Sanjiu puffed out her cheeks, sulking.

"What does it matter, my question is more critical, yours will wait a moment."

Er 2 glanced at her, disapprovingly.

At this moment, Su Mu suddenly felt the top of his head sink, two heavy objects were placed on his head, and then a workbook was spread out in front of him from above.

"Jun Su Mu, can you teach me this question?"

Four Leaf asked happily.

Eh, feeling the weight on the top of her head, this girl is fierce at least....... It's a few pounds, right? Su Mu looked at the plump and fierce breasts on the left and right sides, and the brain pads on her head, A row of black lines appeared on his forehead. Are you trying to kill me with a murderer? He coughed lightly and said, "You two wait a minute."

Then he looked at Sanjiu, "Sanjiu, what question are you asking?"

"I don't know, you should teach them first."

Sanjiu twisted her face and said sourly.

Su Mu: "Wow! You are amazing, Su Mu-jun! You know all of them!"

After teaching them, Yotsuba exclaimed, "You are obviously a grade lower than us!"

Su Mu was a little speechless, can I say that you are all too stupid? It's just some simple questions.

Next, the five sisters asked questions one after another, which made Su Mu feel a bit like a boyfriend who coaxed his little girlfriends to do their homework, which made him both helpless and funny.

"I said, you won't learn in the future, right?"

Su Mu couldn't help but ask.

A picture appeared in his mind.

...In a small and dilapidated apartment, the five Nakano sisters were lying on the table writing their college homework, next to a pile of thick study materials and a few cribs.

After a while, crying came from a crib, which seemed to be a chain reaction, and the other four 44-year-old babies also cried.

"Su Mujun, hurry up and change the baby's diaper!"

Sanjiu put down the pen, and while coaxing the baby, she called to the kitchen.

"Maybe I'm hungry."

"I've run out of milk powder this month."

Several other sisters also spoke.

"I'm coming."

Su Mu, who was cooking, hurried out.

"Su Mujun, tomorrow the baby will be troubled by your care again.

You can't take your baby to class in college."

said May.

"Speaking of which, the tuition fee for the next semester has to be paid again, but the deposit is running out, and the milk powder can't be bought. What should I do?"

Sanjiu stroked her thin cheeks, looked at the pudding clothes, and sighed.

"There's no other way, Su Mujun has to take care of the baby and can't go to work, so he can only live a poor life like this."

"Don't worry, when we graduate, we can go out and make money!"

Several other sisters said.

Su Mu: "...Nothing, just focus on your studies and study with peace of mind.

In the future, I will take care of the children and earn money to support you in school."

...imagining the future life, Su Mu couldn't help but wipe away his tears.

"In my case, I probably wouldn't go to college. After all, my brain is not very smart, so let's forget it."

Yi Hua scratched his face, a little embarrassed.

"I want to go to college."

May thought about it and said.

"I want to go too!"

Clover raised her hand.

Su Mu was a little speechless, you guys are not that material at all, okay! But if they think so, if they really want to go to university, they will still support them.

"I...I want to go to a cooking school."

Sanjiu lowered her head, hesitated for a while, and said softly.

2 Their expressions instantly froze.

"Hey everyone what's going on"

Sanjiu looked at everyone blankly.

"Forget it, there will be a food accident, for the sake of everyone's safety."

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