Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1043:  Spiritual shock

c_t;[Look, I'm not lying. (Advertising) Hey, so I ask for a reward or something next month! ]

A vermilion knife light was drawn from the blade of the Red King's blade. The light of the spatula was so thin, only the thickness of paper. A ray of knife light is like the brilliant light of the golden autumn evening, becoming the only light in the entire space at this moment. The light of the woods has become extremely dim, and the only light has been softly swiped like running water, and it has flashed by the Queen of Fear in a flash, and then continues to the wood Rolling away from the depths.

The Fear Queen's movements were choked, and the beards that tightly bound Laura and Neri were also loosened. It suddenly let out a earth-shattering sound, and all the lines on its body were full of blue light at the same time, and the empress seemed to be shrouded in a blue flame. Suddenly, the blue flames dimmed rapidly, and a vermilion light floated on its waist. This light traversed the queen's body, including its two arms, glowing and heating like metal after being cut by a laser.

The next moment, the queen's body was dislocated and scattered. The large forests behind it also fell one by one, like pushing a domino, with ancient trees and boulders swaying from side to side. Seen from the air, the forest is like shoveling a thousand-meter passage for the life, the trees are falling down and the rocks are full of noise!

At this time, the part of the empress's waist quickly turned into a terrible gray, and the body that turned into gray was separated like burnt paper manuscripts, turning into ashes and scattered in the air. This grey air spread all the way to the empress's chest, and the lines on the empress's chest suddenly brightened again, and a large expanse of blue light impacted to prevent the spread of grey. It fell to the ground, but its head looked in Alan's direction, and it let out a sharp howl full of resentment and anger.

Allen cut out this record and his breath dropped significantly. However, after having experience in the big duel field, Allen did not exhaust all his source power this time, and the width of the slash that broke the city was no longer the same as last time. That majestic attack on the battlefield of thousands of horses can naturally achieve miraculous effects. It was a little wasteful to be able to use a single target, so this time Allen made adjustments to narrow the attack range of the city and reduce the source force consumption. But even so, after breaking out of the city, his source power was suddenly drawn a lot.

The feeling of consuming a large amount of source power in an instant is very uncomfortable, but at this moment the empress screamed. The sound contains the mighty power to impact the will, as if under the instruction of the queen, hundreds of insects who attacked the line of defense also screamed at the same time, and hundreds of voices converged into a sound wave with full penetration, 9style_ ;It is as if the tide rolling in from all directions hit Allen's body. Full text reading of the latest chapters

Alan buzzed in his ears and heard no more sound. There was a burst of black and white in front of him, and blood kept overflowing from his eyes and nose. But the consciousness is like falling into a sea of ​​darkness, and it keeps going deeper. At this time, the natural disaster circuit in Allen's body lit up, and every texture of the circuit was dazzling. In the void of consciousness, two volcanoes, one high and one low, shook at the same time, and a pillar of fire spewed from the crater. At the foot of the volcano, large red lines are lit up. These lines criss-cross like a network, deep into the void.

The molten spit spewed from the volcano filled the red network like this. At the same time, Allen let out a silent roar in consciousness. Through the spiritual connection, every grid in the queen's compound eyes lit up, and then a sea of ​​fire suddenly formed behind Alan reads;. A humanoid figure faintly appeared in the sea of ​​fire, and that figure was not real in the flames, but the breath it exuded was as powerful as the sea of ​​prison, like a **** like a devil! The empress’s eyes lit up with blue light, her gaze pierced the sea of ​​fire fiercely, and she saw the dark red armor like lava, with beautiful lines full of tension distributed on the armor. Those lines were mysterious and elegant, and each line was erupting with hot light. muddy. When the empress's gaze went up to explore, suddenly a vermilion flame erupting from behind the figure stretched out, blocking most of the body and face, and the empress saw only a pair of eyes erupting with fire. Then the blue light in its compound eyes began to be dyed vermilion, the empress screamed, and two sky fires suddenly burst out of its eyes. Then there are mouthparts and every line on the upper body.

An invisible shock wave spread, and the queen's upper body exploded, and a ball of vermilion fire rolled out of it. The fireball shrank and rose, exploding into a circle of black and red fire waves.

The worm man attacking the defense line suddenly fell in a circle, and in an instant, hundreds of worm men turned into corpses. If you cut their heads with a sword at this time, you will find that their brains have been shaken into a paste by some invisible force.

The Queen of Fear became history. When it died, the worms and other monsters under its control immediately dispersed. After a while, there were no more monsters in the forest except for the corpses of the worms and the queen.

Alan panted, and he was sweating. Dispelling the empress's mental impact combined with many worms also consumed much of his source of energy. But the impact on consciousness is not small. Now Allen’s perception has become very chaotic, and the picture in his eyes is also fragmented. His head seems to be divided into dozens of pieces. The instructions sent by the brain need to go through an extremely difficult and long journey to reach. Every corner of the body. He smiled bitterly, and sat down on the ground, closing his eyes to relax his spirit.

Laura walked back with Nelly in her arms, and felt relieved when she saw that Alan was almost looking at her face. She put Neri next to Allen, and then gathered the troops to count the damage. In this battle, the army pulled from Dawn Castle suffered the most serious damage, and 20 soldiers were killed. Among them, the infantry soldiers lost 17 people, the mountain king soldiers died three, and the inch fire shooter was the last one. This is still the result of four Mosasaurus knights acting as defensive nodes, otherwise the loss would only be more serious.

At this moment Alan finally eased his breath and opened his eyes again. Although his head was still tingling, he was generally back to normal. He raised his forehead to his feet, listening to Laura's simple report and was silent. After a while, he said: "Take those intact worm-man corpses back, and the alien beast merchants will be happy to purchase these specimens. And the Queen of Fear, see if there is anything worth recycling..."

Having said that, Alan knew that there was almost nothing worthy of being recycled in the Queen of Fear. Originally, its upper body shell was used to make high-quality armor, and the empress's crystal core was also valuable. It's a pity that in the final mental wrestling, the queen's upper body exploded, and now it has become a piece of debris. Even the crystal nucleus was gone, and now only the arthropods and spider sacs were left. Obviously, these parts are much inferior to the shells and crystal cores of the queen's upper body, and they probably won't sell for a good price.

But then again, even Allen himself didn't know **** the queen. At that time, his consciousness was very vague, and all that was left was instinct. Not to mention that the empress saw the figure in the depths of his soul through spiritual contact, even how the empress exploded Alan did not know.

However, it will not be too late to think about this issue in the future, but the top priority is to find the two of Regis. The Queen of Fear was killed, except for the two of Regis. A shadow swept across Allen's heart. Could it be that the two of Regis have become delicious meals in the worm's belly?

Bang bang bang.

Suddenly there was applause, Alan squinted and raised his head, and saw a group of people appearing in the woods to the east. The headed man has luxurious clothes and a calm posture. He was the one who was applauding. Seeing him, Allen's body shook slightly: "Earl Bloody Eric!"

Eric let out a long laugh: "It's rare that Viscount Allen remembers me. I haven't seen you for many days. Viscount's complexion doesn't look very good."

Lola flashed, holding a sword beside Alan. Several Mosasaurus knights also separated left and right to protect Allen. The rest of the soldiers posed for battle, and the Inchfire shooter pointed his gun at Eric. Eric seemed to turn a blind eye to all this. He looked at the forest passage shoveled out of the city behind the queen, and exclaimed: "I didn't expect Sir Allen to be so strong. To be fair, if it is purely an attack, Ai Sir Lun already has a taste of the Ten Saints. So I couldn't help thinking, if you wait a few more years, I'm afraid the characters on the Ten Saints will be kicked off by you."

"It's a pity that I don't know how to cherish talents, not to mention that I have a murderous vengeance with the Jazz. So I can only ask the Jazz to die here today.

Alan held the King Chi and said calmly: "I admit that you blocked a good time, but if you want my life, you can try."

Lara raised the sword and ordered the soldiers to attack. Eric said without fear: "Don't be too busy, Sir Allen, you might as well see if you can deny these two." He made a gesture, and two people walked out from behind, one like a tower. The big man, the other one is a petite woman. These two are Eric's capable men, Gang Cannon and Youlian respectively.

A man was carried on each side of the steel cannon, and Alan's eyelids jumped. The big man grinned and slammed the two people on his shoulders to the ground. He squatted down and pressed their heads with both hands. You Lian turned around and walked between the two of them, and squatted down as well, with a shimmering dagger in each hand. The dagger plunged into the ground and rested beside the two men's necks.

"Regis...Farez!" Allen took a deep breath~www.readwn.com~ At this point, he finally saw the context of the incident: "So this is your game?"

"After seeing Sir Allen easily defeating Gable that day, I knew it was not easy to kill you. Later Horn’s two shots confirmed my idea. So I can only take a little thought and let Sir Allen Just laughed."

Allen nodded and said, "You killed the trembling snake?"

"Yes, I also specially spilled some resting soil that is only available in the Howling Forest, otherwise how would I lead you here." Eric touched his chin and said: "Unfortunately, the fear of the Queen was too exaggerated. I thought It can kill you, so we can all save a lot of effort."

"You can be considered deliberate, if I guess right, you are the one who made the trembling snake take the shot?"

"Don't mention those idiots, I just promised them to split one-third of the profits of the Tiger Shark Port Terminal, and they were willing to work for me. Such idiots, what is the use of not dying, right?" Eric asked with a smile. Tao. Mobile users please visit m


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