Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1330:  Federal Conference (3)

Roddy said "Um". After Guangyin's attack on Alan's fake president was unsuccessful last time, Vincent personally appeared in a video and pointed out that Alan was not the real Mobit. (Please go to see the latest chapter) That video was naturally seen by Roddy, so he is no stranger to Vincent's appearance. After putting aside the mystery, the leader of the Guangyinkai looked like a successful middle-aged businessman. Next to him was another senior member, Wella. After Wella leaked the news of Vincent's attack to Alan, Vincent's operation failed and the problem was quickly found.

The strange thing is that Wella didn't deal with Vincent as a traitor, and even let her join the meeting today. Of course, Roddy and others didn't know so much inside information, and they felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere between Vincent and Wella.

After Guangyinhui and his party entered the venue, several groups of people came in successively. Among them were the floating island nobles who had just arrived, and several warlords who remained neutral on the surface. After these people entered the venue, the space in the venue was obviously much crowded.

"It's really all in one place." Old Kate exclaimed: "This kind of scene where the nobles of the Federation gather and the warlords are organized together, probably only when the Federation was just established."

"At this time, it's good that we should put aside our previous positions and come together, otherwise how to fight against the Nirm invasion?"

Old Kate glanced at Roddy and laughed.

"Mr. Kate, am I wrong?" Roddy asked.

"You can't be wrong, but you are still younger after all." Old Kate glanced at everyone on the court and said: "Yes, these people are now together because of the unprecedented crisis on Earth. But this alone The danger is not enough. If Mobit cannot come up with a reasonable distribution plan, it will be difficult for everyone to contribute."

Roddy frowned: "Now this situation is divided into death and reunion. Don't they understand this truth?"

"Of course they understand, but in this crisis, the federation is the first to bear the brunt, then our families, then it is the Freedom Gate, the light and recession meeting, and finally the independent warlords. There is no saying that the sky is falling. There is a tall man against it, that's the reason. Mobit doesn't show some sincerity, do you think those people will do their best to deal with it at best? There is still a difference between the two."

Old Kate smiled and said: "This is a bit like we do business, although the shareholders of the company and I are in the same general direction. But if they don't give them some sweetness, they will do their best. The truth is the same, that is, management. The entire Federation is more complicated."

At this time, the broadcast in the venue rang. It was because the meeting was about to begin. Everyone was invited to take their seats.

Roddy frowned and said, "I haven't seen Capulo?"

"Yeah, logically speaking, he should have arrived early. When I first entered the venue, I already saw some military officials. There were many members of the old party, but Caprow was missing." Old Kate sighed: " I hope nothing happens."

Everyone took their seats one by one according to the instructions, and Roddy was arranged next to old Kate. In front of them were Vincent and Wella, and on the left were the people from Freedom Gate. They were seated in the front, and the importance of their identity was self-evident. After everyone was seated, the lighting in the venue was turned off one by one, leaving only the lights on the high platform of the conference hall, thus drawing people's attention to the high platform.

After a while, there were footsteps. Mobit and several senior federal officials appeared on the stage. The officials sat on the back row of seats, and Mobit walked to the podium. He stood on the side of the stage and bowed to everyone below. This solemn gesture made everyone stand up. Mobitt said: "It's an honor to be able to invite you all to the scene today. At this time of life and death, it is clear that the power of the Federation alone is not enough to protect this planet. As everyone living on this planet, now, this planet The planet needs you!"

There was a round of applause.

Mobit made a gesture of "please sit". After everyone in the table sat back, he walked to the podium and said, "Everyone present has received the news more or less. Yes, on the night of the invasion, our The floating island of Babylon has fallen. This is the scene at the time"

He looked back.

A large screen lowered behind him, and a scene began to play on the screen. It looks like it should have been taken by a certain spacecraft's instrument. In the picture, you can see the distant floating island spewing flames, and there are continuous fragments falling off the floating island and falling. When a big explosion occurred in the center of the floating island, which caused the floating island to split into several parts, there were whispers from the field. In the battle between the two airships, the floating island, which symbolizes the hope of mankind, fell apart in such a thrilling manner, dragging thick plumes of smoke and flames, and falling towards the ground.

Mobitt coughed lightly: "This is undoubtedly a huge blow to us, and in the next three days, our military bases and factories and other important buildings on the surface were all hit by the enemy with precision. There are no shortage of secret officer bases that we have not announced to the public. The enemy should not know the location of these bases. The reason why we have suffered such a huge loss is because of one thing."

"It's a pity that before the Nirm invasion, both the Freedom Gate and the Kuang Huihui disagreed with the federation and even had friction. I don't want to accuse you here, just cite a fact. Mr. Vincent, who believes in the Shining Council, knows that nearly ten months ago, you organized an assassination operation. That operation almost succeeded. Although I saved my life, I had to disappear because of severe damage. A period of time." Mobit said without any emotional ups and downs: "During this time, Mr. Vincent arranged for Alan, who has become a member of your organization, to replace me and preside over various federal affairs."

"The Kwanghyun Society's original plan was to control the Federation through Alan, but it failed. Alan didn't want to be your puppet. He wanted to be me and become the president of the Federation, so there was a series of events afterwards." Mobit said in a deep voice. Said: "Because of the insertion of the fake president, the relationship between the Federation and the nobles was so bad that it could not be worsened. What is even more hateful is that he leaked out all the intelligence of the Federation, including the subordinates of the Interstellar Defense Line, so as to give our enemies a chance. Opportunity."

"The Nirmites, with the support of sufficient intelligence, appeared at an excellent timing, which made us quickly fall to the bottom, thus forming an unfavorable situation at the moment. The reason why I said these things, did not intend to blame anyone on the court. What I want to say is that because of the contradictions within our human beings, the foreign invaders are cheaper. So at this moment, should we put aside all the unhappiness and contradictions in the past. For this planet, for our descendants Let us abandon our stand and cooperate sincerely and fight for the rise and fall of human freedom!"

After speaking, Mobit closed his mouth, looked at the familiar or unfamiliar faces in the audience, and quietly waited for the answers from these people.

However, Mobit did not wait for a response from the crowd, but waited for a slightly ironic voice: "It's so alike, almost exactly like President Mobit." A beam of light was cast toward the source of the sound. When the figure in the beam of light, there was a whisper in the venue.

That is Capulo!

Many people stood up, wanting to see more clearly, for fear that they might be wrong. After all, Capulo's tone didn't sound very "friendly", the old man next to Roddy closed his eyes, his face became serious. Sente from the front seat whispered, "Why, the president on the stage is a fake again?" Wella, who was sitting on his right side, was silent. Roddy squinted, and not far away, Warlaus closed his eyes and lowered his head, as if thinking deeply about something. The words in my ears are all speculations.

A simple sentence from Capro made the people at the venue full of doubts.

"Damn it." Roddy cursed in a low voice, and he stood up, and at the same time let out some of his aura to attract the attention of people around him.

Even Caprow and Mobit looked at him.

Roddy said in a deep voice: "Although I have some opinions on President Mobitt's past actions, I can assure you that this is the President on the stage!"

"Beskard" Capulo smiled and said, "Oh, what evidence does Mr. Roddy have?"

"The evidence lies in President Mobitt." Roddy said loudly: "Mr. President and my father Horne had a contest. In that contest, Mr. President was injured by my father. The wound caused by Qiuyan cannot Forgery, that day Mr. President gained the trust of me and other patriarchs that day, and only then did the powerful of the major families in Babylon fight against the masters of the Nirm."

"Oh~www.readwn.com~ So, Mr. President is probably also happy to show me that evidence?" Kaprow looked at the Federal President on the platform.

The latter had a weird face and said solemnly: "After the fall of Babylon, in order to launch a full-scale counterattack against the invaders, I have done my best for the past three days to heal my wounds. Qiuyan left me on my body and healed the last wound, so I don’t care about this wound. Marshal, if you can't believe me, don't you still trust Mr. Roddy, even Warlauth, Mr. Dornier and others?"

"If you keep it in the past, I believe it." Capro's voice was cold: "But after so many things have happened, how do I know whether you are now a puppet? At this time of danger, I really can't Soldiers are in the hands of someone who cannot be trusted. Therefore, taking advantage of the presence of so many big people today, I declare that the Golden Lion is officially out of the control of the federal government. We, the Golden Lion, will still fight the invading stars and even conduct military operations with you in a cooperative relationship. . But we do not accept any orders from the Federation. At this time, we need more free will!"

The venue was in an uproar.

Roddy wanted to say something, but tugged at old Kate. The old man said indifferently: "Sit down, haven't you heard it? Capulo didn't make a conscious decision, but was ready to take advantage of this time to leave the Union and take power. Hey, this old lion who is unwilling to be lonely."

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