"My mother is like this. She has always been very careful and kind to others." Bai Chichi smiled and took the packet that Situ Qing handed over.

"What's inside?" Chen Yuan was curious.

Bai Chichi opened the bag and said, "It's just some cassia seeds, saying that they are good for the eyes when packed in a pillow."

"Sister Chi Chi, your eyes are not good, be careful!" Chen Yuan helped Bai Chichi hold the Cassia seed bag in her hand and walked towards the house holding her arm.

Situ Qing walked to the two of them, holding Bai Chichi's shoulders and saying to Chen Yuan: "Okay, just leave it to me!"

"Yuanyuan, don't mind, he is like this!" Bai Chichi gave Situ Qing angrily and said apologetically to Chen Yuan.

"How come, it's really enviable that you two have a good relationship!" Chen Yuan smiled lightly, stepped back, and let Bai Chichi and Situ Qing walk forward.

At dinner, Situ Baichuan had already heard about Chen Yuanyong's protection from the local tycoon, and he admired her very much.

"Although we soldiers want to fish with the common people, it is always bad to be too indulgent. With Yuanyuan blocking the car, I think that boss Wang will become a little more conscious in the future." Situ Baichuan also taught the two brothers to repay their kindness since childhood. That's why they have taken care of Wen Ruo for many years.

"Yes, Dad." Situ Qing replied respectfully.

Bai Chichi looked at Chen Yuan with a smile and said, "This is fine. At first, I thought Yuanyuan had just started to work, and she was afraid of offending people because of her low face!"

"So that boss Wang has saved Yuan? Does this person know that Qing Heyuan is not the same person?" Xin Xiaozi was curious about this.

Situ Qing nodded and said, "I should know it by now, but most people don't know who we are."

"Why do you all love the troops so much and refuse to retire?" Of course, Bai Chichi knew how passionate his Situ Qing was.

"As long as you like, look at this disaster relief, we two went together and did twice as much work, isn't it great!" Situ Qing thoughtfully filled Bai Chichi's bowl with soup, and did not forget Take care of Xin Xiaozi.

Chen Yuan quickly stood up to help. Xin Xiaozi looked at her and said, "Yuanyuan, you have to pay more attention to it in the future. Boss Wang will definitely not give up so easily."

"Yes, Sister Zi, I will remember." Chen Yuan said gratefully.

After the meal, Bai Chichi wanted to walk in the yard. Situ Qing was with him all the way, and he slowly walked along the gravel road with Bai Chichi's hand.

The breeze is very soft, blowing comfortably on the face, and the Bai Chichi skirt is also dancing with the wind, and the whole person looks refined.

"Wife, how do you feel about your body? If you feel uncomfortable, you must notify me as soon as possible. No matter what I am doing, I will come to you immediately!" Situ Qing said, holding Bai Chichi's shoulder.

"Not yet, but when my mother was pregnant with me, she said that she had a big reaction. I don't know if I will do the same in a few days." Bai Chichi was a little worried.

Situ Qing looked at her face nervously and said, "Really? What can I do?"

"What can I do? If it's not serious, just endure it, if it's serious, go to the hospital!" Bai Chichi comforted him.

In the past, Situ Qing was so powerful and domineering, and full of military style. He would never have such affection for children.

But now that he has changed, Tiehan's tenderness is even more touching.

Bai Chichi is the most important woman in Situ Qing's heart. After experiencing so many things, he realized that only Bai Chichi can change his mood anytime and anywhere, for her happiness and anger for her.

And even after Bai Chichi became pregnant, Situ Qing said that his voice was too loud, and became extremely gentle.

"Don't keep it from me. If something makes you uncomfortable, tell me immediately and I will teach him!" Situ Qing said, touching Bai Chichi's belly.

"Come on, you, I said I'm not that kind of squeamish person, besides, I'm not as young and naive as before. I can handle many things very well by myself." Bai Chichi smiled and patted his hand off.

"You are always like this. It used to be before. You used to be alone. Now with me, everything should be faced by both of us." Situ Qing embraced Bai Chi Chi in his arms.

A warm feeling passed between the two people. Situ Qing shook his head and said: "I wanted you to be pregnant with my child before, but now I can't get close to you. Is it a bit self-inflicted?"

"Fool, how can I say that? I tell you, medically speaking, as long as four months have passed, it is still possible in theory!" Bai Chichi whispered a little shyly.

When Situ Qing heard this, she said with a smirk to Bai Chichi, "So you are also studying this? What about my wife, are you thinking of me too?"

"Who is studying this! Don't be so excited, it will be troublesome if you can't control it for a while!" Bai Chi chi smiled and pushed him away.

Two people are in the yard, behind the windows upstairs, there are hatred eyes watching them closely.

"Bai Chichi, I won't make you happy for too long!" Chen Yuan's heart was full of jealousy, but it wasn't the feeling that she had for Situ Qing, she was jealous of Bai Chichi's whole life.

When she was a child, Chen Yuan lived with fear every day, for fear that her mother would be unhappy to vent her anger.

Before kindergarten, Chen Yuan was not sensible. She always felt that her father treated herself better than her mother. When he saw him, he would smile and pierce his face with his beard.

But my mother would be angry when she saw her father's intimacy, and would pinch Chen Yuan's arms and legs severely when her father was not paying attention.

The little child was pinched so painfully, but as long as he cried and screamed, he would get more censure and humiliation.

So Chen Yuan gradually became silent. She was afraid that her father would treat her well, that her father would quarrel with her mother, and her mother would get angry.

After going to school, she didn't have to face her mother for a long time every day. Chen Yuan felt so happy. She didn't like to go home and hated the way her mother looked at her.

"What did I do wrong?" Chen Yuan always asked herself in her heart.

But there was no answer. Mom just saw that she was not pleasing to her eyes, and tried every means to torture Chen Yuan, oppressing both physically and psychologically.

Dad is very protective of Chen Yuan, but as long as he treats her children better, her mother will go crazy and smash things. In order to calm things down, Dad has to hide his love for Chen Yuan in her heart.

"Dad, why doesn't my mother like me?" Chen Yuan was beaten and asked her father crying. She suspected that she was not her own.

But Dad said: "Mom likes you, she likes you very much, and Dad also loves you, but you are too young and you don’t understand many things."

Of course I don’t understand. Since I like it, why should we bring endless quarrels and beatings into the peaceful family life.

Growing up, Chen Yuan matured much earlier than her peers. She found a problem. Mom and Dad had a hard time because they had no love.

However, this is only the result, and Chen Yuan still doesn't know what the cause is.

The memories of childhood are so painful that Chen Yuan dare not recall, but if she doesn't recall, how can she always remind herself who caused all this?

The suffering was like a fire, and Chen Yuan's body was bruised.

"Yuanyuan, are you asleep?" Just when Chen Yuan looked out the window in a daze, there was a knock on the door, and she realized that Situ Qing and Bai Chichi were no longer under the big tree.

"Oh, no!" Chen Yuan took a deep breath, walked to the door, put a smile on her face, and opened the door.

Bai Chichi stood at the door, holding a delicate box in his hand.

"Sister Chi Chi, come in and sit down!" Chen Yuan greeted Bai Chi Chi quickly.

"What are you doing?" Bai Chichi walked in and saw a book on the dressing table in Chen Yuan's room.

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "It's still early, I want to read a book and learn more."

"Really? What book are you reading?" Bai Chichi said as he put the box on the dressing table, and glanced at the cover of the book.

"I don't understand if it is too advanced, just look at modern office technology." Chen Yuan walked over and stood beside Bai Chichi.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "You are really working hard. If you don't understand anything, you can always ask me."

"Okay, Sister Chi Chi, are you doing anything wrong when you come to my room?" Chen Yuan saw the box.

Bai Chi nodded, pointed to the box and said: "It's nothing, I just want to give you this bottle of perfume."

"Sister Chi Chi, I don't want it, you can keep it for yourself!" Chen Yuan hurriedly waved her hands.

Bai Chichi picked up the perfume box and put it in Chen Yuan's hand and said, "Silly girl, it's not any expensive perfume! Because you are now the assistant to the president, and a bit of light perfume is also in line with your status. Besides, I I’m pregnant, I can’t use perfume."

"Oh, that's the case, thank you Chi Chi!" Chen Yuan took the box, and after opening it, a bottle of Chanel's pink perfume appeared in front of her.

Chen Yuan looked at Bai Chichi gratefully and said, "Sister Chi Chi, I have never used such a good thing in the country before. You teach me how to sprinkle it!"

"I don't actually use these things very often. You spray into the air, then walk into the small piece of fragrance mist and let the fragrance spread evenly on your body." Bai Chichi made a move.

Chen Yuan nodded and said thoughtfully: "It seems that I have a lot to learn, Sister Chi Chi, thank you for not dismissing me and teaching me so much knowledge!"

"You are too polite. If you talk about being capable, I can't compare to you!" Bai Chichi said to Chen Yuan with a smile.

When Bai Chichi left, Chen Yuan took the bottle of perfume and smiled contemptuously and said, "Bai Chichi, what do you want to do? Do you really think of me as a country girl who has never seen the world? You don't want it. Bring it to me, will I be rare?"

After speaking, Chen Yuan put the bottle of perfume in the most prominent position on the dressing table. She wanted Bai Chichi to know how much she respected and thanked her.

Moreover, this bottle of perfume can always remind Chen Yuan of where the true story told by her mother to herself after the tragic death of her father came from.

In short, the wrongdoer has the debt.

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