Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1195: Brutal slaughter

[Thanks to the brothers such as Ganfan, Su in the War, Brother Xiang, Longzhiyanshan, Book Friends 25155916, waa2011, fhp013, etc. for their monthly ticket rewards. The essence is shining, I will make up for everyone next week. ]

In sight, a golden light slanted the whole picture into two. Fendi couldn't make any evasive actions, and could only force Yuanli to protect himself. The red brilliance, which was as strong as blood, came out through the body, and it rotated in a clockwise direction, as if a sea of ​​blood was standing in front of Fendi. The light of the knife cut by Qiu Yan sank into the mouth of this sea of ​​blood, and the sea suddenly undulated.

Fendi's ears were full of dull whistling sounds produced by Yuanli collision, and his extremely viscous Yuanli was almost split by Horn. But finally neutralized Horn's sword energy, and earned time to retreat. But just as he lifted his foot back, more golden light flew over, and golden light rays cut the world in the admiral's eyes to pieces. Fendi roared, the source force gushing out unreservedly, and actively bombarded Horn's sword slash.

Fendi didn't know how fast Horn's knife was until the moment of the fight. Every time Qiu Yan's slashes were fast, people couldn't think about it. In front of Horn's sharp knife, no experience was of use. The only thing that is feasible is the natural reaction of the body and the source power as strong as Fendi, to defend and retreat under Horn's mercury-like offensive.

The golden light flickered constantly, as if the autumn golden sun fell into this underground prison. The sun is pouring in, and it never leaves you time and space to dodge. When you see it, it is already close at hand!

Fendi doesn't know how far he has withdrawn, let alone how many sword qi has been neutralized. Only knowing that when he finally had the time to react and asked him to avoid a slanting golden knife light, he suddenly found that he had been separated from Horn for a long time. He only understood now why Horn said, "You are picking up my knife in such a close place".

Measured the distance between Xia and Horn, a full 17 meters! In other words, with Horn as the center, his circle of battle is within a radius of 17 meters. In Horn's battle circle, facing the slash that was too fast to be added, even Fendi could only retreat and defend, and he was not given a chance to evade, let alone counterattack.

Only outside the circle of war can you have the opportunity to attack this veteran powerhouse. Thinking of this, Fendi's mouth began to twitch.

"So, the general of the Federation only has this strength?" Horne stood 17 meters away and smiled calmly: "In this case, I really worry about the future of the Federation."

"Don't underestimate people, old guy." Fendi let out a high-frequency scream, and the soaring blood flowed out of him, and then ejected around. They are constantly rotating like real blood, forming the most basic biological tissues, and then forming certain organs and limbs. It's just that these things have no rules at all, like a pile of broken parts. Fendi's source power is as strong as substance, his body has completely disappeared in the plasma, and the plasma that is still extremely diffused at this moment is more like an alien life.

Then the plasma shrank, and all the limbs and organs were also rolled up. They recombined under the constraint of a certain will, covering Fendi's body surface constantly wriggling and undulating. Fendi's head first emerged from the plasma-like source of light, and his face was full of crazy smiles. Then Youruo's **** source force climbed onto his face, wrapping up all the places above his nose. The blood-like source force kept squirming, forming something like a helmet. A blood-colored armor appeared on other parts of Fendi's body, layer upon layer of nail leaf, stretched out spikes of various lengths in many places. Those straight, tension-filled lines exude a sharp killing intent.

Fendi panted. The armor on his body had basically stabilized, but there was still plasma behind the helmet that continued to combine, stretching out something like a scorpion tail. From the middle of the helmet without eyes, a gray eyeball rolled up. There were no pupils in his eyes, and a brown vertical streak appeared after a while. This one eye turned, and finally fixed on Horn's body, projecting a look like a beast.

Horne looked with interest at Fendi's armor, which was obviously different from the usual engraved armor. They looked more like some kind of living body armor stomach, between the entity and the source force form. Fendi did not hesitate to show his brand new posture to Horne. With a shake of his hands, he stretched out two long blades from the front of the fist, and the long blades were even stained with blood, as if they were just formed from the body. Of the site.

"This is your engraving weapon?" Horn asked.

"I haven't seen it before, I bet, the only form of ‘savage massacre’ in the entire Federation is this!" Fendi said with a bit of sorrow.

"It's nothing remarkable. You are walking the path between the ruler and the ancestors. It is true that your brutal massacre possesses both the defensive performance of engraved weapons and the offensiveness of the original ancestor blade. You want to be unique, but unfortunately This is the golden mean. I thought you would follow the route of your ancestors. After all, the original ancestor blade that is completely inclined to attack is more suitable for you than the engraved weapon. It seems that I still overestimate you." Horn said with a shrug.

Fendi gritted his steel teeth and murmured: "This old man who looks flat, when I tear you to pieces, do I think you can still be proud?" He arched his body and pressed his hands on The ground then rushed out like some kind of beast. At this moment, Fendi's running posture was like a beast, he even screamed, his body constantly making irregular flashes, this is to make Horn's sharp knife impossible to start.

Horn sneered: "Abandoning human form to learn a beast, this is degradation, not progress." Qiu Yan reversed in his hand, Horn raised his long knife and walked towards Fendi.

Fendi bounced on both sides of the passage at a very fast speed, and the blood-colored biological armor on his body even dragged red light trails in the air. The whole world is constantly changing its angle in his eyes, but no matter how the angle changes, the center of the world will always be Horn's straight figure. Horn turned upside down in his eyes, turned from the front to the back, and then his figure expanded.

At this moment Fendi was leaning down from the ceiling behind Horn, and as he approached Horn, the opponent's sharp knife made a last move. This made Fendi very satisfied. Everything was as he expected. Under his weird movement, Horn's knife couldn't be used quickly. He believed that Horn could not keep up with his own speed, the next thing to do was to tear Horn's aging body into pieces!

He believes he can do it.

At this moment, Fendi heard his heart beating hard.

Horn slowed his head, and with his movement, his body began to turn. The body of the upside-down long sword Qiuyan suddenly lit up, followed by a golden beam of light from the tip of the blade. The beam was like electric fire from a spaceship engine, causing the surrounding space to blast a small but dense explosion! Horn also held the handle of the knife with his other hand, and for the first time he showed the posture of holding the knife in both hands. Then he began to drag the long knife. This time Qiu Yan no longer performed his light and agility, but became extremely heavy. Horn seemed to be dragging 10,000 tons of sea water, but the light and long knife revealed the smell of mountains.

Two conflicting feelings appeared on the same knife, making Fendi so sad that he wanted to scream. He already felt what would happen, but it was too late to change. So Fendi continued to rush towards Horn, Qiu Yan bounced upward, drawing a perfect arc, and the tip of the knife kept zooming in Fendi's eyes. Then a huge force rushing up diagonally from bottom to top, like a huge wave set off in the angry sea, completely submerged Fendi. In his eyes, Horn kept going away, his back was connected with a sudden shock, and his ears were full of dense crashing sounds.

Finally he couldn't see Horn, and he didn't even know where he was.

Horn lowered his arm and pointed his long knife diagonally at the ground. The magnificent golden sword energy was fading, and an irregular gap appeared on the top of Horn's head. Horn looked at it, and he pierced through at least three successive bases on the upper head. As for Fendi, he has long been missing. After a while, a high-pitched howling faintly came from the top of the gap, with a three-pointed anger in the voice, and a bit of unwillingness.

Horn smiled.

The automatic door opened and Lola strode in. After confirming safety, she greeted Adele and Regis to come in. Adele closed the automatic door, and Lola exhaled, releasing the call of the ancestor spirit. Maintaining this attitude for too long is also a heavy burden for her. It is rare to have time to rest now, and of course she would not let this rare opportunity pass. Laura took Shixue and found a place to sit down casually, glanced at Adele and said, "You will be left with the job of finding the way."

Adele shrugged and acquiesced to the job.

When they took the elevator to the first floor of the prison, Horn and the others had long disappeared. The three of Adele were subsequently attacked by the Iron Fist Legion, with two major generals and many school-level officers on the other side. Among them, there is no such super-powerful powerhouse as Horne, so they have to fight while fleeing. Not only did they not encounter Horn~www.readwn.com~, but they didn't even know where they were.

Therefore, it is imperative to find the location of Horn or Allen in addition to determining the current location. Adele turned around, and it was certain that this was a certain management center of the prison. It seemed that the people here had been evacuated urgently. There were a lot of documents scattered on the ground. Adele even found a tablet brain. She put down her gang and tried to connect the base's management system with her intellectual brain. It's a pity that this brain's role is more a tool for accessing information. She doesn't have the authority to board the prison management platform, and Adele can only give up.

"Hey, come here and have a look."

Regis waved to Adele at the door of another room, and then got in by himself. Adele walked into the room, saw a row of instruments and management platforms, and finally found the right place. She walked to the management platform and looked for the command menu on the screen. Regis looked around next to her and said, "Will you fiddle with these things?"

"Of course, I'm not like you, I can only play with swords." Adele sneered slightly, and then said cheerfully: "Okay, this is indeed a management room. I have logged into the prison management system. Let's take a look. Look at the three-dimensional map of the iron prison"

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