"Of course I'm complimenting you, otherwise, why would I envy you so much, have a good mentality and don't care about it!" Bai Chichi said sincerely.

"Okay, then, let me just consider you sincere!" Xin Xiaozi smiled, but in the atmosphere of the nursing home, even laughter is very depressing.

Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi did not study psychology, but they were also doctors. Seeing the appearance of these patients, they knew that their bodies were just like what Li Xiuxian said. There were no physical problems and their faces also had a ruddy color.

"Unfortunately, look at that girl, how beautiful she is. Standing under the tree is as beautiful as a fairy in the forest, but her eyes are a little dull." Xin Xiaozi pointed to Bai Chichi to look at, and she saw a girl. Very young, staring blankly into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

Hearing their conversation, Li Xiuxian looked back at the two people and said, "The girl was only in her early twenties, and it has become like this after she was lost in love. She looked at the distant city stupidly all day long, missing her beginnings of chaos. The boyfriend who was finally abandoned."

"It's so pitiful, let's break up when we break up, why bother to ruin my youth and future?" Xin Xiaozi said very regretfully.

"I don't know, maybe it's too deep to use affection, that's why I'm so addicted." Bai Chichi also felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Situ Qing and Situ Yuan also followed their gazes. The girl's eyes were very hollow, and there was no one in her eyes.

There must be only that boy in her heart, no one can make a rash decision whether such an infatuated person is right or wrong.

If you are not crazy, you can't survive, maybe that's a person like that.

Everyone walked along the gravel road in the middle of the lawn to the inpatient department. A kind-eyed man in front walked slowly on crutches, muttering words.

"Uncle Gu, are you out for a walk again?" Because Li Xiuxian has been taking care of Jiang Tingting in the nursing home all year round, he is familiar with these patients.

Uncle Gu looked up and saw Li Xiuxian, and said with a smile: "Yes, Xiao Li, you came to see Tingting, right?"

"Yes, I brought Tingting's brother and sister to see her!" Li Xiuxian agreed, feeling that the conversation between the two was very normal.

"Oh, it's Tingting's brother and sister-in-law, hello!" Uncle Gu smiled and waved to everyone.

"Hello, Uncle Gu!" Several people also hurriedly nodded and greeted the uncle.

Li Xiuxian smiled and said, "Uncle Gu, don't stay outside alone for a long time, otherwise the sun will hit you!"

Uncle Gu stretched out his hand and touched the top of his head and said, "I'm not afraid. There are lotus flowers and lotus leaves on my head. The sun can't get me sun!"

Upon hearing this, everyone felt that this uncle really had some mental problems.

"Yes, Uncle Gu gets out of the silt and doesn't stain it! But the lotus leaves and lotus leaves will not be able to stand the sun for a long time!" Li Xiuxian coaxed Uncle Gu and told him to go to a shady place.

Uncle Gu was nagging, but he finally heard what Li Xiuxian said and walked away slowly.

"What's this?" Xin Xiaozi asked curiously.

How normal this Uncle Gu looks, he doesn't seem to be a sick person at all, how can he say that he has a lotus on his head?

"Oh, Uncle Gu is a veteran cadre who is very honest and honest. He has been very hard-hearted all his life, and he is upright. But when he was about to retire, he was retaliated by those who had been attacked by him before. Rumors were spread everywhere that he was corrupt and took bribes. What is the proper relationship between men and women, all the rumors are all over the world." Li Xiuxian said and sighed.

Situ Qing looked at the uncle's back, and felt as if he understood the pressure that his grievance had caused him.

"No wonder, the uncle said that he was out of silt and not stained! He must feel that he has been upholding justice all his life, but has been harmed by these messy people, and his heart is unwilling." Situ Yuan and Situ Qing had the same heart. Understand why Uncle Gu is insane.

Bai Chichi said to Xin Xiaozi: "They are all storytellers. They are only like this because they can't resolve themselves."

"Well, if I am good at writing, I will write them a good collection." Xin Xiaozi also nodded and said.

Li Xiuxian said lightly: "But Tingting's story is not glorious."

"Xian, why would you say that?" Situ Qing looked at Li Xiuxian in surprise, thinking that his cousin must be dedicated to protecting Jiang Tingting.

"Isn't it? Tingting is too serious, and she is too vicious. She has driven herself crazy, and no one has harmed her." Li Xiuxian shook her head.

"Or, I didn't communicate with her well." Situ Qing felt that Jiang Tingting's sick feelings were also related to her.

"You can't say that, even if you communicate with her, there is no way to make her sober, she is too stubborn!" Li Xiuxian knew Jiang Tingting well, even better than Situ Qing.

Bai Chichi and Xin Xiaozi glanced at each other, and didn't expect Li Xiuxian to look at Jiang Tingting's problems so calmly.

Situ Yuan looked at Li Xiuxian and said, "What did the doctor say? I can't never wake her up, just let her live in her own confined space."

"The doctor said that heart disease still needs heart medicine. Tingting can only reflect on her own fault and realize that fault, so that she can wake up."

"How can she reflect on her madness?" Xin Xiaozi felt that the doctor's words simply didn't make sense.

"She is reflecting, but it takes a long time, but it doesn't matter, I will always be with her!" Li Xiuxian smiled.

Xin Xiaozi didn't understand what this meant.

"How do you know she is reflecting?" Xin Xiaozi asked Li Xiuxian.

"Usually Tingting doesn't say much to me, but she can hear it when she talks to herself. She has returned to herself ten years ago. At that time, she was relatively simple and didn't have such complicated thoughts. "Li Xiuxian said.

Bai Chichi listened to their conversation and felt that Jiang Tingting might not be willing to face what happened later, so he locked himself up.

"But if you don't let her remember, how could she be completely good?" Situ Qing also did not understand.

Situ Yuan said: "Do you want to let her thinking slowly recover, and retrieve her memories from her state ten years ago?"

"Yes, that's what it means. Because the doctor said that she can't be forced to face it, and she can't insist on reminding her, just let her come back along the timeline." Li Xiuxian nodded.

It turned out to be like this, so now Jiang Tingting can't be stimulated even more, so many people rush to see her, will she feel scared and resisted?

"Xian, do you think it is appropriate for us to visit Tingting?" Situ Qing told Li Xiuxian of his doubts.

"Don't be like visiting ordinary patients. Just look at her. I thank you for coming." Li Xiuxian is now Jiang Tingting's caregiver and her closest person.

In fact, sometimes when Situ Qing thinks of Jiang Tingting, he feels that he has some things that he did not do well, because he always cared Wenruo before and ignored Jiang Tingting at all.

Under the same roof, there are all younger sisters. Although they are not related by blood, Jiang Tingting must not feel happy in her heart.

And the reason why Jiang Tingting hates Bai Chichi so much is because of jealousy and hope that she can be with him.

After all, it is also a love word.

It's just that Wen Ruo knows how to be tolerant and generous, and Jiang Tingting is stuck in the quagmire.

A person's fate is closely related to his own self-cultivation and conduct. Jiang Tingting's madness originated from Situ Qing, but the ending was made by herself.

"Qing, what are you thinking?" Bai Chichi saw that Situ Qing was a little distracted, and pulled his arm.

"I was thinking that I should be more careful at that time and clear up the messy obstacles in Tingting's heart as soon as possible." Situ Qing hugged Bai Chichi's shoulders.

Bai Chichi looked at him and said, "Time can't go back in time. We didn't know that there would be such a result. Now we can only rely on doctors and Xiuxian to repair her mind."

"Well, I also know, but I always feel that it is not a taste in my heart, after all, she is my step sister." Situ Qing nodded.

Li Xiuxian took everyone to the inpatient department, which is also ward-by-ward like a normal hospital, but the doors are reinforced, and the walls are covered with thick foam, which should prevent patients from harming themselves .

"Are there some violent patients living here?" Xin Xiaozi hugged Situ Yuan's arm and asked in a low voice.

"It should be. It's easy to have hallucinations after mental problems, isn't it? So you may sometimes act on your imaginary enemy." Situ Yuan hugged Xin Xiaozi and looked at the patients in the corridor.

Seeing Xin Xiaozi's fear, Li Xiuxian smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, this building is filled with patients of literary and artistic style, and there is no history of violence."

"Is there a type?" Bai Chichi said so, but he also tightened Situ Qing's hand.

"Well, to put it more plainly, it's the lunatic Wen and the lunatic Wu." Li Xiuxian nodded.

Xin Xiaozi shook his head and said, "I still like the titles of Literary Fan and Shangwu School. Crazy is really not good."

Because Li Xiuxian faced reality bravely, everyone didn't feel so heavy under his influence.

"Sometimes, many relatives of patients would rather they not wake up, because they are actually living a very painful life when they are not sick, but after a mental problem, it seems to be liberated!" Li Xiuxian made a lot of sense, everyone Although I feel a little sad, I have to admit that this is the truth.

"But isn't the role of the hospital to wake them up? You said that, making me feel a little at a loss. Should I treat them?" Bai Chichi looked at Li Xiuxian with deep questions in his eyes.

Situ Qing looked at Situ Yuan. They still hope Jiang Tingting can recover, but it is best to filter out the bad memories and even her character.

But how can it be so easy?

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