Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 122:  Blood Slave

The situation turned against Allen.

The blood hand source force opened, and the roaring source force formed light lines on the body surface. The bright red, blood-like source of light glided across the surface of his skin, all converging towards his right hand. At this moment, the blood-handed man, as the name suggests, his right hand was red all over, as if he had just been pulled out of the corpse and was stained with blood.

Raise your right hand and open your palm. That blood-colored light finally formed an engraved pattern of a puppet in the palm of the **** hand, blood slave!

The abilities extended from blood slaves are mostly used to control blood. When the young blood hand activated the blood slave and awakened the first ability "blood gas absorption", he decided to take the path of assassin. Blood gas absorption is not like a vampire absorbing life essence, but after killing the target, it can absorb and store a drop of blood essence from the opponent.

With this blood essence, the blood hand can parse out part of the target's information. For example, memory, or experience in a certain field of expertise, etc.

This ability does not seem to have much effect, but when the blood hand awakens another ability "blood puppet" at 13th level, the role of blood qi absorption will be played. After the absorbed blood essence can be recorded by the engraving, a drop of essence blood can be copied by itself when using the "blood puppet" to serve as the core of the puppet. The copied essence and blood can be combined with almost anything to form a puppet. The blood hand has many tasks to send the copied essence and blood to the vicinity of the target in various ways, and then activate the essence and blood nearby to make it contact nearby The substance quickly merged and mutated, forming a blood puppet to assassinate the target.

It was so engraved, after a flicker of the source power circuit on the engraving. The skin of the index finger of the right hand of the **** hand was blushing, and a few drops of blood were forced out from the fingertips with a source of strength. A total of four drops of blood ejected and splashed and fell to the ground. The blood bead is like a black hole, frantically absorbing the fallen leaves, saprosy and other things nearby. In a blink of an eye, four Michelangelo blood puppets, without facial features, were formed by dark red mud.

After they have a shape, their arms stretch out after a while, forming swords and other things. When the blood hand smiled and pointed at Allen, the four blood puppets immediately attacked Allen. Bloodhand was in a good mood, and the depressed energy that had given Allen the upper hand was slightly reduced. The blood puppet could only form one at a time, but after he awakened the auxiliary ability of "blood gas boost" at 18th level, the blood puppet changed from one to four, which greatly improved the practicality of this ability.

The four blood puppets are already like a small battle group, and the blood hands can be sure. Once the source power level continues to increase and the blood slave continues to advance, the ability will also increase. Perhaps in the future, the number of blood puppets can double, which is a spectacular scene. It's a pity that since he climbed to the 18th level of source power, a few years later, there has been no progress.

On the one hand, he is limited by his talents, on the other hand, he is busy with all his tasks, and he is drunk and drunk. Bloodhand was able to maintain the source power of level 18 without regressing, which is a blessing. The most recent intensive training of the source strength was commissioned by Bethkode. In order to ensure that his prestige was not degraded, the Bloodhand had only conducted a week of special training.

Now manipulating four blood puppets to attack Alan, let him recall the time when he was a killer. An idea flashed through the **** hands. Perhaps he shut down the company and continued to invest in the killer business. There should be a breakthrough. It's just that he knows himself very well that all these years of drinking life has made him unable to go back to the old life of a killer.

If it hadn't been for the price that Beskod offered this time was moving enough, he would not be willing to accept this commission. At this moment, he hopes that Allen can hold on for a longer time, so that he can experience the feeling of the year.

Unfortunately, Alan did not do what he wanted.

When there is a sound.

Allen used a straight knife to take a sword cut in the middle by a blood puppet, and looked at something like mud, but when it hit, it was so hard that it made a sound like a golden iron. Ellen snorted, these blood puppets are not as powerful as the blood hands themselves, but judging from the strength of the weapon impact, they are completely at level 13 or 4.

What's even more troublesome is that these guys have very hard swords, but their bodies are like mud. Allen once seized the opportunity to cut off the head of one of the puppets, but after cutting it with a straight knife, the blood puppet did not drop its head like a creature. Allen's blade cut through a mass of mud, and after the cut, the blood puppet's head returned to normal, and the dragon fiercely attacked.

As a result, Allen fell into a hard fight.

"Well, my toy created with blood and blood is good enough?" The **** hand laughed at the back, "You have to be careful, ordinary swords can't kill my toys."

Alan's heart moved.

With straight swords, the blood puppets will be attacked from the left and right sides. The straight knife was quickly handed over to his left hand, while Alan touched his right hand behind his waist and pulled out the demon's praise. At this time, another blood puppet came over and slashed with a sword. Allen used a sword to destroy it in the dark, and the lightning in his right hand protruded, piercing the demon's praise deeply into the puppet. The blood puppet's movements immediately stiffened, and then the blood color of the whole body continued to fade, and finally turned into a drop of blood in the body, and then quietly sucked away to the devil's praise.

The blood puppet's body turned from dark red to yellow-brown, and the mud-like body smashed. It could no longer maintain its shape and dispersed, forming a puddle of real mud under Allen's feet.

It really works!

Alan was overjoyed, the Devil Praise has always had the ability to draw blood. The blood puppet is transformed by the essence and blood, and if the essence and blood is lost, it will naturally not be able to maintain its shape. Allen also tried to give it a try, but it worked.

The **** hand's smile froze on his face, and his blood puppet was certainly not invincible. As far as he knew, there were several ways to destroy blood puppets. But none of them was as easy and simple as Ellen, who broke the blood puppet with a single stabbing!

"How can this be?"

The blood hand was still in shock, and Alan had already lifted the knife over there, using the devil's praise three or two times to wipe down all the remaining blood puppets. The **** hand roared wildly, and leaped forward. Allen had been prepared long ago, and the source force surged to form the blade of a prairie prairie fire, and a turbulent Yanyue cut out. Yan Yue vibrated and roared and exploded in front of the **** hands. The violent explosion and the high temperature of the fire forced the **** hand back. After the explosion, the **** hand passed through the ground, which was still burning, and Alan had long been missing.

Under the firelight, Bloodhand's already hideous face looked even more distorted. He nodded and said, "Look how far you can run!"

The night is like water.

This is the night of the second day, and the moon tonight is shaded by clouds. Only when the high-altitude wind disperses the clouds a little, a piece of moonlight will be inadvertently leaked. But soon, the clouds will cover up the moon, so the forest is shrouded in a dim night.

Allen leaned on the rough and uneven trunk of a fir. At this moment, he was seven or eight meters away from the ground. He was sitting on a few thick trees. This was a rare opportunity to rest, especially since it gave him time to chew several herbs collected along the road, and then apply it to the long wound on his arm. It was wounded by the **** hand with **** claws that were formed like beast claws. When the skin of the arm was torn, Alan could clearly feel that a small part of the blood vented with the wound. in vitro.

Bloodhand is a very dangerous killer. His danger not only comes from his profession and his rich experience, but also from his ability. The offensive ability extended by the engraving of the blood slave almost all has the ability to draw blood gas. Allen's Demon Praise also has the same effect, but the Demon Praise not only draws the target's blood, but also draws the target's vitality.

Even if it is not as good as the devil's praise, it can lose too much blood and cause a fatal threat.

Bloodhand can almost be said to be Allen's natural enemy. The various advantages that Allen can play in the forest have disappeared in the face of Bloodhand's experience and source power gap. No matter how he conceals his whereabouts, the blood hand will always find him. Allen has tried all kinds of methods, but still can't reverse the situation that is becoming more unfavorable to him~www.readwn.com~ After applying herbs to the wound on his arm, Allen put another herb in his mouth and forcefully Chewing. When the herbs mixed with saliva to form a slightly astringent liquid, he spit out the dregs in his mouth, and after using his hands*, he applied it to the face, underarms, back and lower abdomen. That is wolf poison weed, after chewing it and rubbing it on the body, it can cover a person's body.

After getting ready, Allen took a straight knife and got down from the tree. After a short rest and eating, he has enough physical strength to continue the transfer again. He was not discouraged, his **** hands were extremely difficult, and Allen's several anti-hunting efforts all ended in failure. But Allen believed that as long as a person had a chance to kill, Bloodhand could not always maintain the advantage.

All Allen needs is to wait patiently, waiting for an opportunity that is almost impossible.

Ten minutes after he left, the **** hand appeared on the fir where Allen had been resting. He sniffed with his nose and frowned, "It is the smell of wolf venom. What kind of noble child is this? He even knows how to use wolf venom to cover his body odor. I think he is more like a hunter or a killer, but this is also true. More fun."

The **** hand laughed, the source force surged, and the engraved blood slave reappeared. This time, the **** hand's eyes glowed with blood, and after a sharp contraction of the pupils, they formed a strange cross-shaped appearance. He smiled and said, "However, this game should also be over. Otherwise, the boss of Bethkod would be unhappy."

Blood qi tracking, another ability of the blood hand. The traces of blood gas can be directly observed. On the fir tree, the **** hand can clearly see a faint blood band from the cedar tree, then turning and sinking into the depths of the forest, marking the trajectory of Allen's actions. The blood remaining in the air naturally escaped from the wound on his arm. After all, that is also an ability attached to Blood Claw.

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