Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1310:  White Devil

"Spider? No, no, it's not my style." Lucy shook his head, raised his hands and spread them out: "But what does it matter now? The important thing is, what do you think of my proposal just now."

Lawgen spat out: "That is the worst proposal I have ever heard. This town is Zasso, I hope you know what you are doing. Lucy, you are attacking the town of your allies, I can already imagine What will Zasso do after hearing the news."

"I attacked the town?" Lusi haha ​​laughed, and wiggled a finger left and right: "You are wrong, Lawgen. The white devil Lucy didn't attack the town of the respected Bone King. It was actually the one who attacked the town. That man named Dark King."

Logan's eyes opened sharply, then he nodded and said, "It's really mean, this is indeed your style."

"Thanks for the compliment." Lucy bowed exaggeratedly, then looked up and laughed: "Unfortunately you refused to accept my proposal, so there is only one thing we can do next."

Lao Gen took a deep breath, his chest bulged, and his already strong muscles swelled three more points. The muscles of the old Baer's whole body were stretched, and the blood vessels floated up like earthworms. Laogen's powerful air filled the entire space, and the air became dignified.

Lucy sighed: "It's no wonder that Gray Town has not fallen for 30 years. You have a credit for it. It's a pity." The White Devil suddenly yelled, and the gray-white brilliance gushed from his body, constantly moving around like tide Rolling away, covering the ground and sky, forming a gray world.

Laogen snorted and said, "White Realm? This ability is good for those little ghosts who are not climatic. Isn't it too trivial to deal with me?"

"I'm not young anymore, I'm so impatient, who said this is the white realm" Lucy made an inhalation, and the white light curtain that had been expanded, was closed again to form a grayish white. Arrogance wrapped around Lucy's body. The gray flames were fluctuating, forming a fuzzy outline like armor, and even forming a flame horn and flame tail behind Lucy's forehead.

Lucy climbed to the pinnacle with his energy, and the source of energy overflowed and spread, forming a circle of gray flames spreading around his feet. At this time, his eyes could no longer see the eyeballs, a piece of gray flame filled his eye sockets, and from time to time a fine gray flame was sprayed from his eyes. He looked at Laogen with a grinning smile: "This is my gas weapon, I call it the white devil. In fact, the name is quite appropriate, isn't it."

"I care if you are a white devil or a white devil!" Laugen yelled, his hands suddenly plunged into the ground, and a moment later he pulled up a metal pipe, which was thick enough to be a barrel of oil. Laugen sank his hands into one end of the metal pipe and tore the nearly ten-meter-long pipe from the ground. The old Baer ran with the metal pipe in large strides, and every step down, the ground must shake.

So the town swayed under Laugan's run, and Laugan yelled and lifted the metal pipe, then slammed it down at Lucy.

Seeing that he was about to hit, Lucy moved a position sideways, and the metal tube swept past him. The air flow brought up by the pipes suppressed Lucy's armed arrogance, and it hit the ground, and the ground suddenly fell apart. Lawgen's eyes were bloodshot, and his tube swept across. With a smile on Lucy's face, her toes touched the ground, and the whole person slipped back a hundred meters silently, leaving Laogen swept away again.

"Asshole!" The old Baer roared, and raised the metal pipe with one hand and threw it towards Lucy.

The metal pipe smashed with a bad wind, Lucy shook his head and even closed his eyes. He raised his hand and flicked his finger when the metal tube came to his side. Fingertips flicked on the pipe, and countless gray light flashed across the pipe. The color of the metal tube quickly faded, turning from copper yellow to gray, then transparent, and finally turned into a mass of ash. Lucy flashed in the dust.

"Your strength is really amazing, and it is far above me in pure strength. But the real strong need more than pure strength, to see if you can't even condense the engraving arms, and those who eat green crystals. What's the difference between the lower grade waste."

Lucy's voice came from behind, Laogen quickly turned around and swept away with a punch: "Who told you I only have power!"

Of course the punch still swept into the air.

However, his own building behind Laogen quickly collapsed because of this punch. If you look closely, you will find that the scattered buildings have been homogenized into three-dimensional particles of one centimeter square. One of them rolled under Lucy's feet, and the white devil took a look and said, "Oh, I forgot that you still have a cube collapsed. It's a pity that the ability to miss hits is useless no matter how powerful it is."

He lifted his leg and stepped forward, and appeared in front of Lawgen in an instant. The old Baer's pupils shrank violently, his palms turned into a knife, and a hand knife slashed towards Lucy. The latter turned easily and turned into standing on the left side of Laugan. Lucy put his hand on Laugan's wrist and said with a smile, "I'll take this arm."

He lifted his index finger to a point on Lao Gen's wrist, and two gray lights spread rapidly using the place where the fingers fell, forming a gray ring along Lao Gen's wrist. The gray ring flashed, and the part from his wrist to his fingertips became transparent, and then turned into ash like that metal pipe. The old Baer held his broken wrist with his other hand and retreated, with a bruise on his forehead. Only then did the wound on the broken wrist spew out blood, and the blood kept flowing out of Lao Gen's fingers and dripping onto the ground.

"You are"

Lucy moved five fingers and smiled and said: "Devil's touch, everything touched by it will be pulled into hell."

"Fart, where's the **** from Agareth, that's just something that scares people in the low-level civilization!"

"Who said no." Lucy narrowed her eyes and pointed to herself, "I am hell."

There was a sudden pain in Laugan's head, as if someone had inserted a steel needle into his head. He screamed in pain and couldn't help kneeling to the ground. When he raised his head again, blood was constantly rolling out of his eyes and nostrils.

"You waste too much time, Mr. Lucy." A hoarse voice came from behind Laugan.

The old Barr reluctantly turned his head and glanced, his vision was a bit blurred at this moment, and the tingling in his mind made him unable to concentrate. He only barely saw a figure walking slowly. It was a mysterious figure hiding himself under the cloak and layers of clothing. The skin of his hands extending from his wide sleeves was dark blue. Now, the golden lines on those blue skin light up, but if you get closer, you will find that those are not lines, but his blood vessels!

Blue demon!

Lucy spread her hands: "I wanted to play with you for a while. It seems that someone is impatient."

"Who are you?" Laugan stood up with all his strength: "Get out of my head!"

The old Baer raised his hand and threw his fist towards the Blue Devil, and the waves of the fist front swayed away, and a looming air column pierced towards the Blue Devil. Lucy was going to remind him to be careful of Laugan's cube collapse, but he swallowed the words to his lips. The Blue Devils over there didn't seem to be able to dodge, standing in a daze. Seeing that Laugen's fist wind was about to hit, suddenly the space in front of the Blue Devils was distorted, and then translucent silk threads were staggered, forming squares.

A grid suddenly appeared in the space in front of the Blue Devils, and then another shocking wave of air blew up. After the wind subsided, the grid disappeared and the space was no longer distorted. The Blue Devils were slightly surprised: "It can actually destroy my spiritual barrier. This power is not simple."

"It's really not easy, but it's not for me." I don't know when to stand beside Laugan, Lucy said and raised his hand. The edge of the palm cuts Lao Gen's neck, who still maintains the momentum to punch. After a second, he reacted. The old Baer looked at Lucy with difficulty and spit out a word from his mouth: "Zasso will not let you go."

This was his last word in the world, and Laogen's head became transparent and then exploded into pieces of dust. The headless corpse still stood firmly on the ground. Looking at the corpse, Lucy shrugged and said: "I don't mind, because when I return to the wasteland, he is the one to be afraid of."

Then he lifted his foot and kicked Laogen's corpse. The old Barr's corpse fell to the ground and blood spurted from his neck. The blood rolled to the feet of the Blue Devils. The Blue Devils silently turned around and walked a few steps, then stopped and asked, "Is this really the place of the outsider?"

"What do you think?" Lucy asked with a smile, and was ready to turn his face at any time.

"If you say it is, then I will treat it as it is." The Blue Devils walked forward: "But Mr. Lucy~www.readwn.com~ you can completely attach it to the trading conditions. We will agree, compared to That outsider, it’s okay to help you cut off a few competitors. But if you continue to treat us as fools, you will regret it."

Lucy raised her hand and smiled and said, "Well, I promise this is the last time."

"Then I will remember."

It wasn't until the Blue Devil's figure completely faded out of sight that Lucy put away her smile, and at the same time disarmed her gaseous arms, and muttered, "This is a bad guy."

In the next two days, two more towns were dropped by Lucy. The residents who escaped from the town formed a long dragon and followed the road signs in the relic to Baixi City. Now that the relic is sealed off, there are only two places they can go. Obviously, the nearest city of Baixi has become their only choice. Five days after Graytown was attacked, the first group of Bar people who fled came to Baixi City and brought news of Graytown.

After hearing the news, Trisley, who was temporarily managing Baixi City in place of Allen, was very anxious, but helpless. She wanted to inform Ellen, but Ellen locked herself in the City Lord's Mansion two days ago and ordered that no one be allowed to disturb him before he came out. Now outside the man's room, the Catu man holding the wine barrel and no one drinking all night and the boy who resembled Allen, faithfully implemented Allen's orders.

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