Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1067:   ice wind

c_t; "Did you retreat?" ‘Lu’ Qian put down the golden rose and watched the ‘cave’ dwellers under the steps keep retreating, hiding in the darkness beyond the fire and light. ($>>>Cotton, flower ‘sugar’ little ‘said’). The update is fast. Please search for the most complete! The ‘cave’ people who retired from the fastest novel had unwillingness written on their faces and looked back frequently, but they still left and walked cleanly, leaving a corpse.

"I think they are scared." Allen looked around, and the fire only shone on the ground less than a few meters wide in front of the temple. Darkness seems to have magical powers, and they ‘force’ back the light.

Fares switched to holding Black Ice with his right hand, with this new gun in his hand, endless courage surged in his heart: "What are they afraid of, sir. Are we?"

"No, by no means. It's something else..." Allen looked at'Lucy', his eyes seemed to be talking. You know, don't you?

"Lu" Qian took a deep breath: "Ice Wind."

Edward said loudly: "Light up all braziers, we need to see farther!" The reason for not daring to light a large bonfire before is to prevent the fire from attracting ‘burrow’ people. Now naturally there is no such concern. Edward ordered that his own warriors light up the two rows of braziers on the left and right of the temple steps, and the fire lights up to contend with the darkness. A fiery halo rose in Allen's eyes, dancing wildly like candle flames. Inflammation patterns appeared on the body, the King of Fire suppressed all directions, and the flames of the two rows of braziers rose up, forming a pillar of fire.

The darkness receded, the temple and the small square below were filled with fire, the light and heat of the flame cheered people up, and Allen searched for the possible ice wind. Apart from the underground demon mentioned by Gertes, what else will make the cave dwellers retreat? The outside world may have a lot of things that make ‘troglodytes’ afraid, but here is Tallinn Aisha. Tallinn Aisha has only one nightmare, and that is Ice Wind!

Rustling, there was the sound of a sharp object slashing across the rock in the dark, and Allen could easily imagine the claws rubbing against the rock in his mind. Just like a sunny winter day in childhood, Bai Fang always likes to scrape the frozen rock with his claws, making a sharp sound that is unacceptable to human ears, and enjoys it.

The empty space makes the sound reverberate everywhere, it is difficult to determine the source of the sound. Gertes said that Ice Wind is a cunning and cruel reptile, and now Allen has seen it with his own eyes. The reptile was disturbing their attention with sound, and tried to hide in the dark to try to arouse human fear. The fear of darkness is an innate human instinct, and Bingfeng is very good at exploiting this. [Quick update, refreshing website pages, few advertisements, I like this kind of website the most, I must praise it]

The temple is full of flames, but you can still feel that the temperature is dropping. The chill does not know where it comes from, like an invisible ghost haunting people. Allen turned around with the red king in his hand, his gaze swept across, and there was nothing to hide. Bingfeng was not within his sight, he was puzzled, but soon he knew where he had missed. Allen slowly raised his head, and the upper part of the temple was dim, and the undulating rock top was faintly visible under the firelight. Then he saw two golden ‘colored’ lights, like two tiny suns appearing in the ground!

Gradually, a brown ‘color’ vertical pattern appeared in the golden ‘color’ light cluster. The vertical pattern slid and turned downwards, colliding with Allen’s sight.

"It's on top!" Allen yelled: "Inch fire shooter, set fire!"

All the "shooters" raised their guns to the sky, and the fierce rifles roared and roared, and a line of fire tore through the space and swept towards the top of the temple. The bullet swept across the top of the rock, splashing large patches of sparks. In the flickering firelight, a huge figure can be seen swimming flexibly, the body is swept by the line of fire from time to time, and only spattered sparks. There was a hoarse cry from the shadow of the ‘yin’ on the top of the rock. Suddenly the wind rang, and the thing jumped off from above and hit the temple square like a meteorite.

Numerous cracks were immediately pressed into the ground of the square. In the splash of bricks and stones, a ring of invisible shock waves shook the front row of soldiers a little unstable. When the shock passed, a monster appeared in the flames. Gertes is obviously correct to call it a reptile. At first glance, the ice wind resembles a giant lizard. Its head and tail are more than ten meters long, especially its spurred tail, which is roughly more than four meters long.

Bingfeng's body was covered with scales, and the indigo ‘color’ scales were each as big as a palm, and they showed a circle of meticulous textures under the firelight. Bingfeng's hind limbs are stubby, and forelegs are slender, with black ‘colored’ claws like crystals. The two golden eyes on its triangular head are filled with anger. When it opens its mouth, it will spit out a pair of curved and thick jaws.

The nostrils of the reptile expanded, and two cold winds spewed out, and a thin layer of frost "flowers" climbed on the ground. Its breath is like a frost wind blowing in winter, and the chill is even more revealing from the gaps in each of its scales. The ice wind is full of faint frost mist, like a gray flame igniting on it. The reptile didn't rush up immediately. It moved its body cautiously, gently grasping the ground with its paws, and it would dig deep ravines. Its eyes kept staring at the crowd, without a moment of relaxation.

Then in the next moment, the thick hind limbs supported the ground, and the ice wind swam like flying and launched a charge!

"Sargeras!" Allen yelled at the name of the Balrog as he dragged his sword in. Sargeras passed him with a flash of fire, facing the ice wind head-on. Both sides are giants, even if one is the original ancestor projection, when Sargeras hit the ice wind, the whole square shook violently. Sargeras pressed Bingfeng's head with both hands, opened his big mouth, and spit out a raging flame from his mouth like a flood, washing Bingfeng's body like a waterfall of fire. The flames touched the frost mist on the reptiles, generating soaring steam.

Unwilling to show weakness, the two claws caught sparks in the lava armor of the Balrog. Seeing that the claws couldn't tear the rock helmet, the long tail of the ice wind ‘pulled’ fiercely, the tail full of bone spurs ‘pulled’ on Sargeras’s ‘chest’, and the Balrog ‘pulled’ and retreated. Allen only felt a moment of tightness in his'chest', the source of energy in the body circulated, and his breathing began to recover smoothly. At this moment, he rushed to Bingfeng's body, squatted and jumped, Allen jumped onto the reptile's head. He turned the Red King upside down and ‘plugged’ hard.

The Scarlet King ‘plugged’ into Bingfeng’s head and pierced the scales without hindrance, but he didn’t reach the point of no handle as Allen expected. After the red king broke open the scales, it was as if he was ‘plugged’ into a piece of high-density alloy armor, and the force of the counter-shock almost made Allen let go. Bingfeng's skull was so hard that Allen didn't have time to sigh, and the sword of the Scarlet King lighted up, bursting with flames. Bingfeng let out a cry of anger and horror, and slammed his head, throwing Alan and the King away from his head.

"Offensive!" Edward stretched out his hand and pointed towards Bingfeng: "Inch Fire's "shooter" hand is free to "shoot", I need your fire cover!"

"Warrior of the Mountain King, attack the limbs of that reptile and smash its'legs' for me!"

While Edward commanded the soldiers to attack,'Lucy' also ordered the Steel Front soldiers to join the battle. The fire line woven from the raging fire rifles tore through the space, and the gunfire of the steel front soldiers also vented to Bingfeng. Under the cover of fierce firepower, the mountain king soldiers rushed to the foot of the ice wind and hit the reptile's feet with their warhammers. The strong like Regis also joined the battle, and for a while, Ice Wind was all enemies on all sides.

Bingfeng was both angry and annoyed.

Since the residents of Tallinn Aisha changed, this dungeon has become a dead zone, a paradise of ice wind. Few foreigners visit Tallinn Aisha, and the number of foreign visitors appearing in Bingfeng’s memory is pitiful. The most recent one was hundreds of years ago, and Bingfeng still remembers it very clearly. The humans who came to the ground by chance at that time only dared to look at Tallinn Aisha from a distance, and drove the ‘cave’ out.

This time the visitor was completely different. Bingfeng couldn't remember how long it had not suffered such a fierce attack. It seems that such a fierce attack has been attempted only when he was ‘bad’ with the residents of Tallinn Aisha. Just like the ‘burrow’, the icy wind that lives in the ground hates flames, and the bright light ‘stimulates’ its eyes. It only likes the Tallinn gems used to build nests. The brilliance of those gems exuding chill is so soft and beautiful. At this time, not only the flames of the two rows of braziers in the temple were soaring, but the flames of the raging fire rifle and the cannon on the shoulders of the steel front soldiers made Bingfeng unable to open his eyes.

The entire field of vision was filled with fire that was too bright for Bingfeng, so Bingfeng couldn't evade the onslaught of the mountain king's troops and the shots of other powerful players. This makes it very angry, it hates the feeling of being beaten all the time.

The blood buzzed softly in Lola's hand, the spar and the lines on the long sword lit up. Whenever Lola swung a sword, two to three faint afterimages of the sword appeared in the air. That is the image of the ‘wave’ left in the air cut by the energy of the instant blood. Even with the hardness of the ice wind scales, the scales will inevitably shatter if they are struck by the instant blood. Each of Lola's swords left a wound of several tens of centimeters on Bingfeng's body, but such wounds seemed to be scratching for Bingfeng, which had a length of more than ten meters. Even so, when the wounds continue to increase, it is not a pleasant thing for Bingfeng.

What's more, it is not only Lola's instant blood~www.readwn.com~ that can cause damage to it, but also Regis' star knife, Fareth's black ice and Adele's hand howl. But it was the Scarlet King in Allen's hands that made it the most jealous. Bingfeng almost thought that he had plunged into the volcano when the long knife that exploded and exploded into his head. It definitely didn't want to try a second time with that kind of experience, so when Alan rushed with a knife, Bingfeng's limbs slammed on the ground, shaking a lot of mountain king fighters. It leaped back and opened a considerable distance.

The ice wind took a deep breath, and the frost and mist on his body churned. With another fierce mouth, a pillar of wind carrying countless blue icy debris came out from the mouth!

"Be careful!" Allen yelled, the entire square was ‘forced’ by the chill, and the flames in the two rows of stone basins under the stone steps of the temple were ‘forced’ to dim by the chill. The frosty wind pillar swept close to the floor, and the ground of the square where I was passing by quickly froze. Seeing this battle, Alan didn't even think about it, but he slashed at the wind pillar.

Powerful like flames, the Scarlet King's blade pulled out a flash of scarlet blade light, like a ray of autumn sun illuminating the dungeon, tearing through the darkness and rushing into the oncoming frosty wind column!

This book is from l/16/16987/


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