Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 13:  Trap

At six o'clock in the morning, a small military magic ship landed in the center of the camp. This is a patrol ship, which looks like a rib. The head is pointed and the tail is wide, and the metal fuselage is printed with the "Owl Wolf" logo of the Surface Defense Army in the 13th District. It is powered by Rubik's Cube energy. There are two propulsion engines at the tail, and under the arc-shaped armor cover is the cockpit, equipped with twin blasting cannons and ground missile launchers under the ailerons on the left and right sides.

In terms of firepower, such a small magic ship is far from excellent. Limited by the size of the fuselage and the limitation of the propulsion engine, this kind of spaceship cannot be loaded with heavy firepower, so it is generally only used for patrols around the administrative area.

But this was the first time the teenagers saw the magic ship so close, and Alan's eyes were full of excitement, and the other two teenagers were equally excited.

"Well, if you have a chance to leave, Babylon has more and larger mana ships for you to see." Lieutenant Ron stood in front of the spaceship with his arms around his chest and said: "Listen, stay here. The spaceship will send you to the assessment location. For this assessment, you can try to warm up before the survival game. You have three days to solve your opponents, but all activities must be limited to the marked area. Once someone crosses the restricted area and intends to escape If you do, believe me, it won’t be a happy decision."

When the ensign said that, the expression on Mei Li's face changed.

"Check your outfits, if there is no problem, then go in." The ensign patted the hull, and a cockpit was opened at the rear of the spaceship, with only four positions. But there are only three teenagers, which is enough.

They don't have much to bring, mainly weapons. As for supplies, they must be resolved in the mountains and forests.

Allen was the first to get into the tail compartment with Kuangtu on his back, and then Ma'o and Meili got in too. There are four seats facing each other. Allen pulled Kuangtu down and leaned aside, and sat down on the left seat. Fasten the seat belts according to the driver's instructions, and the two of Maho sat on the right side, with their six eyes meeting each other in the air.

The hatch closed slowly, and Lieutenant Ron said to the three of them from outside: "Good luck, kids."

As soon as the door closed, a soft light lit up in the cabin. The portholes on both sides showed that the spaceship was steadily lifting off, but there was no vibration during the whole process, only the buzzing of the propulsion engine faintly came from under the feet.

"Watch your ass, because I will use this guy to explode it." Mao touched his sniper rifle with one hand, and landed on Meili's long leg with the other unceremoniously, looking at Alan triumphantly.

Allen grinned: "You know? I will poke Kuangtu through your mouth and cut your head off. So from now on, you should talk more, because soon you won't need it."

The two teenagers faced each other, filling the cabin with a smell of gunpowder. Meili lowered her head nervously, not daring to see either Ellen or Mao.

Soon, the magic ship has reached the sky above the assessment site. According to Ron's instructions, the driver dropped the three teenagers into different locations in the forest. Allen was the last to get off the plane. When the magic ship was only ten meters high from the ground, he carried Kuangtu directly out of the cabin. When he fell to the ground, he rolled forward and released the strength of the fall.

Looking up, the magic ship has lifted off. Two azure flames were ejected from the rear propulsion engine, and the spaceship quickly went away.

After the spaceship went away, the forest returned to tranquility. After six months, returning to the wild, Allen took a deep breath of free air. Anchor the direction with sunshine, sink into the woods and head east. He didn't rush to find Maao and Meili, but first confirmed the scope of this assessment in order to find out the environment of the battlefield. This is a habit cultivated in hunting for many years. Before any snow wolf attacks its prey, it needs to know its surroundings before it can establish the means of attack and ensure that the prey cannot escape.

After more than an hour, Allen found the edge of the assessment area. Barbed wire is erected on the edge, and there is an iron plate with a skull painted on every other segment, which means it is very obvious.

Allen ran along the edge area, and it took a whole day to confirm the scope of the entire assessment area. The assessment area is very wide, with dense woods, two valleys and a river in this area. Allen cut a few small trees along the way, hollowed out the young trunks, and drew water from the only river. He hides water sources in several hidden places, and water is the most important supply. With these supply points, Allen does not need to be exposed to the river to fetch water.

After night fell, he was still active in the woods. The darkness cannot confuse his sense of direction, and the stars in the night sky will show him the way. In a few specific locations, Allen made some simple but deadly traps. It was late at night after all this was done, so he simply climbed onto a tree and hid in the dense leaves to sleep.

When the sun rose, it was already the second day of the assessment day.

Mao was a little irritable.

After parachuting yesterday, he found a commanding height nearby to search for Allen and snipe him. But the white-haired boy seemed to have evaporated from the world, and Mao squatted for a long time and didn't find his trace. In desperation, Ma Ao had to take the initiative and ran across the mountains to search for Allen. The identity of snipers does have a great advantage, and long-range shooting makes them terrifying killers in the mountains and forests. On the contrary, the shortcomings are also obvious.

The sniper should be quiet and not moving. This is what the instructor has repeatedly emphasized when guiding Ma'o's sniper skills. When the sniper exposes his figure, it is very dangerous. But Mao was anxious to kill Allen, and put the instructor's words behind him.

However, after a busy day, Maho did not find Alan, but found him the river. The river flows through the mountains, and often passes through mountain streams or underground, and there are not many sections that can be used to draw water. When Mao had an idea, he thought that Alan could not eat but drink water. In this way, what is more advantageous than squatting by the river?

So at dawn, he chose a relatively flat river section as his squat spot. Ma Ao hid on a camphor tree far away from the river bank, hiding his body with the leaves, and pointed his muzzle in the direction of the river bank. However, one morning passed, but Alan still did not appear.

Just when Maho was getting irritable, he suddenly saw a leaf not far from the riverbank wave like a wave, and followed Allen's figure carefully in the shade of the river bank.

"Come here." Maao licked his mouth and looked at the sight intently: "Come out, yes, come out a little bit. White-haired boy."

In the sight, Allen watched the surroundings vigilantly. However, Mao and him were six to seven hundred meters apart, a distance that Allen could not find. After observing for a full 10 minutes, Allen began to approach the river, and Maho could not help cursing, "What a cautious guy."

Finally, Allen came to the river. He seemed hungry, plunged into the river and drank. Maao grinned and put the crosshair of the sight on Allen's head. He took a deep breath, and his steady fingers began to press the trigger. However, just as he was about to shoot, Allen raised his head like a vigilant deer, looking in the sight of Ma'o.

"Damn, you found me." Maao didn't have time to hesitate and pressed the trigger heavily.

But at the same time, Allen had jumped up and the bullet hit the river. Allen turned around and ran, Maho immediately adjusted his trajectory and another shot. At this time, Allen just fell into the woods and didn't know if he shot. Maio got down from the tree, ran to the river with the gun on his back, and got into the forest where Allen had just sunk. After a few steps, he found a **** handprint, and a bunch of blood dripping on the fallen leaves on the ground.

Mao laughed, he knew Alan was hurt. This is a good opportunity, he doesn't want to miss it. Carrying a gun, Mao followed the blood into the woods.

At the same time, in a corner of the mountain, Meili raised her head. There were two gunshots in the distance, and the girl left after identifying her direction.

After half an hour, Maio squatted down behind a bush. On the left side of a rock not far away, he saw the grass-green camp clothes. The camp uniform moved suddenly and retracted behind the stone.

Allen was hiding behind the stone, and Mao stopped deeply. From the chase all the way, the blood stains are getting more and more, it seems that the second shot hit Alan, and he was not lightly injured. Maho couldn't help but whistle, and Allen couldn't escape. He was convinced of this. If he followed the instructions of the instructor, he should hide in the hiding place and wait for Allen to come out, and then killed him with a single shot.

But Maao didn't want to wait any longer. In his opinion, what else could the white-haired boy do without half-life? He came out from behind the bush, but did not rush up. The ground is full of fallen leaves, and you will make a noise when you run~www.readwn.com~Mao walks slowly and lightly. But for a distance of tens of meters, he walked for a full 10 minutes. When he stepped on the rock quietly, Maio had already seen the goddess of victory smiling at him.

You are dead. He thought, and then dashed up the rock, his muzzle pressed down. But the picture in his eyes is not Ellen leaning against the stone, but an horned deer with its neck cut open, and its **** is also wearing a **** camp uniform!

As soon as Maao moved, a whistling wind suddenly sounded behind him. When he turned his head, he just saw the naked Allen jump up from the leaf-covered ground. The Kuangtu in his hand swept a graceful arc in the air and wiped his head!

It's a trap!

Maho finally woke up, he yelled, and he immediately bounced under the stone. Kuangtu didn't cut his head in the end, only rubbed his chest, and the sharp and blade plowed a wave of blood. Maho fell to the ground, raised his gun and shot upwards, forced Alan away, then turned around and ran. He slammed into the woods in one breath, and not long after, he screamed in the woods.

In that direction, there was another trap arranged by Allen, which was prepared to prevent the prey from escaping, and it seemed that Mao got into the trap. Allen picked up Kuangtu and was about to catch up with Ma'o when all the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He immediately rolled on the ground, then plunged into the bushes. There were several gunshots from behind, which sounded like automatic pistols.

A face of this hesitant and fearful girl flashed across Allen's mind: Meili!

She may feel hopeless and helpless. But at this time, she also picked up her double guns and started fighting. Considering that she and Mayo got so close in the previous two months, Allen felt that she might not work with him. So he did not hesitate and left in the other direction.

PS: There will be an update at ten o'clock in the future, ask for assists, where are you guys!

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