Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1180: Shadow of Flame

"Don't forget the original intention of our arrival on this planet, my dear Melly." Stark said indifferently: "I only came for my brother. As for the little prince, whether he can even be able to survive that change. Winning doesn’t matter to me at all. Originally, according to my plan, my brother should break with these fellows on earth, but now the plan has changed a bit, and I have the obligation to correct it.”

"I heard from Diego that the earth is not a very interesting planet. It is located at the edge of the universe. This is really surprising. Generally speaking, it is not difficult for the edge of the planet to breed life?" Famous sword slave road.

"Who knows, maybe it was a miracle? But no matter what, it has nothing to do with us. Now what we have to do is to wait and wait for an opportunity when we reach the earth." Stark frowned, "Strange, I Can't feel his presence, isn't he aboard the same starship as us?"

Stark didn't know that Alan's consciousness had entered the depths of his soul at this time, and what remained on the ship at this moment was only a shell. Stark didn't dare to go into it too deeply. Although he had a secret method that could weaken the blood connection, if he induced Alan too frequently, it would still cause the mysterious resonance of the blood selection folks. At this time, he didn't want Alan to notice where he was.

Stark couldn't sense Alan, and Alan also didn't notice his existence.

Allen is gathering the army.

This mountainous area is much wider than he imagined, and the lives in this mountainous area are far more than fire boys and fire horned monsters. Allen has not forgotten that the last time he explored the world of consciousness was frustrated by the unknown army in the burning forest. If he wants to pass through that burning forest this time, he obviously needs more soldiers. So after coming to this world with consciousness, he didn't rush to set off.

He stayed in the mountains, first summoned a part of the army, and then selected some fire boys and fire horns as his "messengers." Allen attached part of his breath to them and asked them to go to other places to summon an army for him. Allen stayed in one of the valleys. The rock ridge provided his back, the boulder was his chair, and the two strong horned golems were lying on their backs like dogs, and Allen's hands were placed on them so casually.

The entire valley is the throne of Allen!

Two days later, troops arrived one after another. The fire boy is still the most. It seems that all the fire boys in the mountain area have been summoned, and their number is ten times or more than the previous time. Allen looked up and saw that the entire valley was occupied by the Fire Boy, and they flew in densely packed pieces, just like a fire cloud that was constantly moving. More fire horned monsters followed the call and came to the valley, their number was much smaller than that of the fire boy, but no fire boy dared to approach these violent beasts.

In the summoned army, there is a life that Allen has not seen. They have a human-like body. These creatures are the same as the alien beasts Allen had seen before. The surface of the body is covered with rock formations, and from time to time, tongues of fire or thin black smoke will be emitted from the gaps. They have no palms on their arms, but are directly alienated into weapons. There are knives and axes, or swords or guns. Only one thing is the same. They are in the head part, but an orange-red flame erupts from the rock formation on the neck. In that flame floats two red-burning rock beads, like the eyes of these things.

Alan named them the Flame Guardians, because these guys looked more suitable to be his guards than the Firehorn Demon. There are a few particularly strong guys among the Flame Guardians. The colors of their rock formations are darker, and the flames they emit are not orange-red, but dark red. A curtain of fire will continue to spew out from the cracks in the rock behind these guys, like a blaze cloak.

They are the elites of the Flame Guardians. Allen calls them the Blaze Commanders, and they command the Flame Guardians to form Allen's pros and cons.

In addition to these, there are two behemoths of fire. Their bodies are like a moving hill, and black shiny substances make up their skeletons. Alan can't tell whether those things are rock or steel, only that they are very hard and can withstand high temperatures. Otherwise, why the flames constantly erupting from the body of the giant beasts could not burn them red, the two giant beasts did not have the biological skin and flesh in the usual sense. They have only a dark skeleton and a burning body.

Allen can feel that there are other lives in the mountains, and there are many more powerful guys than the flame leader and the flame behemoth. Those guys refused his call. According to the rules of this world, Alan should fix them so that they know who is the superior. But he didn't want to wait any longer, so he jumped on the head of one of the fire behemoths.

He was standing in a blaze of flames, stepping on a black skeleton that looked cold but was actually hot enough to scorch people. Then he pointed towards the burning forest, and the fire behemoth under Allen's feet was full of flames, advancing like a huge fireball. Behind it, another giant beast followed suit. Several flame leaders rode on the Flamingo, following the giant beast's pace, the rest of the Flame Guards and Flamingo mixed together, like a burning river billowing over the mountain land.

In the sky, the Fire Boy army, several times the number of ground troops, whizzed past, and the sound of their wings could be heard hundreds of miles away.

When Allen's army began to move, a mighty power rose from the depths of the burning forest. The momentum was arrogant and angry. The entire forest, the burning crown of strange trees, lit up at the same time. , Spurred the raging flames to point to the sky. The forest seemed to wake up, and all kinds of weird calls began to sound in the forest.

After passing the buffer area between the mountains and the forest, the behemoth of fire carried Allen into the edge of the forest line, and Allen's army followed closely. Soon, Allen saw the flame knight commanding the enemy army last time, and the figure of the headless giants in the distance. As for the fire gnomes, it was the first time from the depths of the forest, on the canopy of the fire tree. He jumped down, screaming and rushing towards Allen, waving various crude weapons.

This time, the numbers of the two armies were roughly the same, and the number on Allen's side was even higher.

But Allen did not directly lead the army into the deep forest like last time. When he saw the opponent's army, Allen even ordered the fire behemoth to stop. In the end, except for the fire boy in the sky, the rest of the ground army included The flame horns all stopped.

Regarding the forest army, the flame knight responsible for commanding this army is a bit unclear. Therefore, as a high-ranking creature in the forest, it possesses intelligence that ordinary life does not possess. But its intelligence was not strong enough to understand Alan He, so after hesitating for a while, it still issued an offensive order. Allen also launched an attack, but only the fire boy in the sky could attack.

Driven by Alan's will, the hordes of Fire Boys were divided into several soldiers and flew towards the forest army, but their attacks were a little different in normal times. Fire boy abandons the most commonly used fireball offensive, but maximizes his own source power, which makes the fire boy's body gradually brighter in the process of diving. When they come into contact with the fire dwarf on the ground, the fire light from their body Shoot, then a strong explosion!

Blew himself, this is Allen's order to Fire Boy. These low-level creatures have always played the role of cannon fodder on the battlefield, and this time is no exception, but Allen used the most brutal means to increase their value countless times than before. Under his order, each Fireboy is a heavy artillery shell. The army that Allen has assembled this time has reached five figures only for Fireboys. Under the total desperate bombardment of more than 10,000 Fireboys, The forward of the forest army was defeated as soon as they contacted, and the flames of the explosion began to spread to their main force.

Allen's tactics are very simple, but rude and effective. The fire boy's suicide bombing opened a tunnel full of scorched earth and flames directly in the forest. With a long scream, Allen stretched out a burning long knife from his palms. He held one of them, pointed forward, and ordered the army to launch a general attack.

"Mr. Allen, you will leave the speed channel in 30 minutes, please be prepared." In the single cabin, the voice of the female soldier rang from the intercom by the door and repeated it three times.

"I see." Allen, who had just left the world of consciousness, replied after he had settled down.

He was still in a trance, everything that happened in the world of consciousness was as remote as a fragment of a previous life. But Allen still clearly remembered that when his army defeated the forest army, the existence that occupied the burning forest finally appeared.

That thing has no specific shape, it's like a shadow that is constantly twisting under the shining flames ~www.readwn.com~. And in that group of shadows, there was a human-like figure, far deeper than the darkness. It roared provocatively at Allen, and at that time, the crowns of all the fire trees went dark at the same time, and countless flowing fires were brought up by a certain force field and rolled towards that thing. Flames surrounded it, like courtiers welcoming the king.

Some of the flames fell on its head, forming a flame crown. Part of the flame fell into its hands, forming an indeterminate flame giant sword. The black smoke emitted by the giant sword danced in the air, exuding a sense of oppression like apocalypse.

Facing that thing, Allen's army hesitated, and even the two behemoths of fire light fell to the ground, which was the performance of facing the superior. But Allen chose to rise up, the flame burned in his body, and the two fire-burning knives spewed out the shining flames they had before in his hands. When Alan drew his knife and sprinted, he swept across the forest like a pair of huge fire wings.

In the end, a battle broke out between Alan and that thing. It was a battle that the army could not intervene at all. As a result, most of the forest was razed, and countless creatures, indiscriminate enemies, became victims of that battle. The last one standing was Alan, one of his arms was torn off, but his long knife cut off the opponent's head.

When that thing died, Allen knew its name. It's called Logsia, and in Eboyins' language, this name means the shadow of flames.

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