Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1339:  Artificial life

[Thanks to the rudder master who is full of Mie Zhu Lianguang 44, today I will add more. There are also monthly rewards for brothers such as Yi Dongtian, Heart Silence for You, hyx191213, sys3721, Cat Escape from the World, Brother Su and Xiang in the War! ]

This dinner has been eaten seven or eight, and now the main course has been served, Grice served Ellen and Alice with desserts, filled them with wine, and retreated to the door to be the gatekeeper. The old man knew that Alice did not want other people to stay, so he sent all the maids out, and only stayed to serve the two of them.

His eyes were blind, but there was a bit of heat and excitement in his expression towards Alice. Because what Alice will say next must involve her own secrets, and because Alice acquiesced to him to stay, this is a great trust. Although there are many butlers he wants to serve for Alice, no one has his honor. The strong man who used to turn the clouds in the wasteland is now like the first child to get candy, it is difficult to resist his inner excitement.

Alice took a sip of "red wine", and said: "Maybe you can't believe it, but in fact, I am not a naturally born life, but a man-made creation, an artificial life form."

When Alan heard about "The Creator", he faintly felt that Alice's origins were not simple. My fingers still tremble when I hear the "artificial life form". Today, artificial life is not a rare technology. Even the Earth Federation has this level of technology. It's just that artificial life has little wisdom, and it needs to be implanted with brain chips to perform some simple tasks. In the history of the development of the Federation, there was a period of time when the federal government planned to replace soldiers with artificial life. This was an extension of the plan after referring to Idahuaxing’s transformation of soldiers.

However, because the cost is too high and the artificial soldiers implanted with chips will faithfully execute the orders, they are eliminated due to lack of resilience. In the end, the plan was stopped after halfway through.

Now that Alice claims to be an artificial life, she must be the most intelligent, powerful and resilient artificial life that Allen knows.

"When I opened my eyes, the planet was still very deserted. Except for the beasts, no higher life appeared on Agareth. Only after having me, did the people of Barr now appear. I am S. Bernanke’s mother is also the mother of all Baal people. I am the mother of all living beings. I am a living god, if the people on this planet also believe in the word of God." Alice shrugged, "Unfortunately they believe it more. Own power."

Another shocking news.

Allen suddenly felt that his imagination was so empty. He believed that Alice had an extremely long lifespan, but he never expected that she alone was the history of the entire Baal clan. After all, she is the source.

Seeing Alan move her mouth, Alice smiled and said, "A gentleman doesn’t ask a woman’s age. If you want to ask how long I’ve lived, I can only tell you a long time. When it comes, I have to choose to forget some Things don’t make me crazy. Yes, every time I wake up from a deep sleep, I will erase some of my memories and keep only the most important things. For example, about my creator."

"This is impossible. There is no eternal thing in the universe. Planets have birth and death, let alone life. Even if it is an artificial life form, it is impossible to escape the fate of death..."

Alice picked up a piece of soft cake with a silver fork and put it in her mouth to chew lightly: "Who told you that I will not die. I will die too. In fact, I have died hundreds of times. Only after death, I will be reborn. After rebirth, I am extremely fragile. I only retain my memory and experience, but my strength and mental power need to be regained through growth. So I need generals and the army to protect me. Now I am at its peak. I will sleep next time. After waking up, I will begin to enter a period of weakness and go directly to death."

"Death is not my end, reincarnation is my destiny, nothing more."

Allen drank the wine in the glass, still finding it hard to calm the shock. But shocked to shock, he still used his brain and tried to keep up with Alice's thoughts. When the wine glass was put down, the movement suddenly stiffened, and the wine glass was suspended. After a while, he gently put it on the table, and Allen faced the mysterious woman: "What is the meaning? What is the meaning of such immortal reincarnation?"

"Life has the limitation of lifespan so that it can burst into infinite brilliance in a limited time. If you are like you, life becomes a boring process. Don't you think all this is meaningless?"

Alice stretched out her finger and gently turned the edge of the cup: "Yes, what is the meaning? I have asked myself more than once, what is the meaning of this? Unfortunately, I don't know how to die, when to die, the real death. Me too I cannot commit suicide. The creator must have planted some instructions in my genes for this situation. Whenever I think about suicide, I will automatically fall asleep."

"In the end, the only purpose for me to live is to wait for him to come back."


"Creator." Alice looked at the wine glass, which reflected her face, so she looked at herself and said: "In the ancient memory I keep, the creator said a word when he left. He said to me Will come back, I also believe that he will come back. There is no reason for this, and even I suspect that this is one of his orders. It is just a more tactful order, no matter what, I will wait. Even for a thousand years , Ten thousand years, until the destruction of the universe. As long as I never really die, I will wait."

"If you don't do this, then my existence will be meaningless at all, will it?"

Suddenly, Allen felt sad for her. She has a long life, with power comparable to supreme, but she lives without meaning. Such a life is paler than death.

"Don't show such a sad expression." Alice shook her head and said softly, "After all, I didn't wait for nothing, because you are here."


"Yes, I didn't say that you have his breath?" Alice stood up, untied the hairnet on her head, and let her long hair fall like silk. She walked to Ellen, wiped the edge of the table with her hand, and whispered: "Because I felt your breath, I woke up more than three hundred years earlier than the scheduled time. Originally I thought the creator had finally returned, until I saw you. I know it’s not. But I’m not disappointed. I believe there must be some connection between you and him. It is this connection, so I’m sure that you can help me do that."

Allen sighed: "To be honest, your strength is above me. Why not go to the Magic Ring City yourself? Also, you and Spinnak..."

"That kid, it used to be my favorite baby." Alice came to Ellen, turned and leaned gently on the table, holding the table with both hands and looking out the window, her eyes blurred: "At the beginning of time, Gareth is very young and deserted. The creator and I came to this planet and he built something here. That place is the ancient ruins I told you about. In order to protect this place, the creator tore apart After the earth, there is the current lost abyss. And in the middle of this abyss, on the ground that connects to the remains, he erected the Canon Black Gate."

She turned her face slightly and smiled faintly at Allen: "I am the original gatekeeper. I have watched that place for a thousand or two hundred years after the creator left. But after that, I found that nothing could enter the black gate. Agareth’s beasts dare not even approach the abyss. Whether it is the breath left by me or the creator, they are instinctively scared."

"So I left the Black Gate and traveled around. At first, I was still curious about new things. But after hundreds of years of traveling like this, I got tired. This planet is too barren and I am too lonely. I returned to the Black Gate and settled down nearby. Then I started to create life. There is no lack of such knowledge in my memory, but I lack experience. So the life created in the early stage is almost a failure until I use myself The combination of his cells and the primitive life of Agareth finally succeeded."

"That was the first Barr on Agareth."

The shock in Allen's heart can no longer be expressed in words. It turns out that the Baer came from this way. What she said from Alice's mouth was simply a myth or legend, did she call herself a living god? Settling his mind, Alan was shocked and said: "Then the tolerance in the Baal gene..."

"From me."

Alan shook again, if that was the case, how similar Alice was to the old queen bug on the heaven star. The difference between the two is only in the form of life, but the essence is the same. Alice continued: "At the time, I was just thinking about making new life better able to adapt to the environment. After all, there were too many examples of previous failures that died because they couldn't adapt to the environment. That's why I thought of using my own cells. As a basis, I did not expect that the new life created, their genes also inherited my genes compatible with other life~www.readwn.com~ and absorbed and evolved characteristics."

"With this characteristic, the Baal race grows up quickly. I bet that no other race in the universe will grow faster than my children. They grow so fast, from the stage of primitive ignorance to The initial civilization only took a few hundred years. But when they left Agareth, their evolutionary speed became faster..."

Speaking of this, Alice paused and said, "Sbernack, I used to be called Nabo's child. It was born when the Baer people just walked out of Agareth..."

"At that time, I once again thought of the creator incomparably. Based on memory, I created this child by referring to the appearance of the creator. Nabo, in the ancient language system of the Baer people, there is the meaning of creation in it . I hope this child born can grow like a creator." Alice lowered her head and whispered, "He is the first child I allow to live in this castle, and the first to allow him to call me. My mother’s child. I place all hope in him, but it turns out that he is finally just my wishful thinking creation. Basically, he is a Baer. Even if he looks like a creator again, he is not a creator. , But the ambitious and powerful people of Baer!"


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