Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1291:  The Gate of Flame

? "You said it was a spatial fault?"

On the roof of the hotel, Laura looked up at the splendid light curtain. Belmode and Bai are also observing, only Hubble is not interested in this. The Catu people are burying themselves in the wine pile, fearing that they will not get up for a while.

Allen leaned against the railing of the roof, looked at the sky shining with seven colors and different lights, and said: "This thing may cover the whole area of ​​the remains. I have tried it. No matter in the remains can penetrate. Even mine. The space crack is also disturbed by it. I originally planned to go to the wasteland after taking over the city of Baixi, but now it is all right. As long as this thing does not disappear for a day, we will not be able to leave the remains."

Bai frowned and said, "But we just had a fight with a strong man who apparently came from outside the relic. The people who will enter the relic at this time should be the white devil."

"Are you talking about Lucy's people?" Allen thought about it for a while and said, "If you count the time, I'm afraid Lucy should have arrived too. In other words, people outside can enter the relic, this space fault is only unilateral from the inside. Blockade is really amazing."

"Now is not the time to sigh." Laura blinked and asked, "What countermeasures do you have?"

"Yeah." Allen pointed to the west: "Actually, I came back to Greenlight this time to gather the army and you guys. We probably have to go on an expedition, yes, I want to explore the ruins. Deep down. I suspect that this spatial fault was laid by a person, a woman."

"A woman?" Laura squinted her eyes. "Why is it related to women again."

Alan knew that she was referring to Tracey being taken by him. He shook his head: "This time the nature is different. That woman is a legend in the relic. I will say no to her for a while. Clearly, but I have brought a book, you can take a look and understand it."

They returned to the dining room. This time Tracey did not follow. The woman stayed in Baixi City instead of Alan. Allen only brought the "Book of Rhodo", which is now in Belmode's hands. The hourglass in the hotel is fixed in the late night time zone. There are only two or three regulars in the restaurant except Ellen. Belmode is holding this thick biography and chanting the content softly, so that Laura can People also know.

Lim came over with a plate and put some food on the table. Looking at the book in Belmode, she frowned: "This is the Book of Rhodo? It still looks like a manuscript. I remember that the current general version does not have so much trivial content."

Allen nodded and said, "You are right, I found this book in Baixi City."

"So Baixicheng has also fallen into your pocket?" Lim murmured: "Now Nick should be proud again, this lucky mouse!"

She looked at Allen again: "Are you planning to explore the depths of the ruins?"

"Lim, I think it's a waste of you to be a hotel owner. You have such a sharp vision and you should be able to do more. Or else, do things for me in the future?" Allen said in a nonchalant way.

Lim shook his head like a rattle: "Farewell, I can't do anything except this. Besides, this is not a great thing. People have read more these years, and of course their vision is a little bit. You are holding the book of Rhodo. Great reading, special reading, and special reading of what happened after passing through the Rhodo Pass. As long as you are not stupid, anyone can guess your mind?

Ellen didn't force her, he looked at the distant canopy outside the window and said, "Have you seen this thing in the remains?"

Lim shook his head and said, "Don't say I've seen it before, I've never heard of it. But the most indispensable thing in the relic is the strange thing, who cares about it."

"That thing is not simple, it is a space fault. If it does not disappear, then no one will want to leave the ruins." Allen looked at her and said: "You are right, I plan to explore the depths of the ruins and engage in Know how that thing came from. After all, I don't want to stay in the legacy for a lifetime."

"In this case, I can prepare the things you need for your trip, including equipment and food." Limu pulled a chair and sat down, her fat body almost crushed the chair: "But in return, you are still beating. I hope that the rare items found in the depths of the realm can be purchased first. In addition to these things, information about the relics, including topographical data, etc., can also be considered for selling to me. How about, Lord Lord?"

Allen said without thinking, "Deal."

Lim stood up: "Please give me some time, if you are going to the depths of the remains, there are a lot of things to prepare."

After she left, Laura whispered: "This woman is not easy."

"Of course..." Allen smiled and said, "A woman who can open such a hotel in the ruins and is so interested in information about the ruins. I bet there is a force behind her. This force, I'm afraid It's bigger than Azers and the White Devil."

"Don't you check her?"

"Now we don't have that energy, not to mention, we don't have such a broad intelligence network. We will have the ability to do other things when the entire wasteland is also included." Allen shrugged: "As for Now, I want to sleep more."

The night is long and passionate.

After Laura released all her enthusiasm and love, she fell asleep deeply beside Allen. Allen didn't feel sleepy for a while. He stretched out his finger and gently stroked Laura's face. At this time, he didn't think about anything, just wanted to look at the woman so quietly. In the end, even he himself didn't know when he fell asleep. When Mitinas' voice rang in his mind, Allen realized that the time had come to the morning.

He quietly got out of bed and responded to Mitinas' call.

"His Royal Highness, please come to the mine if you have time. The medium for transforming the king and the related preparations have been completed. Today, you can recruit a brave king for your army. I believe that will be a great help for you. "Mitinas' voice still has no emotional ups and downs.

Allen replied: "I will pass now." After confirming that Mitinas's will was disconnected from him, Allen put on the uniform and armor, picked up the red king and left the hotel. Since it was still early, there were no workers working on the mine, which seemed a bit empty. Around the mine, although he didn't see anything, Allen clearly sensed the fiery energy machine emitted by the Flamingo. Who would have thought that this ordinary mine was actually Allen's barracks.

Walking into the back of the mine that has been designated as a restricted area, the fire of the abyss is already waiting at the entrance of the mine. His two inorganic crystal eyes looked at Alan, and then sighed: "You have improved again, Your Highness. I can feel that your mental will is round and flawless and stronger than last time. Even though I have seen a lot more Unusual things, but you grow so fast that it can be called a miracle."

"Mitinas, sometimes growth is forced out. Because if I don't try my best to grow, I will be trampled underfoot by my enemies. Whether it is known or unknown, my enemies are really many... Allen looked into the mine tunnel: "So, you have already enlisted the king?"

"Not yet, although the Flame Gate has been built, without you activate it, even I cannot use it." Mitinas stepped aside and said, "Please follow me, Your Highness."

They came to the depths of the mine, where the space was further expanded. The height of the space was one-third more than the last time I saw it, and Mittinas supported the dome with several stone pillars. In addition to the melting wells, there is a solemn gate at the end of this place. As Mitinas said, the Gate of Flames has been completed. Its shape is an arch with many complicated patterns on the door. Looking at those lines from a distance, they are like flying flames, and the lines are full of tension. Beside the gate, two flaming horned monsters are guarding the unconscious Ruth. Mitinas asked Allen to come to the gate and said: "Your Highness, the Flame Gate will replace you to connect the material world and the consciousness world. It is An important bridge between the two worlds. But the Gate of Flames alone cannot allow the emperor’s consciousness to enter the material world~www.readwn.com~ In addition to the strong as a medium, it also needs something important."

"My blood?" Allen asked.

"Your wisdom is amazing. Yes, the Gate of Flames needs your blood to activate. After that, your blood will be stored in the Gate of Flames. It won’t be so troublesome to recruit kings in the future. Even as long as you agree, I can replace If you recruit a new king, if you have the right medium, this is not a problem at all."

Allen nodded: "Then what should I do?"

Mitinas beckoned to a stone on the ground, the stone floated into the air, and then the middle part sank, forming a stone bowl. The stone bowl flew to Mitinas's hand, and he sent the stone bowl to Alan's body and said, "His Royal Highness, please put the blood in the bowl. You don't need too much, just a few drops."

Allen stretched out a finger directly and stroked it across his left palm. Suddenly blood oozes from the palm of his hand, and drops of blood gleaming with fire fall onto the bowl, and in a moment it has accumulated into a small blood puddle at the bottom of the bowl. Mitinas whispered: "Enough, Your Highness."

There was a bit of heartache in his voice, and when there were few mood swings in the fire of the abyss, it could be seen how precious Alan's blood seemed to him.

Alan shook his palm, and the small injury healed in no time. Mittinas held the stone bowl containing Allen's blood and moved to the door like a pilgrim saint. He poured the blood in the stone bowl into a small circular groove in front of the door. There were circular lines in the grooves, and Allen's blood dripped on those lines and quickly penetrated in. After a while, a circle of lines in the center illuminates, and flares of flames float from the lines, as if flames are coming out!

Immediately after that, the circles of lines all lit up, and the fire light extended inch by inch, and began to light up the flying lines on the door...

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