Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1278:  Mitsuke

[Thanks to qizi0001, idiot, Fengzi, Silence for you, xxaxx88, brother Manman, brother Xiang, Su in the war for the monthly reward! ]

"Ming Mingshi? Lu Sen?" The alien with pus all over stood up: "I haven't heard of it, is it amazing?"

The figure in the dark said: "I don't know if it's so powerful, but that's the guy I don't want to provoke. His ability is so weird. It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of his name, but you should know it for three years. What happened before?"

The bodies of some aliens around were lightly shaken, obviously the so-called incident three years ago was not a trivial matter.

That is indeed not a trivial matter.

In this city, the long streets and alleys are unknown. Wushi Avenue is just one of the streets, before this, it was unknown. This street was not well known until the incident three years ago. One night three years ago, more than two hundred people died on this street. Blood fights like this are not uncommon in the city. But if it was a two-hundred-to-one battle, and the death of the dead was terrifying, then it would be enough for people to remember.

In particular, Wushi Street suddenly turned into a green forest from a street where no plants can be seen the next day. This huge contrast is not good if people are not impressed. That day, the buildings on the main street were occupied by weird plants from all over the universe, and the two hundred people who died became fertilizer for these plants, and many plants grew directly from the corpses.

They emerged from the eyes, mouth and even blood vessels of the corpse. The people who cleared these plants at that time were too scared to see ordinary plants. Obviously, the scenes on the street at that time caused them serious psychological barriers.

Shaking the pus on his head, the alien who just wanted to attack the passerby murmured: "You mean, that thing was done by the guy with the green skin just now?"

"It's him. I saw it with my own eyes. He turned those guys who wanted to make his mind into potted plants." The figure in the darkness said: "So you, you just took your life back."

Plant life master Lu Sen, this man who impressed the market ruffian deeply stopped in front of a small shop at the moment. The architectural style of this small shop is very strange, and the dark red light from the window of the shop makes the atmosphere of the shop even more depressing. However, the man opened the door without hesitation. As soon as the door was opened, the air filled with all kinds of peculiar smells drilled into his nostrils. Looking at it, the merchandise displayed in the store are all biological organs, limbs and crystal nuclei. They are placed on various shelves in different categories, and a row of arms with different switches hangs above the counter. These broken arms have been air-dried and rotted. If there is no external force damage, they can exist for a long time.

There is a thin old man behind the counter. His head is big but his body is small. There are no eyeballs on his head, his eyes grow at the tip of two tentacles. When Lu Sen came in, one of the tentacles turned to Lu Sen, the front eyeball blinked, and the old man chuckled, "It's you, it's been a long time."

"It's really been a long time. If I didn't contact you in advance, I wouldn't know that you moved here."

The old man laughed and said: "That is not thanks to you. I did a good job on Wushi Street. I didn't expect that one night would completely change my life."

"That's not to blame me." Lu Sen threw the heavy rucksack onto the counter: "Will you see the goods?"

"Well, let me see what you have brought." The old man took out a single-frame spectacle from under the counter and put it on the eyeball of one of the tentacles, then opened the rucksack on the stage and immediately rolled a little bit from it. Something out. These things contained in large and small transparent storage boxes are all biological materials. From the eyes to the claws, from the tongue to the internal organs, there is even a complete head. The old man rummaged these things and exclaimed from time to time.

"The front teeth of the Sharptooth are still in pairs, a good thing."

"The poisonous water spider's venom sac, um, good condition."

"Look at what this is, the heads of the Soria. I heard that after they die, their skulls will be completely golden. It's rare that you keep it so well, and you will get a complete golden skeleton after removing the skin and meat. This thing is worth a lot of money."

Lu Sen was watching the old man jumping up and down indifferently. He didn't seem to be anxious at all. After nearly an hour, the old man finally finished looking at the goods. He put all the things away first, and then half of his body leaned on the counter and said, "I have all these things, what do you want to check out with? Idahuaxing’s moon diamond or Agareth’s abyss crystal?"

"Moon drill, things like Abyss Crystal are too ostentatious, I don't want to attract the attention of the Star Alliance." Lu Sen said calmly.

"Well, one hundred moon diamonds, to ensure that each one is top-quality."

"Too few, 150."

"God, my friend Lusen. Don't you know that I have always been fair in business. There are some things that I dare to take, and it is difficult for you to sell them yourself, such as the golden skull of the Soria." Three fingers stretched out with pain in his face: "130!"

"140, I would rather take it to Robe's Bazaar for auction."

"Deal." The old man jumped down, said "wait", and went straight to the room behind the shop. After a while, he brought a suitcase. Open the box, it is full of crescent-shaped diamonds. This is the moon diamond of Idahuaxing, and it is also the currency circulating in most star regions, and it is the most advanced kind. This box of moon diamonds can even buy a small planet, which shows that this is not a small fortune.

"Just a little bit, I'm irresponsible when I get out of this."

Lu Sen smiled, closed the box and said, "I'm relieved to trade with you."

"So dealing with your kid is the most enjoyable." The old man tilted his head and looked at his customer: "Speaking of which, you have not seen you for three years, you seem to be a lot stronger. Just the temperament is different from before, don't look at me In this way, although I don’t wave a hand and kill a piece like you do. But I think it’s okay to look at it, and I’ve never lost sight of it."

"Your vision has always been very accurate." Lu Sen said this, undoubtedly acknowledging the old man's guess: "There has been some luck in the past few years, but people like us have to run around for three meals. How can you live a stable life."

The old man laughed and said, "Fart, when I was young, I was more tired than you guys. When I am not old, I have a little money to open a shop and make a living. Don't say it as if you envy me too much. By the way, how long are you going to live this time? "

"Three or two days, maybe one or two months, depending on the situation."

At this time, the ground shook for a while, but it stopped for a moment. Lu Sen squinted his eyes and said, "It's almost over here."

"Yeah, it will last another forty to fifty years at most. Many people have begun to transfer. If you come to ~www.readwn.com~ this time next year, I am afraid you will not see me." The old man pointed to Lusen. The box in his hand said: "I'll give you a suggestion, don't use the moon drill to pay the bill, unless you want to repeat the incident on Wushi Street three years ago. To be honest, this time it will happen again, and you won't miss it. I guess, as soon as you enter the city, the information is already under the noses of those big people."

"I see, then I will probably have to see you on another planet next time." Lu Sen lifted the box, turned and left the shop.

After the store door was closed, the old man murmured: "Maybe there will be no next time."

There is no day and night in the city.

After all, this is deep in the heart of the earth, so the street lights on the street are on all year round. After Lu Sen left the shop, he turned a bend alley, crossed two arch bridges, traversed a block, and then got into a quiet tunnel. The city’s routes extend in all directions, with streets, arch bridges, and tunnels forming a three-dimensional transportation network. An electronic map will be set up at every important intersection so that people can distinguish the direction.

Lu Sen glanced at the electronic map at the entrance of the tunnel, and after roughly deciding where to settle, he glanced back intentionally or unintentionally. Just at the corner of the street behind, a figure disappeared.

He was followed.

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