Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1215: Look good

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When Alan pushed open the office door, he saw a figure with his back facing him. The other party was standing in front of a wall full of photos of previous presidents, and the federal flag was hung on both sides. The man was just standing, and he was standing extremely tough and domineering. The moment Alan entered the door, he could barely breathe. Even the flooding sunlight in the office seemed so pale, as if a huge shadow fell on the person.

"Even though Shawner is not the first president who established the Confederation, I personally like him the most..." the man said, his voice was old, but very loud, as loud as a bronze bell, and the whole office echoed his sound.

Alan almost wanted to cover her ears, but under the loud voice, the shadow and pressure disappeared, and the room was bright again. The man turned around, his head was covered with silver frost. Who else would it be Capulo, the commander of the Golden Lion?

Capro smiled and looked at the pseudo-president, the volume lowered a lot: "Shona said that it is not enough for human beings to get an admission ticket to advanced warfare in the universe. This young race needs to rise up to have it in the universe. A place. He strongly advocated military construction, and all citizens must obey military service. Whether it is ordinary people, source of power or ranked strong. Under his high-pressure policy, the Federation at that time was as hard as a piece of steel. Throw it out and you can kill a large piece."

"But President Shawner's voice comment was not very good afterwards. The Marshal should also know this." Alan walked to the desk.

Capro said, "Yes, people call him a madman, a dictator, and a war madman. But what about it, history is always fair. It records the years of iron and blood. It proves that it is because of that. Only because of Shawner’s iron policy did the federal high-speed flying show for two decades. We went from an unknown young race to taking on one of the lines of defense in the chaotic battlefield. There is no denying that President Shawner has played a positive role. The role of promotion."

"Things always have two sides. President Shawner has indeed made a strong push on the development of the Federation, but it has also consumed the federal reserve resources at that time, and countless powerful people have fallen on the battlefield. So everything is needed. Restraint, as a leader of the Federation, every decision should be considered carefully."

Capello applauded: "I feel relieved to hear what Mr. President said. I believe that under your leadership, the Federation will surely be able to achieve greater glory."

Alan smiled similarly, then lowered his head, his eyes flashed with cold eyes. Shawner is indeed an impressive president, and his influence still influences the development of the Union even after he leaves office. At the same time, Shawner was the marshal of the Confederation before he became president, and Caprow's mention of Shawner can't help but make people think.

"Mr. President, the meeting with the noble lords went well, right?" Capulo changed to a more relaxed topic.

Alan opened the drawer, and there was a secret box underneath. He entered a string of passwords on the electronic lock next to the secret box: "I haven't talked about it at all. I can barely stabilize the situation now."

"So, where can I help?"

"Of course." The secret compartment opened, and Alan took out a file bag in it. After opening, a series of materials such as photos, documents, and maps were poured out from it. Capro squinted his eyes and picked out a photo from the pile of documents above. The photo shows a woman buried in the rubble, showing only one face. This face is very young, with pride between her brows, presumably she was a striking woman when she was alive, but it looks like she has become a corpse.

Capro shook the photo: "This is?"

"One of the core members of the Guangyin Society, judging from some things she found in her residence, she should be a member of the six-member council, code-named A." Alan said, "I believe the marshal already knew that this time caused dissatisfaction with the nobles. The trigger was the Iron Prison incident. Now many people think Fendi was under my orders. But I didn’t do it at all, unless I was crazy!”

Capro's face was calm and noncommittal.

Alan continued: "In short, I kept this matter in the dark. I didn't know that such a thing happened until the Iron Prison had a big explosion. For this reason, I sent an investigation team to conduct an in-depth investigation of the matter and found out that Something terrible."

"Oh, what is it?" Capulo asked.

"Fendi turned out to be a member of the Guanghuihui!" Alan pointed to the woman in the photo: "He has a record of multiple contacts with this A. Since the discovery of the Guanghuihui, there has been too much evidence to show that This organization has existed since a very early time, and their members have infiltrated all aspects of the Federation. The marshal should still remember the Freedom Gate negotiations. At that time, many generals who were infiltrated by Guangyin Society were unearthed, but I did not It is really a terrible thing to think that even the admiral was infiltrated."

"If this is the case, it is obvious that the Iron Prison incident, Guangyin will want to trigger a discord between you and the nobles?" Capulo nodded and said: "It's really horrible."

"In fact, it is more than that. Before that, the emperor of Idahuaxing had contacted me. They suspected that Alan Beskod was related to an ancient legend, and hoped that this young Beskod would be brought to life through our federation. Germany extradited to Ida Huaxing. So I asked General Silfa to go to Paradise Star to recall Allen, but I did not expect Fendi to pick up the person from Silfa in my name. It happened that I was busy dealing with other things in those days Affairs, even Silfa’s side was not even seen, which led to the Iron Prison incident.” Alan sighed: “I have no shirk responsibility for this matter. After the Iron Prison incident, Ida Huaxing’s embassy reported the incident back. Orfasis was very angry and asked us not to intervene in this matter. Regarding Allen, they will take over."

Capro snorted coldly: "So domineering."

"Indeed, before the Iron Prison, I would definitely not show weakness. But now it is true that we have messed up and can no longer care about anything. What I want to say is that Guangyin will use Fendi's hand to imprison Alan. Maybe I want to dig out secrets related to legends, use them to fight against, and even overthrow the Federation!"

Capulo said "Oh" and said, "What secret has such great power?"

"Son of Twilight, Ophasis said that if Alan is the Son of Twilight, then he will have the power to end all things." Alan laughed: "But I think this is ridiculous. There are more than hundreds of millions of creatures in the universe. I really don't believe that only How does a twilight son end everything?"

"But obviously Guang will believe it."

"That's the problem, dear Marshal." Alan said solemnly: "The existence of the Guangyinhui has become a huge hidden danger. We can no longer ignore its existence, Marshal."

"and so……"

"I need you to clear them." Alan took out the map and clicked on a marked position: "We have obtained the information. In three days, the core members of the Guanghide Society will gather here. This area There is a military base left over from the old era. After being rebuilt by them, it has been renamed the "Doomsday Dibao." I want to ask the Golden Lion to attack the bunker and wipe out the high-levels of the Guangxi Hui. When the group of dragons will have no leader, this organization will naturally disappear. Exists."

Capro nodded and smiled: "I can't find any reason for rejection."

"Then all please the Marshal."

After sending off Capro, Alan returned to the office. He closed the doors and windows in silence, and couldn't help laughing after he was sure he wouldn't hear his voice outside. Although the plan of the Twilight Son was unsatisfactory, the mistake caused the nobles to negotiate with the Federation. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Alan transferred Capulo back, and used it in the plan to eradicate the Gloom.

Alan smiled and looked out the window and said: "My dear owners, I hope you will like this surprise."

At this time, someone knocked on the door, and Alan didn't look back, and shouted "Come in". The secretary of the office opened the door and said, "Mr. President, a lady who calls herself Wella wants to see you."


Alan turned around, nodded and said: "Please come in."

The back door opened for a moment, and when the woman who called herself Wella strode into the office, a hint of jealousy flashed in the blond secretary's eyes, and then closed the door for them. This woman named Wella is tall, with fluffy black hair, but has unexpectedly delicate and beautiful features. It's just that there is a sense of arrogance and coldness between the brows, which makes people inaccessible.

She walked around the office, then sat on Alan's desk very frivolously. The woman put her legs together and took out a lady's cigarette from her handbag: "Is there a fire?"

Alan walked over and lit a cigarette for her herself. After taking a breath, she sprayed a smoke ring on Alan: "The room is not bad, is this president satisfied?"

"You shouldn't be here, aren't you afraid of being found out and meeting me?"

"Come on, Alan." Wella said with a chuckle: "Even members of the six-member council don't know each other's identities, unless A and the clown act together like last time. No one will know, they will only know Mr. President and his lover only met once in private, but isn’t this normal for men?”

"Ms. Q, from the very beginning, I was opposed to using the relationship of lover as a guise. It is too easy for outsiders to see through." Alan frowned and said, yes, this Wella in front of him is actually one of the core members of the Guangyin Society. The code is Q. At the same time, she was also the woman who invited Allen to join in the surface town.

She chuckled, and raised Alan’s chin with a finger and said, "Alan, your appetite is getting bigger and bigger. Not only did you want to destroy the organization, but now you also hinted that you want to have **** with me? But you are right. If nothing happens between the two of us, it will be too easy for outsiders to see through this relationship."

Alan's breathing became slightly heavier.

"Then, kiss me." The woman said.

Alan squinted her eyes, reached out to hold her face, but opened it to Wella. He changed color and said, "What do you mean?"

"I didn't tell you to kiss me, I wanted you to kiss my feet."

Alan's face changed, Wella shrugged: "Why, refuse? Then forget it, don't say I didn't give you a chance." The former looked at her and suddenly laughed: "Why not, but not many people have Isn't this opportunity?"

He squatted down.

This time it was Wella's face that something was wrong.

Wella was wearing narrow shorts and a pair of open-toed fish-mouthed high heels on her long legs. The shoes exposed her round toes to the air, and her nails painted with purple nails were like colorful shells. Alan squatted down, gently took off the shoe on her right foot, then held it up and kissed her toe, even taking a bite on it. Wella's discoloration changed on the spot and kicked out without thinking, kicking Alan to the side of the presidential wall.

This kick was not light, and the kick made Alan's mouth ooze blood, but he carelessly wiped it off, and his eyes fell on Wella's feet. The latter lowered her voice and said: "You are so brave!" She suppressed her anger, the last trace of reason in her head prevented her from continuing to furiously, but the surrounding things quietly climbed into the hoarfrost, and the temperature in the office dropped sharply. .

Alan shrugged and said, "I just followed orders."

"You are really obedient. If you are so obedient, you won't betray the organization."

"Miss Wella, everything I do is for you. As long as I can please you, let alone betray the organization, I will not hesitate to betray humans." Alan made a beast-like sound in his throat, and he rushed up. He held Wella's feet and kissed wildly. The latter pulled his leg out with a disgusting look, but never shot Alan again, just said: "I warn you, although I said that you will be rewarded for doing this, but it is still far from success. Why? So, are you ready for the Doomsday Bunker three days later?"

Alan nodded: "I have just talked to the old lion Capro, he will preside over this attack plan. But what are you going to do, if you also go to the Doomsday Bunker..."

"Don't worry about me." Wella said indifferently: "As I said earlier, the members of the six-person council don't know who the other party is, so I will let a substitute to participate."

"In this case, wouldn't it be a waste of effort if other people also let the stand-in participate?"

Wella shook her head and said: "This chance is very small, especially the clown. Take me as an example, I will let the substitute imitate my words and deeds, but will not tell the substitute everything, especially the confidential things like our cooperation now. This In the next doomsday bunker party, the clown will announce important things and will not let the substitute go. It doesn’t matter if no one else is there. As long as the clown can be killed, half of this organization will fall into my pocket."

"Then I can rest assured." Alan's eyes burned with excitement again: "Then after this success..."

"Huh, can't you not be so impatient?" Wella stretched out the back of her hand and put it to Alan's lips. The latter understood, bowed her head and kissed her hand deeply. Wella smiled and said: "Don't worry, this plan is successful, I will let you taste the sweetness first. Okay, I should go. Just a lover, Mr. President has wasted too much time. Staying longer, just It's really suspicious."

"I see you off."

Alan sent Wella out of the house and put a sticker in front of everyone outside to show intimacy. After that, Alan returned to the office first, and Wella left with a brow. Just waiting for her to leave the White House, an expression of disgust suddenly appeared on her face, she took a handkerchief out of her handbag and wiped her face, and then threw the handkerchief into a nearby trash can. In the office, the excitement in Alan's eyes disappeared. He became extremely indifferent, and said lightly: "A self-righteous woman, I hope you are so proud in bed, that's fun."

This is a quiet space, but it is quiet but not deserted. There is a beautiful dreamlike nebula not far away, and there may be a planet that contains life in that nebula. At this time, the space in a corner of space suddenly stretched. When the distortion stopped, several white gold starships decorated with ornate patterns appeared in space. These starships have smooth lines, elegant and gorgeous, and this piece of Space seems a little out of place.

In the first main ship, Grifo, Duke of Idahuaxing, just walked into the command center. The Duke stood on the bridge and leaned on the fence and said loudly: "Who can tell me what happened, and why our starship left the speed channel before reaching its destination?"

Someone immediately responded below: "Report to the Duke that there is strong interference in the star field where the destination is located, which prevents the passage to that place from opening normally. If we don't withdraw, we may hide in the space storm."

Space storms are energy storms that are generated when the channel is strongly disturbed, or distorted or collapsed. Once caught in a space storm, even the strong like Grievous will be in danger, so the exit of the starship completely conforms to the rules of interstellar travel. Grifo frowned: "Can the source of the interference be traced?"

"We can't track it temporarily, but we can send an unmanned aircraft to investigate. It is very close to the star field where the target location is located. There is no need to open the channel, and it can be reached within two days. It's just..." The person hesitated, still Said: "It’s just that every star field is extremely vast. Even with our capabilities, it’s not easy to find the source of interference. I suggest that the fleet move forward while sending drones to investigate. The two-pronged approach may allow us. Get to the heaven star soon."

"Then what are we waiting for, gentlemen, act quickly." Grievous sat back in the captain's seat and closed his eyes. If it wasn't for the trouble on the other side of the earth, maybe he was still enjoying the sun and refreshments on the home planet. But news came from the Embassy in Babylon that the humans were so stupid as to make the idea of ​​the Twilight Son privately, so that Allen returned to the heaven star.

Unable to do so, Orfascius only insisted that the Federation not intervene, and the task of bringing Allen back fell to Grievous. Although the Gemini locator on the Heavenly Star has been destroyed, with Idahuaxing’s latest generation of Rainbow Bridge technology, the locator is no longer needed to guide the speed path. Idahua's fleet can unilaterally open the channel to reach the heaven star. Thanks to Lucy's use of a base on the heaven star to send a signal back, which gave Idahua a clear coordinate.

But I didn't expect that this mission was blocked at the very beginning, some forces or some people were interfering with the Idahuaxing people's intervention, which was not good news. Griffith was thinking about who did this, and of course Lucy was the first to doubt. The emperor has a close relationship with Alan and is a member of the royal family. She is most likely to interfere. It was just that this idea was immediately denied by the Duke, because even though Lucy had the intention, she did not have the ability.

Griver continued to exclude the others, when suddenly he opened his eyes, and then a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He knew who did it, and Griffith was almost certain that it was done by Xaglin. Ever since she disappeared at Moon Lake Residence, Xia Glynn has almost disappeared on her home planet, and no one knows where she has gone. But now, Grievous believed that she was already on the heavenly star and intervened in this matter.

Nothing is more troublesome than putting up a guy who can see the first opportunity, and that guy is still a woman, it seems more troublesome. Grifo shook his head and whispered softly: "What are you thinking about, Xia Gelin. You first concealed the matter of the Son of Twilight, and now you intervene again. Don't you want the Universe Twilight to come soon?"

"and many more!"

Grievous sat up suddenly, and he squinted his eyes and said softly: "Xia Glynn obviously knew Alan's identity before then, but she still had a relationship with him and she was pregnant. She is not like that. She is such a stupid woman. On the contrary, she is smarter than anyone. Since she is willing to do this, can it be said that she thinks Alan will not be awakened and transformed, or is there any future piece in Alan?"

Only in this way can it be explained why Xia Gelin concealed the Twilight Son. Of course, whether this is the case, you have to ask the woman face to face to know. However, judging from the current situation, it is estimated that Xia Gelin will not be seen in a short time.

Thinking of this, Grifo could only smile wryly.

Heaven star.


There seems to have been a war here, and it should have been a big battle. Because before that, this place should have been covered with green grass and trees. But now, the trees are sparse, and the trunks are still black, with no branches or leaves on them, as if they were burned out by a fire. The former greenery no longer exists, and the earth is bare with yellow-brown lichen, as if the vitality here has withered.

Viewed from a height, many slopes of different shapes stretched out towards the northwest. Broken wood and black rocks can be seen everywhere, which exudes the smell of death. When the wind blew, the voice sounded so hollow and sad, as if there was nothing alive in the whole world.

This is of course impossible.

As the setting sun glowed like blood and gradually fell towards the west horizon, several thin wolves appeared on a slope. They work hard to find food and do everything they can to survive. Even though the process is difficult, it is the nature of creatures to live. At this point, animals are stronger than humans.

The skinny wolf paws the ground with its claws, looking for food that is almost impossible to exist. At this moment, one of the biggest wolves stopped, and its cold and merciless eyes looked down the slope. There it saw two people and a horse, which seemed to be passing travelers. One of them was sitting with his eyes closed, seemingly tired and fell asleep. The other was a teenager, who was picking up the broken woods nearby and was planning to start a fire~www.readwn.com~ The hungry wolf could not help sticking out its tongue and licking it. It made a low whimper and started to go downhill. But at this moment, the young man suddenly stopped working and looked at them. At that moment, the hungry wolves almost thought they had hit a natural enemy. The horrible, cold breath made them feel as if they were entangled in a giant python, and the temperatureless scales on the python were constantly clinging together, as if they heard the sound of their own bones being crushed.

As a result, the hungry wolves whispered and turned and ran away.

Bai glanced at them, grinned first, then punched himself in the head in annoyance. He patronized and let out his breath to scare away the hungry wolves, but forgot to kill a few animals for dinner tonight. Although they brought a lot of food, those things were far less delicious than wolves.

PS: Let’s start with a chapter today, but everyone has seen the content, it is the sum of the two chapters. Let's try this for a period of time, and then we will change it back after we pull up the order. Read this chapter on mobile phone:

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