Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1293:  White Realm


Facing the mighty Lucy, the spiders around the defense line chose to retreat, and they smelled fear on Lucy. The white devil's gray eyes gradually disappeared, and only absolute darkness remained in his eye sockets. Gray light began to flow from his body surface. The rising Qi machine should have caused Yuanli's brilliance to explode. However, Lucy confined Yuanli to his height as much as possible, demonstrating strong control over Yuanli.

When Yuan Li Qi machine was raised to the level of his satisfaction, Lucy suddenly raised his hands high, and his body suddenly spread with grayish white light. The circles of gray and white ripples continue to spread around, they climbed high into the sky, deep into the ground, and swept over Lucy's troops and the black spider group, and finally formed a light ball about one kilometer in diameter. In this gray-white ball of light, everything was painted with a layer of white-gray color, and the color gradually became darker. Finally, the trees, fallen leaves, and spiders gradually became transparent.

The texture of the bark appears in the trees, the veins of the leaves appear in the fallen leaves, and the organs in the body are vaguely seen by the spiders. In this gray ball of light, the matter gradually became transparent, and Lucy's power invaded these organic matter, assimilating and erasing them.

"This is the White Realm..." As the captain of the white devil's guard, Cardan still knew Lucy's many powerful abilities. For example, this white realm is shrouded in this realm. Except for the target that Lucy deliberately avoided, everything else will be invaded by the power of the white devil and thus obliterated invisible. According to Lucy, white is the purest color and the most inclusive color. It can hold other colors and assimilate them into white.

Therefore, Lucy prefers white, and from this, it is not difficult to see Lucy's ability tendency.

Putting the white realm on the battlefield is an absolute weapon for mass killings. Only the powerhouse close to Lucy can stop the invasion of this realm. Obviously, those spiders don't have this ability, and in a blink of an eye, the forest and the spider colony have completely disappeared. Except for Lucy's army on the defensive line, all other places are white.

Lucy snorted, put his hands down, and the light ball began to shrink and dissipate. When his gray eyes reappeared, the surrounding area had become a barren area within a kilometer. The spiders and woods disappeared, and even the rotting leaves that covered the ground were gone, revealing the dark brown lichen below. Looking at it, there is no more ups and downs in the space created in the boundary, and all things above the ground are smoothed and shaved off. There was originally the rustle of spiders crawling everywhere in the spider forest, but now it is as silent as a ghost domain, not even the wind.

But at this moment of absolute silence, there was abrupt applause.

Lucy's eyes slowly narrowed, and he followed the sound of the sound. The woods outside the boundary resounded the sound of wood dumping. After a few tumults, a giant spider the size of a hill suddenly swooped. Come into his sight. The giant spider’s strong presence made the soldiers of the White Devil nervous again, and the two powerful men, Cardan and Lando, fell on the two figures on the giant spider’s head like Lucy. Obviously, the two were more Giant spiders are a hundred times more dangerous.

Standing upright and arrogant is a woman. She was wearing **** and bright leather armor, sneered and applauded. Judging from her dark red complexion, she was a Barr female. The person behind the woman was sitting cross-legged, with a heavy cloak, his face buried in the shadow of the hat, and the two blue arms extending from under the cloak could not tell the identity or gender. , Can only be sure that the person is not the Baer.

"I have to give you a good compliment, good job." The woman standing on the head of the giant spider said, she lifted her foot and stomped lightly, looking arrogant as a queen. The giant spider lay down like a loyal servant, buried his head in the fallen leaves, and let the woman above go down. Every posture of her is so charming, and there is amorous feelings between raising her legs and falling, combining two completely different temperaments, charming and cold and proud.

Lucy laughed: "Thanks to the praise." His eyes fell on the woman's body. From that body, he saw not only beautiful things, but also another important thing.


This woman has power comparable to him!

The one who walked down from the head of the giant spider was of course the spider queen Yami. She seemed not at all annoyed that Lucy destroyed a small piece of woods and a large number of spiders. She even walked a few steps along the edge of the boundary, from the edge. Picking up a leaf with a smooth cut surface, he turned around and said, "The praise goes to the praise, but you killed many of my children. How do you calculate this account?"

"Child, do you mean those spiders?" Lucy said nonchalantly, "That's really sorry. If you want to make up, I think I can make up for you, in some ways."

He boldly looked directly at the full twin peaks of the Spider Queen.

Yami laughed: "It's not good for a man with sharp teeth."

"That's because you haven't tasted the advantage of this mouth." Lucy said lightly.

"Really? When you say that, I want to taste it." Yami walked towards the white devil with graceful steps.

Lucy opened her hand and greeted him with a haha ​​smile.

The two stood still in the middle of the ground plowed by the white realm, their bodies almost touching each other. Yami is tall, almost the same height as Lucy. As a result, this posture became ambiguous, especially Lucy took a deep breath on the side of her face, and the eyes of Cardan and others were about to fall out after seeing this picture.

However, the battle broke out in an instant.

A scythe behind Yami fell into her hands somehow, and then the sickle was cut towards Lucy's head. The white devil smiled without saying a word, flicked his finger on the blade, and then bounced off the sickle. But Yami didn't retreat, but ran into Lucy's arms. The White Devil didn't dare to let a strong man of the same rank hit his arms like this, he quickly raised his leg and bend his knees, and it turned into Ami that let his belly hit his knee.

"Guy who doesn't understand style." Yamimei smiled and slid back, raising her left hand, holding another sickle. Her twin sickles staggered across a large area of ​​sparks, and people suddenly moved horizontally, like a mother spider moving on a spider web, suddenly rushing in when the white devil couldn't react, and the twin sickles turned into a death storm and fell on Lucy's head.

In a blink of an eye, the two strong men fought into a group, and the collision of their energy and energy made the earth tremble.

Cardan and Lando looked at each other, both of them were a little bit ready to move. Especially Kadan, he couldn't help pulling out a long sword hanging from his waist. But the sword was just one-third of its sheath, a hand dropped gently on the hilt, and the sword was pushed back. Cardan was shocked to realize that the blue-skinned monster who was sitting on the giant spider appeared next to him at some unknown time. The blue devil with his face buried in his hat whispered: "Don't do extra things, the audience should watch the play well."

Suddenly a tall figure fell behind the Blue Devils, and Lando said with a grim look: "How boring to watch the show, the stage is so big, why don't you come and play it?"

There was a sigh from the hat, the Blue Devils turned around and pressed a finger on Lando's forehead and said, "You are not qualified to act on the same stage with me. You should do enough by yourself." In the voice, People drift away quietly. His movements are unrecognizable, like clouds in the sky, unpredictable.

Lando stood there intently, as if in a daze. Cardan frowned. Just about to see what happened to him, Lando suddenly looked over, then let out a loud roar, unexpectedly exploded with all his source power, and then fisted like crazy. Cardan hurriedly drew his sword to block Lan's multiple punches, but because of his hastily out of the sword, Rando was finally blasted back a few steps. The captain of the guard took a breath before yelling, "What are you doing? Idiot!"

Lando didn't seem to hear him, so he raised his fist and rushed again, and he actually fought with Cardan. This made the soldiers next to him look baffled, wondering why the two strongmen on his side suddenly fought. They naturally didn't know that it was the Blue Devils that affected Lando's brain, making him mistakenly think that Cardan was himself. The Blue Devils, who stood by and watched the fight, felt bored.

At this time, a storm blew up on Yami's side in the distance. The Blue Devils looked up. The two seemed to have tried each other, and now they were pulling apart and adjusting again. He looked at Lucy, and the white devil's figure gradually expanded in his eyes. Lucy in the air suddenly felt something different. When he turned his head, he saw two thin blue flames spraying out of the shadow in the Blue Devil’s hat, and then his head seemed to be pierced by a needle~www.mtlnovel. com~ As tyrannical as him, he whispered in pain.

"Good job, Blue Devils." Yami knew that his colleagues were influencing Lucy with mental powers and helping herself. She has never refused this kind of good deeds of bullying more and less. The red tongue licked her lips at the moment, and the two sickles were flowing with a layer of blood red, murderous and mad. Yami leaned forward, her arms lowered, and she dragged her sickle in. The blood on the sickle pulls a piece of light silk into the air, which is like two blood red battle flags.

Unexpectedly, just about to resort to a killer move, the Blue Devils suddenly shouted: "Stop, Yami!"

The Spider Queen came to a sudden stop, and a muffled sound was made in the air from a dynamic and quiet change. She squinted at the Blue Devils and yelled: "What are you doing, do you want to rebel?"

"That's not enough." The Blue Devils pointed to Lucy and said, "But I found something interesting in his head."

"For example."

"For example, he has the same goal as us. I saw the human in his head. This man appeared in the relic to kill the human. Right, Mr. Lucy." The Blue Devils looked at Bai. devil.

Lucy clasped her head and said angrily: "You blue-skinned bastard, get out of my head! Otherwise, I will make you regret appearing in this world!"

"Such a threat is completely powerless, Mr. Lucy." The flames in the blue devil's hat disappeared, and the voice still floats from the shadow in the hat: "Since we have the same goal, it is much easier to do. Now. Let’s make a deal. We can lead you out of this wood and go where you want to go."

"Is there such a good thing?" Lucy hummed, "Let me guess, in exchange, you want me to kill that human?"

The Blue Devils' voice was full of joy: "Exactly."

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