Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1182: Undercurrent

[Thank you to the brothers such as Fifteenth Master, Vegetable Fish, Foolish, Luoyang Cangqiang, Xiang Big Brother for the monthly reward! ]

"Good morning, Marshal. The right temperature and clean water has been prepared for you. Which viewing mode do you need? I recommend the C type. It will refresh you and refresh you."

"Then it's up to you, Annie." Windsor Bello said to the central intellectual brain Andunicole, or Annie's artificial intelligence for short. In fact, Annie who is talking to her is not the real central brain, but one of the secondary brains. It is granted the authority second only to the mastermind, and independently provides data support for Windsor Bello's daily life and all affairs.

There is no difference between day and night in space, but in terms of earth time, this is the morning. Windsor Bello wakes up after a sufficient sleep, which can provide her with several days or more energy. She walked into the bathroom according to her previous habits, and the walls of the bathroom began to simulate the scene of distant mountains and sunlight under the control of the brain. When the door was closed, Windsor Bello was already standing in a valley. The sky to the east was clear and cloudless, and the golden morning light had just glided across the undulating hills and fell into the valley among the mountains and forests, in the fading morning. A hazy brilliance was reflected in the fog.

Even the air became very fresh, and Windsor Bello stretched out, reached behind the collar with his hands, and unbuttoned his nightgown. Her silver-gray nightgown had already faded to her feet before the sprinkler holes hidden in the wall sent her clean water at a moderate temperature. In an easy-paced music classic selected by Anne for her, hundreds of spray holes sprayed the warm water line with just the right pressure on Windsor Bello's body. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the water flowing gently on her body like a lover's hand.

When the bath was over, Windsor Bello was radiant, as beautiful as a delicious fruit. She walked out of the bathroom naked, and a mechanical arm on the outdoor wall delivered the dry towels and changed clothes that had been prepared to her in an orderly manner. So moments later, the uniform that was ironed neatly concealed her attractive body, and when Windsor Bello fastened the last button, Zhi Brain reminded her that breakfast was ready.

While enjoying a simple, but calorie-rich breakfast, she took the time to check relevant reports within Sirius for the past 24 hours. At this time Annie reminded: "There is an encrypted e-mail that you need to check in person, Marshal."

"Oh, didn't Mirren read it for you?"

"I'm afraid it won't work. This email is from Heavenly Star. You have personally issued an order. The email from Heavenly Star needs you to check it yourself."

"Paradise Star?" Windsor Bello bit a piece of bread. "Open it, Annie."

After a while, a projection screen appeared in front of Windsor Bello, and the specific information of the relevant mail was read on the screen. When Windsor Bello saw the first line of words, she hurriedly swallowed the bread on her hand into her mouth. After reading the last word, her face became quite ugly. Windsor Bello stood up and said loudly: "Tell Mirren, I want to see him immediately!"

As Windsor Bello’s adjutant, Major General Mirren was more often serving a queen than a marshal. Windsor Bello always needs his help in all kinds of things, and he always responds to requests. So even at the beginning of the day, even if Mirren hadn't had time to eat a decent breakfast. But when Windsor Bello's personal brain informed him to meet the Marshal, Mirren appeared in front of Windsor Bello as fast as he could.

Then he saw Windsor Bello with an angry face.

"My lord, are you this?"

Windsor Bello stretched out a slender finger and swiped it on the virtual screen, then threw the entire window in front of Mirren's eyes, and then the adjutant's expression began to become complicated. Windsor Bello said, "I need you to go to the earth in person, Mirren."

"This doesn't look very good. Why did Mr. Mobitt force Alan to be summoned, and also sent General Silfa to" Mirren looked surprised.

"No, this is not the key. The key is that I have not received any news before this." There is a dangerous light in Windsor Bello's eyes: "That is to say, this matter is going on in secret, not I know the level of secrecy. I have asked the Red Wolf to test the Golden Lion. If even Kaprow’s old party hasn’t heard of it, then it’s even stranger. This means that Mobit is doing it alone without the old party. What."

"But anyway, Allen is my student, and I must know what happens to him."

Mirren took a deep breath, lifted his glasses and asked, "Then how far do you need me to go to Earth this time?"

"At the very least, you must protect Alan's safety. As for Mobitt, you can handle it. If you can't avoid the conflict, then let me go. But looking at Mobitt's sneaking appearance, it's obviously not going to Make things big. If there is a conflict, I think he can only tolerate it." Windsor Bello shook his head: "What is he thinking? Is he planning to do something to Bethkode?"

Mirren didn't know how to answer this question, let alone answer it.

At this moment, Alan, who can already see the earth in space, didn't know that because of his coming, many undercurrents were quietly surging. The door of the single-person cabin opened, Silfa and two guards appeared at the door. After the general gestured to the guards, he walked in. He followed Alan's sight and looked out the porthole, and said: "Every time I come, I will have an inexplicable pride when I look at this planet."

"The general loves the earth very much."

"It's the mother of all of us, who doesn't love it?" Silfa smiled and sat down across from Ellen: "We will be in Babylon in ten minutes. Before that, I need to explain to you that by then Ai Mr. Lun’s weapons need to be handed over to me for safekeeping. Of course, this is just a regular procedure. You don’t need to be nervous. The ground base I have notified, President Mobitt should meet with you as soon as possible. If you have any questions, you can Get the answer from Mr. President."

"Thank you for your cooperation in this way, especially your trust. You must know that when I went to see you alone, I was quite nervous. In that castle, there were at least two auras that threatened me. At that time, if Mr. Allen If you like, you can use the power of the planet's natives to keep me?" Silfa smiled lightly.

Allen shook his head: "It doesn't make sense to do that, but it will expose my identity. Isn't the general catching this biggest hole card?"

"Please believe that I would never do this if it is not forced." Silfa sighed softly, then stood up: "We will see you later."

Allen nodded and looked out the window again, the porthole shutter had been lowered, and probably the starship had entered the atmosphere.

Time passed quickly, and when the hatch opened again, Allen knew he had arrived in Babylon. At the same time, in the starship's power room, Stark opened his eyes and said softly: "The journey is over."

Following the soldiers to the lift deck of the starship, Silfa had arrived early. Seeing Allen smiled slightly and said: "Just ask Mr. Allen to hand over the weapon to my adjutant."

Allen glanced at the middle-aged adjutant who walked up to him, and silently handed over the Scarlet King. The other party took the Queen Red and smiled and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Allen. Our system has scanned that you still have a weapon. Should it be a dagger?"

Allen looked at Silfa: "That is my mother's relic. I don't want to hand it over."

Silfa’s adjutant said solemnly: "I hope you can understand, Mr. Allen, according to the security procedures of Mr. President, you need to hand over all weapons."

"Oh? What if I don't hand it over?" Allen looked at him straight, and said: "And now I and your boss are discussing this matter, don't you think that your authority is above General Silfa?"

"Enough, Hilo." Silfa made a gesture and told the adjutant to retreat, and then said: "Since it is Mr. Allen's insistence, I am not too difficult. As for the safety of Mr. President, I will be responsible to the end."

Allen nodded and said "thank you" to him. The devil's praise is not an ordinary weapon. It is a source device, and Allen doesn't want it to be taken away for no reason, so as not to have troubles. At this time, the Shenglong deck began to descend under the influence of the towing beam, supporting Alan, Silfa and others to leave the starship. After coming to the outside of the starship, Allen glanced and found that this berth was neither the Port of Liberty nor a federal military port. With a hint of doubt, Allen looked at Silfa.

Silfa shrugged and said: "This is another secret port on Babylon. Your Excellency the President does not want to disturb too many people, so news about your arrival is still blocked."

"That means ~www.readwn.com~ even my family doesn't know about it?" Allen squinted.

Silfa nodded and said, "I'm sure Mr. President will give Bethkod a satisfactory answer afterwards."

"hope so."

After a halt, the lift deck has dropped to the ground. Allen walked down, Silfa gestured and smiled: "Come with me."

Leading Allen to the exit of the mooring dock, Silfa’s attention was heard by the noise from the tail of the starship. He frowned slightly, not knowing what was going on there, and then the adjutant walking beside reminded him He said: "General, General Fendi is here."

Silfa frowned more severely, and when he looked up, several magic speed cars galloped extremely arrogantly, lined up and stopped 100 meters in front of the crowd. As the door of the first speeding car was roughly opened, Fendi, the head of the Iron Fist Legion, jumped down. He stretched his shirt and said to Silfa with a smile on his face: "It's been a hard time, Sir Silfa."

Then he walked straight to Ellen, and circled him twice, and said with a grin: "This is Lord Ellen, the son of the twilight that makes everyone worried? Looks unexpectedly young, well, now he is me That's it!"

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