Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1247:  The Realization of the King

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[Thanks to Brother Xiang, Su in the War, Book Friends 26931165, Three Years Three Years, Gray Riverbank Gzk, Nissin 13, Chicha, Sanxingluo and other brothers for their monthly reward tickets! Thank you, continue to beg for subscription! ]

There is a mine not far from the Green Light City. The surrounding walls of the mine are surrounded by stone slabs. Behind the retaining wall are several metal spires, on which are installed the automatic shooting platform common to the Bar people. Some black mining vehicles with flashing red lines on the mine are working. However, a group of Baar people gathered in the clearing, they were the guards of the mine and the men of the iron hand.

Among them, a Baer with a big head and a small body opened his throat and shouted: "You should also know that our Lord Iron Hand is dead. Yes, a group of unknown origins killed the adults. This is really bad news. What’s worse is that those people are coming here. Obviously they want to take over the adult’s property and wealth."

"I heard that Nick is now a guide for those people." There are also well-informed guards.

The big-headed Barr said, "Yes, that **** Nick has now taken refuge in those outsiders, who brought them here. What I have to tell everyone is that we must go to war!"

"Go to war? Are you crazy? Weizhe, they are strong men who even the Iron Hand masters have killed. How can we beat others?" The loyalty of the Baal people has always been limited, especially in the wasteland or relics, to maintain them The loyal thing has only power. They used to have iron hands, so they were naturally loyal. Now that the iron hands are dead, you don't need to expect them to be loyal to the dead.

The Barr called Vizhe sneered and said: "Don’t forget, Lord Iron Hand is only one of the capable men of the adult. Even if we surrender, we will gain a temporary security. But after that, it won’t be long before the adult You will know what happened in Luguang Town. With his temper, Shiyou will personally bring the army over. Do you think those outsiders can win this battle?"

"No, that's impossible. They will be killed, and their heads will be hung on road signs outside the town as a warning. As for us who surrendered, huh, I'm afraid we will die. Instead of this, we should fight with those people. Fight!"

Perhaps Weizhe said something quite reasonable. The guards of these mines whispered to each other, and they all agreed with Weizhe's views. As he said, unless they escape from Green Light Town, or even escape from the wasteland. Otherwise, the big man will not let them go. There have been too many examples to prove this in the past, and at the same time, the big man used such iron-blooded means to control his loyalty.

At this time, a guard's cry sounded from a metal spire at the retaining wall: "They are here."

Then the firing platforms of several spires had opened fire, and the horribly green light beams immediately illuminated the space around the mine in green, and green fireballs bloomed outside the mine. Upon seeing this, Wei Zhe shouted, "What are you still doing? Let's go to war!"

He pointed forward, and the surrounding guards screamed and rushed up, and soon started fighting with outsiders. Seeing some flying black blades roaming around several defensive towers from a distance, those shooting platforms were all dumb. Seeing that the door was cut open by a tall Catu with an axe, Vizhe felt more wise about his decision. He winked at the other two guards nearby, and the three of them took advantage of the chaos and left from the other side of the mine.

After leaving the mine, Wei Zhe turned on a device on his wrist and sent a message that had been edited. The message probably meant that the iron hand was killed and the mine was attacked. Only he and a few people survived. In this way, it is also alive, but it has a completely different meaning from surrendering without a fight. After hearing the news that the iron hand was killed, Wei Zhe began to plan for his own life, and finally everything went according to his plan. He glanced at the flaming mine behind him, and laughed inwardly. Don't blame me, blame you for being stupid. He thought like this, and suddenly hit the person in front of him. The impact was not light, causing Wei Zhe to fall to the ground. He angrily said, "Why stop suddenly!"

Then I found a figure standing not far in front.

Vizhe got up and stared at him with his strangely large eyes. His eyes are always good, so it is easy to see that it is a human. Human beings are rare in Agareth, and human slaves only exist in the magic ring city or sunset city. The human man in front of him has a striking silver hair. He is holding a long knife and wearing armor commonly used by the Baer people, and he is looking over with a smile on his face.

"Everyone, this is nowhere." He said in standard Agareth language.

Wei Zhe shouted angrily, "What are you still doing? Kill him!"

The two guards woke up like a dream, and both took off their beam guns from behind, then raised their guns and shot.

The tragic green light beams blasted away, but before they hit the man, they suddenly turned and refracted in mid-air, and in vain blew up rounds of green fireballs between the surrounding open space and the rocks. Wei Zhe looked big and pushed behind the two guards: "Idiot, go up and kill him!"

The guard dropped the beam gun and drew the sword from his waist and rushed up. Wei Zhe ran backwards, glanced backwards while running, only to see that the man didn't even draw a knife. Just raised his hand and gestured. A scarlet light was born in front of him, and then the light flew over lightly and brushed past the two guards. In the following picture, Wei Zhe smashed his head, and the seemingly ineffective light made the two guards separate!

At this moment, the man looked at him, took a step in his smile, and the figure disappeared from Wei Zhe's vision. At the same time, Vizhe felt the breathing air pat lightly on his face. He turned his head back. The man was already squatting beside him, his eyes fell on the working device on his wrist. He said, "It seems You did something not so good."

The battle in the mine is over.

The resistance of the guards was extremely tough, and they were desperately desperate. Of course, no matter how hard it is, it doesn't work. Facing Lola, these four powerhouses comparable to federal generals, this **** force with less than a hundred people is a two-minute job for them. So when Nick saw heavy smoke everywhere inside and outside the mine, and the bodies of the iron hand guards were dragged by the Catu and piled up a hill outside the door, the Neil had a new understanding of Alan’s power. .

Regardless of the army, Alan's strength and the strength of his four followers alone, even if they were thrown on the wasteland, Alan has the qualifications to compete with those big men. As for the army, with such strength, there is no need to worry that no one will work for him. Agareth had always followed the principle of the weak eating the strong, and the jungle rules were interpreted more thoroughly in the wasteland. If the weak do not cling to the strong, they only have to wait to be eaten. This is the iron rule of the great wasteland.

At this time he saw Alan coming back, still dragging a Barr whose head and body were out of proportion. Nick recognized that it was Vizhe, one of the iron hands. This guy can't fight, but his head is so good that he is very sinister. Now Vizhe is struggling, but the struggle is in vain. Allen walked nearby and threw his hand up. As he threw it out, a beam of source force rushed into the Baer's body, and Vizhe immediately screamed. The bones of his whole body were almost shattered in an instant, and he could only lie on the ground like mud.

Allen looked at Nick: "Go and see what's on his wrist, he seems to have sent some messages."

Nick trot over quickly.

Seeing Nick flipping through the device on his wrist, Vizhe said fiercely: "I remember you, Nick, you mouse in the stinking ditch. Do you know what I'm doing?"

"Of course, I'm serving Lord Allen."

"For a human?" Wei Zhe sneered, "Don't think that he can protect you by killing Lord Iron Hand, Nick. You should know how powerful that adult is, not to mention a human being, even ten or a hundred such Human beings, that adult can easily kill you!"

"Perhaps." Nick blinked: "But if I didn't do this, maybe I would be dead now. And now, I can at least survive before the arrival of the adult's army. Besides, it was not Ai who killed the iron hand. Lord Lun, but only one of his followers. So you understand, Vizhe, I think Lord Allen might be able to kill that lord."

Wei Zhe was startled, this was really unexpected news.

Nick took the device off his wrist, took a look and said, "He did send some messages."

"This guy has already sent out what happened in Greenlight Town, Lord Allen."

Alan nodded, not surprised: "In other words, we will soon see the master of Iron Hand."

"Yes, that lord is called Blood Eye in the Great Wasteland. He is one of the few great figures in the Great Wasteland. Lord Allen, I have to remind you that there are nearly a thousand thugs under Blood Eye Azers who have worked for him. He is willing, and he is completely capable of producing an army of more than a thousand people."

"The army, right..." Allen said lightly, "I have it too. It seems that it's time to get Mitinas here."

Nick looked puzzled. Of course he didn't know that Mitinas was the fire of the abyss, the alien king who promised to build an army for Allen!

When Hubble went to retrieve the iron hand's body according to Alan's instructions, Alan was standing in front of a minecart. Nick opened the minecart, picked up a piece of green-glazed ore from it and gave it to him. He looked at the raw ore wrapped in rock suits and could feel the energy contained in the ore. Just like Nick said, the ore that can be refined into green crystals naturally contains strong energy. These energies have no attributes, just a single violent and chaotic.

Inside, Allen felt that the energy of the green crystal was very mixed. If there is a way to purify it, I am afraid the value of the green crystal will skyrocket. But thinking about it, he gave up. There are so many big people in the wasteland, Allen didn't believe that they would not have thought of purifying the green crystal. Since the original green crystal is still used for trading, in other words, it is not necessary, or the gain after purification is not worth the loss.

In this case, there is no need for him to do anything extra.

"My lord, the workers are all gone, I'm afraid this mine..." Nick reminded from the side.

Allen nodded and said, "As you said, Iron Hand, Mine and Green Light Town belong to the Lord Bloodeye. As long as Azers is still alive, no one will work for me. It's okay, just Let this mine temporarily suspend work. When Azerth is dead, they naturally know what to do."

Nick licked his lips and lowered his head in awe. It can be said that killing Azeroth is so natural that the man in front of him is either self-confident or mad, and no matter what kind of it, Nick doesn't want to provoke him. What's more, now that he is in the same boat as Allen, he is naturally more willing to believe that Allen can get rid of the **** eyes, that the wasteland is bound to usher in a new pattern, and he will also live a completely different life from the past.

Nick is betting that he will completely turn over if he wins the bet. If you lose, it will not be worse than now.

After a while, Hubble returned and brought back the body of Iron Hand. After that, Allen told them to leave the mine, leaving a large open space, only he and the iron hand corpse were alone. He walked around the body of the iron hand and murmured: "Mitynas said that the two worlds can be connected with me as a bridge, and the will can enter and exit the two worlds. Mitynas wants to be in this world To materialize, you need a medium. The medium must be a biological body, and the stronger the better, I don’t know whether the Iron King’s body can withstand the will of the abyss fire. There is also a way to extract the meaning of that world. , Mitinas said I know, that is to say, that method should also be inherited from blood?"

He patted his head: "But do I really know how to do that?"

When Allen thought about the method of extracting will, things in front of him began to be eliminated little by little. When the vision turned into darkness, there was a burning blood path winding up, and in a moment he was already standing on this blood path. The road to burning blood does not know where it came from, but its end must be the throne of destruction. Now Allen can see the throne more clearly when he looks forward. He seems to be much closer to this throne than before.

Then suddenly there was a lot of information in his mind, and that huge amount of information flooded into his brain, ignoring his wishes, forcibly instilling it into Allen's brain. He couldn't help but snorted, even with the now transformed body, when suddenly receiving so much information, the feeling is definitely not comfortable.

After the blood path disappeared, Allen took a sigh of relief. As if a storm had just subsided in his brain, his thoughts were now in chaos. After a while, those chaotic thoughts disappeared one by one, and then Allen read about the method of extracting the will of another world.

The method is surprisingly simple.

It's so simple that Allen doubts whether it's really useful, but if it's useful, you'll know if you try. He shrugged and pushed his thumb against the handle of the red king, and the long sword was an inch out of its sheath. Allen stretched out his left hand, took his index finger and cut on the knife of the king, then pulled out a thin hole. He squatted down and stretched his fingers to the body of Iron Hand. A drop of blood dripped from the wound on the tip of the finger, and the blood gleamed with scarlet fire.

It dripped on Tie Shou's face, and then quickly penetrated into Tie Shou's skin. However, the blink of an eye had completely disappeared from Tie Shou's face, and there was a flare of fire floating under Tie Shou's skin, and this flame continued to spread. At the same time, Allen said softly: "Come here, Mitinas..."

His body is the bridge between the two worlds, and his blood is the carrier of will. Mitinas can enter the material world through his body, and then use Alan's blood as a carrier to enter as a materialized medium. In fact, Alan had already done the same thing before, in the Iron Prison Base. When he strongly hated Fendi and everything in the base, certain wills in that other world quietly entered the material world through Allen’s blood, and finally entered the bodies of the base personnel, using their bodies as the carrier. The materialization of the medium.

It's just that Alan didn't know all of this at the time, and the actualized Fire Boy and Fire Horn Demon were also killed in the base explosion. Now Allen is doing the same thing, the difference is that last time he subconsciously materialized a life in a different world, but this time he took the initiative to do so, and it was a king of another world who would be materialized. .

No one knows what the result will be, including Allen.

At this moment, in the corpse of Iron Hand, the cells of the Baer are undergoing earth-shaking changes. After Alan's blood enters his body, it burns and decomposes quickly, releasing countless foreign cells, which are active in the blood that is not yet fully coagulated by the iron hand. After these cells passed, the blood that was about to be clotted in the iron hand began to flow again. As a result, the eyes that had been closed open suddenly at this moment, but there was fire from these eyes constantly spraying out.

Not only that, all parts of Iron Hand's body burst out with fire, as if there was a flame burning in his body. Allen stepped back a little, and he already felt another will quietly appearing in the iron hand, it was like a newborn baby, exuding a tender breath. But its essence is magnificent and ancient.

That is the will of the fire of the abyss!

boom. Tie Shou's body shot upwards, and fierce fire light spurted from his body, engulfing him in the fire light. Then the firelight began to shrink and shrink, and finally only a ball of fireball the size of a blue ball remained on the ground ~ www.readwn.com~ The scorched ground, the iron hand's body had disappeared, only the ball of fire still existed. At this time, several irregular stones floated on the ground.

These stones have completely crystallized, they buzzed and shook, and black powder was continuously sprinkled from them. When the black powder is scattered, they have turned into blocks of prismatic black crystals of equal volume. These black crystals are arranged in a circle around the fireball, like the guard of the fireball. Above that, Allen could feel a wonderful force field, which was protecting the fireball. Then a voice came from the fireball: "It's nice to see you in the material world, your honorable Dark King. As promised, my fire of the abyss, Mytinas, is here to listen to all your orders."

Although Alan had been mentally prepared, he still inevitably shook a little when he heard this voice, and Mittinas could actually materialize in the material world. It was like this, but he was too far away from the one he had seen in another world.

As if knowing Allen’s question, Mitinas’ voice came from the fireball again: “Body is both powerful, and if possible, I also hope to appear in front of you in the perfect form before. But that’s impossible. , I am not a product of the material world. In order to enter this world, I have to pay a huge price. I chose to sacrifice my strength while retaining my wisdom and ability. Because the latter is more able to assist your Highness than the former."

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