Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1169: Night visitor

In the suite that Ang arranged for him, the lobby was brightly lit, Lucy put the Golden Rose on the table, and there were rows of bullets beside it. She is using a silver knife to carve some fine patterns on the bullet. That is a rose flower pattern, this kind of marking can make the bullet burst when it hits the target, in order to expand the lethality. When she heard the footsteps, Lucy raised her head, saw Alan smile slightly, and stopped her work. She let go of the knife, the silver blade fell, but when it was about to fall on the table, she shrank into a ball, then stretched out the slender limbs, and finally transformed into a silver spider.

That was the Blade Runner. When they went north, Lucy kept it, and prepared enough Thames silver for it to make up for herself. The current Xiaoqi doesn't look much different from before, but when it transforms into the form of a silver spider, the details on the silver spider are much more than before. With the supplement of Thames Silver, the body of No. 7 has been improved a lot. When necessary, it can already be formed into a puppy-sized alien beast, capable of better combat work.

It still maintains the silver spider form, because this form is the most familiar to it and saves energy the most.

"What about White?" Allen put the Scarlet King down, stretched out his hand to stroke the ends of Lucy's hair, and asked softly.

Lucy shook his hand instead and pressed it to her cheek: "He is asleep, saying that he wants to raise his energy and help you."

"The Black Dusk King Snake is really a wonderful life. I never thought that Bai could evolve into a human form."

"The universe is so big, there are no wonders. You sigh the wonder of white, because you haven't seen a more interesting life form." Lucy said with a smile: "I saw it in the Royal Museum, one named Zhenxing The planet, there are some wonderful lives living on it. They can copy the DNA of other lives and model themselves into any life they come into contact with. They are true masters of disguise. Even with the technology of genetic analysis, they cannot be connected with the master. Children are distinguished."

Allen turned to her, sat on the table, and stretched out his hand to flick the silver spider away. The silver spider rolled out two circles, jumped up, and waved with two slender forelimbs, seeming to express his dissatisfaction. Lucy raised her hand, and it jumped onto the girl's palm, and then transformed into a silver bracelet and put it on her wrist. Allen looked at her and said: "The universe is really wonderful. Originally, our Royal Highness Lucy should have the opportunity to explore the mysteries of the universe without having to stay with me on a war-torn planet."

Lucy squinted her eyes: "What do you mean?"

"I mean, do you think it would be better to leave the heaven star on the Dawn now?" Allen smiled bitterly: "The situation in the empire is a bit out of control now. Before that, I didn't expect the situation to develop to this point. Looks like. Tangriou is the pillar of the empire. Now this pillar is down and the empire is torn apart. I stayed because there is still my foundation here, and I can’t easily let go of anything. But, how can I put you in this way In the midst of the danger, I promised that the emperor would protect you."

"So your protection is to keep me away from all this?" Lucy shook his hand and said, "No, Ellen. You can't be so selfish, it's just protection you think. If you want to send me away , You can, but you must go with me. Otherwise, let me stay. When leaving Ida Huaxing

(This chapter is not over, please turn the page), I said to myself, apart from death, I will not let anything separate us! "

In the face of such an affectionate confession, all words are weak and weak. Alan could only hold Lucy's small face and kiss her gently on her forehead. When someone knocked on the door, Alan looked up suspiciously, but Lucy stood up with a smile, and opened the door for the visitor. Under the lights, Lola came in from outside the door. This tall woman took off her armor and put on a narrow dress and wide pants. Lucy pulled her in, then took Alan's arm and said, "Go, it's time for bed."

Allen touched his forehead: "There is still a battle to be fought tomorrow. Have you let me go?"

Laura is nothing, her clan is already heroic, and she is already Ellen's woman. But Lucy was so humane, but she blushed when she heard her, and said with a smile: "What do you think, tonight we will just sleep and talk, and do nothing else."

"Oh, that's a shame." Allen said deliberately.

Lucy rolled her eyes: "Otherwise you will go to another place and sleep well."

"Count me wrong, right?" Allen said bitterly.

The two women laughed at what he looked like.

The night gradually darkened, the moonlight was also blocked by the thick clouds, and the earth was gloomy. Only the campfires on both sides flashed in the dark night. Because of the war, the residents of Cuisen Town, the nearest to Unicorn Castle, had already evacuated to other places. The town was waiting. In the empty town, only three or two old people who did not want to leave stayed behind and guarded the town.

Old John was one of them. They agreed to take turns to watch the night at the clock tower at the entrance of the town. It happened to be Old John's turn tonight. The old man has lived in the town for most of his life and is very familiar with the plants and trees in the town. He has seen many babies croaking to the ground, and he has also seen familiar people sleep with their eyes closed. To Old John, the town was his home. Asking him to leave home, he couldn't do it, so he stayed.

On this very hot night, Old John set up a bench in front of the gate of the clock tower, and he lay on it, with a long and thin cigarette holder in his mouth. The town was quiet, only the patter of old John's smoking. When he was drowsy, he heard the sound of horse hooves and the muffled sound of wheels rolling to the ground. Old John sat up questioningly, and saw the light of lanterns from far to near in the vast night outside the town.

It was indeed a carriage. The horse pulling it was black and tall, with a white breath in its nose, and its eyes were red as gems, like two red flames in the dark. After they passed by, they dragged several light red trails in the air. As for the carriage, it was completely dark, without any signs, and looked more like a black coffin from a distance. Old John stood up nervously, grabbed his son's hunting rifle with his already inflexible hand, and pointed to the direction outside the town and said loudly, "Stop, who are you!"

The warrior on the carriage tensed the reins skillfully, so that the horse stopped, and stopped in an open area less than ten meters away from Old John. The Yuzhe was covered in a thick cloak with a deep color, and there was a silver-gray armor under the cloak. Even under the brim of the hat, it was not a face but an iron mask. Except for his slightly thin body, this mysterious master made Old John's hair straight.

Facing the old man’s questioning, the Yuzhe kept silent. If not for the iron face

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) With the sound of breathing coming from underneath, and the regular ups and downs of the opponent's chest, Old John almost thought that under the cloak and armor was an invisible ghost in essence.

The Yuzhe was speechless, and the atmosphere seemed solemn. At this time, the carriage opened and someone walked down. Under the lantern lights hanging in front of the throne, Old John saw that it was a man. He was handsome and tall, with rare long black hair. If there were stars in his eyes, he was a man with extraordinary temperament. He stood there, like a towering mountain, and Old John couldn't breathe.

It wasn't until he spoke, that the terrible feeling of oppression quietly disappeared.

"We are passing travelers and want to find a place to rest in the town." The man said.

Old John shook his head and said: "There is going to be a war here. If I were you, I would turn around and leave now. Besides, the people in the town ran out early. There are hotels, but no one will serve you."

"I know that war is about to begin here, in fact, we are here for this. If we have the opportunity, we are willing to do our best for this war." The man raised his hand, and something flew out of his palm, it was in the air. Rolling, the light shining on it refracted a little fluorescent light. It fell to Old John.

The old man subconsciously reached out to catch it, and took a closer look, it turned out to be a gold coin.

The man continued: "Take us to the hotel. This is an extraordinary period. We don't have too many requests, as long as there is a place to rest."

Old John licked his lips and happily put away the gold coins: "Then come with me, foreigners, I hope you are still used to living."

Just as the old man said, the only hotel in the town is now blacked out, and half a person can't see it. The carriage stopped in front of the hotel gate, and the man got out of the carriage. Only then did Old John notice that besides the imperial man, there was also a cloak in the carriage. These strange guys, the old man thought, but didn't intend to get to the bottom. He opened the door and said to the man, "Anyway, no one lives now. You can pick all the rooms here. Remember to close the door again when you leave tomorrow."

The man nodded and threw him another gold coin: "I think you will be happy to prepare breakfast for everyone. It doesn't need to be rich, as long as you can fill your stomach."

Old John put away the second gold coin and said: "Breakfast is not difficult, but don't expect it to be delicious."

The old man carried a musket and left~www.readwn.com~ The man and the other two randomly chose a room. One of them lit the oil lamp in the room, then took off the cloak and mask, revealing a coquettish female face. When the two cloaks took off their masks, they turned out to be twin sisters. They unloaded the long clothes for the man, and said in one person: "Master Stark, we travel in such a secret, you are not afraid that the little king will be angry."

If Allen were here, he would be surprised. Because of this secret, the man who came to Trisun Town was the culprit of the attack on Tangliou, Stark, the prime minister of the current empire. Those two women were naturally Stark's two sword slaves. Stark had no expression on his extremely handsome face, and said indifferently: "It is up to me whether he is angry or not. I must know him as a king or I gave him."

Another sword slave said, "My lord, why do we have to come to the South? There are all enemies here."

Stark smiled: "Of course it's for my brother."

(End of this chapter)


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