"Well, if you feel uncomfortable, you can announce the news for her to celebrate her birthday later, OK?" Situ Qing patted Bai Chi Chi's head.

"Yeah, I was so scared that I have forgotten today's business!" Bai Chichi raised his head with an expression of hindsight.

Situ Qing said with a smile: "You asked Yuanyuan to surprise Yuanyuan on her birthday, but you forgot it yourself."

"Oh, pregnant women are like this, what do you know!" Xin Xiaozi walked over.

Situ Yuan didn't know what to do, he said strangely: "What birthday surprise, whose birthday?"

"Today is Chen Yuan's birthday. Didn't you apply for her ID card last time? We heard it when she reported the number." Bai Chichi explained to Situ Yuan.

Situ Yuan suddenly realized: "It turns out to be like this. I thought you were just coming out to play. I didn't expect there to be such a show!"

"You fool, you don't remember the ID card you gave Chen Yuan!" Xin Xiaozi said with a glance at Situ Yuan.

"Isn't I an old man, you always say that."

"It seems that Chen Yuan climbed onto that big rock yesterday to check the terrain, or she was saddening her birthday, no one remembers." Xin Xiaozi said thoughtfully.

Bai Chichi nodded: "She remembered to catch us fish when she was so lonely. It really made me sad!"

"Don't be sad, let's prepare a bigger surprise for her!" Xin Xiaozi hugged Bai Chichi and said.

Situ Qing looked at Xin Xiaozi and said, "What do you want to do?"

"You two, call right away. You must find a suitable man for Chen Yuan and let him go up the mountain right away!" Xin Xiaozi's words shocked everyone. This goddess always thinks of one out.

"Me? I don't have a suitable one." Situ Yuan immediately waved his hand and refused.

"You are really mad at me! Forget it, let the army's cooking class help to make a cake, and quickly send it over!" Xin Xiaozi commanded Situ Yuan like a commander.

Situ Yuan smiled and said, "The difficulty of this order has been reduced a lot. Okay, anyway, it only takes an hour for our troops to arrive here. I will execute it immediately!"

"Qing, do you leave the affairs of Yuanyuan to you?" Bai Chichi looked at Situ Qing with expectation.

Situ Qing frowned and said: "Where can I find it for a while? I said that I would go back to the office and check the personnel department before making a decision."

"The matter is urgent. I didn't think about being in such a hurry, but now Chen Yuan ran to catch the fish, we have to repay her!" Xin Xiaozi bit her lip and said.

Situ Yuan looked at Situ Qing and thought for a while and said, "Qing, how old is Lao Luo's son this year? It seems that he has been in the company for several years?"

"You mean Luo Hui'an's son?" Situ Qing said suspiciously.

"Yes, I remember he graduated from university a few years ago. When he joined the company, Luo Ge said that he should not enjoy any special treatment, so he started from the grassroots." Situ Yuan said about this, Situ Qing It seems to have some impression.

"Yes, yes, I was anxious to treat Wen Ruo at the time. You handled this, no wonder I can't remember it." Situ Qing knew that Luo Hui'an had always been loyal to the company and never used power for personal gain, so he Did not deliberately introduce his son.

"The kid did a good job, and he has good spirits. I think you can consider introducing it to Chen Yuan." Situ Yuan said with a smile.

When Situ Qingjing reminded him, he remembered that a young man in the company had done a very good job recently. He had already become the manager of the business department by his hand. He just didn't know that it was Luo Hui'an's son.

"Luo Yi is Lao Luo's son. I don't even know it. I really can't help him." Situ Qing regretted that he was too official, but fortunately, Luo Yi worked hard and made a lot of money for his father. face.

"Yes, it's Luo Yi, do you remember it?" Situ Yuan remembered that Luo Yi was very low-key when he joined the company. No one knew his relationship with Luo Hui'an.

Bai Chichi had a good impression of Luo Hui'an, and he thought his children must be good, so he also said to Situ Qing: "You can ask first, if he does not have a girlfriend, you can let Yuanyuan contact him."

"Okay, let me make a call." Situ Qing said to himself while holding the phone while shaking his head, "So he is Lao Luo's son!"

Xin Xiaozi also urged Situ Yuan to call and make the cake. In fear that Chen Yuan might hear the filling, the two went into the house.

"Uncle Yuan, aunt, did you find Sister Yuanyuan?" After Xiaoying and Xiaotao got up, she heard about Chen Yuan's disappearance, but the two aunts forbid them to go out and wait for the news.

"I'm back, she went to catch fish in the creek! This time Sister Yuanyuan worked hard for us, so her birthday will give her a big surprise!" Xin Xiaozi nodded and said.

"Huh? Sister Yuanyuan's birthday!" The two little girls opened their mouths in surprise, they didn't know beforehand.

"Then what are we going to prepare?" Sakura and Momo said excitedly.

Xin Xiaozi looked at them, put a finger on her lips and said: "Keep quiet, don't let her know that we are going to celebrate her birthday!"

"Okay, let's pick some wild flowers and fruits, and give them to her when we go to the barbecue in a while!" Sakura and Peach ran out with a smile.

Only after Xin Xiaozi heard Situ Yuan calling and instructing the cooking class to make cakes, she sat on the bed in peace and looked at her husband with her legs shaking.

"Why are you looking at me?" Situ Yuan checked, his clothes were very neat, there was nothing wrong with him except some dirt.

"I ask you, what was her situation when you went to see Chen Yuan just now?" Xin Xiaozi squinted as if interrogating a prisoner.

Situ Yuan said inexplicably, "What does this mean? She just fell into a trap, and then she passed out."

"Does it seem an accident?" Xin Xiaozi jumped out of bed and walked to Situ Yuan's side.

"Wife, what are you going to say?" Situ Yuan asked Xin Xiaozi's serious expression very puzzled.

Xin Xiaozi sighed and said, "Maybe I was pregnant with hormones. I always feel that Chen Yuan is not as simple as it seems on the surface."

"It's definitely your hormones. Chen Yuan is really a good girl. Don't be so jealous of others. It would be so sad to be known by her." Situ Yuan hugged Xin Xiaozi.

He also knew that what Xin Xiaozi was worried about was the relationship between Situ Qing and Bai Chichi. For the sake of Bai Chichi, Xin Xiaozi had done many outrageous things, and she really thought about Bai Chichi's happiness.

"If you see the way she fell into the hole, you will be touched, and you still hold the fish bottle tightly in your hand!" Situ Yuan added when Xin Xiaozi didn't speak.

"Well, because you believe her, so I will believe her for the time being." Although Xin Xiaozi thought this was a bit weird, she had no evidence to prove that Chen Yuan was acting, so she had to give up.

"Okay, the phone is also called, and you are ready to surprise someone on their birthday, why are you still so suspicious of them. Let's go out and have a look. The fish that Chen Yuan caught for you must be cooked up, drink it quickly, don't Let down her good intentions and hard work." Situ Yuan, as expected by Chen Yuan, applauded her behavior.

Xin Xiaozi lazily followed behind Situ Yuan and came to the courtyard.

At this time, Bai Chichi was smiling happily and hugged Situ Qing. When Xin Xiaozi saw them, he said, "Oh my eyes! Please, I don't have such a bold and generous person all day long. Show affection, you guys are enough!"

"Xiao Zi, it has been confirmed just now. Luo Hui'an's son is single and graduated from a prestigious university. He is very good. He is also willing to come over to celebrate Yuanyuan's birthday!" Bai Chichi said excitedly.

"Really, that's good! Chen Yuan has a good sister like you, her life is really good!" Xin Xiaozi said sourly.

"Haha, are you jealous? Honey, you are my favorite!" Bai Chichi hurried over to hug Xin Xiaozi's neck.

"You two are the show of affection. Forget it, I'll go for a walk and see which place is more suitable for barbecue." Situ Qing dragged Situ Yuan out together.

But he came back after two steps, looked at Bai Chichi and said, "Sorry wife, I forgot that you are about to start throwing up one day!"

Bai Chichi looked at his watch, didn't it? It was ten o'clock. She didn't know if it was a psychological effect, and immediately began to feel nauseous.

"Hey, have you been so punctual? Did you adjust the alarm clock?" Xin Xiaozi said that, but immediately told Situ to go away and get a paper towel and wait.

Bai Chichi said bitterly, "I don't know, maybe this little guy in my stomach adjusted it!"

"Sister Chi Chi, Sister Xiao Zi, the fish soup is ready, come drink it!" At this moment, Chen Yuan came out of the kitchen holding a big bowl.

Situ Qing hurried forward to catch it and put it under the grape rack. Chen Yuan went back to the kitchen and took out the bowl and spoon.

The nausea that Bai Chi had endured miraculously disappeared after smelling the scent of rock fish soup.

"Strange, I suddenly don't want to throw up!" Bai Chichi clutched his chest, staring at the bowl of fish soup and swallowed.

"Hey, are you too fanciful? Chen Yuan's fish soup has such a miraculous effect?" Xin Xiaozi said while waiting for Situ Yuan to be served, frowning at Bai Chichi.

Bai Chichi smiled and said to Chen Yuan: "Thank you Yuanyuan. It may be because you have your heart in the fish soup. I feel better!"

"Sister Chi Chi is too polite. Fortunately, I caught up. Drink it while it's hot!" Chen Yuan skimmed the oil on the fish soup and filled Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi with a bowl.

The two husbands each fed their own wives, and Chen Yuan stood aside with a very pleased smile.

"Yuanyuan, it seems that my wife won't vomit anymore today, you really contributed to it!" Situ Qing said with a thumbs up.

Xin Xiaozi secretly narrowed her mouth.

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