Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1060: Yamanaka Castle

?[Thank you to old and new friends such as Brother Xiang, Feiu Du, Shuiyue Liushen, Fifteen Ye, Fenglinchunjiang, Fengyuwuheng, etc. for their rewards and monthly ticket support! ]

A damaged carriage was dismantled. Soldiers removed wooden axles and boards from the carriage and carried them to the depths of the cave. www/xshuotxt/com Here, Allen has used Chi Feng to cut out a square exit. Soldiers brought wooden boards to spread it on the edge of the exit, and fixed it with axle diagonal supports to prevent the debris from collapsing at the exit. Allen brought Regis and Laura to explore the way first. They walked out of the cave with torches and came to the stone path paved along the mountain wall. This stone path seemed to be cut out from the mountain, heading towards the dim space below. The **** of the stone road was gentle, and a few people walked against the mountain wall to prevent accidents. The light of the torch can only illuminate things within a few meters of the surrounding area. The space in the belly of the mountain is extremely empty, and it is difficult for the fire to illuminate the entire space.

The stone path passes through some rock pillars from time to time. These huge stone pillars that require a few people to hug are not known whether they are natural or artificial. They support the mountain's belly and prevent it from collapsing. There are so many stone pillars, and Alan alone has passed more than a dozen pillars along the way. As for the darkness, I don't know how many such pillars remain. This mountainside space is like a giant stone hall. Allen doesn't know how big the stone hall is, let alone where it leads to.

Space itself is a kind of power. In this inexplicably open mountain, even Regis was silent and silent all the way.

Allen stopped suddenly.

In the firelight, you can see that the stone path begins to change direction. It no longer extends along the mountain wall, but extends towards the center of the mountain belly with a gentle curve. Allen squinted, the light of the torches in everyone's hands continued to increase, and the flames even rose to a height of one meter. Under the influence of the King of Fire, the light of the torch increased greatly, and the visual range also increased. The few people in it are all over the 20th level strong, a little light is enough for them to see a lot of things, not to mention the fire light now. Everyone, including Allen, saw that under this firelight, a stone path stretched from the stone pillars. In the distance, this stone path connects to a magnificent stone bridge, which extends into the darkness in the distance. Allen threw the torch hard, and the torch rotated to form a ball of fire.

The fire pierced through the darkness, illuminating a corner of the mountainside space. It can be seen that there are other stone roads between the stone pillars. No matter where they originate, these stone roads extend and border the magnificent stone bridge in the middle. This is simply a transportation network that exists in the mountainside!

The torch eventually hit a stone pillar and bounced off again. The flames kept going away and eventually disappeared.

Allen turned around and exchanged glances with Regis and said: "We seem to have come to an incredible place."

They returned to the cave. By this time everyone in the team had almost rested, and the wounded soldiers regained their glory after eating and drinking. Especially knowing that they don't need to be trapped in a cave, these men have fighting spirit in their eyes. They are not afraid of powerful opponents and the hardships of the journey. But if you know that you are going to die in a cave, you will feel the feeling of dying slowly, but life is better than death. Now that new hope is in sight, the soldiers naturally rekindle their fighting spirit.

Under Fares’ arrangement, ten mountain king fighters and five inch fire shooters formed an exploratory team and followed Allen at the forefront of the team.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page). Their task is to help Allen find and clear the dangers and obstacles, then the seriously wounded and merchants, including a few trucks, and finally, Fares and other fighters. The team left the caves one after another and walked up the cliff mountain road. There is no guardrail on the other side of the mountain road, but the road is wide enough, even if two carriages are in parallel, it is more than enough, so there is no need to worry about falling down unless the mountain road collapses.

Dozens of torches were lit in the team, and the group of flames looked like a fire dragon from a distance, passing through this space that had been silent for many years. When they walked through the curve, they saw the stone bridge in the center of the mountain's belly space. This stone bridge seems to be excavated directly from the mountain. The bridge deck is tens of meters wide. The rock under the bridge stands steeply. There are bridge holes, and the sound of running water can be heard in the dark.

Walking on the stone bridge, Ian trembled, and bowed to the ground. He walked with Allen, and the latter did not stop him. Allen could understand the shock in the old man's heart at the moment. Even he was excited about the space of the mountain and the stone bridge. What's more, Ian, who grew up in Frostwind City, set foot in the mighty underground tunnel and witnessed the underground miracles that ancestors had seen. , How can Ian be calm?

In the end, Alan helped him up. Ian rode on his thin horse, with moist eyes, and said to Alan: "I never thought I would be able to get here one day. How long will it be before Mr. Allen. If If I can go out, I can proudly tell the world that what our ancestors said is all true, and there is indeed a big underground tunnel!"

Allen laughed without answering, he took the lead. The stone bridge stretches for several hours, and it is probably evening now. At this time, other things appeared in front of the stone bridge. It is an archway, a huge arch directly cut into the mountain. It is nearly a hundred meters high and has the same width as the bridge deck. It is perfectly connected to the stone bridge. The arch is hollow and there are totem-like stone pillars on both sides of the door, but the two stone pillars seem to be carved out of the mountain like the door, and the upper and lower ends of the stone pillars are integrated with the mountain wall.

You can see there are two braziers in front of the arch. When Allen threw the torch into one of them, there was only the light of the torch. Gradually, the flames lit up, and a few seconds later, a flame rose, sparks splashed all over, and flames raged on the brazier, and the ointment preserved by the secret method was still working. Allen did the same. After both furnaces were lit, the arch stone bridge was illuminated within 100 meters.

The team took a temporary rest on the edge of the huge arch. Allen stood by the door, and could feel the wind blowing from the door with some moisture. I vaguely saw the faint blue light in the darkness inside the door, and I didn't know what it was emitting. Laura walked to Ellen's side and whispered her nose: "We are not alone here, I can feel something in the dark. It's best for us to pass here quietly so as not to add to the trouble."

Allen nodded and said, "Ian didn't say that their ancestors found cavemen in this big tunnel. I guess those things are not hospitable owners."

Laura smiled and said, "You still make jokes at this time, so I can rest assured."

Alan shook her hand.

Ten minutes later, the team continued to set off. Passing through the arch, there is a square under the firelight, and a statue about 100 meters high stands in the middle of the square. Somehow

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) On purpose, the head of the statue disappeared under the erosion of the years, but it can be seen that this is a woman or a goddess. The cornerstone of the statue is full of rose flowers, as if it has a certain symbolic meaning.

Going around the statue and passing through the square, you can see a gentle **** climbing up. After walking up the gentle slope, a city appeared in everyone's eyes. This is a city excavated from a mountain. The city's buildings are distributed in a long and narrow shape. The tall and low buildings are densely distributed in the dark and deep. You can see the void beyond the edges of the city. There is a blue light faintly shining under the void of the mountain, so even without the help of firelight, the powerful Alan can also use those underground blue light to get a panoramic view of the city.

Urban buildings fluctuate depending on the terrain, and there is often a drop of ten to tens of meters between the two building groups. The mountain platform on which the building group is located seems to be artificially flattened. After all, such a regular platform landscape cannot exist in nature. . Platforms and platforms are connected by arch bridges or curved slopes. Each platform is a block. The city does not know how many blocks are formed!

Because it is located in the mountains, there is no suspense, the city's buildings are basically made of stone. The long and square, processed stones have been piled up into simple and plain houses, but under the erosion of time, most of the buildings have collapsed, and you can only imagine the glorious past of the city from the ruins. Walking on the streets of the city, you can also see diversion canals built on both sides of the street. There is a deep well for storing water every ten meters or so, and there are statues or trees dotted between the houses. It's just that the diversion canal has long since dried up, the storage well is blocked by wormwood, the statue has become a broken stone, and the trees have been dead for thousands of years.

"What happened here?" Allen said softly, naturally no one can answer this question.

Edward beside him said solemnly: "It's not right."


"Let’s not talk about how time-consuming and labor-intensive it is to hollow out the mountain in the belly of the mountain, build the city and the stone bridge outside, and the complex transportation network that obviously leads to other places. The strangest thing is that I don’t know if you pay attention. Go to ~www.readwn.com~ that is the city. The civilization of the architecture and layout alone does not know how much it will surpass the current age of the Bairegon Empire. I bet that the Imperial Capital is nothing more than that. , It’s not even as good. So the problem is that the ancestors of Frostwind City are also people hundreds of years ago. When they discovered this city, it was obvious that the city was already what it is now. In other words, we are on an ancient ruin. It may be a thousand years ago, or even longer."

"So, it is not easy for the people living in this city to be built in such a distant age."

"You should also know that the ancestors of Idahua have come to this planet. If it were them, it would not be surprising to build a city of this size. You have not been to the Golden City, but I think the architectural style and Idahuaxing’s sky city is somewhat similar." Allen frowned: "It’s just that I haven’t heard that Idahuaxing people have a hobby of building cities underground..."

"Who knows? Maybe they want to try it?" Edward's joke was still cold.

p: First two chapters of daily updates~~

(End of this chapter)


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