Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1008:  Make a transaction

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Allen leaned on the ground with the Red King, and slowly said, "I am calling you all here today to make a deal with you. `But before that, I want to ask you a question first."

"Just ask you if you are willing to continue to be a blocker, walk to the end on this dark road, and then wait for the emperor team to come and take you all. Or seize the opportunity to go back to the right path, maybe you guys in the future Among the people, there are people who can mix with an aristocratic master, that is better than now, right?"

After Allen finished speaking, someone below laughed untimely. As a result, the man immediately paled, and he was relieved when he looked at Alan and was not angry. Then someone said: "Master Ellen, it's not that we don't believe you, but these things you said seem to be improbable. The Dark Land hasn't existed for a day or two, and there has been no emperor team intervention. Besides, here Located at the junction of several nearby territories, it is a gray area, and the emperor is unlikely to come here."

Allen had long foreseen such a voice, which was also the consensus of the residents of the Dark Place. He nodded and said: "This is normal. It won't be long before the empire's situation will undergo some subtle changes."

There was a soft discussion in the square, and Allen raised his hand and said, "Do you know the man who is the prime minister Nebot?"

Brada next to him nodded and said, "I've heard that, it seems to be a high official in the Northern Capital."

"It's not just a high official..." Allen shook his head, and said, "You know, the second prince of the current emperor, Julian, is the student of Lord Nebot. You might as well think about it. This fellow has a lot of weight. It is small?"

Although the thieves are rough, they are not stupid. To be the teacher of the prince, where is the weight? Allen did not sell the pass, and continued: "Not long ago, our minister made a suggestion to the emperor to cut his troops.`"

"Who's the soldier?" Allen smiled and said, "It's definitely not the emperor, so there will be lords of different places. That's right, the specific suggestion of that aspect is. Below the marquis, the lords of all places must not support their own soldiers The original private army must be disbanded, and the security of the territory is maintained by the emperor. The advantage of this is that the control of the empire over all parts of the territory will reach an unprecedented height. Of course, this is also strongly influenced by the local nobles. Suppress. But you have to know that the emperor didn’t say anything about it. But not expressing it doesn’t mean denying it. On the contrary, this is a great thing for the imperial royal family. The voice of the royal family will fill every corner of the empire. The imperial power will be pushed to the pinnacle of empire history. If you are the emperor, how would you choose?"

"If it's me, it's imperative to cut soldiers. It's just a matter of time. Then, when the matter of cutting soldiers is true, the emperor will be stationed in various territories. At that time, you feel that the emperor is away from the dark place. Is it far?"

Allen made such a big bend in order to let the people underneath sort out the powerful relationship. He paused to allow the people on the square to have some time to buffer, and then continued: "The dark place can exist until now, but the empire does not care about you. In fact, this gray area involves the interests of many dignitaries. Convergence, or else, tell me where are so many agents in the Darklands. Whose agents are they? If the local lords lose their private armies, they will lose their real power. The lords who lose their real power, without their interference, do you think of an empire Will tolerate the existence of a dark place?"

"Impossible, your existence is itself a contempt and insult to the imperial power. It is only due to the power structure of the empire and the imperial family being in the north that allows you to exist to this day. But if the master's strategy of cutting down the army is solid, I can assure you that the dark land will be destroyed. No matter how ruthless you are, you can beat the emperor? Impossible?"

When Allen spoke, the thieves were frightened, and he lived like a dream of being suddenly awakened. `What you see when you open your eyes is the **** cruel reality. Even Potala and Weiss heard this sort of analysis for the first time, and they were secretly sweating. Wes asked at this time: "We have never heard of what Mr. Allen said. Logically speaking, such a thing should be an imperial secret. How could Lord Allen know such details?"

The implication is that I naturally doubt whether all of this is made up by Allen.

Allen was waiting for someone to raise such a question, and now Weis brought it up in his arms. He didn't answer, and turned aside. Edward stepped forward calmly and said boldly: "Yes, this is an imperial secret. You couldn't have known this. Fortunately, Lord Allen himself is an imperial viscount! And shortly before entering the Dark Land , Lord Allen was also invited to the wedding ceremony of the son of the Marquis of Iron Spear. If you don’t believe me, you can send someone to the Gun City to inquire. Or, look at the empire award and knighthood clerk in my hand!"

He made a gesture, and Regis next to him showed the prepared knighthood certificate to the eyes of the thieves in the square. Edward's remark was undoubtedly a blockbuster, blowing the group of thieves into the cloud, almost suspecting that he had heard it wrong. It's absurd to think about it, an empire viscount, a real nobleman would appear in the dark place, let alone kill Joey, take over the wolf and black feather, and become a giant in the dark place?

Potala and Weissun exchanged glances, and both saw Youxin's shock in each other's eyes. They had guessed Alan’s identity before, but they never expected that this young strong man would still be the Viscount of the Empire. At this time, Gang stood up and said in a deep voice: "Presumably many people know that our agent Megis is behind a great figure in the empire. And Megis visited us not long ago and gave us the wolf of war. Bring the message from the adult. The adult asked us to get up and down the wolf, no matter what the price, even if the whole army is destroyed, we must kill one person. To be precise, a person from Iron Spear Ridge to the Dark Land Viscount. That's right, that person is Lord Ellen!"

If there were people who were suspicious before, then after Allen produced these evidences one after another, plus Gangen's words, no one would question Alan's identity. After all, the wedding ceremony of the son of Ho Yi has been heard even in the dark place, and some things are easy to inquire. The origin of Meggis is not a secret. Without him, how could Joey rise in the dark place. As for his whereabouts, it's easier to find out. In this way, Gunn is naturally telling the truth, which is equivalent to confirming Alan's identity.

Edward said again at this time: "Master Allen will pass through the Dark Land because he was invited by His Royal Highness Julian, the second prince. His Royal Highness hoped Master Allen would use it for it and made a promise. When Allen I arrived. The day of the northern capital is when the adults are promoted to earl!"

It's another heavy news.

The earl, especially the strength displayed by Allen, is probably the earl of strength as soon as he is promoted. What is the concept of an earl of strength? It is equivalent to the power of a marquis recognized by the empire. The only difference is the size of the territory and the size of the army. Earl of strength, no matter where it is thrown, he is a big man, a real big man!

Having said this, Edward stepped back and nodded slightly to Allen. Allen walked back to the original position and smiled: "So now, we can go back to the original topic, right? I just said that I want to make a deal with you."

"I came out of the Castle of Dawn, passed through the iron gun ridge, and passed through the dark land. After that, I will turn around in Sardinia, and then go all the way north to the imperial capital. The road I have walked will become a smooth business route from north to south. Once this trade route is opened, what kind of business opportunities and profits can be brought, as long as smart people can calculate. The deal I made with you is that you will keep me safe in and out of the dark land caravans. I will I will give you a no lower income than before. But your life will be more stable, and you can even change your status. After ten or eight years, you will be aristocratic masters, not robber leaders. Even if I can’t do it, can’t it? Can't the second prince do it?"

Without giving the gangsters time to think about it, Allen added: "Or, you can leave here and continue to live your current lives. I will never interfere. There will be any consequences afterwards, don't say I didn't remind you in advance. That’s all I want to say. As for how to do it, consider it for yourself. But I have to explain one thing first. If you are willing to follow me, of course it’s best. I don’t care how you came here before. How many lives are on my back. But if you still do something black and black after doing it with me, then I will not only kick him out, but I will also pick up the roots and remove the roots!"

He made a slashing gesture and deliberately released his own killing intent, which immediately put a lot of pressure on the people in the square.

Allen put his palms away and smiled again: "Well, I will stay in the dark place for a few days. You still have time to think about it, don’t rush to answer now. It’s a rare opportunity for everyone to come together today. I have let Gu Ruth is preparing a splendid dinner for everyone. I will have a drink with you tonight, and nothing else."

I don't know who started it. After a while, there was a series of cheers in the square. Allen nodded and walked back to the temple with someone. On the way he whispered to Edward: "I did exactly what you said~www.readwn.com~ How do you think they would agree?"

Edward stretched out five fingers and shook them: "Half and half."

"Only half?"

Edward retracted his palm and smiled indifferently: "Then how many do you think there will be. Really these people are fools? If just a few words can be moved, then they can mix in the dark place for so long? Really able to hold them down, just those just now are not enough. When you really get the real power of the earl, it will be about the same. But it doesn't matter if they disagree, anyway, now the wolf and the black feather are in your bag. I will let you Broy brought a team of elites into the station, and that dark place is equal to a half in your pocket."

"Those ignorant guys, when you come back from the imperial capital, you can send troops to eradicate them."

Edward glanced at Gurus and Gunn next to him, intentionally or unintentionally, and it was obvious that these words were also for them. Gurus was okay, after all, he betrayed the wolf first. Now only by holding Alan's thighs can he stand in the dark place. So in terms of position, he basically stood on Allen's side. As for Gunn, he heard a cold sweat.


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