Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 108:  Killing the game

Seeing that the Maritans could understand the language of the earth, Allen nodded and said, "Listen, I don't know how you escaped. But if I were you, I will find a place to hide now. Those people are searching for you. The traces of, may be found here soon."

The pupils of the alien boy narrowed first under the light, and then slowly opened. The pupil color has quietly changed from light blue to bright yellow. The subtle change makes people wonder at the boundless universe and the magic of creation. He spoke, his voice sounding like music, pleasant to the ear: "Can you... take... leave..."

Allen seemed to sympathize with this alien boy, whose home star was destroyed and wandered between the stars. Now it's a slave again, really pitiful. When he was about to blurt out "Yes", he suddenly realized that he was not such a softhearted person, so why would he feel extra sympathy for this young man. Seeing his eyes changed again, he immediately thought of the Maritan's abilities.

The alien boy breathed a sigh of relief, he had successfully hypnotized the earth human in front of him, and could use his power to escape the chamber of commerce. This is not difficult for him. Just now, he used the guard to accidentally remove the blindfold covering his eyes. He seized the opportunity to hypnotize the nearby people and escaped smoothly. Now it’s nothing more than repeating the old trick, but seeing that the teenager who is about his age has to agree, his bright red eyes suddenly lit up, especially in the dim lanes, as if there was a flame rising in his eyes and lava rolling. world!

Suddenly, in the eyes of the alien boy. The alleys, walls, street lights, and buildings disappeared one by one. The only boy left in the world, he seemed to be the center of the universe. Behind him, there was an orange light tumbling. Gradually, a moon wheel composed of blazing flames rose, and the unspeakable amazing power made the alien boy immobile. It was like hitting his natural enemy with one head and could only be slaughtered!

"Don't throw your little tricks at me!" Allen took a deep breath, and carefully retracted the unconsciously inspired Yueyue trend before it didn't show off awe-inspiringly.

After the general trend converged, everything returned to its original place. The alley and the lamp filled the space again, allowing the alien boy to regain his sense of consciousness. Unlike just now, I can't even feel it myself. I only felt that I was in the emptiness of the universe, and I was alone in the Yanyue who wanted to fill the space. He has an intuition that when Yanyue tilts and sinks, it shatters the void and turns everything into ashes!

That is the characteristic of Yueying General Trend.

The alien boy retreated to the corner of the wall, holding the root of the wall with his hand, so as not to fall. Suppressed by Allen's might, he almost exhausted his physical strength to resist, now his legs are shaking lightly, looking embarrassed.

Seeing him like this, Allen sighed and said: "This is the dark street on Babylon. It's a complex block. Although you escaped from the Jemin Chamber of Commerce, you don't have any proof of identity. If you leave the dark street, you will still be Caught by the federal government. I don’t know how they will deal with aliens, but it shouldn’t be a pleasant thing to think about, so hiding in the dark can still survive. After all, except for your eyes, basically you and us Humans are no different..."

"Of course, Jermyn Chamber of Commerce will not let you go. So you have to find a shelter. The Old Oak Bar may be a good choice. It is located at the entrance of the Black Street, and the shop has a pattern of an oak tree, which is very easy to recognize. But. The premise is that you have to get to the bar smoothly and you have to convince their boss. Remember, don’t use your ability, or Old Ward will definitely throw you out." Allen spread his hand: "I can help you. That's so much."

The alien boy nodded: "Thank you..."

Then flexibly jumped on the wall, and disappeared over the wall.

There was a strange feeling in Allen's heart, and the boy reminded him of himself. In the five years after his mother passed away, he faced the world alone like this. Despite being among the wolves, but Xin is lonely.

Perhaps this is why he is willing to provide a little help.

Allen also turned to leave.

Suddenly he slapped a palm on his thigh and exclaimed, "Yes, how could I forget such a simple method!"

Alan looked up at the sky, the stars in the sky gleaming and dangling. He could determine the position based on the stars, and he didn't need to worry about the dense cobweb-like alleys of the Black Street. As long as you find one direction, follow the example of a Maritan star with a wall over a wall, a building over a building, and a straight line, you can leave the black street. Although the trouble is a little troublesome, it might attract interference from others, but it is better than turning around in a maze of streets.

Soon Allen determined the direction of the Old Oak Bar. The man squatted down, bent his knees, and leaned across a wall to his side. A few ups and downs jumped onto a three-story building behind the wall, and then fell to another. A street. Flying so high and low, sweeping between the walls and low buildings, as if people melt into the night, there is a feeling of freedom and unfettered freedom.

This accidental night walk made him feel refreshed. Seeing the infinitely vast world in my eyes, my heart stretched out, as if to embrace the entire starry sky. At this moment, Allen seemed to become the center of the universe, breathing and dancing with the universe.

Every second, there will be countless wonderful thoughts, wild thoughts flashing through my mind. Some academic problems and difficulties in the magic sequence that gave him headaches were solved at this moment. Allen suddenly felt that the knowledge and system he had learned over the past year was shattered in an instant. There is no longer any separation between the various academic theories, they collide with each other, and merge strangely, forming an indivisible whole.

It is like that many knowledges come from the universe. Although the disciplines seem to be distinct, all things in the universe are interconnected and form a whole. Therefore, when those invisible frameworks were broken, Allen suddenly discovered that there is no complementarity and symbiosis between knowledge and theories!

This discovery made him let out a happy roar.

Only at this moment did he understand that the college’s so many courses were actually aimed at establishing a closely-connected knowledge system for students, which would run through every student’s life. It's just that some people just give birth to a vague concept, and few people like Alan give birth to such a clear understanding.

With one hand, he easily made himself jump over a fence. People are in the black street, but Alan has the feeling of returning to the surface jungle. Quietly thinking about moving, Alan has been traveling between the college, the library and the Hughton residence since the last time he returned from the surface with Windsor Bello. Running like this, I have forgotten how long ago it was.

He jumped down from a two-story building again, and when he passed a window, there was a woman screaming inside. The room was a scene of love between men and women. The appearance of architecture has given human beings a private space, thus extending thousands of independent stories. And it is these countless seemingly fragmented, even meaningless stories that have written a history of civilization.

Countless individuals are combined into a whole, and the whole guides the individual. The two are related to each other, and there is an anonymous gravitational pull between each other. Allen suddenly felt that he was no longer alone, he was one of countless individuals. At the same time, he is a part of the whole. His words and deeds will extend to the whole and affect other individuals.

Just like the scene just now, when he jumped down from the window, the woman in the room exclaimed. There is a subtle connection between two unrelated individuals. No one knows what changes will happen when this connection continues to expand.

That was the result that Allen was extremely intelligent and could not imagine.

Allen didn't know that his feelings and understanding of the universe were all turned into the nourishment of the general trend in his chest. This is the nourishment of power, and nourish the general trend of nature through your own perception. More insights and a deeper understanding of the nature of the universe will make the general trend of nature more delicate. If the general trend of nature is an irritable wild horse, then perception and understanding is to put the reins on this wild horse and make it easier to be driven.

This night, Allen took another step forward on the road of momentum.

When he fell down a side lane, Allen's thoughts were still immersed in the wonderful connection between the individual and the whole. So there was no one in the side lane, but Allen felt that he had stepped into the trap. There are subtle auras ups and downs on the front, back, left, and right. When he stepped into the alley, apart from the seemingly non-existent aura in the front, the auras on the left, right and the rear all rose sharply, and then slowly fell back. I am excited by my arrival.

Obviously, they came for themselves.

If it is usually ~www.readwn.com~ can't hunt and step into the trap, I am afraid that you will not find it until the other party violently attacks you. But the enemy is counted, but at the end of the day, he is constantly inspired, and even more touches the subtle connection between the universe and everything. Seeing through their arrangement at the moment when their perception became extremely keen, they got the upper hand.

Allen suddenly stood up, stretched his waist and stretched his back, and his mind expanded to the four directions centered on him, as if he wanted to bring the whole world into his chest, and the whole person immediately rose. The devil hailed her and was taken away by Allen. He categorically shouted: "Since it's here, get out of me! Hidden head and tail, full of rats."

The alley was quiet, only Alan's voice reverberated, as if it were just Alan's illusion.

Allen suddenly escaped with a smile: "Since you don't want to come out, then I won't play with you."

His figure moved slightly, his heels lifted off the ground, as if he was about to run towards the left wall. Allen's figure moved, and the surrounding air broke out loudly, and several figures sprang out from the surrounding walls and low buildings, faintly besieging. But the assassin in ambush saw him about to leave, and he didn't care that the patrons hadn't issued the order, and they showed up to be surrounded.

You must know that they were already eyeing Allen when he hit the Maritans, and were about to shoot. Unexpectedly, Allen suddenly changed course and jumped up and down again. They were so tired that they could not give up, and finally rushed in front of Allen to set up a killing game in this alley. Because of the hurried layout, the distribution of staff is slightly uneven. The position Allen wanted to save just now was the weakest link in the entire killing game.

So when the killer saw it, he had to show up, fearing that Alan would escape and it would be difficult to kill him again.

But in this venue, Alan was eager, but his toes kept off the ground. He lowered his heels, and people stood calmly in the alley again, looking at these assassins for a while. The killers all had scalp numb, and the boy in front of him was beyond imagination. But by acting like that, they forced them out of the dark!

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