softly.

"should be no problem."

"Then do it!" She wants to regain her former personality, and she will do as she pleases, and will never be muddled.

Classmate Qing, wait for me to take you down!

"I'll go back and talk to my parents, you are waiting for me here." Bai Chichi said, and ran away.

You Yuze followed and asked her, "What happened to you today? How weird."

"I won't tell you!" She smiled mysteriously, and hurried home like a gust of wind.

"Yuze, I have something to discuss with my parents alone." She said.

You Yuze still wanted to follow, her face pulled down, and he had to say: "You go to discuss, I will wait for you in the room."

"It's pretty much the same, you're pretty sensible."

Bai Chi happily visited his parents' room, just as they woke up from a nap.

"Parents, I have to review my eyes. You have to take care of yourself at home during this time. My card is in the drawer of my room. If you don't want to cook, you can eat at the restaurant, and before I leave. I will tell the sister-in-law next door, she can also come and cook for you."

You Yuze's words still inspired her, she had to finalize the matter with Situ Qing before telling her parents.

She could see that in fact they still wanted her to marry the first man.

"Go, haven't you told her earlier? You are not here, she often takes care of us."


"If you feel uncomfortable, go to the hospital and say it's my parents. The dean will make arrangements for you."


After setting up his parents, Bai Chichi said to You Yuze: "I still have to go back to Situ Feng's house, and I will go back soon. Are you going with us or staying at home for two days?"

"Of course I am following you, your eyes are not completely healed. I will follow you wherever you go."

"I don’t need anyone to take care of it, Yuze, I’m all right. You don’t know that I just need to be careful not to get the infection now. It doesn’t make any difference between your presence and your absence. Either you stay at home or go back to the hospital. Follow me."

"No!" He resolutely opposed, and finally got the chance to get along with her, and he couldn't miss it.

"Oh, I'll do it if I say. I have something to do, it is not convenient to take you."

You Yuze looked at her seemingly shiny face, and instantly understood.

"Do you want to find him?"

"When did this kid become smarter? Ah, no, I didn't have to go to him. Anyway, you can't follow me."

You Yuze's face sank, and he said displeased: "Do you find it useful to find him? It's useless to find him, he won't..."

He was probably too anxious, and regretted halfway through it.

Bai Chichi squinted at him. His words made her frown slightly, and asked him strangely: "What are you talking about? It's useless to find him? He doesn't know what? You made it clear!"

You Yuze really wanted to tell the agreement between him and Situ Qing, but he looked at Bai Chichi's eyes and decided not to say it.

No matter what angle she said, even if she would touch a nail when she went, she had to touch it, he said, she might not believe it.

"Nothing, I just don't want you to find him, so..."

She was scared to death, she thought there was something hidden, but after all, this kid was jealous.

"I must go, are you going back to Los Angeles?"


"Then go."

After Bai Chichi finished speaking, he left before, and You Yuze followed behind to meet Situ Yuan and Xin Xiaozi and set off again.

Back in Los Angeles at night, Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi Situ Yuan went back to Situ Feng's house, and You Yuze went back to the hospital unwillingly.

When he was going to the army to see Chief Situ, Bai Chi was so excited that he didn't sleep much all night.

In the morning, she got up early, turned out all the few skirts she had in Situ Feng's house and looked at them, and finally chose the most beautiful one.

The night before, Situ Yuan had taken care of everything. Before Xin Xiaozi got up in the morning, Situ Yuan drove Bai Chichi out the door.

At the entrance of the troops, he said to her: "You go to the gate, and someone will pick you up in five minutes."

She got out of the car and walked over, only then did Situ Yuan escape from the phone and call one of his soldiers.

"Hey, this is Situ Qing. My girlfriend has come to visit relatives in the army and has already reached the door. I can't go away now. You can go to the door to help me pick her in. She is wearing a pink and yellow skirt, her name is Bai Slowly."

"Yes! Chief!"

Situ Yuan didn't leave, he hid in the car and quietly watched the movement of the guard.

Five minutes later, the kid ran out to talk to the guard, and Bai Chichi showed his ID card, and then he went in with the kid.

Situ Yuan thought about seeing Bai Chichi's appearance later, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

The army is very large, and Xiaobing dare not look at her directly, and secretly look at her.

Chief Situ, this girl is really punctual, looking at her appearance, her figure, her skin, I don't know how many people want their eyes to fall to the ground.

As long as Situ Qing was in the army, he would personally lead the team out in the morning.

"Stand at attention! Take a break!" He was standing upright and commanding, and the light from his eyes suddenly swept a familiar color.


Early in the morning, he thought she was dazzled?

He was stunned for a second or two, when Classmate Bing had already brought Bai Chichi to him.

"Reporting chief! Follow your instructions, my sister-in-law, bring it here!"

The warriors in a row of green uniforms swept over Bai Chichi's side, and Situ Qing's surprised eyes fixed on her.

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