Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1217: Lava Well

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The sky fire in Allen's eyes kept swaying and flickering. Hearing these words in the ears of other beings, even a highly intelligent life like Armondo would be hard to understand. But he is different, his life is different from this world, because he comes from outside this world. Now he began to doubt that the world is really deep in his consciousness? In other words, Alan has indeed entered a certain consciousness world, but this consciousness is not him, but another existence.

When this idea emerged, he became more and more sure of this idea.

Just as Armondo said, this world can be seen as a projection of a certain will, and that will is naturally a giant shadow that exists between heaven and earth. It's just that creatures like Armondo are in it, and they can't jump out of the game like Allen. So they didn't realize it yet, but understood it as the so-called "his" dream. But for the life in the projection world, having such an understanding has been beyond Allen's expectation.

Armondo lowered his head and saw the flashing fire in Allen's eyes. It obviously misunderstood Allen, and said humbly: "Of course, it is impossible for me to have such a deep understanding. All this is just what the wise abyss of fire told me. The great Mitinas has existed in his dreams for countless years. Through exploration, understanding and practice, Fire of the Abyss reached this conclusion, and shared it with other kings, so that the king did not need to war. Because it makes no sense at all."

Amundo said with excitement: "We are all waiting, including the fire of the abyss. Waiting for him to wake up, waiting for him to lead us to conquer another world. He is our common king, and before that , All we have to do is to wait patiently. Your Royal Highness, you are no exception, so let me tell you the fire of the abyss. Outside the canyon, there is a vast world for you to choose, no matter which piece of land you choose, you can plan it For your territory."

If Allen is only an ordinary king in this projection world, then he is happy to accept the proposal of Abyssal Fire. Just like what Amondo said, after understanding the meaning of the existence of creatures in this world, then war is meaningless, and waiting is what they should do. But Alan came from outside the world, he was neither the king here, even though he had given the title of Dark King. But Allen had too many questions to answer, and he didn't have time to wait for the giant shadow to wake up.

God knows how long he has been asleep.

Billions of years? Even longer?

"Believe me, I am very grateful for the kindness of His Highness Mitinas. But I still have to move forward, I have a place to go, and it will pass through the canyon. But I don't want to fight the fire of the abyss, I am not afraid, It’s respect. If Fire of the Abyss understands this, maybe he can let me pass, even with an exception."

Armando did not show any surprises. He nodded and said: "Sure enough, as the fire of the abyss said, His Royal Highness will not stop easily when he fought for a thousand miles. The young king should have such a spirit, but the fire of the abyss. I also said that the way to seek power does not necessarily require war. If His Royal Highness is willing to stop your pace or bypass the canyon, then Abyss Fire is happy to provide you with a shortcut, a shortcut to increase your strength."

Obviously this is another misunderstanding.

But when he heard that there was a shortcut to improve strength, Allen was slightly moved and asked, "What kind of approach?"

"Well of Lava." Armondo's voice was filled with a certain yearning: "That is the place where the fire of the abyss was born. It is located in the depths of the abyss of the Flame Canyon, where His Highness Mittinas was born. And like me , And several other close ministers who served His Highness, were also born from this. The Lava Well can provide us with one or two opportunities to advance to the ranks. If you enter this place, I believe the power of His Highness the Dark King will be higher than it is now. And it’s a qualitative improvement!"

"So you see, the lava well is so precious that His Highness will not open it to people casually. Even we need to accumulate enough credit to get the opportunity to enter the lava well. But for you, Your Highness has only one condition , That is to avoid wars between kings. This is easy, isn't it?"

Allen was moved after hearing this.

Quality improvement? Wouldn't it be possible for Lava Well to directly promote him to level 30? Allen can already be sure that the experience in this world will also be of great benefit to him on the real level. Otherwise, to follow the giant shadow of the sky in this world is a complete process of returning to ancestors. Every battle here, every upgrade, also directly affects him outside the world.

Take the last time as an example, he beheaded the Shadow of Flame, absorbed part of the opponent's source power and became the Dark King. In the real world, he was directly promoted to the first level, and this level of upgrade speed was unthinkable before. You must know that when he reaches his level, every level up takes a lot of time, otherwise how could there be so many strong people basically unable to advance up. Not because of reluctance, but because of difficulties.

After reaching level 30, the bottleneck is getting bigger and bigger, sometimes too big to make people desperate.

Therefore, a lava well that can make a leap forward is as precious as it is. The fire of the abyss has made such a condition, which shows its sincerity.

Allen nodded and said, "I will consider it carefully."

"I hope you won't think about it for too long. Of course, for the kings who have a long time, I think the fire of the abyss can still afford one or two hundred years." Armondo bowed back, his body gradually spreading flames.

Alan knew it was leaving, and waved the guards away. Almondo re-formed into a fireball and slowly lifted into the air, and then gradually accelerated away. In the end, it turned into a flame meteor and dropped into the canyon where the fire of the abyss was located.

The sky was completely dim.

It turns out that there will be nights in this world too. This is the first night Allen has encountered since he came to this world many times. He dismissed the guard and sat alone on the huge rock looking into the canyon. After a while, he felt a sense of being removed from this world, so he knew that the time limit for staying here had arrived.

There was a trance.

When he opened his eyes again, the dazzling sunlight from the east almost made Allen unable to open his eyes. But after a while, he got used to the light. The sun was a huge fireball in his eyes, and the poisonous light was completely filtered by him, so he could see what the sun really looked like.

Bai fell asleep on the ground beside him, the young man curled up in a ball, drooling and sleeping soundly. Allen smiled and rubbed his hair. The boy opened his confused eyes. Allen said: "Get up, today we have to hurry."

So the boy smashed his mouth and got up, looked up and saw a few skinny wolves sneaking in the distance. He stretched his fingers for nothing, but he looked at Alan. The latter knew what he was thinking, shook his head, and gave up the idea of ​​picking up those thin wolves along the way, and helped Allen lead the horse. After a while, the two rode away.

Three days later, the city of Sardinia was in sight.

Seeing this trading capital again, Allen was quite moved. I think that when I went north, passing by this city, I was shocked by the magnificence and grandeur of Sadin. But what attracted Alan the most was the city's vitality. But now, with a cloud of lead over the city, even the sun seems weak. The magnificent city wall also smoked black and gray patches into the flames of war. Several sections of the city wall were obviously damaged, and then re-reinforced, it was like a few patches on a luxurious robe, how dazzling and dazzling.

Originally, the long road leading to Sardin passed through a forest, but now the forest has almost been shoveled clean, and the long road is also in bad condition. The two sides are even more scorched, and there is only broken wood and broken rocks, not a trace of greenery. A camp has been built outside the city, and Allen can see from a distance the battle flag of the dragon army is planted in the camp, and Woodrick and his army are really here.

Before getting close to the city, there was already a cavalry squad. A dozen cavalry surrounded Ellen and the two on one horse, and the leader shouted, "Who are you?"

Allen took out the identity document Lucy prepared for him from the horse's side bag in a hurry, and the cavalry captain took it. When he saw the earl's title marked on it, he was shocked on the spot. This paper document was delivered to Allen in the afternoon after Tangliou personally awarded him the honor. Therefore, in addition to the authentication stamp of the Privy Council, there is also a golden double lion seal on the document. This means that Alan's identity is recognized by the royal family, which is three points more noble than ordinary earls. Of course, this document is definitely difficult to pass in the north, but it is still very noble in the south.

With the golden seal of the two lions, Alan is as noble as a marquis. The captain was about to get off the horse and salute, but smiled and gently caught Allen with his hand. He said, "Who is in charge of Sardinia now?"

The captain quickly replied: "Previously, General Woodrick was in charge of military affairs, and General Silin was in charge of the management of the city. However, as the battle line shifted, the main force of the dragon army was also mobilized and left. At present, both in and out of the city are replaced by General Silin. tube."

"Very well, I won't enter the city anymore. I bother to inform General Slin that I will be waiting for him outside the city. There is something wrong, and I need the general's help."

The captain nodded: "Then please go to the barracks and rest with us."

Walking into the barracks, it turned out that the camp was quiet, and there were not many soldiers. Those soldiers who did not mobilize and leave with the main army were mostly wounded, and their combat effectiveness was limited, so they were naturally left behind. Although this barracks was flying the battle flag of the Dragon Army, Alan saw more Bucks soldiers. The captain of the cavalry invited Allen into a camp. He had sent someone to inform Silin, but he stayed to accompany him.

Allen casually asked about the recent situation of Sadin, only to realize that the situation here is more unbearable than that on the Unicorn Ridge.

The Principality of Shadows fought two fronts simultaneously, each of which was subdivided into several battlefields. Sardin’s side is one of the battlefields. The Shading Council used this city as one of the entry points in the southern border. What he saw was the status quo of Sardin’s high walls but no strong soldiers. When the army of the Shadow Duchy appeared, there were only five thousand stag army in Sardinia. Regardless of the number of troops, the number and quality of the strong, Sardinia is at a disadvantage. The foreign army did not rush to attack. They first cleared the woods leading to the city of Sardinia, and then surrounded the city. Finally, they used their superior strength to divide the army into several echelons to attack in turn, and the continuous fighting day and night allowed Sardin. The army in the city has no time to rest at all.

After three days, the city of Sardinia was in jeopardy. Fortunately, at a critical moment, the dragon army heading south arrived. Under the leadership of Woodrick, the dragon army directly attacked the main force of the alien army from the rear, killing the opponent by surprise, temporarily solving the predicament of Sardin City. After that, Marshal Rodk continued to increase troops to the city, and eventually the army of the Shadow Principality was lost, and then the battlefield was moved.

Now the dragon army is chasing the opponent's tail, intending to eat all the remnants of the alien race. The city of Sardinia now has only one shell, while the city is full of rooms. Before the war started, many residents quietly moved to Moseol. Obviously, the Empire's heavy armored armies gave people more confidence, even if the city with the Empire Hall had already raised taxes. , But there are still an endless stream of people pouring into the city.

"Now Moseol is actually under the control of the Armour Armour, and the mayor is completely overhead. Not to mention Marshal Rodek's orders, even the empire's orders can't be passed into that city." The cavalry captain sneered: "Great. General Arkham is now majestic. I heard that he is building a general assembly and plans to build a palace. Hey, he wants to be a king himself."

"Don't talk nonsense in front of Lord Ellen." A majestic voice came from outside the tent, and then the camp was opened, and the long-lost General Silin strode in with several officers. The captain of the cavalry immediately withdrew knowing the opportunity, and Sirin laughed and greeted Alan with open arms.

After a hug, General Slin retreated a few steps and said: "I haven't seen him for a while, Lord Allen has risen to this level. It seems that the impact on the 30th level is only a matter of one or two years. Seeing this moment Your lord, I am grateful for the correct decision."

"Oh, I don't know what decision General Slin has made?"

Silin pointed to Alan and shook his head: "I know you know well, but I'm not afraid to provoke it now. I have some investments in the dark land. Unfortunately, the adults' trip to the north made my investment hit. At that time, more than one person urged me to deal with the adults, but I was the most cautious person, with the idea of ​​not moving. When the adults arrived in Sardinia, when I saw that the adults were so young, I decided to forget to avenge the adults. Young is capital. Adults already have this level of power and authority at this age. I cannot afford to provoke such a person."

"It's only a few months now, the adults have improved again, so you say whether my decision was extremely wise."

Allen smiled and didn't talk. He is not interested in this kind of mentality now, in his impression, Slin is not such a self-exposing person. Now telling the old story with Allen is nothing more than watching the subtle changes in the situation in the south. Allen escorted Julian to the south, and now Julian has the support of Hoy and the Bolling family. The well-informed also knew that the sword lord Mason would stand up and identify the current imperial new minister as the murderer who assassinated Tangerio. For now, Julian has a great advantage in the situation.

When the news came out from Tieqiangling, Mason identified the prime minister, even if Howson refuted it, it would be extremely unfavorable for him as a king. In contrast, Julian will get more recognition and become the nobleman around His Royal Highness. Undoubtedly, Slin didn't want Alan to suddenly turn over his old account in the future, so he simply pointed out now that he must know that the black tea he invested in assassinated Alan in the battlefield.

If Allen pursues it to the end, the mastermind of Slin will not escape.

Sure enough, Silin lowered his voice and said: "There was a lot of offense at the time, and I hope that the adults will not be offended. Of course, I will compensate the adults. There is also the attack on the adults outside Sardin. I swear that I definitely did not do it. , But from the swordsman side. But now that things have passed, the adults will not continue to investigate them if you want to come to them?"

Sling meant that if Allen stopped pursuing what Mason did that day, he would be even less worthy of the Bucks general compared to Mason. Alan couldn’t understand his suggestion. He nodded and said, “Since the general took the initiative to inform us today, it shows our sincerity. Now our top priority should be to resist the invasion of the Shadow Principality. Before the national war, personal matters were not mentioned. In the heart."

Silin felt relieved, and said cheerfully, "I am impressed by his great spirit."

Allen smiled and said, "There is something I want the general to help."

"My lord, please say that as long as I can do it, Silin will never shirk."

"It's not a big deal. I'm going to the cemetery of the Blood King. Now the cemetery is guarded by the Fire Lion Legion. I am afraid it would be inconvenient to get in and out of it. I would like to ask General Silin to write a letter of recommendation to General Liege, and ask him to give it Passable."

Silin was taken aback, and said, "Master Ellen, the situation in the cemetery of the Blood King is not stable. Why are you going there?"

"I have reached the bottleneck. If I want to break through in a short time, the blood king cemetery should be a good place to experience. I heard that the more the cemetery goes down, the more evil things will be, I want to go there to try my luck." He didn't hide it from him, and directly stated his intention.

Silin nodded: "If this is the case, then I will write a letter for the adult. It's just that General Eligo won't let anyone go, I can't guarantee it."

Allen also knows ~www.readwn.com~ This letter will have more weight for Woodrick to write, but now he can't chase the front line and let the dragon general write himself a letter of recommendation, right? He said calmly: "It's okay, even if General Eligo doesn't let go, I won't blame General Silin."

"That's all right, my lord wait a moment."

Silin asked someone to bring paper and pen, write a letter and put his seal on it before handing it to Alan. Alan looked at it and put it away. After a while, he left Sling, bypassed Sardinia, and rose towards the valley of the dead. He and Bai drove at full speed, and finally saw the road into the valley in the evening, the starting point of death.

Here is more lifeless than the wilderness outside the city of Sardinia, and the road is gradually deepening into the valley, and the setting sun has been completely covered by the mountain, only casting a blood blush. The whole valley was full of murderous air, and Allen galloped on his horse. Before the sun fell to the horizon, he looked forward on a high **** and saw the high mountain halfway up by thick clouds.

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