Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1065:  In the dark

For Neri's five Mosasaurus knights, two sets of light armor "Fearless", two sets of lock armor "Charge" and a set of half body armor "Storm" were selected. Nari changed into Stormrage, this half-length armor was light and defensive but unambiguous. When Nari fights, they can activate the armor’s "Wind Shadow" ability with source power. It can make Nari faster and lighter, with Nari’s moon wheel sword dance posture. The picture alone is already pleasing to the eye.

As for the armor of fearlessness and charge, they also have different abilities.

Lucy picked Adele again with a long spear "Howl", which is a sniper rifle that can convert source power into bullets, similar to a magic sniper rifle. It's just that there is no source power level limit for Hu Xiao, but the level of source power directly affects the power of the bullet after conversion. The ultimate shooting range of Hu Xiao reaches 3000 meters, and it has accessories such as trajectory correction and long-distance locking to make it easier for users to use.

This sniper rifle has no special abilities, but it will produce a sharp howling sound due to the rapid advancement of the bullet when shooting. This howling sound will seriously interfere with the target's five senses, making it more difficult to avoid sniping. This is also the origin of the name of the sniper rifle, and Gertes described it in the description: When the howl of the **** sounded, the angel of death had already descended on your head. Its **** sickle dangled across its neck, waiting for the moment the bullet passed through its bore.

With Hu Xiao, it is clear that Adele's sniping will be more threatening.

In the end, he chose a light armor "Star" for Regis, Fares got a gun "Black Ice", and Lucy picked herself a leather armor "Night Song", equipped them, everyone's strength lies in Invisibly raised a bit.

Allen looked at Edward who was indifferent next to him: "Don't you pick one?"

Edward responded indifferently: "If even me as a logistician wants to go to the battlefield, is there no difference between me?" He walked to the other side and opened a box dotted with gems. There is a beautiful spar quietly inside, it is so crystal clear from the inside out, there is no trace of impurities. Naturally exuding the misty brilliance like the blue sky, and the astonishing chill. When the box was opened, Edward's fingers quietly climbed onto a faint frost, and the Maritan star fell on the label next to the spar, with the number "Tallinn Jewel" written on it.

"This is..." Allen has replaced the Eternal Guardian and put on the new armor "Reverse Scale". He walked over and looked at the gems in the box and said solemnly: "This is the crystal of Yuanli."

"Well, it is also the so-called Tallinn gem. But imperial scholars call it the ice crystals. If the heart of the Vulcan you once got is the heart of a volcano, then the ice crystals are the blood of the glacier. They only exist. In extremely cold places, a large amount of ice source power is naturally stored. It turns out that the Tallinn gem is such a thing. In other words, the underground of Tallinn Aisha is actually a vein of cold crystal!" Edward squinted his eyes. : "That's a rare crystal mine that is more valuable than gold..."

Allen reminded him: "It is also the lair of Bingfeng, what do you think Bingfeng is?"

"It's nothing more than some kind of powerful dangerous species? Such as super dangerous species, but even the Idahua star people at that time also suffered. This dangerous species will not be simple. It is a pity that the environment here is special. On the ground, you can use the army to crusade. In this type of terrain, you have to move to get rid of the ice wind

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Use the strong, and there are still a lot of them..." Edward looked at Laura and several people: "Well, we happen to have quite a few people. "

"Stop, let's not talk about the mutated Idahua star under the abyss, that is, the caveman in the mouth of the ancestors of Frostwind City. Besides, it has been so many years, you can guarantee that the ice crystals did not hollow out the caveman. Now? If I worked hard to get rid of Bingfeng and found out that we got an empty shell, then it would be too late to cry..."

Edward smiled and said: "In this world, benefits and risks are always the same. The greater the risk, the greater the benefit. If you don't bet, how can you know the result?"

"Now is not the time to bet on this one, we have other things to do."

"That's right, anyway, the cold crystal vein will not run on its own feet. We have a chance." Edward closed the box: "I don't want to equip it. Give me this gem as a souvenir."

Allen opened up and didn't believe that he was just as simple as a memento, but he didn't explain it, and nodded in agreement.

"It's time to go." Lucy reminded: "We have been down for a long time. But these steel front warriors..."

Allen walked over, walked around the red armored Jertes, sighed: "God knows how much I want to pull them all out. These hundred steel front samurai are equivalent to a thousand heavy cavalry. But they look so amazing. Take Jertes and nine other steel fronts. The others will stay in Tallinn Aisha first, and then take them away when we go back. Anyway, our Lord Edward can be worried about it. The cold crystal veins below, you have to take another trip here when you return."

Edward didn't change it for a moment, Lucy smiled slightly. Without seeing her order, Gertes glanced back, and nine steel front samurai strode forward. They have the same pace, and although they are dead, they naturally give birth to a sense of oppression. The light in the other steel front helmets disappeared, and he fell asleep again.

Temple Square.

A soldier whispered to his colleague: "You can help me take a look, I'm going to make it easier." The colleague scolded with a smile and kicked him away. The soldier trot to an abandoned house across the street from the Temple Square, and after a while, the voice of a comment sounded. He sighed, and just about to leave, suddenly there was stone powder slipping off it. The soldier raised his head and met his chubby eyes.

He swears that he has never seen such an ugly person in his life, and this man is a man. He hangs upside down on the wall of the abandoned house like a gecko, his thin head has no nose, his mouth is tilted to one side, but there are two rows of sharp canine teeth in his mouth. A few loose hairs floated down, reminding the soldiers of the yellow weeds in late autumn. The man has long hands and feet, and his limbs can't fall off the wall. The important thing is that his hands and feet are still deformed, and his body is covered with mud, which looks like a corpse just emerging from the grave.

The other party seemed to be looking at the soldier curiously, and maliciousness gradually poured out of those round eyes. He opened his mouth wide and lunged at the soldier. At this time, the usual rigorous training played a role. The soldiers slid back and yelled. At the same time, the sword came out and slashed at the strange man. The sword slashed on him, the opponent was unexpectedly light, and Ying Daofei fell to the corner. The man raised his head, the wound on his shoulder was not small, but the blood flowing out was pitiful, as if there was not much blood to bleed in that dry body. The weird made a strange cry from his mouth, and rushed towards him with his hands and feet.

Suddenly there was a gunshot.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The opponent's head blossomed, and the hands and feet fell into a ground gourd. When he stopped, his body was twitching slightly, but the light in his eyes could quickly dim.

"what is this?"

A colleague's voice sounded behind him, and the soldier turned his head to answer. But seeing his companion raised his head and looked over his head, his eyes became solemn, so he raised his gun and shot and shouted, "Run!"

The soldier rushed back to the temple square, and his colleagues fired a few shots and ran behind him. At this moment, the soldier looked back and gasped. From behind the abandoned houses on the other side of the street, black shadows crawled out, rushing down like a tide, and then over the street, chasing them. Those were all humanoid creatures with deformed bodies. There was nothing but madness in their chubby eyes.

Fares had just received Mira and handed over a bowl of warm broth, only to taste it, and he heard gunshots and the cry of soldiers. His face changed, he stood up quickly, picked up his gun and ran towards the soldier. Seeing the dark figures following the soldiers, Fares thought it was a Shadow Demon chasing him. But when he saw the first few weird people through the firelight, he remembered the legend Ian had mentioned.

"Caveman?" Fares cursed secretly, "Damn it," and instead of retreating, he passed by two soldiers and shouted: "Enemy attack! Move quickly, there is an enemy attack!" While warning, the mercenary captain was all around The flames were gushing, and the momentum was soaring, the war gun in his hand suddenly turned thousands of gun shadows, sweeping out a fan. As the guns flew, the dozen cave dwellers in the front row were shot in the vital part, spurting blood and throwing away.

Fares's guns were on again, and every time a shot went out, no matter whether he stabbed the enemy or not, a caveman fell down. Under the full force of the mercenary leader, the torrent of cavemen was blocked. But there were too many of them, and more cavemen bypassed Fares and continued to rush towards the caravan near the square. They screamed and wielded a weird weapon, a projectile tied with rope and stone. When they threw the sling stones, there was a roaring noise in the square immediately, and the stone rain flew, knocking over the bonfire brazier, and the fire on the square was dim.

"They are afraid of light! Inch fire shooter, flame missiles are free to shoot!" Adele's voice rang: "Reggies, and Mi Lu, you go to support Fares. Don't love war, the terrain here is open. We are not good!"

"Abel~www.readwn.com~ You take Mr. Sean and them to the temple."

"Mountain King Warriors and others, you are responsible for protecting Abel and them and responding to Fares and others!"

Under Adele's command, first the Inchfire shooter used a rifle to shoot a round of blazing missiles around the square. The fireballs exploded, and many cavemen were blown up. The sudden light of the fire also made them live for a long time. The creatures in the ground were squeaking and chaotic. Then Abel led Sean and the others back, and there were soldiers pulling horses and carriages to follow behind, while the Mountain King soldiers and other soldiers covered the crowd. They took time to throw a firearm, creating another wave of explosions and Fire light.

Regis and Milu's Mossaurus knights slammed to Fareth's side, covering each other, fighting and retreating. Adele stood on the square, sniping at a constant speed the cavemen who had crossed the fire.

But even so, there are too many cavemen in the dark, they seem to be endlessly crossing the long street and rushing towards the temple square.

ps: Try to vote for children's shoes with red votes~~

(End of this chapter)


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