Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1190: Ancestral Spirit Calling

The wind is howling.

Horn stepped out of the airship's hatch and fell vertically toward the square inside the iron prison wall. His posture was very casual and natural, and he did not leave the ship in a jumping posture like an ordinary strong man, and then make a buffer or other protective action to land. Horn is more like walking in a garden, as if outside the hatch is not a void of tens of meters, but a broad road.

He fell straight.

When his feet touched the ground, his knees were slightly bent, and the force of the fall and the impact with the ground were guided to the ground through this tiny movement, turning into a strong shock wave. With Horn as the origin, the ground quickly cracked and spread. The invisible force pushed up the concrete ground layer, and finally formed a shallow pit with a diameter of up to seven or eight meters. Horn was standing at the center of the shallow pit, leaning on crutches, watching an army rushing in his direction in a hurry.

Another person jumped out from the spaceship, Anna didn't have Horn's dreadful but unimpeded ability. She formed obstacles around her body with the source force, and continuously burst the source force towards the ground, forming an upward counter current to cushion her fall. Anna fell lightly to Horn's side like a fallen leaf, and stood in front of him slightly.

The ground defenders of the Iron Fist Legion stopped at a distance of forty to fifty meters from Horn and the two men, and pointed the black muzzle of the magic rifle at Horn and Anna, even three times on the high wall. The bright beams of light also overlapped around the bodies of these two people, leaving them invisible.

A man in charge of this army strode forward, and the star on his shoulder indicated that this man had the rank of major general. The major general took a sigh of relief when he saw Horn, and then said: "Mr Horn, this is the heart of the Federation. Please leave immediately, I can assume that nothing has happened." Facing such as Horn and Capro No one is willing to conflict with them easily if they are not necessary. This major general is no exception, he doesn't even care about his own claims, whether it will cause him trouble. But compared to confronting Horn, any trouble is not a trouble.

Horn was expressionless and said calmly: "If you give Alan to me, I can assume that nothing happened."

The major general had an ugly face. Of course he knew that it was impossible. In the spirit of doing everything he could, he bit the bullet and said: "Mr. Horn, there must be a misunderstanding. Mr. Allen is not here."

"Really? Let me go to the Iron Prison for a while. If Alan is not here, I will leave immediately, and I will bear all the responsibilities for attacking the powerhouse of the Federation."

The major general was so poor that he had to say: "That's not good. The Iron Prison is not Ugalle Castle. How can Mr. Horn visit at will."

"Then I can only express regret." Horn stepped forward, passing Anna, and moving forward.

The major general suddenly sweated on his forehead. Seeing Horn had walked ten meters away, he could only roar: "Fire!"

Suddenly the square lit up, and hundreds of source-power bullets poured down to Horn like a torrential rain. In the raging fire, the major general also swelled, and several buttons on his uniform bounced open at the same time, revealing the full muscles underneath. The Confederate general fit and rushed towards Horn. Behind him, a gorilla projection with white hair and a prismatic spar appeared on his forehead.

Facing the fluttering bullets and the well-fitting Federation Major General, Horn suddenly stopped. He didn't see any movement, only slightly raised the crutches, and then suddenly stopped. Immediately, a circle of gray-white ripples pushed forward and spread, and countless Yuanli bullets hit the ripples and exploded, turning into small energy storms. The ripples rushed forward and were drawn into the crowd in an instant. Suddenly, the soldiers of the Iron Fist Legion fell in pieces, the magic rifle in their hands was distorted and could no longer be used.

The Major General of the Federation crossed his hands to block the impact. But before he got over, there was a flower in front of him. Horn, who was clearly still tens of meters away, came to him in the blink of an eye for some reason. Horn raised his hand and pointed out his crutches. The speed was not so fast, but the major general did not have time to react, and the crutches passed through the gap between his hands and hit his chest. The major general's face changed, but a huge force rushed from Horn's humble walking stick.

He flew out with a sullen cry, and the projection behind him fell apart, and the unconstrained source power swept all around, forming a frantic storm. The major general fell to the ground and opened his mouth to spit out a bruise. I felt so soft that I couldn't get up for a while. He could only watch Horn pass by him, he could hardly believe his eyes. Horne hadn't even gotten out of the sheath, so he had already severely injured him. What a combat power this was!

In a blink of an eye Horn was already standing in front of the only low building on the square. He raised his hand and used his cane to point on the wall of the building with a light snap. At first there was nothing unusual in the building, but the building shook quickly. The frequency of the shocks went from low to high. A few seconds later cracks in the main road surfaced on the outer wall of the building. The next second the outer wall was shattered and collapsed toward the surroundings. The low building just collapsed in front of Horn's eyes, revealing the lone elevator inside.

At this time, another team of defenders arrived, and the Federation Major General also recovered, and even several turrets on the defensive high wall were turning their muzzles towards Horn's position. At this moment, two rapid screams sounded, and the turret that was turning stopped immediately. When a beam of light swept across the fort, it was discovered that the gunner manipulating the fort opened fire and was killed on the spot. Then a dazzling galaxy burst through the air, and rowed in front of the defenders who came quickly. The soldiers fell unsteadily due to the pressure of the sharp knife. The galaxy gradually dissipated, and the figure of Regis holding a sword appeared.

The major general's pupils shrank, and he saw that Regis was strong. Even if he was not at his level, he was not far behind, and he was already considered a strong man. He was about to attack Regis, suddenly feeling the shocking pressure on his head. Looking up, a **** lightning fell in the sky. In the **** electric light, a dark red long sword was looming. The major general tapped his toes and slid back. The long sword smashed to the ground with the electric light, and the blood-red source force light turned and shot away. These lights are full of determination, so that the major general feels that the air is also cut.

Only then did the sword-bearer slowly stand up, with the straight buttocks and the towering double peaks, it is obvious that the person is a woman. But the major general is sure that the other party is not human, at least he has not seen any human being like the woman in front of him. As many as 80% of the body is covered with dark red animal hair, especially her long loose hair. The hair was radiating a hazy orange glow. Seen from a distance, it looks like a fluttering flame!

Of course the major general would not understand that this was a brand new posture after Lola awakened the ancestral spirit. After constant battles and level improvement, Lola's original call of the wild finally became the second stage of the call of the ancestor spirit in her crush. In this posture, the ancient genes of the Hurma people can be made dominant. Judging from Lola’s long hair glowing with fire, the ancestors of the Hurma must have a natural affinity for flames, and this may be their offspring. The reason for maintaining a fiery red skin.

Laura, in the ancestor spirit calling posture, has been infinitely close to the ancestor of the Hulma. In addition to her second improvement in basic quality, her self-healing ability has also been qualitatively improved. In addition, due to the flame affinity, Laura has good resistance to high temperature, burning and flame attacks in this posture. And also generated a special ability, flame transmission.

The flame transfer enables Lola's source force to be transferred between multiple targets three times. After the number of transfers is over, part of the source force that has been touched by Lola source force will burn on its own, and form a zone through the resonance of Lola source force Sexual explosion. Just now, when Lola slashed with a sword, she stimulated the ability of flame transmission, but the Federation Major General evaded it in time, and he did not become the first and most important transmission medium.

But even so, Lola in the ancestral calling posture already has the strength of a major general of the Stabilizing Federation, not to mention that there is not much less than Regis not far away. The Federation Major General only felt big, and when he saw Mirren and Belmode again, he was completely discolored.

Regis said loudly: "Grandpa, leave it to us here, you go to save Alan!"

Horn also looked surprised when he saw Regis appear. Hearing what Regis said, Horn was also decisive, and immediately led Anna into the elevator. Mirren and Belmode also stepped in, the elevator door was closed, and the four of them went to the underground prison. In the elevator, Horn looked at Mirren and said lightly: "Marshal Greedy Wolf also received the news?"

Mirren nodded: "Before he returned to Earth, Master Allen sent someone to send an encrypted email to the Marshal. After the Marshal heard about it, he sent me to rush to the earth immediately. It just happened to meet these friends of Master Allen, and we were one I got up. But I didn't expect that Mr. Horn would actually come here."

"Mobit captured my family without any reason, and had to perform certain experiments on him. It was true that Horn was dead." Horn narrowed his eyes and said: "I was never a People who are easy to talk~www.readwn.com~ of course this time will not be an exception. But in this matter, is Sirius really good at intervening?"

"The marshal meant that whoever touched my student should fight first."

Horn was startled, and then laughed: "It's really the style of Marshal Wolf. No matter what, Beskod owes Sirius a favor this time." Then he looked at Belmode and smiled: "Can do Allen rushes into the powerhouse of the Federation, and I am really happy for him to have partners like you."

In a blink of an eye, the elevator was in the end. Horn stood up and said, "Let me see how Fendi plans to welcome me."

At this time, the elevator door opened and only a door gap was opened. There was a sudden gunshot outside, and countless bright fire lights lit up. The bullet storm pouring down like a torrential rain broke the elevator door in an instant, and the fragments were mixed in the bullet rain and splashed over everyone in the elevator.

Horn snorted, his cane slammed into the floor. An invisible impact spread out in a fan shape starting from him, blasting all the metal fragments and Yuanli bullets away, and then a golden light lit up in the elevator, like a ray of sunlight falling through the gap in the leaves of an autumn afternoon.

Qiuyan, get out of the sheath!

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