Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1167: Out of the universe

Alan briefly recounted the conversation with Orfascism. After listening to it, the officials including Gefen were all moved. The head of the agency's voice seemed heavy: "It turns out that this is the case, so it's no wonder that the emperor of Idahuaxing is so nervous. But Mr. President, even if that Ellen is really the son of the twilight, I really don't want to understand it. How to end all life in the universe. Even if Idahuaxing and the three princes of Agareth join forces, it can't be done?"

"I think so too, but Ofascius insists on his own ideas without giving a specific answer. I think Ida Huaxing should have reservations in this regard."

"Then the question now is, what are we going to do?" Silfa said in a calm voice, "Should we send our federal citizens to the emperor's will?"

"What does the general mean?"

Silfaran said: "Every legal citizen will be protected by the federal government. This is our obligation and our promise to people at the beginning of the establishment of the Federation. Even if the Son of Twilight is true, can it be based on Ofascism alone? In this case, we are going to give them citizens who should be protected? Mr. President, with all due respect. If we do so, the prestige of the Federation will be greatly reduced."

"The Admiral's words are not unreasonable." Gefen also said: "The relationship between us and the nobles is not as good as before, and Mr. Allen is the core figure of Beskod. If we hand him over to Orfascius, I am afraid it will cause unanimous opposition from all the nobles in Babylon."

"I don't know your concerns, but on the other hand. We can offend Ida Huaxing and our allies for the prestige of the Federation and the feelings of the noble lords? Don’t forget, we still rely on many interstellar technologies. Star Idahua, in case of annoyance to Ofascism, we will be hit much harder than the two mentioned above." Alan tapped on the table with his finger and emphasized: "Everyone, what I want to discuss here is not both. The law. It’s about weighing the pros and cons and then making the most correct choice."

"From the perspective of the current situation, I think the most accurate choice is to call Alan Bethkod from the heavenly star in accordance with the requirements of Orfascius." Alan paused, then said: "But Silfa The general also said just now that if we arrogantly hand over Allen, we are afraid that it will cause a violent shock. Considering our current situation, I think this must be done in the dark. That is, without attracting other sights. Under the premise of paying attention, summon Allen."

Fendi, who had always closed his eyes and slumbered, opened his eyes at this time, pulling a smile from the corner of his mouth and asking: "What if this Mr. Allen is unwilling to obey the order?"

"In that case, I think even the use of force is necessary. On the premise of not hurting his life, he can be detained forcibly."

Fendi licked his lips, just about to say something. Unexpectedly, Silfa on the other side of him suddenly closed his books and stood up and said, "Let me go to the Star of Heaven, Mr. President. I will be responsible for bringing Mr. Allen."

He looked at Fendi: "If you let someone go, I'm afraid things will go wrong. Even if Alan brings it, Bethkod is afraid to get news."

Fendi laughed, opened his hands and made a "whatever you" expression, and closed his eyes again.

Alan nodded: "Let's do it, General Silfa, please go down and prepare immediately, and make sure to start today."

"Yes." Silfa gave a military salute and left his seat.

"Then this meeting will end here." Alan waved his hand and let everyone leave one after another. When Fendi got up, he stopped the butcher. After Geffen also left the hall, Alan said, "When Silfa comes from Heaven, I want him to hand over Alan to your Iron Fist Legion. Before handing over to Orfasis, General Fendi, you should know where It's best to hold this twilight son temporarily."

Fendi smiled: "You have you, Mr. President. I can't think of a better place other than the iron prison."

"Very well, I know that Iron Prison also has a biochemical team specializing in various research. I sincerely hope that these lovely people will be able to figure out where the power of the Twilight Son comes from before Orfascism arrives on Earth. If necessary, I can authorize you to collect Alan’s physical data, including some inappropriate experiments. There is only one point, he cannot die!"

Fendi said "Oh", squinted his eyes and said: "Mr. President, this is an interesting thing."

"Of course, you will do it for me, right?"

"You can rest assured and leave it to me." Fendi patted his chest.

Alan laughed, and after Fendi also left the hall, he put away his smile. Then he took out the notebook he carried with him, opened one of the pages, and simply recorded what happened today. At the end of the diary, there is a short sentence.

If I get the power of ending, let alone this chessboard, even in this universe, I can jump out, right?

Alan thought for a while, crossed out the sentence again, and closed the notebook again.

A century-old tree wailed and slowly fell under the harsh screams of a sharp axe and saw blade. The Catu, who was in charge of logging, let out a roar, accompanied by the rumbling of giant trees falling to the ground, resounding through the mountains and forests. Soon a team of Blade Demon came over, and they worked together to drag away the ancient tree and giant tree. Trees slide across the gray ground, leaving plough marks on the ground full of ashes. It will be taken to the incinerator at the rear and thrown into the rolling fire, thereby providing foreign races with a war. fuel.

A bird flew over the bare mountain, and it wailed sadly, mourning for this dead forest. It used to be green here, but now, large tracts of trees have been felled, and they are used as inexhaustible fuel by the aliens. Countless animals have lost their homes. They either fled the forest or became food for aliens.

Wolf smoke is rising up on this gray earth, they obscure the sky. Even at this moment of the day, the sky is overcast with clouds, and an atmosphere of anxiety is spreading around with the flowing air, and drifting to the other human territory.

Standing on the Unicorn Castle, Allen put down the monoculars. Here, even without the help of tools, he can still see the gray mountains. That is the forest at the foot of the Emerald Mountains. They are green carpets covering the earth. And now, a large piece of this carpet has been roughly torn off by the alien. Countless trees were felled, the drafts were burned out, and then the mountains showed the now-dead gray color.

In that gray mountain area, foreign troops set up temporary camps. They looted everything around them, except for trees and animals, as well as crop fields on the edge of the forest. In the back of the mountain, the aliens set up several huge incinerators, the flames of the incinerators were burning day and night, and the aliens used them to build equipment and even draw materials on the spot to make ordnance for siege and plunder.

They appeared two days ago, the evening after Alan arrived in the Unicorn Neck. That evening, the sky was tightly piled with gray lead clouds, and the light of the setting sun pierced through the clouds with difficulty, dignifiedly like bright red blood. On that evening when the atmosphere was depressed, the first tree was cut down, signaling the emergence of alien races to humans.

Then the Bucks Scouts kept updating the information.

According to the military situation reported by the scouts, an alien force of about a thousand people arrived at the foot of the Emerald Mountains that evening. They built a temporary camp and started cutting down trees. Two hours later, another army came from the northwest side and also joined the logging and burning operations. In the following two days and nights, foreign troops continued to arrive, and Lin Lin continued to disappear until now.

"What are they going to do?" The owner of the unicorn collar said with a heartbroken face. Onte hated the logging and deforestation of foreign races. From the time he was sensible, he was accustomed to the beautiful greenery of the Emerald Mountains in the distance and the beauty of Lake Pottiri near the castle. But now, the green of the Emerald Mountain Range is disappearing. They are replaced by the gray meaning of death. The wolf smoke rising from there merges into the clouds of the sky, making the lake lose its former beauty.

"Obviously, they intend to open up camps to accommodate enough troops. You see their logging operations are beginning to extend to the forest on the west side, which is creating more convenient conditions for the passage of subsequent troops. As for the trees that were cut down, It will be burned to build equipment or make ordnance. These **** guys are using our resources to wage war." Allen made a fist and smashed the balcony guardrail, said bitterly.

The guards at the back announced: "Two adults, General Salon has requested. He is waiting for two in the conference hall."

"Let's go ~ www.readwn.com~ Allen patted Unte on the shoulder: "Go and see what General Salon has done. "

On the evening of the day Allen arrived at the Unicorn Neck, an army of Bucks also arrived on the same day. Salong was the general of that army and the commander of the next war. Although he had been modest before that, he planned to let Allen take charge of the war. But Allen knows very well that he has not commanded a battle of this scale, not to mention that the protagonist of this war is the Bucks. He is not good at taking the lead, so he still asks Saran to be the commander.

Salong is a veteran, he is no longer old, the source of power is not even as strong as Keller. But years have given him experience that no one else has, so he will be the commander, even Keller has no objection.

Allen and the two met the veteran of the Bucks Army in the meeting hall of the castle. Saron was tall, with silver hair and silver beard. His weather-beaten face will always be somewhat indifferent, even if he sees the scene of the army pressing down, it does not let the old general show surprise. Beneath his bushy eyebrows were pitch-black eyes, which were always shining with light, as if they could burst into flames at any time.

Although the general is old, his blood is as old as ever.

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