"Chichi, we are all more than fifty days pregnant, right? How about going for a formal check-up while the two Xidang fathers are at home today?" Xin Xiaozi said to Bai Chichi after breakfast.

"It's almost two months since you, I'm almost fifty days today." Bai Chichi took his fingers to calculate, then nodded.

Situ Qing and Situ Yuan are of course very happy. You must know that Situ Yuan will return to the army in two days, and Situ Qing will also rush back to the company to handle the backlog of official duties that have been accumulated for a while, and there will be no such free time.

"Sister Chi Chi, Sister Zi Zi, or I'll go too, I'm a woman, it might be more convenient!" Chen Yuan just came out after cleaning the kitchen and heard their conversation.

"Okay..." Bai Chichi just agreed, but Xin Xiaozi pulled her arm under the table without warning.

Unknown Bai hesitated to look at it, and saw Xin Xiaozi smiled and said to Chen Yuan: "No, no, we are all married couples. It is inconvenient for you to go. What a hard breakfast, stay home and rest!"

Upon hearing her words, not only did Chen Yuan's face blush for a while, but even Situ Yuan and Situ Qing felt a little embarrassed, let alone being too late.

"Then, that's all right, you guys be more careful." Chen Yuan nodded awkwardly.

Bai Chichi said apologetically to Chen Yuan: "Yuanyuan, don't be too distracted. Xiao Zi is such a person. What do you want to say?"

"I know I know, Sister Xiao Zi is right!" Chen Yuan's magnanimous attitude made everyone's hearts hot.

When he walked out of the house, Situ Qing went to drive. Situ Yuan couldn't help but said to Xin Xiaozi: "Why are you talking so carelessly, my wife? You see how ugly Chen Yuan's face was at the time!"

"What are you doing, I just don't want one extra outsider when the four of us go out!" Xin Xiaozi pouted and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, Xiao Zi, you are a little rude to Chen Yuan, she is a country girl who has lost all her relatives. How pitiful!" Bai Chichi also felt that Xin Xiaozi seemed to be wary of Chen Yuan. What a feeling.

Xin Xiaozi looked at the direction of the garage. Before Situ Qing came out, she said in a low voice, "I don't mean to pity her, but I think this girl seems too smart. You can't play with her!" "

"What are you talking about, why can't I play with her!" Bai Chichi was a little anxious, isn't Xin Xiaozi suspecting Chen Yuan.

Situ Yuan frowned and said, "Chen Yuan is indeed very smart, but she hasn't shown any intentions towards Qing? Wife, are you too sensitive?"

"Where I am sensitive, I should be the one who is aware of it!" Xin Xiaozi wanted to say something, but Situ Qing's car had already arrived.

"Get in the car!" Situ Qing said with angrily dissatisfaction with Xin Xiaozi's attitude just now.

Xin Xiaozi didn't care so much, she snorted, and ordered Situ Yuan to open the car door and support herself and Bai Chichi to sit in the back seat. Then Situ Yuan sat in the position of the co-pilot. Situ Qing stepped on the accelerator and went straight to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital. .

Because they were just less than three months pregnant, the doctor recommended that two pregnant women take blood tests for progesterone and hcg to see the development of the embryo.

"Ah, do you need a blood test?" Xin Xiaozi frowned unwillingly when she heard that she was going to have a blood test. Although she was also studying medicine, but pharmacology, she was still very afraid of seeing dripping blood.

"Just take a little, not too much. We also have to fully consider the balance of the blood supply of pregnant women!" The doctor is very knowledgeable at first sight, and sees a lot of people who are afraid of blood tests.

"Wife, I will be by your side, don't be afraid!" Situ Yuan hugged Xin Xiaozi's shoulders to comfort her.

But Xin Xiaozi flatly said, "It's not you who are emotionally drawn! Okay, well, for this little villain in my stomach, I will give it!"

Bai Chichi looked at Situ Yuan and his wife amused. It was Xin Xiaozi who managed Situ Yuan to be submissive.

"Little idiot, are you afraid?" Situ Qing couldn't help becoming nervous when seeing Xin Xiaozi's appearance.

This iron man, who is so powerful in the battlefield mall, suddenly felt that he could not see Bai Chichi's blood, and he would feel dizzy.

"I am not afraid, I am a doctor!" Bai Chichi said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good, I will always be with you!" Situ Qing hurriedly supported Bai Chichi's arm, alive like a **** chief supporting Lafayette.

The two couples came to the laboratory. The nurse took the venous blood of Xin Xiaozi and Bai Chichi respectively, and then asked them to get the results in an hour.

Xin Xiaozi was making a lot of noise, but when he was drawing blood, he talked and laughed with Situ Yuan, without showing any timidity.

And Bai Chichi didn't even frown. The so-called mother is better. Of course, he first considers the safety of his children.

Only Situ Qing frowned when he saw Bai Chichi's blood being drawn from his veins.

"Hey, my eldest brother, are you a little prosperous?" Xin Xiaozi and Situ Yuan laughed at Situ Qing mercilessly.

"What nonsense!"

"Come on, knowing that you love your wife in the blood of your bones, drawing her blood is more painful than drawing yours, right? Show affection is not this show!" Xin Xiaozi pressed a hand Holding his arm, one finger pointed to Situ Qing.

"Xiao Zi! Don't laugh at him anymore, see his face is red!" Bai Chichi was beautiful in his heart, but he was protecting Situ Qing.

Xin Xiaozi shook his head and hugged Situ Yuan's arm and said, "Husband, let's go, let the two of them be funky here!"

"Where are you going?" Bai Chichi asked quickly.

Xin Xiaozi dragged Situ Yuan, leaving a sentence: "Go check your bust and see if you are pregnant if you get two shots!"

Her words caused the surrounding patients to look sideways, making Situ Qing and Bai Chichi both flee in shame.

The waiting process was anxious. Bai Chichi also felt that he was a little emotionally unstable after pregnancy. He was always worried about the child's various conditions, and he was afraid that he had inherited his own eye diseases and that he thought Situ Qing was dead. I cried too hard and hurt the child.

"It's okay, our baby is definitely a very healthy and perfect baby!" Situ Qing said patiently and comforted Bai Chichi.

"Okay, okay, I believe it! Alas, I thought the doctor would be calm when faced with such a situation, but I didn't think I was as broad-minded as Xiao Zi!" Bai Chichi said mockingly.

Situ Qing looked across the corridor, Xin Xiaozi and Situ Yuan ran out to buy snacks while waiting.

"Xiao Zi was too careless sometimes, you see how embarrassing Chen Yuan was at that time."

Bai Chich smiled and said, "Where, Xiao Zi is for my sake. She always thinks that you are trying to bring Chen Yuan back!"

"Stop talking nonsense, how could I be? Chen Yuan lost her family and was helpless and saved me. It is only natural for me to help her. What kind of ghost attempt is it?" Situ Qing became angry when he heard this, and he loves Bai now. It was too late, how could it hurt her.

"But, I don't think what she said is unreasonable. You see, Chen Yuan is quite beautiful, and she is clever, and I like it all..." Bai Chichi was staring at Situ Qing before he finished speaking. He was so stunned that he took back the words behind.

"Little idiot, I'll tell you seriously, except for you, I will never fall in love with other women! And I will never do anything I'm sorry for you!" Situ Qing said solemnly, incomparably sincere.

Bai Chichi looked into his eyes and finally smiled: "Okay, okay, I was joking with you, of course I am on the front line with you!"

This was almost the same. Situ Qing nodded in satisfaction, hugged Bai Chichi's shoulder, and kissed her on the hairline.

"Get caught by us, you have to grind your ears and temples for a while!" Xin Xiaozi held a cone in his hand, and Situ Yuan came back with a big bag of snacks.

Bai Chichi looked at her and shook her head speechlessly and said: "What do you think I said, a pregnant woman who eats so much junk food is really irresponsible!"

"Let me tell you, Bai Chichi, I am studying pharmacology, you are studying ophthalmology, we are not obstetrics and gynecology! But, what the body needs will actively signal to us, I want to eat ice cream, That's what the body needs!" Xin Xiaozi shook his hand triumphantly.

"It's okay, everything has a degree, just don't overdo it!" In fact, Bai Chichi also knows that those so-called taboos are just folk rumors, which are not completely credible.

It seems that someone who is as bold as Xin Xiaozi will live happily, unlike himself who is always concerned about gains and losses.

"Let's see the result!" The two men are more anxious to know the situation of their children than the two women.

The results of the blood test showed that Xin Xiaozi was slightly anemic, and Bai Chichi's progesterone was somewhat low, but the problem was not big.

The doctor looked at the laboratory test sheet and said: "The hcg conditions of both of you are not bad, indicating that the baby is developing very well! You can eat anything you want, as long as you pay attention to the amount, you have to eat folic acid for three months."

"Have you heard, I'm right!" Xin Xiaozi happily hugged Bai Chichi. In fact, she was also the most worried about the baby in her heart, but she just behaved bigger.

The two men nervously asked if there is any way to remedy the anemia and low progesterone. The doctor also explained the way to them, which finally relieved their emotions.

"Now you go back to have a baby with peace of mind, and notice that you will come to the hospital to set up a file in the third month. Oh, yes, don't have **** during this time, don't be emotional." The doctor told a few words, and then prescribed some blood supplement Progesterone medicine.

The first check-up ended smoothly, and the four of them finally calmed down and walked out of the hospital door happily.

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