Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 119:  Whose trouble

Allen was sitting by the stream, and there were tall trees as far as he could see.

The nose is full of the fresh breath that is unique to the forest. Especially in this autumn season, the smell of the forest is very pure, which made Alan forget about autumn hunting and Babylon. He closed his eyes, immersing his soul in the tranquil atmosphere of the forest.

The wind blew by, shaking the leaves, making a rustling sound. That is the breath of the forest.

Allen returned to the forest, there was a feeling of a kind of fish returning to the stream and the bird flying into the sky. This is his home court, his world, so he doesn't resist this autumn hunt. He couldn't even stand Leon's dawdling, so he went to the forest without breakfast early in the morning.

He drove straight in and went straight to the B-class area. Along the way, several dangerous species were killed, like the carrion smell that lured the monitor lizard, and it was Allen who took the flesh and blood of the violent wolf. The bacterial catalysis of some wild plants can make the freshly dead wolf meat smell like carrion, thereby attracting certain prey that feed on carrion. This is just one of Allen's skills honed in his survival in the wild.

Alan was about to rest for a while, and then went deeper. At this rate, in three days, he will be able to enter the E-level zone. The violent wolves and the multi-eyed monitor lizards are not Allen's favorite prey, he wants to hunt an ice tyrant bear. Then give the hunted bear skin to Horn. It's cold. Horn may use a coat made of bear skin or add a bear skin rug in his book room.

As one of his few remaining relatives in this world, Allen still hopes Horn can live better, even as the chief of Bethkoder, he might not care about the fur of a tyrant bear.

Even Alan didn't realize that after Lanni's death, Grandpa Horn had gradually entered Alan's heart.

You will not feel lonely if you have family.

Suddenly, Allen's silent mind in the forest world suddenly moved. Then there was the sound of a bird flapping its wings behind him, and several ground squirrels and snow rabbits emerged from the dry grass and passed by Allen. Allen immediately put away the backpack, picked up the *, and jumped across the stream a few times and sank into the forest.

Finding a tall cedar tree, Allen quickly climbed up the straight trunk like a monkey, and when he hid his body in the golden canopy, he vaguely heard voices from across the river. Through the gap in the tree, Alan's eyes were widened, and he barely saw two figures appearing near the stream where he was just staying.

Those are two men, and the one on the left is like a Roshan. On a fat face, the facial features are packed with fat, especially those eyes, almost all squinted. On the top of his bare head, there was an impressive tattoo of tattoos down his neck. As the fat man trembles, the tattoo with a certain kind of beast moved like a living thing. The weather was cold, and the fat man was still naked, with armor wrapped around his chest and shoulders. There are patterns of energy-guiding lines on the armor, and those thin, unnecessary pieces of armor should be some kind of magic armor.

As for the one on the right, it has a medium-sized body with long arms and legs. The hair on both sides of the head was shaved clean, leaving only the middle shot with a bright red color, which looked like a cockscomb. He was wearing a black tactical uniform, with a spear in his hands and placed behind his neck. There are silver-white energy-conducting patterns on the spear, which is obviously a magic weapon.

Two men with magical powers came to the stream, and the cockscomb said, "It seems to have lost people."

The fat man squatted on the ground, smelling on the ground like a hound, and after a while he went to the place where Allen had rested. Pointing to the pebble beach by the stream, he said, "He must have been here. The smell is already here, and it should be across the stream."

"It's all you, dulling, otherwise we would have caught up with that kid." Cockscomb complained.

The fat man smiled slyly and touched his head and said, "You are fast, and you don't see you chasing after yourself. So stop talking nonsense, you wouldn't be able to find this without me."

"Yes, yes, you are a tracking expert. I'll take a look at this. You have to explain to Master Dia, you have kept calling yourself a master before."

"There are times when masters miss. Besides, at the beginning of autumn hunting, there are opportunities, and there is no need to rush for a while." The fat man suddenly opened his eyes slightly, and the fierce light burst from his eyes: "Besides, the most interesting part of hunting is tracking the prey. If that kid was so easy to find for me, it wouldn’t be fun at all."

"I just need to get the job done quickly and get the reward from Master Dia." Cockscomb shook his head and said, "Master is true, too. You should be guilty of dealing with a kid like this. I drove us out early in the morning."

"Isn't it because the young master is eager to find face." The fat man closed his eyes again and changed back to the person's harmless appearance: "What should I do now, should I continue to chase or go back?"

"Go back first, we've run a little far away. There are only three trash around Young Master, I don't worry."

"Yes, let him live for an extra day or two if that kid goes away."

The two walked back, and within a moment, they were submerged in the forest. Just as Allen was about to get down, he suddenly moved in his heart, still hiding his breath in the canopy. After 10 minutes of this, the two guards folded back again, and the cockscomb head looked around before saying: "It should be really far away. It's really unlucky. I thought that kid was hiding nearby and could lead him out."

"It doesn't matter, go back soon, I'm hungry." The fat man patted his fat belly.

"What a foodie."

The two said as they walked, they finally left.

Alan then slid down the tree.

It was Diego's guard, and from their conversation, Diego really wanted to trouble him. The two guards are both level 15 and above, and they are experienced. If the two work together, Allen can only turn around and leave. He was not afraid of these two men, but he was not stupid enough to think that he could defeat two 15-level guards head-on. These two are not comparable assassins on the black street who have low source power and no tacit understanding.

But if Allen is given the right opportunity, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, it is not a big problem to break each one. The gap between level four was never too big to be erased.

Diego now made it clear that he wanted to deal with Alan. Of course he could continue to go deep into the forest regardless of everything. But if Diego doesn't give up, even if he runs to the E-level zone, he will catch up. Almost without thinking, Allen turned back to the path, intending to follow the two guards to find Diego.

You have to give Diego some trouble so that he can't chase himself unscrupulously. As for killing Diego, Allen just thought about it. Diego is the son of the Grant family, unless Alan can do it clean enough. Otherwise, as long as one of the guards ran back, Bethkod could only hand Alan out except for a battle with Grant.

Allen doesn't plan to kill Diego, but can cause him some trouble, some trouble enough to make him think twice about his actions!

Of the two guards, the fat man was obviously a tracking expert. Allen didn't dare to follow too closely for fear of being discovered by the other party. As for tracking others in the forest, Allen has his own set of tips. He doesn't need to deliberately look at it with his eyes, smells, footprints and even the reactions of birds and animals will provide him with enough information.

He kept a distance of nearly one kilometer from the other party, hanging two guards from a distance and sneaking in the direction of Diego.

A violent wolf was lowering its body, hiding on a rock protruding from the grass slope. Below it, two snow rabbits are gnawing on the dying grass by the stream. Snow rabbit is a kind of alert animal, but for any animal, its alertness is always slightly lowered when eating. The violent wolf waited patiently until the snow hare had eaten it for a while, then suddenly bounced off the rock and rushed towards his prey like lightning.

The violent wolf's body rose up, still in midair. There was a sharp breaking sound in the air, spinning at a high speed, and projecting like an IP. He pierced the violent wolf in midair, and even the source force attached to it exploded the violent wolf's wound a few inches. The wolf's blood splattered, and the two snow rabbits underneath were so scared that they had run out of sight in an instant.

From a hunter to a prey in an instant~www.readwn.com~ The violent wolf kicked on the ground for a few times and lost its breath.

Diego jumped off the slope, and three guards hurriedly followed behind him. He stepped on the corpse of the wolf and stretched out his hand to pull up the battle*. His own guard took the collector to scan the violent wolf's saber teeth to register Diego's record. As for Diego himself, he was irritably hitting the stream with the war* in his hand, bringing up fluffy splashes, and a few fat cod.

"Where did the **** dangerous species go? From morning till now, I killed two violent wolves, which is meaningless." Diago suddenly warned * and pointed the guard who was collecting information about the prey in the air. Said: "You go find out if there is a wolf den or a lizard nest nearby. When will you kill each one, I will take them in one den."

The guards said with embarrassment: "Master, we can't leave you alone."

"Fart, am I still afraid of those dangerous species? Besides, Fatty and Rudd are coming back soon, so what's to worry about."

The guard looked at each other.

"Go!" Diage yelled violently, with a great intention to stab them.

The three guards had to nod their heads in agreement, each responsible for moving away in one direction. Diego just hugged* and sat down, and said to himself: "I don't know if Rudd has caught up with that kid?"

At the end of the speech, a sturdy figure suddenly jumped from the grass slope, causing Dia to almost fly from the ground. It looked like the Fat Guard and Cockscomb came back. The fat man touched the back of his head in embarrassment and said, "Master, we have lost people."

"Lost?" Diego's face was pulled down: "You said before that you are good at tracking? Did I hear it wrong."

Sweat beaded from the fat man's forehead: "Master, this...I'm an expert, but sometimes I miss it. But I promise not next time!"

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