Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1311:  Blackware (2)

In Allen's field of vision, that black rainbow split the world and swept over with a huge aura. With such a sword, it seems that there is no other way but to retreat.


Allen fought back and ran into Heihong.

The black weapon's face was astonished, and Allen's act of looking for death was beyond his expectation.

Seeing that Heihong was about to split Alan's body, the latter reached out his hand into the light of the knife, spreading his five fingers on the arrogant sword. At that time, it was like a mountain pressing on the top, the black weapon's arm sank, and the man with a knife gave Alan a palm.

Black weapon hacked.

Allen raised his hand.

When the will body that looked like Ellen touched his feet on the ground, Ellen hit his chest with a punch. The fist front burst into waves, and the air hummed like the wind and thunder. The black weapon flew upside down, the ground under his feet cracked, and a line of black snakes chased the source weapon will all the way up.

The black weapon slammed into the deck of the battleship, and the entire battleship groaned with metal. It tilted slightly to the left by ten marks, and the base shook off with countless broken parts.

The process of fighting between the two was almost completed in the blink of an eye.

In fact, no matter the angle of time, or the momentum of the sword, the cut made by the black weapon is perfect and flawless. Even if Allen were to do it himself, it would be difficult to do better. No wonder the black weapon said that he originated from Ellen, and his sword skills are almost the same as Ellen. But the black weapon was never Allen, and just based on combat experience, he couldn't catch up with him. So that cut it out. From the perspective of the black weapon, Alan could only retreat, and there was no other way, and once Allen retreated, he would fall into his various afterthoughts and couldn't help himself.

However, Allen chose to enter, which disrupted the black weapon's calculation. Next, with terrible calmness and astonishing precision, a palm through the black weapon under the majestic knife pressure, and finally a blow to the black weapon, which was something that the black weapon never dreamed of.

After a while, the black weapon came out of the gap in the battleship. He fell silently to the ground, pointed a long knife to the ground, and looked at Alan viciously alone.

"Don't change your mind?" Allen asked.

The black weapon categorically said: "I don't want to miss a good thing that makes a profit without losing it."

"Who told you that you must make a steady profit." Allen laughed, his heart moved, but he said.

The black weapon laughed: "Why, I found that I can't use the posture of the dark king? I was born by you, don't you still know your details. As early as when you entered my world, I changed some rules. With me, don’t want to use the Dark King posture. If you don’t use that posture, do you think you still have a chance?"

"So that's it..." Allen sighed, "The means are commendable, but the equipment is not enough."

"Fart, just kill you, I don't care about it."

Allen laughed at this: "Listening to your words, you know that you can only be used as a weapon and cannot be used as a master. I don't know what kind of people they are, but I can tell You. Even if I haven't fully awakened, you don't want to replace my will."

"This is your last words?"

Allen shook his head: "No, this is my last advice to you. Since you can't listen, then I think I can only erase your will."

He raised his finger to the sky.

"What are you doing?" The black weapon carried the knife and rushed: "Are you going to play mystery? I won't be fooled by you!"

"It seems that you really don't understand. This is the world of will, even if it is the world you dominate, but you can't jump out of the essence of the world." Alan began to lower his arm, and pointed his finger at the black weapon: "In this world, it is Struggling, fighting is not only our strength, skill, but also will and spirit. You do not lack the first two, and you lack the latter two. Will needs to be tempered to be firm. As for the spirit, let’s not talk about it. What kind of spirit can be cultivated by your narrow skills. Even if there is, you can't compare with it..."

"It?" The black weapon ran closer, only one position away from Alan. With a black knife in his hand, a black rainbow jumped up and pierced Alan's chest.

"Yes, it's it." Allen said cheerfully: "It's here!"

Suddenly a river of light fell from the sky.

It came out of a sea of ​​blood from a high altitude, and fell between the black weapon and Alan. The mighty light river was spontaneously vigorous with sword intent, and it also revealed a domineering spirit that could be condemned by all things. The knife of the black weapon couldn't go out again, so I had to draw the knife and slip back. At this time, Alan raised his hands, and Guanghe rumbled into several blazing white flames and gathered behind him. Each white flame becomes a sword, a total of nine swords, arranged like a wheel, floating behind Alan.

Baidi sword!

Not only was it hard to hide the astonishment on the black weapon's face, even Allen was a little surprised. His original intention was only to attract the Baidi Sword, which was gathered by the spirit of the mysterious stone pillar in the lava well thrown into Alan's body, free from the constraints of space, and appeared in the world of will. It's just that Ellen never thought that he could not use the Dark King posture, but the white Emperor sword with a condensed sword shape had only nine handles.

Nine swords turned into a wheel, that was the gesture that was only possible when he unintentionally awakened that day and became the Son of the Twilight and fought with Orfascism, but now it reappears. Ellen didn't know whether it was because it was easier to release the sword intent of the Baidi in the world of will, or because he had polished it in the spiritual realm of that mysterious woman earlier and made his spiritual will more condensed. All in all, this is a great thing, mental confrontation, the first is the spirit, the second is the will, and the third is the power technique.

If it were replaced by Ellen, who had never met the mysterious woman, he would suffer a loss in this world of black weapons. As for now, it is another matter entirely.

Allen's eyes lit up.

Regardless of the black weapon or the master of the relic, all these are obstacles in his path forward. He has a long and long way to go. Just sweep away this obstacle. He was energetic, and the nine swords behind him vibrated in resonance. Allen didn't drink heavily, let alone diarrhea, only pointed towards the black weapon.

What the meaning refers to, where the air comes.

The Nine Swords flashed out ~www.readwn.com~ replaying Tianhe Hengkong, sprinkling towards the black weapon with a force of no resistance!

The black weapon roared, unreservedly released all the Qi machine, and then soared into the sky, the sword swallowed with arrogance, and pulled out a shocking black moon arc to cut down.

The white river and the black moon touched each other, and the Tianhe evolved from the Baidi Sword was like a real river. The majestic and overbearing spirit kept scouring the black moon arc. Heiqi's complexion changed drastically, and the color of the moon arc quickly faded and even disappeared in the air. Tianhe was no longer obstructed, hit the black weapon severely, and went all the way against him. The entire garbage dump was divided into two by this Tianhe River, and when the Tianhe River was exhausted and its momentum fell, the black weapon fell out of it and fell onto the dark rocky ground.

The sword in his hand dissipated into patches of arrogance, and when he raised his head again, two white electricity fell from the sky.

Two Baidi swords passed through his shoulders and nailed him tightly to the rocky ground. Then he tightened his back, and he reluctantly turned his head and saw Alan pressing his foot on him.

Alan stretched out his hand silently and drew a sword from the sword wheel behind him. The tip of the sword hung upside down, pointed at the black weapon, and suddenly stabbed!


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