Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1286: growing up

"It's not bad, Bai. The reaction, speed, and explosiveness are terribly strong, and your potential and talent are probably the strongest among us." Lola smiled, feeling heartfelt joy for the growth of the teenager.

The young man touched his head, he was not good at words, and just murmured: "It's not too bad."

"Do you mean Hubble?" Laura laughed: "Don't compare yourself with a big guy. Hubble's starting point is higher than either of you or me. After becoming Allen's servant, his fallen body Both offensive and defensive modes are both excellent, so it’s normal for the combat power to be above us. But you shouldn’t just see your strength and ignore your own growth. To be honest, your growth rate is about to catch up with Alan. ."

"Catch up with my father?" The boy's eyes lit up: "If I can grow to the height of my father, I can help a lot, right?"

"Of course, if the time comes, we people will probably be able to retire." Laura half-joked.

Bai grinned, his smile was simple.

Since Allen left, several of them felt that their strength was low, and they trained themselves through battle. In the beginning, Lola, Bai, and Belmode needed the three of them to join forces to be able to draw with Hubble. But a few days later, Bai was promoted again, and his strength was growing rapidly, and his growth rate was staggering. Soon, the combat power of the three of them made Hubble also start to lose ground.

So the four were split into two groups.

Belmode and Hubble are in a group, and Bai Ze and Laura are together, and the two groups continue to train themselves in a battle. They had never done this kind of training before, but it was very effective. Not only has it improved its own strength, it has also become more familiar with the opponent's abilities and tactics. Once it is matched, its combat power has increased a lot.

"Continue?" Bai Yue wanted to try.

Laura nodded and said, "Next, I'm going to be serious."

"me too."

Then the two figures entangled.

Lola's sword power is still wide open and close, and every sword cut is amazing. People with a slightly weaker mind will be shaken by her sword. Although Bai has no weapons up and down his body, his body is the strongest weapon. From fists to toes, even shoulders and foreheads, after the whole body is covered with hard snake scales, any part of Bai's body can become a deadly weapon.

He moves agilely, attacks fast and fiercely. Every time Lola strikes a sword, Bai is enough to hit three or five punches and kick two or three kicks. It's just that although Laura's offensive is slow, a strong man at their level can contain surging energy no matter what a sword or a punch. The collision of fist and sword is also the collision of Qi machine. No matter how slow Lola's offensive is, if she can't break the tidal machine carried by her sword, then it can be considered white to avoid her blade, and it will not be able to avoid the locking and pursuit of the Qi machine.

Otherwise, with Bai's flexibility and speed, why do you have to fight Lola. In fact, in their state, speed and slowness are no longer as simple as they seem. Fast may not be able to win, slow may not be unable to hurt the enemy.

Slashed with one sword, Lola took advantage of her body to regain her sword strength, and another sword slanted out. This sword brought up the ice and snow in the sky, and the snowflakes whistling and whistling under the lead of the sword aura, a light blue pillar was pulled out by the blood to sweep towards Shao Bai.

Bai inhales slightly, her abdomen tightening. Suddenly exhaled and stopped drinking, instantly bursting out a fist shadow.

The shadow of the fist hit the snow pillar, and the ice and snow were crushed to powder under the collision of the two people. Blasting away the snow pillar, Bai Gao raised his right leg, then hit it straight down with his heel. This foot pierced the air at high speed with a sharp whistle, and slammed into the **** blade. Laura only felt a mountain on the sword, and the violent impact struck along the sword. She whispered, and there seemed to be fire light in the beast's eyes. A violent source force gushed out of the body and hit Bai's source force.

The two snorted at the same time, and a strong force exploded on the sword, causing them to bounce back.

Laura slid her feet out of the snow for ten meters before stopping with a blood pressure. Bai continued to roll and unload in the air, and it took more than a dozen laps before he fell to the ground. Both sides stared at their opponents seriously, and only smiled at each other a moment later.

"That's it for today. If you continue, it won't be training anymore." Laura said. Both she and Bai did not raise their trump cards. But as she said, if they both reveal their cards to fight with all their strength, then it's not training, but life and death.

Bai naturally understands this truth.

The snake scales on the boy disappeared one by one, and Lola lifted the call of the ancestral spirits, and after each withdrew from the fighting state. The two followed the signs they had made before and came under an old tree that had died. From the tree hole, Lola took out water and food, and ate and drank with Bai. Could it be that during the rest time, the two were silent, which made it easy for them to hear the muffled noise from time to time in the distance.

That was the voice made by Hubble and Belmode.

"The big guy is about to break through." Lola whispered, and Hubble was only one step away from the 30th level when they were grouped. After these days, every time I saw him, his aura improved significantly, and an inexplicable sense of oppression was vaguely generated. That is the sign of the advancement. If it goes well, with Hubble's talent potential, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be directly promoted to two or three levels. At that time, this Catu will become the strongest follower around Allen.

She looked at Bai who was eating silently next to her, and Lola quietly added the word "one" to Hubble's strongest definition.

At this time, Lola's ears moved slightly, and she caught a slight noise. He put away the food and put his hand on the hilt of the sword. The boy also noticed that he jumped up, and the fluff on his neck stood up. But suddenly he relaxed again, then sat down on the ground and continued to eat. From the woods in front of them, three flaming horned monsters came out, and they walked towards Lola first, while the others squatted and waited.

When the flaming horned demon came near Lola, he actually uttered a word from his mouth: "Miss Lola, there is a situation."

The voice was Mitinas. Although the fire of the abyss was far away from the mines in the small town, it was possible to communicate with Laura through contact with the combat unit. Mitinas scattered the horned horns in the snowy woods within a few kilometers of the town to act as eyes and ears. If they found anything, they would contact Lola through the horned horns. Allen is not in town, and Lola, who is closest to him, has become Allen's spokesperson.

"what's the situation?"

"The intruder was found." After reporting a position, Mitinas said: "There are not many opponents, but there is a 30th-level strong inside, so I think it is necessary to notify you."

"Thirty-level powerhouse?" Laura stood up: "Then I and Bai will go over first, please inform Hubble that they will come and meet."

"Miss Laura." Mitinas suggested: "I am afraid that at present, I am the only one who can win the opponent, but your Highness has instructed me to avoid being exposed to the sight of others as much as possible if it is not necessary. It has grown, but it is still a bit reluctant to face the 30-level strong. I think in this situation, it would be more ideal if the low-level combat unit first consumes the opponent's combat power, and when the opponent's source strength drops, you will come forward. "

Laura nodded: "I know, but we have almost reached the bottleneck. After all, fighting training is not a life-and-death fight. Without the experience of facing the strong, it is difficult for us to make breakthroughs. So I think now is an opportunity if the opponent's If the strength is similar to that of the iron hand at the beginning, even if it is a 30th-level strong, we will not have no chance."

"But don't worry, if the opponent is too strong, I will use your plan."

The Fire Horned Demon nodded very humanely: "Then I can rest assured."

Then it backed away, and Mitinas's will withdrew from its head. The flaming horned demon shook his head and roared. After a glance at Laura, he and the other two flaming horned demon went back into the woods.

Laura pulled the thing back into the tree hole and glanced for a blank look. The latter clenched her fist and looked excited.

On the snow nearly three kilometers away from Luguang Town, a Barr looked at the stone pillar road sign next to him. The green flames in the stone cage illuminate his face, and his bare head is tattooed with bright red symbols. Those are the oldest characters on Agareth, which are no longer used now. These ancient words filled his skull and extended to the back of his neck. The man is covered with fat, with overlapping waves on his belly. There are still a few sarcomas on his back and chest, which is very ugly. He is wearing loose clothes, and his size can't wear battle armor~www.readwn.com~ On the chest and abdomen, there are some emerald green lines, flashing green light from time to time.

That was a sequelae of directly consuming green crystals to increase the source power. Obviously, this man, like the iron hand in Luguang Town, relies on the source power piled up by the green crystals. He took out a green crystal from the pocket of his pants, threw it into his mouth and bit it. After the crystal was crushed, a lot of energy escaped, but it was swallowed by his brain. Swallowed into his stomach together with the spar fragments, and then he patted his stomach and said: "Soft eggs, how long do you have to rest. If you don't roll up, I will break your neck and hit the road by myself."

A dozen soldiers got up behind the road sign, and the leader said with a bitter expression: "Mr. Root, we are separated from Lord Lucy. Should we find the lord first?"

"Fart!" The fat man called Luter cursed: "Look at your ambitions, you are also worthy of being Lord Lucy's soldiers? We don't know where the lord is now, but we know that going in this direction is Luguang Town. Don’t you think I can’t beat Luguang Town? If the guy who killed the blood eye is in town, I still have this self-knowledge. But people are now in Baixi City, and there are only his followers in the town. Those people can be three in a row. There is no level ten, I Luke won't even be afraid of the **** below level 30!"

It seemed that he was right, and the soldiers packed up their equipment and continued on the road with Luke.

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