Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1276:  Political marriage

Lucy stood at the entrance of the white arch bridge connected to the Royal Library. From here, the spire-shaped main building of the library was hidden in the clouds and mist. The library was built on the western edge of the Golden City. There is no foundation for the whole library, and its underside is endless void. The minaret of the main building is 100 meters high and is divided into thirteen floors, which contains most of Ida Huaxing's academic theories, historical documents, art and technology and other various books. It can be said that this is the source of Idahuaxing’s knowledge. The academicians of the Academy of Truth will always visit the library in short intervals and bury themselves in the ocean of books.

In addition to the main building of the minaret, the library also has six wing towers and auxiliary buildings. They are centered on the main building, lined up on both sides, forming a crescent shape with the main building. In front of the building is a square. The fountains on the square spout endlessly. They push a huge stone ball in the center of the fountain, causing it to continuously roll. The stone ball has mottled lines, and it seems to be old.

This stone ball symbolizes the entire universe. It was designed by the first curator of the Royal Library. The first curator named "Gosna" believes that the universe is constantly changing, and there seems to be no rules there. The mouth of change also contains a certain law. By comparing a large number of historical events, Gessner proposed the "cosmic reincarnation theory" and designed this theory into this stone ball in a specific and subtle way.

So this stone ball is also called the ball of reincarnation.

Lucy walked across the fair-skinned arch bridge. The howling wind on the bridge messed up her hairstyle, and a few strands of hair moved playfully with the wind. She pulled her hair, looking from the guardrail on the bridge, there were many black spots in the sky under the bright sun. And below the city of gold, there are thin low-altitude clouds. Through the gaps in the clouds, you can see the green fertile fields below. In a trance, she seemed to see an unassuming figure, rushing across the land with a full of tension.

Are you ok?

Are you free now?

Lucy suddenly felt a pain in her heart, and she pressed her lips together and tried to breathe. After a while, she returned to calm, and then she walked away without looking at the thin clouds and green fields. After passing the white arch bridge and bypassing the fountain, she walked up to the gray stone steps leading to the library gate. At this time, the door suddenly opened, and several figures came out of the library. Lucy thought she was an academician of the Academy of Truth, but unexpectedly saw a shadow of a neon dress, among them there was even a "Huh" voice, but the voice of a girl.

"Isn't this sister Lucy?"

Lucy raised her head, talking about a young girl two or three years younger than her. There are some lovely freckles on her face. The pale blonde hair is coiled up and fixed with a jeweled hair net. The girl looks three-way similar to Lucy, but she looks unkind. She said: "I heard Lucy After my sister came back, she shut herself in the palace, and even her father was not seen. It was a big air."

Another girl next to him said: "No way, who made our Lucy pretend to be pitiful. Oh, I forgot that she is really pitiful. She lost her mother when she was young, and she was separated from her boyfriend not long ago, and it was me. You will cry too much, right?"

Then the girls all laughed.

Lucy looked at them coldly and said: "If you say enough is not enough, let go if you say enough, don't block my way!"

"Oh, so majestic, so terrible." The freckled girl exaggeratedly stroked her chest with her hand, pretending to be pitiful, and shook the eldest girl in the crowd and said, "Sister Lucy scared me. Sister Alisha is still the best and gentlest."

Lucy's eyes fell on the girl.

Elisa, the girl who was one year older than her inherited her mother's pink hair, and even her eyes were pink. She has the stability that other girls don't have, which makes her look dignified and beautiful. She nodded to Lucy and said, "Don't blame these children, they are so accustomed to talking, I will teach them when I go back."

There are four or five girls around, plus Alisa, all the girls, big and small, are all royal ladies. Among them, Alyssa and the other two are both sisters Lucy, and the rest are the daughters of dukes and marquis. Any one of them is a noble person, otherwise they would not be able to enter and leave the Royal Library at will.

Lucy glanced at these girls and said: "They really have to take care of their mouths. It's okay in the Golden City. If they go outside, they still don't know the importance of speaking like this, and they will regret it sooner or later."

When the girls heard this, their chests rose and fell, but they gave Alisa a wink to stop them. As Lucy walked past them, she whispered to one of them: "Next time I hear you tell me about my mother, I will put the Golden Rose in your mouth!"

The girl immediately changed color, was angry and afraid, and shook her whole body. After Lucy disappeared behind the door, she said to Alisa: "Look at her, now you don't put us in your eyes at all. Alisa, why don't you say a word, are you afraid of her? "

Alyssa smiled softly: "Lucy is a wild cat, you just step on her tail like this, be careful that she catches your face. I don't bother to deal with a wild cat, against a wild cat, Can she just throw a wild dog?"

The girls looked confused and couldn't guess what she was thinking.

When Lucy came out of the library, it was already sunset. After spending a day in the library today, even she was a little dizzy. After reading the documentation for a day and looking up the information about the Twilight Son, she wanted to find a way to solve the conflict between Alan and her father. But this thing is simple to say, how easy it is to do it. Even with the abundance of Idahuaxing’s collection, the record of the Twilight Son is still limited, let alone finding clues to trigger inspiration.

Lucy didn't give up and planned to come again tomorrow. She walked onto the white arch bridge, but stopped suddenly. Just in the middle of the arch bridge, a figure stood stabbing in the road. The evening sun fell on his handsome young face, but this handsome face looked a bit evil because of his unbridled eyes.

"I heard that you came to the Royal Library, so I rushed over immediately. Lucy, I want to kill you!" he said loudly, his overly assertive voice seemed so out of place in the solemn library area.

Lucy frowned: "Alisha told you, right? Son of the Marquis of Messia, Lord Franco?"

Like Link, Franco is one of her suitors. It's just that, compared with the upright, just a little stodgy Link, Franco is the other extreme. He is a famous dandy in the city of gold, and he doesn't follow principles. As long as it is his fancy goal, he will use whatever means to get him. He is an unscrupulous person and even seduce the wives of lower-level officials. He is notorious in the City of Gold.

In the light of the setting sun, Franco bowed and said: "Who told me what is important? The important thing is that if His Royal Highness Lucy can promise me to have dinner, then I will be very honored."

"Really? I'm afraid you will be disappointed. I read the book for a whole day today, and now I just want to take a bath and go to bed." Lucy walked onto the arch bridge, as if she hadn't seen Franco. , Walked directly past him.

Franco still maintained the bowing posture, even the smile on his face did not change at all, but suddenly said: "If you take a bath and sleep, it happens to be something you are good at. Otherwise, let me serve His Royal Highness Lucy?"

Lucy stopped abruptly and said coldly: "Please pay attention to your words, Sir Franco!"

The young man stood up straight, stretched out his long black hair, closed his eyes and smiled: "That also allows me to remind you, Your Royal Highness Lucy. Although you are an emperor, your majesty has many princes and princes. Come, how long do you think he will keep his sight on you? Your mother died early, and your matrilineal relatives are not prominent. In this palace, if your majesty ignores you, who do you think can support you?"

"Oh, what do you mean?"

"Marry me!" Franco opened his arms and smiled happily: "You leave Ida Huaxing, for the sake of a small earth human beings living outside for years, your thing is no secret in the city of gold. To be honest. , As a royal lady, you have a part in what you do and do, and people even wonder if you are as pure as ever. But I don’t mind, Your Highness. Even after you and I get married, do you still continue to look for that earthling as a lover, I I won’t care about you. As long as you give birth to me a son, yes, one is enough. As long as you do this, my father and even the family will be your strongest backing!"

"So, this is the so-called political marriage Luo?"

"You can understand that too." Franco smiled.

Lucy looked at him coldly and laughed: "Your Excellency Franco, I am not so pitiful to beg you or your family for protection. Besides, if I want to, do you think I will lack suitors? Believe me Those well-dressed men will not mind my past either. And any one in there is better than a son of a marquis!"

She turned around, didn't want to look at the man again, trying to move.

Suddenly, a flower ~www.readwn.com~ no longer smiled, and Franco with a distorted face stopped her way forward.

"Go away!" Lucy sipped.

Franco laughed grinningly: "When I came, I asked the family guard to make sure that no one would disturb us around here. Your stubbornness, Your Royal Highness, I appreciate. But don't you think it's time for us to have something happen. Even if it is not what you want, your Majesty will be reluctant to marry you for me out of fame, right?"

"You are such a nasty guy." Lucy squinted her eyes. "But you really think that with your little ability, something can happen?"

Power soaring!

Lucy raised her arm, but at some point, Golden Rose was already in her hand. The muzzle was aimed at Franco, and the overflowing source force continued to transform into golden roses around Lucy. A silver bracelet on her hand also fell off and turned into a silver hound at Lucy's feet. But this hound didn't have the slightest breath of life. It was cold and inorganic, like a precise but cruel killing machine.

Seeing Golden Rose and the Hound resembling a Blade Runner, a drop of sweat slipped from Franco's forehead. The force Lucy possessed was somewhat different from the intelligence he had obtained.

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