Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 112:  Taoguang

"Have you noted down this fusion matrix." Hughton nodded his head and asked Alan.

Allen believes in himself: "Of course, it was designed by me. Even if I close my eyes, I can draw it again. In fact, I think some places can be studied and further modified. For example..."

"Wait..." Hughton blew his beard and stared, and said angrily: "I didn't ask you any questions about improvements and updates. Anyway, you remember this matrix. That's good."

After talking and rubbing it, when Hughton separated his hands, Allen's design had become a piece of debris, and he couldn't fight it back.

Allen fought and looked at Hughton and said, "You are..."

"Listen, kid. Your fusion matrix will be the key thing to inspire the transformation of the magic weapon field. But you are still too young. In this field, people don't know who Alan is. Once this matrix falls into In the hands of others, it will immediately become something of others. If you publish a publicity through a master, even if you declare that it is your own design and creation, no one will believe it." Hughton clapped his hands and said: "So now you go obediently Take the broom and clean it up. Nothing happened tonight. Don’t rush to release this new sequence. After all, you have a lot to learn. Wait until the right time comes. Fist out. At that time, your name will be entered into the history of the development of the magic weapon field, and you may be at the same height as Monroe, the father of the magic weapon."

"Hey, think about Lao Tzu's unexpected intention to teach a student comparable to Monroe. I won't want to be drunk tonight." Hughton laughed and looked triumphant, as if the Fusion Matrix came from his hands.

Allen was also shocked, and the inspiration for the Fusion Matrix came from the connection between the universe and everything that he had comprehended that night. Silent Guardian and Straight Knife Hidden Destruction are two independent entities. The two entities are combined into a whole by the fusion matrix, so there is the Thorns Sword Armor. But Alan didn't expect that his unintentional work would give Hughton such a high evaluation, and he might even stand alongside Monroe, the father of Mowu. This was something he had never thought of.

However, Hughton's concerns are also right. If Allen rushes to release this sequence, who will believe that an unknown kid can create a new sequence that will bring subversive changes to magic weapons.

After all, the new sequence has not appeared for many years, and now the masters of sequence design also follow the designs of the predecessors, changing and updating them.

After all, Alan's foundation is too shallow, and no one even knows his existence in the field of magic weapon. He needs the opportunity to stand out, and after getting the affirmation of others, he can release the revolutionary fusion matrix before he can hook this brand new Rubik's Cube sequence to himself.

As for now, it is time to keep a low profile.

So tonight, the fusion matrix just flicked across the world like a meteor, leaving a faint trail. It's too late to appear on Horn's table or the table of the Family Presbyterian Council, otherwise Allen's special budget every quarter will exceed the million mark!

In the evening two days later, Hughton drank some wine, and then he couldn't forget to talk about Allen's fusion matrix, and then talk about the general situation of mana weaponry now. Allen has long been accustomed to his way of teaching where he thinks and talks, so he keeps records as usual.

Hughton exhaled a breath of alcohol and said, "Boy, you should also know. The current mana weaponry is only developed to the 20th gear. Do you know why we didn't continue to develop it?"

Allen tilted his head for a moment and said, "Is it because of the source device? No, the source device is a weapon that can't be met and cannot be popularized. If it is not for this reason, then it is...there is no need for development?"

After speaking, he was also surprised at his guess.

Having been in contact with the Rubik's Cube sequence for some time, Allen fully knew that with the current technology and productivity of the Federation, there was a way to develop magic weapons higher than 20 levels. But for a long time, the highest mana weaponry was only 20 gears. There is strength but no development, that is to say, there is no need to develop weapons higher than 20 gears.

Hughton nodded and said, "You should also know that there are other levels after the Awakened."

"Ms. Jessica said that after the Awakened, there will be different branches in the Path of Origin Power, but she didn't say what kind of branch it is." Allen said truthfully.

"That's the ruler and the ancestor..." Hughton shook the wine bottle and said: "No matter the ruler or the ancestor, it can already be classified into the top level of combat power. Even if the Federation is full of talents, it will be like a cloud. But the top combat. The number of strong people at this level is very limited..."

"Masters at this level don't need magic weapons anymore. For them, unless it is a weapon of the source weapon level, there is not much difference between an ordinary tactical long knife and a 20-speed advanced magic weapon. What's more, the engraving weapons of the ruler and the original ancestor blade of the ancestors. The former tends to defend, while the latter focuses on attack. They are not comparable to magic weapons." Hughton Tanshou said: "But that is what can be classified as top combat power. A small group of people, they are the shocking force in the federation camp. The large number of Awakeners is the backbone of the federation. It can be said that mana weapons are mainly developed for this group of people. But even 20 levels The magic weapon set of his cannot approach the gap between the Awakened and the Dominator."

Speaking of this, Hughton looked at Allen and smiled: "But your fusion matrix may be able to change this. It is certainly not possible to flatten the distance between the two, but as long as one third of it is closer, it is enough to change the whole The power structure of the camp. It’s no exaggeration to say that if this can be achieved, the fusion matrix will be more effective than the source device."

Hughton did not exaggerate this point. After all, the top combat power and source weapons are limited, and the backbone combat power has the largest number of people, and the fusion matrix can also be mass-produced. Under the combination of the two, the quantitative change to achieve the qualitative change can indeed change the general trend of the entire camp, which is naturally much greater than a simple source device or two. It can be seen that the value of the fusion matrix is ​​also the reason why Hughton is extra cautious about its release.

In addition, Alan also accidentally learned the level of top combat power in the mouth of the old general. Those are the two branches of the ruler and the ancestors. As for how the branches appeared, and what the engraved arms and the original ancestor blade are, it is very clear. Because when Allen wanted to ask in more detail, Hughton had fallen asleep holding the bottle.

The ignorant is fearless.

And the more he knew, Alan knew how small he was in the world of Yuanli. So I can only continue to carry out various trainings conscientiously, leaving clear footprints on the road of pursuit of strength.

It's the weekend again.

As usual, Allen came to the training hall on Saturday morning. After two hours of physical training, he performed boring knife training. The object of Allen's practice is a steel doll, and the knives used for training always repeat some of the most basic movements. But when the action of cutting the throat is repeated hundreds of times, each time it hits accurately and consistently. Even when Zeng Kaifeng's training knife cut a clear mark on the doll's neck, the family guards who were also training all around cast admiring eyes at Allen, while seeing cold sweat.

Able to repeat an uncommon action hundreds of times without any deviation. This shows that Allen is patient, precise and not prone to errors.

No one wants to meet such an opponent.

After the morning training was over, Allen, who returned to Wing Tower's residence, ran into Willick head-on.

"Hi, head!" Willick threw a small memory at Allen: "This is just sent by Mr. Heising, and it is the information that someone named Ron gave you."

"Second Lieutenant Ron...I see." Allen took it, smiling and said, "Are you eating together at noon?"

"No, head. Limei's girl has prepared lunch and waits for me to eat."

"Then let you take a half day off."

Willick whistled and went happily. Allen returned to the house and took out the storage Ron sent him. After Windsor Bello released the questions for the final assessment, Allen commissioned Lieutenant Ron on the surface to collect information about the armed group in the Wilton Mountains. I wonder if Ron accepted the commission and proceeded to investigate. It was found that there was very little information about this armed group~www.readwn.com~ so the budget for collecting information had to be increased, but even so, it was almost three months before Ron had the information to give him. Obviously, Windsor Bello chose not a simple goal. In this assessment, intelligence gathering was also a homework. Allen couldn't help but be grateful that he knew Ron first, otherwise he would not be able to rely on family power in this assessment, it would be enough to make Allen brainstorm about intelligence gathering.

Connect the memory to the brain, and quickly read a large amount of data with pictures and texts.

After reading these materials, Allen's brows almost wrinkled together. Sure enough, Windsor Bello chose not an ordinary armed group on the surface. To be precise, this is a revolutionary army.

With the contradictory Japanese dramas on the surface and floating islands, the federal government's methods of appeasement seem to be in vain. In the past ten years, the undercurrent of revolution has begun to surge. It is the purpose of the Revolutionary Army to overthrow federal rule and share resources. Obviously, their purpose seriously violated the interests of the Federation and the noble group. Therefore, the Federation has never compromised against the revolutionary army's attacks.

It is just that the revolutionary army is supported by the people on the surface and the complex and changeable environmental factors on the surface have enabled the federal government to completely extinguish the revolutionary army, but it has become increasingly serious. Regarding this kind of matter, Allen only maintains a neutral attitude. After all, who can tell, behind the so-called revolutionary army, will a certain member of the Federal Council deliberately arrange for a tool to fight against political enemies?

Allen, who has already begun to study "Political Philosophy", has already dabbled in the science of politics and understands the complexity of it. What's more, in the revolutionary army that is growing on the surface, there is no shortage of thugs who do looting in the name of revolution.

In Ron's investigation, the so-called revolutionary army in the Wilton Mountains played exactly this role!

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