Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1192: Regain freedom

"Is the sample remaining detected?"

"No, sir. We have confirmed that all the blood is volatilized and there is no trace of it."

"Damn it, give me the latest test report. Also, send another group of people to collect the blood samples of the test subjects. Be careful this time, Noben, give me an analysis report of the base air, I hope there is no pollution event."

The experimental center became a mess. After discovering that Allen's blood had disappeared for no reason, all personnel including Josh became busy, and the workload seemed to have increased tenfold. Josh had no time to sit down until then, and the female assistant gave him a cup of coffee knowingly. The supervisor was drinking coffee while looking at the latest test report on Allen's blood on the tablet brain.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Sir, you have to see it yourself."

"What's the matter again!" Josh almost wanted to throw the coffee out. There is really enough trouble today. He finally put the cup down and walked over with the tablet. But when he saw a screen shot pointed by the staff, the tablet in Josh's hand fell to the ground. He leaped to the edge of the screen, and a drop of cold sweat slipped from his forehead: "Quickly, notify General Fendi, the subject is abnormal!"

His assistant next to him said tightly: "General Fendi is going to suppress the invaders, I am afraid it will not recover us."

"At this time"

"Sir, the reading of the Yuanli jammer is rising, and it will soon reach a critical point!" a person said nervously.

Josh opened his mouth wide and roared: "Is he crazy? The more intense the source force movement, the stronger the current released by the jammer, which will cause inevitable damage to his brain, and he will die!"

"What to do, sir? Do you want to turn off the jammer?"

"Stupid!" Josh roared: "When the jammer is turned off, he can freely mobilize the source power. I have seen his combat evaluation, and the two heavy presses can't imprison the experimental body!"

"What now?"

Josh caught a handful of hair and shouted, "Quickly, send a group of guards over and let them use all means to stop the subject's actions!"

The order was issued soon, but Josh couldn't relax. He looked at the screen, where Allen was opening his mouth and shouting. His skin was flushed all over, and hot smoke was constantly wafting from him. The jammer helmet on Allen's head is sparking. Since its development and still in use, this jammer is the first to increase its power to the maximum critical value.

"This is crazy." Josh said softly while looking at the distorted face in the picture.

Allen growled.

The penetrating roar rang endlessly throughout the room, blood vessels all over his body, blood was flowing at a flat rate or even faster. This makes his whole body flushed, and the heat it emits constantly urges the water in the air to form a rising hot smoke. Alan's eyes have lost focus, and even his will will collapse first. The electric current released by the jammer made him miserable, but he showed no sign of stopping. Even though the eyes and nostrils had begun to bleed, Allen still exercised the source force in his body, trying to break through the confinement.

At this time, a team of guards came in. Seeing this situation, the captain made a gesture. Several people took out the long rubber sticks and rushed over to give Allen a slash. But the pain they put on Allen was far inferior to the stimulation of the jammer, and Allen subconsciously ignored it. After smoking more than a dozen sticks, the soldiers were sweating profusely. They looked at each other and were quite at a loss.

At this moment, the jammer helmet suddenly made a series of light noises, and several electrode needles bounced out. A strong electric current continued to climb and spread along the cable on the helmet, and finally submerged into the working parts behind. This group of working parts immediately blared, and the circuit group inside immediately short-circuited and stopped working. The lighting in the whole room keeps flickering, which is an interference phenomenon caused by the impact of strong current. As the lights flickered, Allen finally stopped. He seemed to have exhausted all his strength and fell into a coma, closed his eyes and his head dropped to his chest.

The captain of the guard took a look and said to a team member next to him: "Go check the crew to see if the jammer is normal. If there is no abnormality, then restart you. What are you doing? Go ahead." , He followed his line of sight and was stunned. A ball of flame appeared above Allen's head at some point. The vermilion flame was actually the size of a fist, but it continued to expand. After a while, it was already more than one meter in diameter. At this moment, something in the fireball came out, and the flames flew, reflecting the guard's eyes.

They subconsciously stepped back a little before they could see that it was an arm that was wrapped in a rock formation. This arm stuck out a fireball and swept it across. The captain and another team member reacted quickly and bend down in time, but the others were not so lucky, and they swept around. Hit the wall or hit some machines and couldn't get up for a while.

"Retreat back!" The captain yelled, pulling the remaining guards back. He looked up and saw that the fireball had turned into a pillar of fire, and a figure appeared in the pillar of fire. It was a werewolf, covered with rock formations. In those rock crevices, there was a flash of fire, and sparks spewed out from time to time. There was a weird one-eyed on the werewolf's chest. This huge eyeball was like an independent individual, turning quickly to scan the surroundings.

"What the **** is this?" the guard cried out.

The captain roared: "Whatever it is, shoot! Fire!" He threw away the rubber long stick and used the magic rifle to level the shot.

The Yuanli bullet pierced the air, and the werewolf only raised his arm to block the attack. Then he rushed forward, kicked out his thigh, and the company captain and the last guard kicked off. When they hit the wall and fell down, they were already unconscious.

"Sargeras" At this moment, Alan raised his head again, his eyes were burning with flames: "Take down these two **** machines!"

The werewolf roared and turned away. Holding the heavy presses on both sides with both hands, the cracks in the werewolf's whole body burst into flames, and where it was held by both hands, the surface of the machine immediately glowed red. The metal is melted by the high temperature, and the heat is quickly conducted, causing the components inside to stop working one after another. The heavy press began to emit green smoke, and a few moments later, there were several slight explosions inside, and the machine stopped working.

Allen roared, carrying the fierce sky fire in his hands, and pulled it out of the machine's components. After 48 hours of imprisonment, he was free again.

Seeing this picture on the screen, Josh stepped back and murmured: "We should go now, **** it, everything is out of control."

He immediately yelled: "Quickly, take away everything that can be taken away, remember to back up the files, we must evacuate!"

In the room, Alan took off his helmet and threw it to the ground. The Balrog stepped on it, turning the jammer into a subway juice. Allen took a deep breath. The past two days have been like a nightmare. Allen will not forget the man who imposed the nightmare on him, Fendi!

Allen looked at himself, there were so many wounds on his body, these were souvenirs Fendi left him. However, most of these wounds have healed, and the rest is not a concern. However, the trauma caused by the interferometer was even greater. Now Allen still feels a splitting headache, but compared to the previous pain, it is much easier. He squinted his eyes and made a decision after a little thought.

Although he could not wait to tear Fendi to pieces now, he also knew that a federal admiral was not a soft persimmon to handle casually. At least, he couldn't do much with his bare hands. So he needed weapons, whether it was the red king or the devil's praise, he had to get his own equipment again. Allen began to sense, and he radiated the source force, searching for the base with this place as the origin. Before long, he felt the devil's praise. This source device has been with him for a long time, and an invisible connection has been established between the two.

After determining the position, Allen took off a soldier's uniform and put it on. At this time, Balrog opened the door easily. Allen strode out of the room, and several guards at the other end of the corridor rushed over, and gunshots sounded in the corridor.

Leotan walked around nervously.

He is the guard of the base warehouse and has served in this underground prison for five years. Five years is not long, but it is not short. But it has never been so full of crisis at this moment. There have been criminals trying to escape from prison before, or people from outside trying to attack. But they were suppressed extremely quickly by the prison guards, and the longest time was less than ten minutes. However, this time, twenty minutes have passed since the ground defenders were attacked, and the fighting seemed to continue, and it was getting fiercer.

Through the ubiquitous exhaust ducts of the base, Leotan could hear gunfire from afar. What is terrible is that the sound is getting closer and closer, as if it is moving in this direction. This makes Leotan a little nervous. If it weren't for the base system, he would have wanted to smoke a cigarette. This would help him relieve his tension~www.readwn.com~Hey, buddy. I said you don’t shake it, my eyes are almost dizzy for you. "A young soldier gestured his eyes and said that these recruits have only been in prison for less than half a year, and they don't have enough respect for the veterans. During these six months, the friction between the recruits and the veterans has never been less.

In normal times, Leotan didn't mind teaching this kid to let him know what respect is. But now he is not in this mood, an unknown sense of crisis is lingering in his heart. As if something big was about to happen, at this moment, the recruit stiffly raised his hand to the end of the passage as if he saw something. Leotan looked at it, and he saw nothing unusual except for the aisle lighting.

He unbuttoned his neckline. He didn't know if the air conditioner was broken or he was too nervous, and Leotan felt a sultry heat. Then he finally saw something, on the wall at the corner of the passage, a long shadow was cast on it. As the shadow continues to expand, something seems to be approaching here. Leotan shouted: "Who is it?"

No one answered.

PS: Thank you for your concern and support, especially the three years and three years and the two brothers wooukaide123 for direct rewards and support. Lao Chen is very grateful to everyone for supporting me. Nothing to say, add more today!

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