"Father has gone on a business trip abroad, and it will take several days to come back."

Sanjiu smiled beside him.

Then, Su Mu and Er 2 entered the kitchen and started to prepare today's dinner.

After a while, a sumptuous dinner was placed on the table.

"I'll go eat in the room, it will spread to everyone."

Sanjiu coughed a few times and said.

"It's okay, the family should eat together."

Yihua smiled and said unconcernedly.

"But, if it spreads to everyone..."

Sanjiu hesitated.

"It's okay, I'm very strong! I'm not so easy to catch a cold!"

Yotsuba bent her arms and said confidently.

"Colds are divided into common colds and influenza. Common colds are caused by catching a cold, etc., while influenza is caused by viruses. If it is the former, it will not infect people."

May said calmly while drinking the soup.


Su Mu couldn't help but let out a light sigh, "I didn't expect May's knowledge to be so rich."

"Of course it is.

I've been studying hard lately."

May's tone had a hint of pride.

"That's just because our father is a doctor, so sometimes we talk about it."

Two 2 is ruthlessly exposed to her bottom line.

May's cheeks turned red.

Then, we all had dinner together.

After dinner, it was time to take a bath, first the five sisters went in together, and then Su Mu.

After taking a bath, everyone watched in the living room.

Sure enough..."There's a history show I want to watch tonight!"

"You've seen it yesterday, you should watch the entertainment channel!"

"Ah, but there is a basketball game I want to watch today."

The five sisters, wearing pajamas, sat side by side on the sofa and started grabbing the remote control.

It was not the first time that Su Mu had spent the night at the five Nakano sisters' house, but he was still a little helpless. If they all became his wives in the future, thinking about it would give him a headache.

Before I knew it, it was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.


Yotsuba sneezed, rubbed her nose, and stretched, "Ah, I didn't expect it to be so late."


Yihua also yawned, and Sanjiu put her head on her lap and fell asleep.

"You can go to bed now, be careful of catching a cold."

Su Mu said, "And Sanjiu is sick and can't stay up late."

"How is it like our father."

2 threw the remote control on the sofa and pouted.

"However, Su Mujun, like his father, feels very gentle."

Sanjiu, who woke up, couldn't help showing a smile and said softly.

"You said that."

Su Mu was a little speechless by Sanjiu's words.

Er 2 Nai and May stood up reluctantly, and then the five sisters filed upstairs and went to sleep.

When Sanjiu came to his side, Su Mu leaned over and whispered, "You can rest well tonight.

Don't come here."

"Don't worry about me.

I feel that with Su Mujun, the cold will get better sooner."

A faint blush appeared on Sanjiu's face, and she smiled, with a hint of shame in her expression.

"is that so"

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