Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 106:  Alien Slave

"Come on, come here, come and see my father Taz. These mountain people from the 21st district of Tallinn are strong and capable. They are the best coolies and can work for 12 hours without stopping. Each is only a thousand yuan, and more than ten can be discounted! The more you buy, the more the discount will be. Master, do you need to add some workers to your factory?"

Allen stepped back a little so that he wouldn't touch the shining slave owner in front of him. In this booth, a row of ten rough and strong men were shackled and nailed to the ground with thick forearm chains, showing them to passing customers like commodities. It's a pity that the guests don't seem to be interested in slaves who are used as coolies, so this slave booth can be very interesting.

The stalls with the most people onlookers are basically female slaves and even slaves who provide all special services. They are the mainstream commodities of the slave trade in the black streets. Just like Green, who had already entered a booth selling female slaves, Green did not forget to call Alan over. Stepping into the crowd, the booth in front of me is not small in the garage, and even has its own booth more than ten meters long.

On the booth are large and small cages with young women. From 15 to 26 years old, the cage is high and low, and there are even some equipment inside, so that the female slaves can show their strengths and strengths in various positions. To Allen's surprise, these female slaves had peach-faced faces, and reported the most charming smiles to the viewing guests, rather than a sad appearance.

Green had already seen a fifteen or sixteen-year-old woman, and when he was bargaining with the slave owner, he ran into a competitor. So it became a small auction. In the end, Green had to watch the slave he fancy was bought by others because of limited financial resources, and dejectedly greeted others to move to the next stall.

"Isn't this the young master of the Bethkode family?"

When Allen squeezed out of the crowd, the figure flashed, and a pipe with sparks dangled in front of him. Allen settled down and saw that it was the old man who was in the Old Oak Bar that day to prevent Willick and himself from fighting again. Of course, now he knew that this old man was the owner of the bar and also the old Ward who adopted and guided Willick.

"Willik is doing well now, that lucky kid, hey." Old Ward said, taking down his pipe and flicking off some soot.

Allen nodded and said, "It should be quite substantial."

"Willik is a potential kid. If you have a chance in the future, you have to squeeze a lot." The old man laughed, his smile made Alan dare not flatter him. He said again: "The young master is here to buy slaves?"

"Call me Ellen."

Allen looked at the female slaves and said, "I'm just here with my friends to have a long experience, but it's really not the same as I imagined."

"Oh? What do you think it should be?" Ward asked casually.

"At least, I never thought that those slaves could welcome people with a smile." Allen replied honestly.

Ward laughed and said, "Then you thought they would cry?"

"Allen, well, since you want me to call you that." Ward put away his laughter, walked with Allen, and pointed to some slaves and said, "You have to understand, they are commodities. Especially those female slaves, people They are bought for fun. They don’t care about the pitifulness of these women. All they want is happiness. So you see, a woman who knows how to laugh is easier to sell herself than a woman who can only cry... "

"Furthermore, as long as she can sell herself, she will live better than where she came from. You know, not all slaves are captured. Some of them are willing to become slaves. As long as there is a chance to take herself Selling to Babylon is like your companions just now. If they can be sold to them, even if the doll has not attracted the interest of the owner for a period of time. Then they will be left behind to be a maid in the family. There are means. Some of them, they will hook up with some of the men in charge of the family, or marry which family guard. No matter what, this kind of life is ten times better than the surface." Ward said, "So you see, as long as you can sell yourself Get out. Don't laugh, even if they are asked to make unbearable moves, they will do it. After all, it's about survival."

"Then Mr. Ward also came to buy... the slave girl?" Allen asked.

Ward shook his head and said, "I'm too old to withstand the toss of a few women. Besides, who told you that there are only female slaves in the fair? There are many kinds of goods here, including female slaves, male slaves, and small black men. …Hey, it’s just a little slave. Even some guys who have access will get alien slaves. Of course, those are high-quality goods."

"I mainly come to look at the little black people. Willick has dug them for you, and the remaining little ghosts have also gone their separate ways. I have to cultivate a new batch of blood, or the sign of the old oak tree will be removed. Lost."

At this time, Old Ward made a strange move, he raised his leg and kicked back, but there was nothing behind him. But suddenly a slave rushed to Ward from the stall passing by and shouted: "Buy me, Master, I can do a lot of work."

So the kicking foot just supported the slave's calf, kicked the slave to the ground, and then pulled back the slave owner's strong guards. Old Ward snorted, "I'm not interested in such a thing as you can't even be called a third-rate."

Allen looked in his eyes, thoughtful. The inconspicuous old man in front of him is indeed a hidden master. The kick of the prophet just now shows that Old Ward is always alert to the surrounding environment. It's like a joke to attack a person like this.

"I'm going here, you play slowly, Ellen. I wish you a nice evening." The old man knocked on the pipe, said, and walked in the other direction with both hands.

"Ellen, come here, hurry up."

The old man's figure was quickly drowned in the crowd, and several people in front of Green called, Allen could only step forward quickly. Green grabbed Alan's shoulder and asked, "Who is that old man?"

Alan is not used to being so close to him, and quietly took down his hand and said: "It's nothing, an acquaintance, chatted a few words."

"Oh, don't talk about this. Let's go here quickly." Green took out a leaflet and swayed: "Look, today we are right. There is an auction of alien slaves tonight!"

Ellen thought that Old Ward didn't say nonsense that there were alien slaves for sale in the black street. He hasn't seen a real alien yet, he has information about alien races, and he has only read it in class and books, and he is also a little curious at the moment.

Alien slaves have always been high-end commodities, and naturally it is impossible to display them for auction like roadside stalls. The auction venue was deep in the underground garage, in a simple hall with concrete walls poured in to isolate the inside and out. The entrance of the hall is guarded by a doorman. Even if a slave does not shoot in the hall, he will have to pay an entrance fee of 1,000 yuan. Allen paid the money to enter the hall and found that it was not spacious. There are not many people who can entertain. Bai Lai puts the seats in the hall casually.

Not many guests entered the auction house, not even full of chairs. After all, alien slaves are not affordable to anyone, even if an ordinary slave, after multiple costs such as capture, transfer, transportation, and entry, the price is astonishingly high. Therefore, the mainstream in the slave trade fair is still the surface humans, or the female relatives of a declining noble family.

A few teenagers like Ellen are purely coming in to join in the fun, and they are unique in their knowledge.

The auction began soon. The host wore a dress that didn’t fit well and walked onto the platform in the middle of the venue, and said with a dry cough: "Today is a lucky day, gentlemen. The slave ship of the Jemin Chamber of Commerce was just three days old. Arrived before, so that I can offer to you tonight the alien slaves that you rarely see on weekdays. So let’s get started. The first item in the auction tonight is..."


As the host snapped his fingers, there was the sound of wheels rolling behind the stage. Seven or eight strong men dragged out a prison wagon, on which was a special iron prison. The thick iron bar of the arm indicates that it is very strong, and the electric sparks that burst from time to time indicate that the iron is energized, which makes an alien with a head and body inside can only stay in the insulated space in the middle.

The Rosuo people come from the Yorton Star Territory, and their planetary civilization is not high-dimensional, so the Rosuo people always look like primitive people naked. In appearance, except for the indigo-blue skin, and a lizard-like tail extending from the spine to the thigh, the male Lozo looks very similar to human men. However, they are generally more than two meters tall and strong and militant~www.readwn.com~ The Loso people have high fertility and a large ethnic group, so they have always been the regular cannon fodder in some powerful armies in the Yorton Star Region.

Alan also saw the introduction of this alien cannon fodder in books, and now he has seen it with his own eyes. The male Loso in the iron cage was very restless. When he was on the stage, he was stimulated by the light and rushed forward with a roar like a liger, but he bounced back on the charged cage wall.

The host happily said: "You see, these male Loso people are natural warriors. This time the Jemin Chamber of Commerce has captured a large number of Loso people, and they will be powerful assistants in the colonization of the Outland. Of course, after they are purchased , They will be specially trained by the slave trainers of the Jemin Chamber of Commerce to keep them obedient, obedient, and obey the instructions. Then the auction starts now, and the reserve price for each Loso is 10,000 federal coins!"

Next was the auction session, but the scene was far more deserted than Allen had imagined. Only a few people held up the bidding cards, and they were eventually bought out by a big fat man at the price of 101,000 yuan per Loso. The host is not surprised, after all, slaves like the Loso people who can only serve as cannon fodder are of little use, and there are too many to make high prices.

Usually, a certain customer will buy out all of it, and then buyers in need will buy from them one-way, without some trivial procedures.

The host waved his hand, and after the Loso people, including the prison car, were taken down, he said: "If the Loso people's stage is on the battlefield of Outland, then this product, their stage can be Adults’ bed. If that adult photographed one of them, please be sure not to be known by Mrs. Zun. Because there is no woman who can tolerate her husband’s bed, and there is a soft-bone Naga!"

Hearing the four Rougu Naga, the eyes of the teenagers in Green lit up, and their breathing became heavy.

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