Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1228: Golden Titan

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Almost as the white sword flew, Ofascius raised his big feet and suddenly stopped. The earth trembles frequently, and the stone strips rise from the ground, like a sword pointing to the sky, facing the nine swords that shoot down towards the sky.

Shi Jian vs. Bai Jian.

The two sides soon met in the middle distance.

A weird thing happened. Allen's nine white swords passed through Orfascius's stone swords like invisible objects. With such a vision, the emperor couldn't help but screamed. Even with the knowledge of Orfascius, he couldn't see through the nine white swords. In fact, they were part of the projection of the white emperor sword in the well of lava. It is neither a physical weapon like the Chi King, nor is it a weapon composed of Primal Force Simulating. They are just the spirit of the Baidi Sword thrown into Alan's body. Invisible and innocent, but it can hurt and kill the enemy!

In the midair, the nine swords gathered and turned into a blazing white flame like a mountain peak. The white light was fluctuating, and the shape of a sword appeared looming, and the domineering spirit of killing all things in it made Orfascius frown.

The white light exploded to the ground, but there was still some distance from Orfascism. The emperor was startled slightly, and saw that the blazing white flame light as mighty as a river had rolled to the ground, hitting his chest straight.

The scarlet cloak suddenly rose from behind.

Orfasis caught Bai Guang with one hand and shouted violently.

The fluffy white light was like a giant mad dragon that was held by him, but couldn't help twisting, but couldn't move forward any further. Ofasis squinted his eyes, and he clearly felt the heat in his palm rising, even he felt scorching hot. It's like holding a white light, it's like holding a sun!

At this moment, Allen rushed. A pair of dark wings stretched to the limit, the sky fire in his eyes agitated, and the two knives in his hands were raised, full of strength, pulling out the black and red two-color knives and pressing down.

Orfasis reluctantly raised his other arm to block the double swords.

Cang Yan suddenly lit up on Alan's head, and the force on the knife surged.

The emperor was frightened and angry, and his mind was divided, and the hand that caught the blazing flame became loose.

Bai Guang took advantage of the opportunity and bounced the palm of Ofascius, as if the Nu River rushed and hit the emperor's chest heavily, slamming him into the sky. At a turn, Yanhe pressed the emperor to the ground.

A beam of light fell from the sky.

The world suddenly darkened, only a little brilliance on the ground lit up, and that blazing brilliance instantly radiated away, swallowing and submerging the area measured in square kilometers.

A wave of air came like a wall, and the two ponytails behind Lucy pointed straight to the back. Suddenly Griver fell in front of her, turned his back to the wave wall, and stretched his hands flat to block the shock wave.

Behind the Duke is a masterpiece of white light.

It took a few seconds before the light gradually converged, and the heavens and earth returned to their original colors.

Lucy's pupils expanded inch by inch.

An umbrella-shaped thick cloud was gradually expanding, and the swaying upward cloud pillars under the umbrella flickered with electric snakes, the earth and clouds were slightly distorted in her eyes, and the source of space in that direction became even more chaotic. The ground was even more deeply planed out, and a round pit hundreds of meters long and wide appeared. Just like in a blast crater after the impact of a meteorite, there is no trace of Orfascism.

Only nine white lights bounced back from the thick smoke of the explosion pit, and fell behind Allen to re-eject the shape of the sword wheel. The white sword is still the same, but the spirit on the sword has been reduced by a few points, and the overbearing and aggressive weather flames before.

There were still intermittent rumbling noises in the blast hole, and it seemed that the impact of the Baidi sword still refused to die, which showed that the sword was as powerful as a river. Before the war, no one, including Lucy, had expected that Ellen would advance to the ranks and awaken at this time, let alone the posture of the Twilight Son after the awakening was so overbearing and powerful, even one of the three most powerful people known in the universe. , Orfasis, known as the King of Justice, also shot down with a sword.

Lucy was in a complicated mood, saying that it was impossible not to worry about Orfasis. Even if that man is her father no matter what, what's more, she knew in her heart that Ofascism's love for her was only a lot more than other brothers and sisters. It's just that she hadn't thought that Alan could do this level before, which was somewhat unexpected. She didn't want Alan to be in trouble, and she didn't want to see her father hurt.

Grievous turned around silently and looked at the hideous umbrella cloud. He didn't worry about Orfascism, because the Duke knew very well that with the strength of the emperor, this attack was not enough to damage him. But it was enough to irritate him, and if that was the case, then Alan would have to suffer.

At this time, the dark wings behind Allen flapped, and a gust of wind blew up at his feet, supporting Allen to float into the air. With wings wide open, Allen's eyes were blazing, and he pulled out two red lights and cast them toward the blast hole.

The intermittent reverberation in the explosion pit suddenly fell silent, followed by a loud noise like spring thunder rolling from the pit. In the continuous sky smoke pillar, there are shadows skyrocketing, and more golden electric lights shoot out from the smoke pillar. When Allen saw this, instead of retreating, he rushed away.

Seeing that he was about to crash into the smoke pillar, a huge fist suddenly blasted out of the smoke pillar.

This giant spirit fist was as big as a mountain, pulling several gray waves of air and hitting it head-on. Allen let out a long scream and cut off with two knives.

So looking at Lucy in the distance, she saw a wave of air exploded from the giant fist, like a sonic boom. At the center of the air wave, a black shadow flew upside down, it was naturally Alan's infallible. Alan was smashed into the air by that giant fist, and even the Scarlet King and the Death Hymn were shocked and fell onto the wasteland. He flew for nearly a kilometer before stopping, a pair of dark wings pressed out atmospheric ripples behind him, and then slowly fell back to the ground.

He looked up in the direction of the smoke column.

A giant came out of there.

The real giant!

At a height of more than ten meters, the golden skin of the whole body reflected a metallic halo in the sun. The giant's majestic face could tell at a glance that it was Orfascism, which was only magnified dozens of times. It's just that at this moment of Ofascius, his hair turned into golden flames, and his raised eyebrows were also made of flames. His eyes were like two suns, bursting out dazzling golden light that could not be seen directly.

Orfascius, who was transformed into a giant, also wore armor, but those armors that looked gorgeous and majestic seemed to be part of his body, just like living armor. On the giant's chest and the armour of his hands and feet are embedded a spar that emits a faint light. They exude a soft force field, repelling the gravitational force of the planet, making Orfascism's movements look without any clumsy feeling.

"Golden Titan form..." Grievous shook his head and said, "The emperor really used this form."

As one of the three nobles, the path of power that Orfasis took is the route of his ancestors to return to his ancestors, and his original ancestor is the posture displayed at this moment. The Golden Titan looked not far from the Gry giant in the Yorton alien race, and even not as big as the Hellfire Giant in terms of height. But in terms of power, there are completely two different levels of beings. The Golden Titan is born with the talent to sense and master the source of the void, which is different from the Heavenly Fire Source Power controlled by Allen, while Ophasis controls the Extreme Gold Source Power.

The extremely golden source force made Orfascius's body stronger than any known metal in the universe, so when the Baidi Sword actually scratched his cheek, the emperor's shock can be imagined. When Ofascius turned into a golden Titan, almost no power could destroy him from the outside. In addition, the extremely golden source power also enables Orfascism to control all metals.

In this way, all planets containing metal are basically the home of the Great Emperor!

Orfascius walked out of the blast hole. He looked at Alan, his eyes lit up with gold. Then the two blazing golden beams swept out, and Allen dodged sideways in time to avoid the two beams that swept all the way from the earth.

This sweep swept a full two kilometers, and after the light beam retracted into the eyes of the giant, the earth set off a continuous explosion, and the flames formed a long corridor on the ground. At the beginning of the explosion, Allen had already launched a charge, and when the flame corridor appeared, he had already arrived in front of Orfascius. The emperor's movements were surprisingly flexible under the force field emitted by the spars on his body, and he slammed a punch to Alan's position.

The Dark Wing vibrated behind Allen and suddenly accelerated.

The giant's punch hit the ground, and the earth was torn apart.

Allen flashed a hundred meters ahead, and with both feet, he slammed into the giant's abdomen, bursting into flames. Orfascius took a step back, swiping his left arm horizontally, and slapped Alan like a mosquito.

Allen pulled out a black line and dived down, hitting the ground several hundred meters away in a sharp whistle, and plowed for nearly a hundred meters before stopping.

He looked up, there was no giant figure in front of him, but there was a growing shadow under his feet.

Obviously that is not his shadow.

Allen pressed his hands and feet on the ground at the same time, and he moved back eagerly. A pair of huge soles landed first, and then Ofascius's short body bent over. He fell from the sky and smashed into the ground like a meteor, smashing a crater 100 meters wide.

Sand splashes.

Allen withdrew from 100 meters, his eyes locked on the upright giant.

He clenched his fists with both hands and slammed his fists against each other.

A black spot of light appeared at the center of the collision of the two fists, and the black spot spread out a circle of intensely colored fire. The circle of fire spreads and moves forward, and the color changes from dark to light, pulling out a fire tornado. This flame tornado hit the giant, and immediately exploded hundreds of large and small fireballs, spreading all over Ofascius's body, and finally the flames of the explosion gathered into a black-red fire column and rushed from the ground.

But the giant rushed out of the flames unscathed, and strode towards Allen.

Allen let out a long howl, the blue flame on his head burned wildly, the dark wings spread out awe-inspiringly, and he also greeted the giant.

The two silhouettes of hugely disparity soon met on the ground, and both sides raised their fists and threw them down at the same time. The completely disproportionate two fists slammed into each other, and suddenly two opposite thread ripples exploded at the point where the fists of the two sides met. The rock armor covering Allen's arm was lifted from the direction of his fist, revealing the crimson skin underneath, and then squeezed out thousands of thin red lines from the skin, and the sound of bones bursting was heard inside. Orfascius was not harmless either, a circle of rich red light appeared at the position hit by Allen, and then the red light began to spread. After the red light passed, the giant's fist rose in white smoke, and the skin and bones melted. Orfascius was like reaching into the hot molten steel with a hand, and the flesh and blood in the fist was melted and incinerated by the terrifying heat contained in Allen's punch.

The emperor has a super body beyond any known metal, but Alan controls the most domineering flame in the void.

Extreme gold faced the sky fire, and there was a sign of being restrained by the latter.

At this time, the two of them were pushed away by the reaction force. After the two fists were separated, the source of the opposing forces of the two sides revealed their hideous fangs. Two Void Source Forces of Extreme Gold and Sky Fire collided and twisted, and finally a light spot appeared in the air. The spot of light expanded sharply, and the light radiated away, submerging the bodies of the two of them. Another sun seems to rise on the wilderness, where the source force collides, annihilates, and neutralizes, forming pure and constantly expanding energy.

After this energy reached saturation, it finally turned into a beam of light and blasted into the sky. Around the beam of light, circular shock waves continued to spread. They set off a gust of wind, and even the high-altitude clouds shattered. When the beam of light disappeared, the sky was cloudless, revealing an unusually blue sky.

The world is connected.

Although this battle took place in the wilderness, those strong enough existences all felt the surging source force on the battlefield. Under the blood king cemetery, Ellie, who was making plans for the next expansion of the camp, suddenly put down most of the maze model he had made. He twisted his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the battlefield, although it seemed to others that the place he was looking at was nothing but darkness.

"General?" his deputy called softly.

Eligo squinted his eyes and said: "After today, I am afraid that the situation in the north and south will change drastically."

The deputy obviously didn't understand, and he didn't explain, he lowered his head and muttered: "It's not our business anyway, but his growth rate is too terrible. In a little more than a month, he made it into ten. In the Holy Realm, the young people today are really amazing."

The deputy next to him was confused.

At the castle in Unicorn Ridge, when the old general Salon rode back to the castle, he saw Midian of the Ten Saints standing on a terrace from a distance. He soared into the cloud, like What is sensing. Salong frowned, and went straight to the terrace after dismounting. Tianhao Midian recovered his source power. Salong just felt Midian's sudden release of his source power before he rushed back. He thought that a strong alien was attacking. As a result, the ten saintly strong man bowed his head and said nothing.

Salon couldn't hold back, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Midian raised his head, shook his head and smiled: "It looks like I have to retreat from the position of Ten Saints."

"Is it?"

"Yes, a new ten-sage strongman was born. It looks like it has just been promoted, but the strength of the source power is really terrifying. Moreover, the new strongman seems to be fighting with people, the other side's source strength The machine is also powerful..." Midi paused and said: "The newly advanced powerhouse, I feel his Qi machine is very familiar, I am afraid it is your old acquaintance."


"Earl Ellen." Midian said calmly: "His aura is very special, as fierce as Mason. But his source power is a bit more domineering than our ex-duke lord, I have played against him. , You should not admit your mistakes."

After hearing that, Saron's eyes lit up, and he shook his palms: "Well, I heard that Earl Alan has returned some time ago. I also said why he didn't show up, because he went to advance. Now there is another ten sage in the empire. It's a headache to think about coming to the shadow Principality."

"I can't stop the aliens from having a headache." Midian laughed: "The enemy of the earl, or even the opponent of the second prince, will have a headache."

On this day, those who were strong enough felt the battle that took place in the wilderness and got many hints from the aura revealed in it. It's just that among these people, some are happy and some are sad, but they all react the same. It's just that they all know that the birth of a ten-sage strongman will have a huge impact on the situation within the empire.

But now, obviously Allen has no time to bother about it.

He and Ofascius gave a hard punch, and the people flew back hundreds of meters before stopping. He looked at his arm, the cracked rock armor was being restored, and the wounds under the rock armor had begun to heal. After being promoted, the biggest change brought about is the recovery speed of the body, especially the power of Allen, who can call the source of the void, has incomparable advantages.

It's just that his opponent is also a strong man who controls the source of the void.

Ofasis's melted fist also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the giant shook his fist and started striding towards Allen.

Alan emptied both hands, and the two long knives that fell in the distance bounced back into his hands.

The two sides began to accelerate, and seeing a new wave of offensive unfold, suddenly a voice rang in their ears: "Stop..."

"Stop fighting!"

The giant slammed on the ground, stomping on a large area of ​​the ground, blowing up continuous dust and smoke. The sky fire in his eyes gradually extinguished, revealing clear pupils. Looking behind the giant, Alan's gaze pierced through the smoke, the ground, and passed over Grifo's figure, and finally fell on a girl.

"Lucy..." Allen suddenly dilated her pupils and exclaimed, "What are you doing? Put the gun down!"

Ofasis also shook at the same time, and the golden light in his eyes disappeared without a trace. The giant turned around flexibly with a completely disproportionate body, and also saw the girl behind Grifo. Lucy was holding the Golden Rose upside down, her muzzle resting on her chin. With a heartbreaking smile on his lips, two lines of tears fell from his face. Seeing Lucy like this~www.readwn.com~Ofascius trembled: "Put the gun down, boy, don't do stupid things."

"Your Majesty is right, Your Royal Highness Lucy, don't get excited." Grievous said helplessly. His attention just now was all attracted by the battle between the two Ellens. When he found something was wrong, Lucy had already used Golden Rose. Against his chin. The Duke didn't dare to act rashly, even if he had absolute strength, but Jin Qiangwei was too close to Lucy, and Grievous was too close to be sure.

Golden Rose is not an ordinary gun, especially now it has transformed into the second stage. The attack of this source device is real, and nothing can prevent the penetration of the bullet. Even Lucy can't do it when she fully expands the source force barrier, besides, she has no intention of protecting herself now.

Lucy looked at the two men in the distance and whispered softly: "Enough, you are my most important person, I don't want to see anyone injured. If you insist on going to war, please continue after I close my eyes. Well. In this case, I at least don’t have to bear the pain of losing either party!"Read this chapter on my mobile phone:

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