Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1432: Jeka Temple (7)

The sniper Lucy's two daughters accepted the mission of Marquis Rowan and came to Yong Yexing to kill Lucy's mercenaries. In addition to the sniper, there is also the Raf Star Gold Card, whom Captain Yilu regards as his left and right arm, and another mercenary nicknamed Old Dog.

When Lucy and the others encountered a hurricane, Yilu and his party were no exception. Many mercenaries, including the captain, were caught in the wind, and they were randomly thrown elsewhere. Of course, whether or not they can survive is their own destiny. In general, the situation is similar to Lucy, and both are separated from their own people.

After the hurricane disappeared, Jinka found a sniper and an old dog nearby. Soon after, he discovered the second daughter of Lucy, and only then did the previous scene of sniping Lucy. Jin Ka originally thought he had touched the jackpot, but he was able to hit the target even this way. Although if you let the sniper take the shot, then the credit will be evenly shared with him, but it is better than nothing. Unexpectedly, they had reduced their breath, but Angeloni's sensitivity to danger was first-rate, and finally pushed Lucy at the critical moment, which made Jin Ka's wishful thinking come to nothing. Even so, Jin Ka did not intend to let go of the fat and let the sniper move freely, and he and the old dog were responsible for containing the enemy.

Jinka's idea is that even if they lose to the two girls, the two women who are distracted will not be able to avoid sniping so easily next time. But Jinka didn't know that Lucy and the others were not the only two.

Of course, Blade Runner is not a human at all.

Jin Kasa ran wildly, even deliberately raising the dust screen to show his momentum. The other old mercenary dog ​​was obviously much more low-key. This mercenary was wrapped in heavy armor, dragged a thick-backed sword in both hands, and followed Jin Ka step by step, his figure almost hidden in the dust.

Angeloni looked at Lucy, who nodded and said, "Don't worry about me."

She opened the shield of the protective suit, and raised the original force barrier. Under the double-layer protection, unless she was a powerful master, it would be difficult to kill Lucy with one blow. Moreover, with Jin Qiangwei in hand, Lucy was not a weak and defenseless woman.

Angeloni rushed forward with confidence, she released her aura, and the lavender flames rose steadily, condensing into a giant snake phantom behind her. All kinds of distorted faces appeared on the body of the purple giant snake. At this moment, Angeloni's face was a little distorted, and the purple flame light became more and more hideous. There was an excited smile on her face, which was a bit sickly in her smile, and her whole body was murderous, welcoming Jinka like a poisonous snake staring at its prey.

Jinka frowned and suddenly opened his mouth and spit out an arrow of ink. The ink arrows dispersed in the air, turning into a black mist that interfered with Angeloni's sight. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jinka circumvented her, and the Rafflesian's goal was Lucy from beginning to end.

The mercenary in the dust curtain immediately accelerated, and the thick-backed war sword expelled the brilliance of the source force, slashing into the black mist purely by feeling.

Angeloni suddenly screamed, controlling herself with the line of manipulation, and fully enhancing her strength, speed and physical strength. Her aura suddenly sank, and after the basic quality increased by nearly eight times, Angeloni kicked it, pulling the dust and sand on the mercenary's sword.

When there was a thunderous sound, the shock wave dissipated the black mist. In his busy schedule, Jin Ka looked back, then showed an expression of disbelief. He saw Angeloni kick off the old dog's saber, turned and charged towards him. Her speed exploded much more than before, and she rushed to her before giving Jin Ka a chance to react. Jinka inhaled fiercely, and the five or six touched feet were like a whip, and it was like a flurry of dancing on Angeloni.

His original intention was to push the woman away so that he could keep the distance. Unexpectedly, Angeloni actually ran into him, allowing his feet to sweep blood on his body, but took the opportunity to get closer and stab him in the chest like a knife.

Jinka heard the sound of her muscles being ripped apart, and Angeloni had already got half of her arm into his body. He didn't expect this woman to be so cruel. Be cruel to yourself, even more cruel to the enemy. At first it was this kind of life-for-life style of play. He couldn't help but yelled and retracted his feet, severely pinched Angeloni's neck and lifted it up, trying to strangle her on the spot!

The old mercenary dog ​​adjusted his posture, and he wanted to pull up the thick-backed sword and slash at Angeloni. Suddenly, a bit of murderous intent like a needle fell to the center of his forehead. Looking up, it was Lucy who raised her arm and raised her gun, and Jin Qiangwei's muzzle was aimed at his head.

The old dog laughed: "You want to shoot me with your small gun? But you have to remind you that you are the jackpot."

He laughed wildly, dragging the knife, letting Angeloni go, ran past Jinka, and rushed towards Lucy in a straight line. Turning a blind eye to the trajectory of Lucy's muzzle, unspeakable arrogance. Of course, if he knew what Golden Rose was, he wouldn't dare to do so.

Jinka turned her head, seeing that the old dog ignored him and ran directly to Lucy, his purpose already self-evident. The Lovestar was so angry that smoke was coming out. Angeloni took advantage of his distraction to clamp his head with her legs and twisted her waist, causing the two of them to flip a few laps in the air, hitting it hard when Jinka's head was perpendicular to the ground.

The Lovestar smashed his eyes at Venus, Angeloni took the opportunity to get out of his reach, a few sharp back flips opened the distance, and the woman spit heavily.

At the same time, the sniper has found another suitable place for sniping. He was lying on the window of a building, and the high-energy sniper rifle was placed on the ground so that the gun body was parallel to the line of sight. The sniper locked Lucy with an optical sight, and the target was motionless at the moment, as if to attract the old dog's idea.

"Good opportunity, the jackpot is mine. Old dog, just wait to eat the dust." The sniper laughed. When his fingers were about to press the trigger, the sight suddenly became scarlet, and his vision quickly dimmed. stand up.

Before the sniper could react, life left him. A piece of silver metal penetrated behind his head, pierced one of his eyes, and penetrated his brain. When the metal slammed upwards, it immediately lifted half of the sniper's head.

The metal retracted and retreated into the ground near the sniper, leaving a regular circular hole. On the lower floor of the room where the sniper was, on the ceiling, Xiaoqi's deformed silver spider took back the blood-stained metal to form one of its limbs~www.readwn.com~ and then quickly crawled out of the building.

Almost at the same time that the sniper was headshot by Blade Runner, Lucy pulled the trigger. Jin Qiangwei ejected fire, sent a source-force bullet out of the barrel, spinning and dragging out a golden light to shoot at the mercenary.

The old dog's pupils shrank, and the force gushed, raising his sword and cutting it away. The blade slashed on the Yuanli bullet as he expected, but the bullet went through the war knife and shot out from the thick back of the knife. The old dog's stunned expression was printed on his eyebrows. At this time, the thick-backed knife broke off from the break, and the broken knife was whirled and thrown several meters. The old dog was still running, and only staggered to the ground after rushing four or five meters. He didn't understand until he died, how a mere Yuanli bullet could penetrate his Yuanli and the sword and kill him!

Of course he wouldn't know that it was Golden Rose's shield breaking ability.

Two mercenaries were killed together!

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