Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1199: Proud Bethkode

c_t; There is no hesitation, and no extra words. (Marshmallow. The update is fast. The **** candidates meet, and the only result is battle. Stark grows violently, jumps into the air, and then throws at Allen. His figure keeps flashing in the space, leaving behind pieces. The afterimage fell towards Allen in a parabola. Stark raised his hand and a gap in space popped out, and the light floated away.

At this moment, the corner of his eyes suddenly lit up. Stark turned his head and looked, and a golden ‘color’ light curtain pushed in a magnificent posture. Almost when Stark saw it, it was already in sight.

So fast!

Stark stretched out his hand and pressed it on the light curtain. The light curtain twisted and flickered like a wave of water. Before the explosion, Stark had already turned back with force, and then a spewing cloud of fire blocked him and Allen’s between. He was about to fall to the ground, and the breeze was blowing. Stark jumped back without even thinking about it. When he was in the air, he heard a crack in the silk. It turned out that a slit had been opened in the clothes on his chest. In his chest, which was as clean as white jade, a thin wound quietly appeared.

When Stark fell to the ground, he saw Horn standing in front of him with his knife for some time. Horn calmly looked at the black-haired man and said, "No one can hurt my family, no matter who he is."

"Really?" Stark said calmly: "Then I want to try."

Then he saw pieces of golden'color' light curtains flying over, Horn long sword cut away, pulling out pieces of knife-qi light curtains, like a golden'color' silk satin, seemingly weak but not solid in substance Don't urge! Stark raised his hand and stretched his fingers, quickly drew a circle in front of him, and spread his five fingers, and a circular light barrier appeared in front of him. This light barrier with five faces and six'colors' is actually a kind of space crack, it is just used by Stark as a shield.

This is a shield that is stronger than any Genesis Shield. Stark pushed it towards Horn, and the overwhelming light curtain of sword aura blasted into the space shield, all being annihilated invisible. So Stark looked like a person going upstream, facing the turbulent golden ‘color’ river. Fendi showed an incredible expression, he was someone who had tried Horne's methods, Horn's autumn rain was very important. When lightly slashing, countless swords can be pulled out in an instant, even if he is'activating' the barbaric butcher, it is difficult for him to do like Stark. Under the kind of fast slash, every step closer to the center of Horn's battle circle, the attack power received increases by multiples.

But Starck did it!

The golden'color' river suddenly disappeared, Horn looked at Stark's space shield and said calmly: "It is indeed a rare ability. You can open the space at will as your own attack and defense method. This is the first time I have seen you. Such a guy. [Please go to see the latest chapter of this book] But the power of space is not unlimited, no, or manpower is sometimes poor reads;. Even if you have the power to open space, it is impossible to use the power of space infinitely. In the universe Here, the energy is always constant, and there is a loan and there is a return..."

His figure suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he had come before Stark.

Then the ‘waves’ of anger rose, Stark’s black hair was ‘stimulated’ by the air currents, and behind his flying black ‘color’ hair were his surprised eyes.

At this time, Qiu Yan became extremely heavy in Horn's hands. He carried Qiu Yan forward and pushed forward, as if he was not carrying a long knife in his hand, but a mountain, even a sea of ​​anger! The source force is surging, and the golden light blooming on the autumn mountain is the only color in this space. Even the space shield in Stark's hand has become eclipsed. Seemingly slow, in fact, in the blink of an eye, Horn has already swept across the space shield.

As if there was a thunderbolt on a sunny day, the entire venue was shaken violently. Stark opened his eyes wide, watching the space shield in his hand quietly extend countless cracks, and then burst into pieces of light, floating in all directions. Then a terrible force lifted his whole person, Horn's sweeping gesture kept shrinking in his eyes, Stark's white face suddenly rose to flush, and the spin became white again, before finally returning to normal.

He coughed out a mouthful of blood in midair, which seemed to be slight, but in fact there were already hidden injuries in his body. Old Horn made a single cut, which contained the power of landing and sinking. That force exceeded the limit that the space shield could withstand, so the space crack was crushed by life, and the formed backlash rushed into Stark's body, just in response to Horn's saying that there is a loan and a return.

Stark landed, and finally took a few steps back before finally standing firm. When he looked at Horn again, he suddenly saw a red shadow quietly falling from above Horn's head.

Fendi grinned, although he didn't know who Stark was, and he didn't know why he attacked Allen. But Old Horn ‘insured’ his hand and ‘forced’ Stark with a heavy cut. Just as the tide is going up and down, even if it is not Horn's peak power, it is still unavoidable that after raising the power to the peak, there will be temporary signs of decline. Now is the moment when Horn's energy is weak, and the opportunity is fleeting, how can Fendi not grasp it.

His figure reached the highest point, and the source of aura was also raised to the limit. At this moment, there was an angry shout: "Bump him, Sargeras!"

It's Alan!

Fendi turned his head to look, and Allen was rushing towards him. Behind him, the werewolf lay down, grabbing the ground with both hands. It opened its mouth, and sprayed a scorching fire column from its mouth like a heavy artillery turret. The strong recoil force even pushed the werewolf's entire body back, and the ground set off two waves of air out of thin air, spreading from side to side. . The pillar of fire blasted instantly, just intercepting Fendi's landing spot.

With a good chance, Fendi yelled, and the long blades danced at the fist, slashing the fire column spitting out of the Balrog in the air. The flames flew and poured, and the space expanded thermally, Fendi fell back to the ground, screaming again with anger. At this moment, Alan burst out of the flame. A dark mist and fire tangled on his body, and gray bones and armor were floating. When the two long bands of sky fire dance wildly, Allen, who was ‘excited’ in the Flame Shadow Blaster costume, raised the Scarlet King high and supported the hilt with one hand.


In the loud sound of the knives, Chi King unsheathed, and the long sword smashed out from high and condescendingly. The blade was dragging the vermilion flame, like a fire whip, ‘pulled’ in the air. The full arc made Fendi have no doubt about the tremendous power contained in this knife, and it was full of Allen's hatred and murderous intentions against him!

Fendi bounced back, and Alan's figure kept shrinking. He saw the knife hit the ground, and the whole ground suddenly lifted upwards. The metal ground actually pressed the huge force into a “wave” shape, and finally screamed and exploded, and countless fragments splashed like rain, underground. The cable broke and danced wildly, and the sky was full of lightning and sparks, flashing Fendi's eyes. He suddenly discovered that Allen’s cut was not much more ‘sexy’ than Hornson.

What's terrible is that Allen doesn't even have level 30!

"Monster." Fendi couldn't help saying.

The crowd flew around, Allen slowly raised his knife and stood up. The ground cracked and deformed in front of him, forming a fan-shaped destruction area. At this time, the sound of footsteps sounded, Horn walked to him, he glanced at Alan, and felt a lot of emotion right now. The young man who won in the arena of life and death that day seemed to be vividly visible, but in a blink of an eye, he had grown to a height that made the Federation Admiral also had to retreat. Horn couldn't help thinking, Lanni, you should be proud to have such a son, right?

"Grandpa?" Allen glanced at Horn and saw that he was silent, thinking that he was injured, and couldn't help asking: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Horn laughed and squinted his eyes to look forward: "Let us fight side by side today, so that these people know that Bethcade is not something they can handle at will. Who dares to hand us? If the paw is out, then we will cut it off together with his head!"

Allen's heart was full of blood, and his face finally cracked and the first smile after regaining freedom: "Extremely happy."

On the other side of them, Fendi looked at Stark who was not far away, and then gradually moved away and shouted: "Hey, stranger. Although I don't know your identity, do you want to join me once? After slaughtering them, I can ignore your'privately' intruding into the powerhouse of the Federation."

Stark looked at Horn and whispered: "Allen must be killed by myself."

Fendi whispered "Weirdo" in a low voice, and then said, "Anything is fine, let's settle them two first."

Stark did not respond, but went straight forward, but responded with action.

Horn locked Stark's eyes tightly, and said lightly: "This guy'hand it over' to me, and you can deal with Fendi. Although he is a famous general, the path he can take is the most mediocre of the four generals. You are not inferior to him except that your level source is not as strong as him. Go ahead, Allen, I have faith in you."

Allen said "um", stretched out his hand to draw a demon's praise from behind his waist, the source device bloomed behind him with the flames of black and red, and liberated the death hymn of the third-order awakening form, directly appearing in the ultimate form . The blood-red hilt and the jet-black slender blade formed a sharp contrast. The black ‘colored’ blade was full of flames, exuding the breath of death.

His right hand Chi Wang, left hand Death Song, the flames of the two long knives rise, and the two colors of black and red are reflected on Allen. With the two knives hanging down, Allen strolled towards Fendi.

Fendi spit out and gave Horn a bitter look, before turning his gaze to Alan: "Beskard, you are so proud of you. The old one is so, the young one is so!"

On the event field, the four of them walked to their locked opponents ~ www.readwn.com ~ When they met in the middle distance, the battle broke out immediately!

The sky's ‘flower’ board shook violently, and wisps of dust fell. Josh coughed a few times, but he didn't care about slapping the dust on his hair. He grabbed a suitcase and walked quickly into an elevator with members of his team. After entering the elevator, Josh took a photo of the communicator on the elevator's door panel and asked, "Is the spaceship ready?"

"It's ready, Mr. Josh, you can go to Babylon at any time."

"Very well, we will be there in about a minute..."

Suddenly a cry of pain sounded behind him, and Josh turned his head and saw his beautiful "female" assistant kneeling on the ground with her head in her arms. He quickly asked: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's so hot, so painful... Sir, I'm so painful." The assistant looked up, and the skin on her face was so red that it even began to fall off. The eyes were also astonishingly red, as if there was a flame burning inside, and then there was a flame bursting out, and the tongue of fire almost ‘licked’ Josh’s clothes.

Josh's face is ugly to the extreme.


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