Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1178: saint

It was late at night when Silfa left the castle. The sky was clear tonight, the crescent moon hung in the west, and a few faint cloud bands were wrapped around him, revealing a hazy light between the gaps. The young general looked up at that round of Haojie's crescent, and said sincerely, "This is the most beautiful moonlight I have ever seen."

The soldier behind smiled and said: "Sir, the night is getting late. If you need, I can find a place for you to rest for a night."

"Thank you for your kindness, but you don't need it. With such a good moonlight, I can't help but want to walk in the moonlight."

"Well then, good night."


Silfa wrapped the cloak around her body and walked onto the road in the center of the lake. The moonlight made the lake shimmer like fish scales, beautiful as a halo refracted by crystal diamonds. Silfa walked past the flash of light. He got on the bank and diverted to the road that ran through the forest. The forest is not dim. The moonlight penetrates the gaps between the leaves and branches, leaving tiny spots of light on the ground, just like the sky full of stars falling on the ground, making the forest look beautiful and mysterious.

"Sure enough, it is a young planet. Civilization is equivalent to the medieval stage of the old age. However, the source power is surprisingly strong, as if constantly rising from the earth. It is no wonder that civilization is backward, but the inside of the planet is There are many powerful beings.” Silfa observed everything he could see, and made a simple assessment of the heaven star.

He walked slowly, just like he told the guards, he didn't look like he was on the road, he looked like he was walking. In this quiet night, Silfa's mood was as peaceful as ever before. But suddenly he stopped. In front of him, the road still stretched forward, and there was a fragment of moonlight falling on the road. From the general's eyes, he could even see the scenery hundreds of meters away. But in his perception, there was a deep shadow hanging there, dividing the road and the forest into two. Before the shadow, everything is the same. After the shadows, Silfa could see nothing but darkness.

"Who is there?" Silfa asked softly.

Then the shadow of the perception suddenly disappeared, and then a tall figure turned out from behind an oak tree by the road. The moonlight glided across his long hair, which was as black as black jade and smooth as glass, fell on his handsome and perfect face, and finally froze in his indifferent and merciless eyes. In Stark's eyes, Silfa's figure was reflected.

"Who are you?" Silfa asked.

Stark smiled, but instead of diminishing the coldness and mercilessness in his eyes, his smile was more like a crack in the thousand-year-old profound ice, which inspired a colder chill from it: "Master Ellen asks me to tell you. He doesn't want the earth anymore, so he has to ask you to disappear."

Silfa squinted his eyes.

He shook his head and said: "Allen is a flame. I saw in his eyes the love for life, the loyalty to the family, and the care for friends. He is like a fire in the snow in winter, enough to warm people's hearts. But you are ice. In your eyes, what I see is indifference to everything, disdain for life, and distorted gloom. You and him are completely two kinds of people, and ice and fire are always incompatible. Yes. I believe you are his friend. This is a bit difficult."

There was a hint of surprise in Stark's eyes, and he said sincerely: "I didn't expect that your such young eyes can see the essence of things. Unfortunately, this way, I can't let you go. Then. Only if you really disappear?"

The tone on his lips seemed to be asking, in fact Stark did not intend to give Silfa the choice. When he raised his hand, the space began to vibrate, and a colorful band of light appeared and stretched on Stark's head. It was enough to cut through the cracks in the space!

"God said, there must be light." Silfa suddenly said softly, and made a cross on his chest like a pious saint. This action made Stark feel ridiculous, and he couldn't laugh the next moment. A beam of light, not knowing where it came from, suddenly fell from the sky. This golden beam of light penetrated straight through the woods and fell on Silfa on the road. In the golden beam of light, Silfa looked extremely holy.

Stark snorted and raised his finger. The spatial crack above his head moved with it, leaving a turning light trail in the air like the northern lights, sliding towards Silfa silently. His golden light was so dazzling, especially on this clear night, as long as someone looked in this direction, he would definitely see the golden light of Silfa. This was not in line with his plan, so he had to fight quickly.

Seeing the space cracks, it would pass through Silfa and wipe out his golden light. The young federal admiral again whispered: "God said, blessing my name, you will keep the darkness away."

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Stark suddenly heard an imperceptible singing sound around him. He could not understand what it was singing, but he could feel it. The singing was praising a certain thing, and he was happy for it. . Then something unbelievable happened. When his spatial crack touched the golden beam of light around Silfa's body, it twisted twice and dissipated like blue smoke.

"Impossible!" Stark called softly.

"There is nothing impossible. In my Holy Blessed Realm, unless the universe ends, nothing can hurt me. When the carols sound, I will be invincible." Silfa smiled slightly. .

Stark frowned. The spatial crack was not his biggest killer, but it was not much different. If even the cracks in the space are not damaged, even if you go all out, it will be difficult to kill this earth visitor in a short time. At this time, there were voices in the direction of the Unicorn Castle, and it was obvious that someone had noticed Silfa's eye-catching beam of light. Stark snorted and retreated back, his figure flickering, and disappeared into the shadow of the forest.

After confirming that his breath had gone all the way, the golden light around Silfa's body disappeared. He shook his head, Shengyou Domain could indeed make him invincible. But this powerful defensive ability also has huge limitations. In that domain, Silfa can't do anything. Unless he removes the domain, he can perform other actions, and the domain cannot continue forever. Fortunately, Stark does not want to stay long, otherwise there will be a big battle next.

It’s just that Stark’s coming, also indirectly confirmed Silfa’s thoughts: “It’s really not the person next to Alan, otherwise I won’t rush away like this for fear of being discovered. But this guy, why Want to frame Alan?"

Stark went to Cuisen Town and found two sword slaves, and left directly in the carriage overnight. It is no longer possible to stay here, no matter whether Silfa will tell Alan what happened on the forest road, Alan will adapt to his breath from the traces of his shots. Stark, who was sitting in the carriage, said nothing, but Melly, who was familiar with him, could feel the inexplicable anger under the master's calm appearance.

Stark is by no means a person who is easily discouraged, but his actions tonight gave him a sense of frustration. When he saw the light and rain on the battlefield during the day, Stark knew that Diego had completed the mission and attracted interveners from outside the planet. Afterwards, he closely monitored the situation in the Unicorn Castle, and Silfa's arrival naturally attracted his attention. Originally, he planned to attack Silfa on Forest Avenue, which would further deteriorate the relationship between the Federation and Allen. But he didn't expect Silfa to see his trick at a glance, and then he changed his attention and planned to kill Silfa, but he didn't expect that his spatial cracks would not work at all.

Now instead of killing Silfa, he let the other party know that he exists alone. Stark faintly felt that his careful plan would reveal a flaw in his actions tonight, and this flaw would grow bigger and bigger. He didn't know whether this was some kind of coincidence or the power of fate was at work. This makes him extremely irritable.

"What? Are you leaving for a while?"

Julian looked at Ellen incomprehensibly, almost suspecting that he had heard him wrong. The prince shook his head and said, "Aren't you kidding me, count. At this moment, you are leaving?"

Allen nodded gravely: "I'm sorry, Your Highness. This incident happened too suddenly. I also know how inappropriate it is to make such a request at this time, but I have to do it. Fortunately, the foreigner yesterday The main army was completely defeated. I believe that they can no longer organize an army of that size in a short time, and there are two adults, Hoy and Midian, guarding this place. My departure will not have much impact on the overall situation. ."

"That being said," Julian sighed: "Well then, I know you are not an irrelevant person. There must be a reason for you to choose to leave at this time, so can you tell me the reason?"

"On this point, I can’t answer. I really don’t want to deceive you, but I can’t tell you why. At least not now, my lord." Allen knelt on one knee: "So I can only ask you to believe it~www.mtlnovel. com~ Please believe me, Your Highness. I will come when you need me."

"Well, I believe you. Because you have never let me down, this time will not be an exception." Julian helped him up and said: "Go, and come as soon as possible, my friend."

After bidding farewell to Julian, Alan saw Lucy and Lola in the room. He smiled bitterly and waved his hand: "I know you have a lot of questions to ask me, but I really don't have time to answer right now. I have to do the aftermath work first. There are too many things to be assigned to everyone. one thing"

He took out a letter and handed it to Laura: "You have to go now, Laura. Go to Edward and hand this letter to him personally. Remember, it’s a big deal to ask Edward to accept this matter personally. , I only believe in you, and I don’t worry about leaving it to others."

Laura took the letter and nodded: "Then I will say goodbye to you here."

"Don't worry, we will see you again soon." Allen kissed her cheek softly, and the latter nodded, hid the letter and walked away quickly. Alan then looked at Lucy and smiled: "Do me a favor, will you find everyone?"

Lucy shrugged: "I can't seem to refuse."

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