Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1187: family

[Thanks to wooukaide123, Brother Xiang, Chicha, Fengyi Hattori, xmxbc0818, yiyaqq, Catkin Pond Wind and other brothers for their monthly ticket rewards, thank you! ]

Arriving at his residence, Alstai strolled into the bedroom. He lay down on his bed and turned the handle of the bedside cabinet. The floor under the bed suddenly sank, the end of the bed dumped downward, and there was a secret tunnel under the floor. When the bed was tilted at 45 degrees, Alstai slipped into the underpass without any effort. The sensor light of the underpass came on, and after walking through a not too long passage, the fat minister came to the end of the underpass.

A titanium alloy door blocked the way. After entering a series of passwords, the alloy door slid in and then slid open from the left, revealing a spacious space behind. Alstai walked in. This was a hidden basement. Thick and long cables were laid on the ground, extending all the way to the front. The end was a metal base with a barrel-like biochemical tank above it.

The biochemical tank was filled with light blue biochemical base fluid, and bubbles continued to rise from the base, and there was a figure floating in it. It was a man, wearing only shorts, and his strong upper body had several obvious scars. A mask is buttoned on his face, and the mask is connected to the top oxygen machine and other equipment. Its function is to maintain the oxygen supply and monitor the man's vital characteristics.

Alstai walked to the front of the biochemical tank, glanced at the various readings on the electronic board, and nodded. The man in the biochemical tank seemed to feel his coming, and the closed eyes under the mask suddenly opened, and then a voice sounded from the intercom next to him: "Did you tell Horn about it?"

"Well, he is calmer than I thought. I thought he would jump like a thunder." Alstai sighed: "The ideal is to stop Alan through our power, but even the clown wants to take advantage of the power of the Twilight Son. I can only This is the last resort."

"If Old Horn knew that his old friend turned out to be an important member of the Guangyin Society, he would have a wonderful expression." The man in the biochemical tank said in a mocking tone.

"Do you want to say that I used Horn? Even so, but I don't think I am doing it wrong. The purpose of the Light Retreat is to observe and guide. Now Alan's behavior has begun to get out of control, and the clowns have to interfere, and they have already turned away The original intention of the establishment of this organization. I just amended their impact. As for Horn, I know he cares about Alan very much. Although there is a part of the compensation psychology in it, you cannot deny the importance of Alan. It is increasing day by day. For whatever purpose, Horn will not allow his most potential family members to be treated like this."

"But you also know that once Horn intervenes, things will be out of control. Alster, use your mind to think about the consequences of doing this. Maybe after today, the Federation will be because of you. Hastily decided and fell apart!"

Alstai laughed: "It's strange, you should be the one who is most unqualified to accuse me. But you don't have to worry too much, I know Horn too much, he will act, but there is a limit to action. "

"You really are his good friend!"

"Of course. In fact, I hesitated all night before making this decision. Because apart from Horn, I really can't think of anyone who can reverse the situation. The important thing is that I don't have time to continue thinking about it. Horn It’s a good friend of mine, it used to be, and it will be in the future. This will not change. It’s just my position, which determines that I can’t just stand in the position of a friend to consider this matter. I need to worry far more than you think. Many." Alstai tapped the biochemical slot lightly: "In any case, I will save Alan Bethkod, no matter what method is used."

"Then me, when are you going to let me out!"

"You need to heal."

"My injury has healed long ago!"

Alstai sighed, "It's not the time yet, my friend. You have to be patient. When the world needs you, I promise to let you out of this place."

"When is that, the end of the world?"

"Maybe, who knows." Alster waved his hand and walked away.

Bubbles surged in the biochemical tank, and the eyes under the mask rose in anger, but the man was helpless.

Ugalle Castle.

Horn sat quietly in his place, with the crutches of the famous sword Qiuyan hidden on his knees. He folded his hands gently on this crutches, as if he could feel the sharpness of Qiuyan's thin blade like cicada wings. A central light screen was opening in front of his eyes, and many figures appeared in the light screen picture one after another. These were all important members of Beth Kode. Among them were the eldest son Roddy, the elders Tyre, Edric and a dozen other people. Together, these people are members of Bethkode's Presbyterian Church.

Looking at them, Horn sighed softly.

After everyone attended this temporary video conference, Roddy was the first to ask: "Father, what happened to us in such a hurry?"

"There is something to announce." Horn looked at these people and said: "Everyone, the next thing to announce may be too hasty, you will feel puzzled and even angry. But I want you to believe it, believing that everything is Decisions made for the future of the family."

Tyre coughed lightly: "Just tell me, Lord Patriarch. I think everyone here is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. Even if we want to use force with the Federation, we won't frown."

Everyone agreed.

Horn shook his head: "No, I want to announce that it's another thing entirely. Then, I will be witnessed by all the members of the Beskod Presbyterian Church. From this moment on, I Horne will no longer be Beskod. The patriarch. Even I removed myself and removed my name from the genealogy. The moment I walked out of this door, I will no longer be a member of Bethkod. As for the patriarch, I want to give it to Roddy For the time being, he will take care of the family affairs for me"


"What's the matter?"

Roddy exclaimed, "God, what are you talking about father? How can this be possible, wait, what happened to make you make such a decision?"

Other elders also asked questions, Horn suddenly announced his abdication and exiled himself. This decision is more surprising than going to war with the Federation. Facing the faces with different expressions, Horn stood up and said in a deep voice: "I hope to explain it clearly to you, but now I don't have time. I must leave immediately. As for the reason, I have asked the butler to organize a specific face-to-face document, which will be sent to you by then."

"Following the sentence just now, please believe me. I made this decision, considering the future of the family." Horn nodded: "That's it, gentlemen, I hope there is still a chance to meet."

After all, he left the meeting room.

Outside the room, Butler Haising looked at Horn and said, "Master, I have done everything you told me. Now send the information to the young master and other elders?"

"No, send it to Roddy first. I'll send it to Tyre and the others tomorrow. If you send it out together, they won't be able to fry the pan." Horn smiled slightly and said: "Butler Haising, you have worked hard these years. A lot. I was not a competent manager at the time, and this is also the case. I must have given you a headache these years."

Haixin's body trembled, and he bent over and bowed, "It is an honor for me to serve the master."

"Anyway, in my heart, you are one of my most important friends. These words were always in my heart because it was inconvenient to say. But today I can finally say it and realize that it was not as difficult as I thought. Well. Alright, is my ship ready?"

"Already on standby in the square."

Horn helped the old butler and said lightly: "No need to give it this time, goodbye."

"Master!" Haixin wanted to say something, but finally swallowed the words and nodded: "Be careful about everything."

Horn turned around and strode away.

He saw Anna in the hall downstairs. Anna, who was still wearing a suit, held her hands behind her hands and looked into Horn's eyes and said, "Master must go?"

"Ten years ago, Lanni left me. And I did nothing, and I ended up losing him forever." Horn kept walking: "So today, I can't lose Ellen anymore. No matter what he is the son of dusk, Still a federal prisoner. I only know that he is my family! No one can treat my Horn’s family like pigs and sheep, and neither can the federal president!”

"But you have other family members."

"So I banished myself." Horn stopped and looked at his samurai: "Alan, I want to save, but at the same time I can't let the Federation have a handle because of this. Now Horn is only Horn. Even if what happens today, it has nothing to do with Bethkod. If you understand, please get out of it, Anna."

"I won't let you go." Anna smiled: "Because I have to go with you, sir. Anna will always be Horn's secret samurai. This has nothing to do with his identity, just because he is Horn."

"I forbid you to do this, you still have children." Horn shook his head.

"I know, but don't worry, I have arranged everything~www.readwn.com~ Anna said in a deep voice: "I am a mother, but before I became a mother, I was already a warrior of the master. Where is the lord, I am naturally. Even if you are going to the darkness, I will follow. "

"This is my way of samurai!"

Horn took a deep look at her, nodded and said, "Come on then, time is waiting for no one."

That afternoon, the Federal Intelligence Service found an unmarked airship set off from Ugalle Castle, and left Babylon without registering with the Federal Bureau of Control. The Federation immediately dispatched a fast combat ship to intercept, but the opponent was ruthlessly knocked down. When Alan received the notice, the intelligence department had already lost sight of the flying ship.

On the same day, Ugalle Castle issued a statement in the name of Horn, in which it announced that Horn had handed over the position of Patriarch Beskod and expelled himself from the family. Since then, he has no relationship with Beskod. One point of relationship. When this statement was released through the media, the entire Babylon seemed to have experienced a strong earthquake. Everyone was baffled by Horn's decision. Only a few people knew the deep meaning behind this statement.

Alstai is definitely one of them. He just poured a glass of wine for himself when he received the news. After hearing the news, he drank it all, but felt that the mellow and delicious wine had become extremely bitter today.

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