Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1324:  Guard

At dusk, Lucy and Link walked out of the library together. Lucy, who saw the sky again for the first time in three days, was blinded by the fiery red light at dusk. She stood on the stone steps and took a deep breath before adapting to the outdoor light. Next to Link, holding the code, smiled and said, "If you want to help Alan, you have to take care of yourself first."

"I know, I won't spend the night in the library. The curator won't see me so much, as if I owe him a lot of money." Lucy smiled heartily, and the wind blew her golden hair. The silk dances, weaving the most beautiful pattern in the world.

Link was stunned for a while.

At this time, someone coughed slightly, which caught the attention of the two. Link subconsciously stepped forward, slightly blocking Lucy's half body. The sharp eyes under the frame looked like swords, looking towards the white arch bridge ahead. There were two people standing on the other end of the bridge, as they were tall men, but they were already blessed with a smile on their faces. The other person stood sideways behind him, unable to see his face, but from the outline, he was definitely a woman.

"Marquis Marouse?"

When he saw the man clearly, Lucy and Link whispered at the same time. Marus is the main person in charge of the safety of the palace and the entire Golden City. Naturally, he will not be malicious to Lucy, so Link let go. Marus said across the bridge: "I also thought that His Royal Highness didn't know how long he would stay in the library. Marus didn't dare to bother, thinking that it would be fine to wait outside. Unexpectedly, his Royal Highness came out today, and Link The earl is also there, and it seems that I still disturbed the two of them."

Lucy glanced at Link and said with a smile: "The Marquis has something to do with me?"

"Your Majesty asked me to look for a personal guard for you a few days ago. Today, I finally have a suitable candidate to bring to your Royal Highness." Marus said to the woman behind with a smile on his face: "Isn't you coming to see your Highness?"

The woman behind him began to walk out, beside Marus, facing Lucy on the other side of the bridge, knelt down on one knee and said: "Angeloni, defend your Royal Highness to the death!"

This woman is delicate but full of explosive power. Her pale golden shoulders lifted lightly in the wind, adding a bit of feminine temperament to her, but looking at her sharp eyes, she knew that this woman named Angeloni was not a weak woman who needed a man's care.

"Is she?" Lucy was slightly surprised, the woman made her feel like acupuncture, thinking that the other party is not weak.

Marus smiled and said: "Angeloni is a commando captain in our army. Among the ten candidates recommended by Duke Pard, I think Angeloni is the most suitable. I have read her information, Angeloni is good at tracking and anti-tracking, as well as arranging traps, infiltrating temptations, etc. As for combat power, even if the 25th level combat power is placed in the Golden City, it is not a character that can be taken lightly. In addition, she is Women, it’s easier to get along with Your Highness."

Lucy shrugged and said, "Since Marquis Marouse, you said so"

"and many more."

When Lucy was about to agree, Link suddenly said: "I'm sorry, Marquis. I am not questioning your vision, it is just a matter of your Highness's safety. Please allow me to try your guardian skills."

Marus had a great demeanor and smiled when he heard the words: "Of course, Earl Link is also for the sake of His Highness, how can I refuse."

"Go and have a few tricks with the count."

After saying this to the woman, Marus moved to the side.

Link handed the code to Lucy: "Please keep it for me for a while, Your Highness."

After Lucy received the code, Link walked onto the white arch bridge and walked to the middle of the arch bridge and said calmly: "As long as you can pass by me, you will be qualified."

Angeloni stood up and said solemnly: "Please be careful, count."

The last syllable still didn't disappear, and Angeloni had already charged in. She rushed towards Link in a straight line that couldn't be better, just as they were about to collide. Angelonie's toes turned sharply, making a short arc, and Link went away quickly in her eyes. She leaped backwards on the bridge rail, and behind her was Wan Mi Void. Angeloni didn't stop, and kicked her right leg on the bridge rail, and she jumped behind Link.

At this time, Link was still focused on the front, as if he couldn't keep up with Angeloni's degree and couldn't react.

But when Angeloni went diagonally forward, her eyes were suddenly filled with finger shadows!

Link used to refer to the sword, and when he shot it, it was the sword skill that made Alan also admired that day, starry. Even though it was referring to the sword, Link still screamed with sword air, and that face-struck force densely pressed on Angeloni's eyelids, making her stare at Venus, and she couldn't see Link's figure. Secretly surprised at the moment, he thought that the son of Duke Rebes really had some ways.

Although not shocked, Angeloni stepped on her left leg in the air, as if stepping on the ground, her figure suddenly raised, out of the range of Link's fingers.

Link closed his fingers, his five fingers joined together into a palm knife, and he slashed at the mid-air woman Yaokong.

A mighty sword gas swept away.

Angeloni has no other way. Unless she is willing to show some invisible abilities, she can only protect her body with arms like she is now, blocking Link's sword aura while also pushing it back to its original position.

She fell on the bridge, but ran again much faster than Link had imagined. But this time, the aura on her body has gradually increased. At this moment, Angeloni's sense of oppression has passed the 25th level of combat power and is still growing.

Link squinted his eyes, suddenly his momentum skyrocketed. People no longer stand by the bridge, but rush forward. Using the hand to replace the sword, simple and unpretentious, but slammed Angeloni with a sharp palm!

Angeloni also opened her mouth and let out a low whistle, her feet leaped off the ground while she was running, and then kicked in the air. The man suddenly slammed into Link like a cannonball, and the pink fist slammed into the earl's chest. If it hits, I'm afraid the armor will have a big hole.

Marus and Lucy were shocked, neither expected that they would suddenly fight each other. Seeing that the tragedy was about to happen, unexpectedly, the aura of the two of them condensed at the same time, and the two figures were fixed on the bridge.

Link's palm was half an inch from Angeloni's face, and the latter's fist was stuck to the earl's clothes. It was only then that Marus shouted "Stop" in angrily, and then the two men folded their fists and moved back.

Link smiled and said: "You are indeed good, although in the end I still failed to pass me, but as a personal guard of His Royal Highness is already qualified."

Angeloni showed a bright smile on her face.

Link said again: "Do you have a secret method to instantly increase combat power?"

Angeloni nodded obediently: "I can temporarily stimulate my combat power, and my physical strength, strength, and strength can be increased several times in a short period of time."

"Very good. In this case, no one can pass your level unless the 30th-level powerhouse makes a move." Link walked back, took back his own code and said to Marus: "The Marquis really found someone. Good candidate."

As a result, naturally everyone is happy.

But the happiest one was Angeloni, after she killed Green Forest in the Lost City and opened the natural disaster loop. After returning to Idahuaxing, he had to recommend it, and began to hear that he was going to be the guardian of a royal boy. Angeloni wanted to refuse. She was quite clear that even if she had gained some abilities and powers from Lu Sen, she still couldn't compare to the only other brother who had achieved fruitful results.

But even so, she still had to prepare for the worst for their encounter in Japan. For this reason, sharpening one's combat power is an urgent matter. How can I hone my fighting strength by staying with a royal boy, but when I heard that the person to protect was Lucy, Angeloni immediately changed her mind. Now who doesn't know the relationship between Lucy and Allen, if you can get close to Her Royal Highness who knows Allen incomparably, then understanding Allen's details is naturally much more convenient and accurate than any other way.

Of course, her plan doesn't stop there, but everything has to start by becoming Lucy's personal guard. And now she did. When she stood beside Lucy, she couldn't even believe that everything would go so smoothly. From her perspective, her Royal Highness, who thought she was far away, is now close at hand.

It was as close as if she stretched out her hand, she could crush her soft neck.

At this moment Lucy turned her head, Angeloni quickly lowered her head to avoid her sight, for fear that Lucy would see a slightly crazy look in her eyes.

"Angeloni?" Lucy smiled: "If you don't mind, I will call you Anne from now on?"

"OK, all right."

On this day, there was an inseparable woman beside Lucy. Everyone knew that she was the personal guard of her Royal Highness. But no one knew that this personal guard might not be Lucy's life-saving talisman.

There was another whistle.

Lucy looked up, and when the sky was about to become completely dark, you could see that a huge fleet had been assembled outside the atmosphere of Idahua Star~www.readwn.com~ This fleet had been planned for tomorrow. Just don’t know, can they bring hope to the earth?

The sunset on Idahua is the darkest moment before dawn on Earth.

Roddy woke up suddenly, he seemed to have a nightmare, sweating profusely. The man yelled and got up, grabbed it casually, and he had a tomahawk that condensed the source of power in his hand. When he remembered where he was, he panted to dissipate his energy, and then got out of bed and turned on the light. The lights came on in this simple bedroom, a simple room, with a bed and wardrobe, it was already extremely narrow. Compared with the rooms in Ugalle Castle, it is not a bit worse.

At this moment, the sky was pitch black, and in the far distance, there were occasional lights flashing. It may be starlight or artillery fire. Roddy took a sip of water, and the cold water flowed into his stomach, calming him a lot. He walked back to the bed, sat down with his face in his hands, a wry smile at the corner of his mouth gradually melted away.

Even after so many days, he still couldn't forget that night. I can't even believe it, it's true.

That night, the greatest creation of mankind since the war of dawn was called the floating island of Babylon in paradise


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