"Bai Chi, come here, this sweet egg made by Aunt Niu is delicious!" Xin Xiaozi saw Situ Qing and Bai Chichi walk into the yard and hurriedly said to her.

Bai Chichi shook his head and smiled and said, "I can't do it. I was very full after having dinner just now, not as good as your appetite."

"Hey, I really despise you! Look at me, I have to eat the baby like this to grow so fast!" Xin Xiaozi took a sip of sugar water and said triumphantly.

Bai Chichi walked to her side and watched enviously as she ate up two poached eggs and a bowl of sugar water.

"Wife, do you really not eat it?" Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi, and felt ashamed that she had suffered a lot from Bai Chichi after she became pregnant.

Bai Chichi looked at the sweetened egg and wanted to eat it, but he didn't have the courage to eat it.

"Think about it or forget it, thank Aunt Niu for your kindness." Bai Chichi looked at the smiling Aunt Niu apologetically.

Situ Yuan was also busy taking care of his two nieces at this time. Chen Yuan also took a bowl and fed it to the calf. Uncle Niu sat far away smoking.

"It's okay, it's pregnant, that's what it's all about!" Aunt Niu waved her hand, thinking of the rock fish again.

But I can't catch the fresh rock fish for Mrs. Chief, it's better not to mention it, so as not to make people feel regretful.

Situ Qing held Bai Chichi's shoulder, and decided not to eat for her, and shared the joys and sorrows with his wife.

"After drinking the sugar water, let's rest early, and go to the village for a picnic tomorrow. I even brought the barbecue rack!" Situ Qing's words made Xiao Sakura and Xiao Tao laugh from ear to ear.

"Uncle has become so careful since we got married! It's still a long time since my aunt has a way, I can surrender you!" Sakura said with a smile.

Bai Chichi shook his head: "Where is my credit, your uncle's potential has been stimulated!"

"It doesn't matter if he was inspired or nurtured by you, in short, you are a pure goddess, no one can replace it!" Xin Xiaozi handed an empty bowl to Situ Yuan.

"Aunt Xiaozi is our uncle Yuan's supreme queen!" Xiaotao also pointed to Situ Yuan and said.

"Little girl is not allowed to talk nonsense, hurry back to the room." Situ Yuan respectfully helped Xin Xiaozi up and said to the two girls.

Xiaoying Xiaotao glanced at each other, tacitly reached out her hand and nodded Situ Yuan, and then went back to the room with a smile.

Situ Qing led Bai Chi to the room prepared by Aunt Niu for them. The room was cleaned and tidy. The quilt still smelled of sunlight. It must have been taken out in advance to let the sun pass.

"Wife, can you get used to such a rural house?" Situ Qing said to Bai Chichi who was sitting by the side while opening the quilt.

"This is already a very good condition! When we just went to Pei'an Town before, the family was on the walls, that's hard work!" Bai Chichi looked at the room, and it was indeed clear and clean.

Aunt Niu was a refreshing person at first glance, making the house very comfortable.

Situ Qing poured hot water from the thermos to prepare to soak Bai Chichi's feet. His movements were skillful, and he looked like he had been strictly trained in the army.

"You try to check the water temperature, if it is not suitable, I will go to the yard to fetch you some cold water." Situ Qing stretched out his hand and brushed it in the basin.

Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Okay, I think it's just right."

"It's higher than the city, and it's very cool at night. You must soak your feet well to sleep more comfortably." Situ Qing squatted down and took off Bai Chichi's shoes, and then carefully put her feet down. In the water.

Bai Chichi watched Situ Qing's actions with a warm heart.

"Qing, have you ever washed people's feet like this before?"

Situ Qing shook his head and said, "No, my mother left early, and my father is very serious. I want to wash their feet, but there is no chance."

"Wen Ruo?" Bai Chichi said with a smile.

Situ Qing raised his head and looked at her and said, "Don't worry, Situ Qing has grown so big, so I can only wash your feet!"

"I have nothing to worry about, but I just asked casually. Wen Ruo is not in good health, and you are her brother, so it should be taken care of her." Bai Chichi now only feels that no one can confuse himself with Situ Qing separated.

After so many experiences, how can we not stick to this love.

"Yes, but Wen Ruo is very strong, she is also very safe, never ask me and Yuan to do anything." Situ Qing gently massaged Bai Chichi's acupuncture points on the soles of her feet, grasping them very well and professionally.

Bai Chichi nodded, "That's true. When they come back from abroad in the future, we can also invite them to come here to play together."

"Okay." Situ Qing finished speaking, wiped Bai Chichi's feet dry, and then went out to pour foot washing water.

"Where are they?" Bai Chichi heard nothing outside.

Situ Qing smiled and said: "They are all asleep. The old couple must have gone to bed early. The two little girls are probably talking in bed or something. As for Xin Xiaozi and Yuan, I don't know!"

"Hehe, Xiao Zi has converged a lot now, so she shouldn't risk it! Ah, what about Yuanyuan?" Bai Chichi thought of Chen Yuan living in a small house alone, and wondered if it would be cold or something wrong. Convenient place.

"The lights are also off. I'm a big man, it's hard to knock on someone's door!" Situ Qing carried Bai Chichi onto the bed, and lay down beside her and took her hand.

"Yuanyuan is really very kind. You see, I have been taking care of me all the way, and I don't talk too much. I'm quiet." Bai Chichi thought about introducing her boyfriend to Chen Yuan again.

Situ Qing smiled and said, "You are an idiot who is kind. If you live a happy life, you want everyone to be happy, right?"

"She saved you and is my benefactor. Of course I hope she can live a better life!" Bai Chichi always felt that Chen Yuan was a little worried today.

"Okay, I know, I will pay attention to see which silly boy is so lucky!" Situ Qing patted Bai Chichi's face and turned off the light.

In the darkness, Bai Chichi opened her eyes wide and couldn't sleep. She was worried that Chen Yuan would miss her lost relatives when she was in love with the scene.

"Wife, go to sleep, you can hear the sound of crickets outside. After returning to the city, there will be no such wild fun!" Situ Qing stretched out his arm and used Bai Chichi as a pillow, gently pressing the quilt for her.

Slowly, Bai Chichi finally fell asleep, with a stream and weeds in his dream, and a happy figure of a child.

Bai Chichi turned over and woke up early the next morning when he heard the rooster crowing in the yard.

"Wife, why don't you sleep longer?" Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi with a grin, and the two looked at each other.

"Are you awake long ago?" Bai Chichi said while rubbing his eyes.

"Yes, when I wake up, I can't bear to disturb you after seeing you sleep so soundly." Situ Qing was a little weird when she spoke.

Bai Chi hesitantly asked: "What's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, my wife, your head is quite hard, and I don't feel anymore in my arms!" Situ Qing embraced Bai Chichi's head with one hand, and slowly took the other hand out of her neck, stiff. It's like a firewood.

Bai Chichi was surprised and said, "You let me sleep with your arm all night like this?"

"Well, I woke up a few times in the middle, and I heard you snoring and snoring, so I didn't move." Situ Qing raised his arms, frowning and pinching with the other hand, all looked numb. Not like his own hands anymore.

Bai Chichi's tears were about to flow out, she hurriedly sat up and helped Situ Qing knead, and said with a groan: "Wake me up if you feel unwell, what a fool!"

"No, how can I bother you to rest! Isn't it just that your hands are numb? It will be fine in a while! My wife's sleep must be guaranteed to be golden!" Situ Qing said boldly.

Bai Chichi looked at him, and gently kissed his numb arm.

"Look, it will be done soon!" Seeing her move, Situ Qing smiled and raised his hand, shaking it twice in the air.

Bai Chichi pressed him and said, "Okay, don't move, I'll pinch it for you again."

At this time, I heard Situ Yuan knocking on the door and saying: "Qing, Chi Chi, have you gotten up yet?"

"Get up, what are you doing?" Situ Qing jumped out of bed and opened the door.

Seeing Bai Chichi still in bed, Situ Yuan whispered to Situ Qing: "Yuan Yuan is gone!"

"What's the matter, how do you know that she is missing?" Situ Qing hurriedly walked outside, hand in hand to the door.

"In the morning, Xiao Zi said she was thirsty, so let me go out and get her some well water. I passed Yuanyuan's door and found that the door was empty." Situ Yuan's face didn't look good.

"So what?" Situ Qing felt a little fussy.

But Situ Yuan said again, "I finished drilling the well, and when I came back, the door was blown a little bit by the wind. I just saw the position of the bed, and the quilts on it were still folded. It seemed that I was sleeping with no one there. Feeling like it."

"Or she got up early, set the bed and went out for morning exercises or something." Situ Qing felt that Chen Yuan had always done things well.

Situ Yuan shook his head and said, "I thought so too, but I just got up and went to the bathroom and saw Chen Yuan's room is still the same. I looked for someone in the yard who didn't see her."

"She wakes up early, let's help Aunt Niu cook!" Situ Qing said as he walked towards Chen Yuan's room with Situ Yuan.

"Aunt Niu said that she didn't see her, and it was four or five o'clock in the morning when I found out that she had disappeared before..." Situ Yuan looked at his watch and said, "At half past seven, there have been two or three. Hours."

After speaking, the two people had already walked to the door of Chen Yuan's room, and they saw that the door was hidden and there was no one inside.

Situ Yuan knocked on the door, and then went in. Situ Qing saw behind him just as Situ Yuan said, the bed was neat and tidy without any wrinkles.

"Where is this girl going?" Situ Qing walked to Chen Yuan's bed and took a closer look at the slippers and everything under the bed. It shouldn't be going to the toilet.

"I don't know. Before everyone gets up, let's go out and find it." Situ Yuan frowned and said.

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