Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1320:  Eternal War

Magic Ring City, training ground. {For the latest chapter, please go to: ww.Weu}

The training ground is located on the side of the barracks, covering a very wide area. The ground is covered with black iron stone bricks, like a huge black jade, and there are soldiers catching each other and training fighting techniques. There are ten Demon Shadow Emperor regiments, but there is only one regiment that can enjoy the Devil Ring City training ground.

Crazy Shadow Legion.

As the trump card army of the Demon Shadow Empire, the number of Crazy Shadow Army is pitiful compared with other army groups. We must know that the largest legion in the empire, the Shadow Army, has a million divisions, and the Wild Shadow Army is full of more than 10,000 people. Every Wild Shadow Army soldier can be described as one in a hundred. As the most elite legion in the Shadow Empire, the fighters of the Wild Shadow Army are capable of fighting on almost all battlefields. Among them, the most commendable is their terrifying combat power, and the madness of being undaunted to death.

In the history of the Shadow Empire, there are many rumors about this trump card army. The most recent one was three years ago, when only five hundred Wild Shadow Army fighters and a few officers guarded the city, dragging to death an army of tens of thousands of people in the Duobia Empire.

But when it comes to the mad shadow army, it is not the mad warriors in the army that makes people fearful, but the leader of this army, and at the same time the Great Warlord Baal of the Shadow Empire. Baal, known as the tyranny, when he appears, it means that there are no prisoners and no surrender. Even if the enemy has no intention of fighting, Baal will kill the last person and stop.

Among the ten powerhouses who served for Spinak, the most insidious was Lamer, the most brutal, Baal. Other hungry Miriam, Shadow Frost. Although he is notorious, it is still a bit behind Baal.

At this time, the two soldiers were training against each other in the field. They said it was training, but they were not much different from fighting life and death. Except for the use of real swords and guns, the two soldiers were almost desperate. This is also the style of the Berserker Army. The madness of the Berserker is not only reflected in the battlefield, but also in daily training. Every year, every month, every day of the Shadow Fighting Army soldiers die in training. If Agareth adheres to the jungle rules of the weak, the Shadow Fighting Army has put this rule into full play.

The weak are eliminated, and only the strong can survive.

During the fierce battle, a figure suddenly inserted between them. The Berserkers, no matter who intervened, still blasted past mercilessly. If the other party died, he would be considered alive. Unexpectedly, the two punched and slammed each other's body, and the figure did not shake a point, but shocked their hands and legs. The two soldiers stepped back with a scream and saw the incoming person clearly. At the moment, they didn't even dare to hum, and they straightened their bodies desperately, and shouted in unison: "Good Overseer!"

It was Baal the Demons who intervened in the battle between these two soldiers.

Ba Li is like a wolf with upright feet. His golden beast pupils are covered with blood, and his whole body exudes undisguised hostility and killing intent. From his wolf kiss, a row of white fangs emerged. This row of fangs was even harder than the alloy. Baal had used them to bite off opponents' weapons more than once, and even tore off the outer armor from the battleship. He was covered with complicated and heavy armor, and sharp spikes could be seen everywhere on the armor. A scarlet cloak dropped from behind the armor, and a lizard-like tail stretched out from under the cloak. There are bone spurs all over the tail, and a long and curved bone blade protrudes from the end.

The tail swept across the ground unconsciously, and the bone blade pulled a series of sparks on the hard black stone.

The appearance of the Grand Warlord made the soldiers silent. Baal's golden beast eyes swept over the two soldiers and muttered: "Trash, go away."

The two soldiers turned around and ran away like an amnesty. Baal casually ordered a dozen soldiers to come out nearby. He grinned and said, "You are also fighting? Or let me remind you of what a real battle is. Here it is. You have a little discount. Take your weapons and use all your strength to attack. It doesn't matter if you kill me. On the contrary, those who can kill me will immediately become the Grand Overseer!"

The soldiers looked at each other and then went to the weapon rack to take off their weapons. From double swords to long-handled great axe, some people even carried a beam gun, and then a dozen people pulled into a circle, with Baal in the middle.

There was silence on the training ground, and other people had stopped training early and gathered around.

Baal hooked his finger at this moment.

At first the soldiers didn't dare to move, until a soldier carrying a gun shouted, his whole body agitated, dragging his gun and rushing towards Baal. All the soldiers took action one after another. They put aside all concerns, and everyone's eyes were bloodshot. The fighters of these wild shadow army urged to the extreme, a colorful flame appeared on the training ground immediately. The radiance of each other is beautiful. The soldier's combat power is not bad, the lowest is 15th or 6th rank, and the highest one seems to be close to 25th rank. These people were thrown into the Earth Federation, and for the last time they were able to be a second lieutenant, which shows the overall combat power of the Crazy Shadow Army.

However, in the face of more than a dozen soldiers with good fighting strength, Baal had a disappointed expression and suddenly shouted. Then the soldiers could no longer see his figure, and a black storm suddenly appeared in the training ground. The storm swept all the soldiers in. After a while, the screams continued, and another soldier was thrown out one after another.

The storm disappeared, Baal still stood on the spot, while soldiers lay all around. Eleven of the fifteen soldiers died, three were seriously injured, and one was slightly injured. The one with minor injuries struggled to get up, Baal glanced at him and said to him, "You are the battalion commander since today."

The soldier was ecstatic.

The Crazy Shadow Army has one battalion with one hundred men and one group with a thousand, a total of ten regiments and one hundred battalions. The soldier was originally an ordinary soldier, but he was promoted to battalion commander after a fight with Baal, and there was no faster promotion rate than this. At this time, a man dressed in a black robe, with an iron face, and a triangular iron ornament on his chest swaying quickly walked into the training ground, trotting towards Baal. This is the herald of Shadowhold, who is usually directly responsible to Spinak.

Panting, he ran to Baal's side, quite out of breath and said: "Master Babal, your Majesty wants to see you, right away!"

Hearing these words, Baal's eyes lit up. He laughed, first squatted down short, and then pushed hard. An air current blasted out of the air on the training ground, causing the messenger and surrounding soldiers to fall to the ground. As for Baal, it had disappeared outside the training ground, and then a black spot quickly moved away.

After a while, Baal stood in front of the gate of the Hall of Shadows. Looking at the 100-meter-high black iron gate in front of him, even the notorious Great Warlord had a sense of awe at this moment. There is no other reason, because behind this door is a man who is like a deep sea. The darkness in him can swallow all good and evil. Baal's notoriety is not worth mentioning before him.

Taking a deep breath, Baal gently opened the door with rare caution.

There was a rare light in the Shadow Hall inside the door. It was originally a huge feldspar platform rising in the middle of the hall. On the stone platform, it is a three-dimensional map constructed with countless light. On this map, you can see mountains, rivers, forests, rocks, valleys, plains, and even the raging sea and a land bridge that runs through the two ends of the sea! So Baal knew that it was the territory map of the Demon Shadow Empire, starting from the Devil Ring City, reaching the fortress Morkdan in the north, and ending at the land bridge that crossed the sea of ​​blood.

Beside this large and detailed three-dimensional map, Spinak was still hidden in the shadows. The place where he was was like a shadow, and the light couldn't get in five meters away from him. Only two points of scarlet lighted up in the flame of the slowly rising shadow.

"Are you here?" The Demon King's voice came from the shadow.

Baal was flattered and said: "Your Majesty, do you want to see me?"

"Come here."

The Grand Overseer subconsciously bowed his chest and bowed his head. Before Spinak's invisible sense of oppression, even no one violent dared to show a little bit of hostility. Ba Li walked to the edge of the stone platform, looked at the map, waited with his hands down, and did not dare to ask questions. Before he was allowed to wait long, a voice came from the shadow: "What is the current situation of our war with Dobia?"

After quickly filtering the information in his mind, Baal picked the most important one and said: "Your Majesty, before you wake up. Frios once took his army deep into the country, looking at the entire Agareth, only you He was able to steadily defeat the Black Emperor. On that day, Frios' personal conquest was invincible. His army even came near the Great Fault, and in the end he still feared your Majesty before choosing to retreat."

"Winning securely?" A chuckle echoed from the shadow: "Baal, you are still not suitable for the technique of flattering. Frios and I are both supreme and can only contend at most, so how can I say that it is secure. If I can win, I’ve already made it into Sunset City. Frios knows this too~www.readwn.com~ His personal expedition didn’t even think about entering Magic Circle City. Because he knew that once he Entering Magic Ring City, then I have to wake up early. Of course, I will definitely be discounted if I wake up in that situation, but Frios is also not sure of winning."

"If the two of us fight against each other, the cheap one will only be the justice king of Idahuaxing. So the Black Emperor chose to retreat. Anyway, his goal of showing off his might has been achieved. In fact, both of us know that the Shadow Empire and the Duo Biya’s war will only maintain this stalemate forever, unless the two of us are willing to share the birth and death, otherwise this is an eternal battle!"

Baal was sweating on his forehead, lowered his head and dared not speak casually.

The shadow of Lisburnak said: "Go on."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Baal decided not to add any of his own opinions, and only used a third party's perspective to describe the current battle between the two countries: "The last expedition was achieved by the Black Emperor retreating, but our empire still has a province. The thirteen cities fell into the hands of Dobia. Their sunset flags were even inserted into the eastern frontiers of our empire. As your majesty is still not awakening, the generals of Mirion and I decided to regain the lost ground after discussing with them. Wei."

He glanced at the shadow quietly, and saw that Spinak didn't say a word, before he dared to continue speaking.

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