Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1454: Holy Lord

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The voice coming from outside the cave was noisy, and after the echo echoed from the cave, Alan heard a few words vaguely, which seemed to be "Holy Lake" or "Holy Lord" or something. These savages are not in the lingua franca of Agareth, but Alan still understands some pronunciation, and they use short sentences composed of a few words, as long as they add some associations, It is not difficult to understand them.

The holy lake Allen probably guessed that it should be the lake in the cave, but what is the holy lord? It sounds like some kind of worshipped god, of course, the gods in the eyes of barbarians are some powerful beings. If a supreme like Frius shows his hand here, I believe he will be enshrined as a god.

It's just that the Black Emperor probably didn't have this leisure.

Looking out of the cave, the barbarians on both sides of the cave were fighting against each other on an undulating low rock slope. The ones outside wanted to fight in, while those in the cave desperately went back. The number of people on both sides was almost the same, and the average combat power was not much different, so the battle was so stalemate.

On this side of the cave, a Baer with a colorful picture on his body walked forward, carrying a wooden staff in his hand and a skull on the end of the war. There is an irregular blue spar embedded in the center of the skull's brow, and there is flame rising in the aquamarine, which is not easy to look at. The Barr was a little old, his skin was wrinkled, and because his back was facing Alan, Alan couldn't see what he looked like. As soon as he walked over, the soldiers next to him retreated to both sides, showing that his status in the tribe was not low.

He raised the stick, and the spar on the skull shot a blue light. Allen thought it was a killer move, but the brilliance did not see any destructive power, and fell to Shipo, covering it regardless of the enemy and us. Allen's keen perception immediately noticed the obvious drop in the temperature of the space over there, generating a chill.

The old Baer raised his staff and called out a few words, probably meant to "stop". I don't know if it was the cold brilliance that calmed the people on both sides, or whether the old Baer had some status relations on both sides, the Baer on Shipo gradually stopped, but still divided into two sides. The knives and spears face each other, and they are distinct.

At this time, a majestic man among the barbarians from outside came out. He looked no different from other savages, only wearing a necklace of animal teeth around his neck. He pushed aside the two barbarians who were blocking him, and shouted at the old Baer from a condescending position: "Hurumba, holy lake, ours!"

After speaking with a roar, he raised the spear in his hand vigorously. This action won the shouts and responses of the Bal people from outside.

The old man known as Hulunba said in a deep voice: "Son of Bada, you have left the Holy Land early and can't come back!"

"The souls of our ancestors inhabit the holy lake, we worship the Holy Lord, this is ours."

The barbarians in the cave yelled after hearing it. They screamed so quickly that Alan couldn't hear them. However, from their tone of voice, they were probably cursing the so-called Son of Bada.

Seeing this situation, Allen had a rough guess.

The son of Nabada and his people should have belonged to this cave tribe before. They left the tribe for some reason, but now they want to return. As a result, it naturally caused dissatisfaction among the cave tribes, and it was not unreasonable for the old man to refuse them back.

At this moment, Kurumba raised his hand, and the cave barbarians finally disappeared. The old man said harshly to the son of Bada above: "Betray the Holy Lord, the Holy Lord will not let you come back, leave here!"

The Son of Bada shouted: "No, we are sick and need water from the holy lake!"

There was a stalemate on both sides.

At this time, the Son of Bada raised his hand and shouted: "Holy water will be obtained, don't try to hinder it, bring them here."

Hurumba's voice was obviously a little nervous: "What are you going to do!"

The son of Bada didn't answer him. At this moment, the roar of wild beasts faintly came from the distance of the cave, and the mountain wall was even more illuminated by fire. Allen yelled, he felt an obvious fire origin force appearing over there.

This cave is in the depths of the mountain, and there is a lake next to it. The cave is obviously wetter. As soon as a source of energy of fire appeared in the distance, it became especially obvious in this environment.

When Kurumba heard the roar and saw the fire, he exclaimed a little angrily: "Madman, how can I bring them."

Now even Allen is a little curious what the so-called "they" are.

At this time, the crowd on the stone **** seemed a little chaotic. Both the cave tribe or the tribe of the sons of Bada pushed to the outside, seeming to avoid something terrible. When more than a dozen extra-strong barbarians dragged a few wooden cages and appeared on the stone slope, the cage suddenly lit up. There was a dark object in one of the cages that hit the cage forcefully, and the wooden cage fell apart immediately. The thing rolled from the rocky **** to the ground, and some cave savages scattered beside it, screaming, allowing Allen to see its appearance.

This thing is a bit like a cheetah, but with a row of fiery red spikes from neck to tail, dark red stripes on its body, and dark red flames on its four claws and tail. It shook its head and spit out a burst of flame from its mouth. The flame was burning on the ground, and it raised its paw and patted it again, as if it were an interesting game.

The son of Bada shouted: "Open the cage."

The barbarians who had pulled up the wooden cage opened all four or five cages. One of the cages was only half open, and a dark shadow sprang out from it, rushing directly on the barbarian, tearing and biting. Finally spit out, the man's head turned into coke.

The appearances of the alien animals coming out of the cage are somewhat different. Some are as thin as a leopard, some are as fat as a pig, and some are as mighty as a lion, but without exception, they are all four-clawed on fire, with red stripes on their bodies, which can be swallowed. Flames.

This is the norm on Agareth. Except for the women of the Bar race, other life on this planet. From the people of Barr to the ferocious beasts, there is no such thing as a uniform creature.

Hulunba took a breath first, and then screamed: "Eclipse Fire, you brought the Eclipse Fire! Sons of Bada, they are the enemies of the Holy Lord, and you will anger the Holy Lord!"

The son of Bada laughed: "We want holy water, and whoever stops it will kill. Hulunba, kill! Holy Lord, kill!"

Obviously, this son of Bada's language ability is far worse than that of the old Baer, ​​and can only say a few short sentences, but it is murderous.

At this time, the few alien beasts called Eclipse Fire didn't care about a lot of them, they rushed when they saw people, even the barbarians on the stone **** who were coming to fight for the holy water. However, when the son of Bada and his tribe quickly poured some green liquid on their bodies, the two fire-eaters that had killed them immediately turned around and rushed towards the side of the cave tribe under the stone slope.

The son of Bada yelled with a spear, and jumped directly from the rocky slope, the spear erupted, and a spear pierced the two cave barbarians. Seeing the leader so brave, the barbarians behind also yelled and jumped down the stone slope.

Some eclipses opened the way, and this time, the scale of victory began to tilt.

Seeing that the barbarians of the cave tribe were retreating, the old man named Hulunba suddenly screamed: "Holy lake!"

Allen made him cry so that he looked towards Earth Lake subconsciously, only to see a blue gleam from the bottom of Earth Lake. The water of the lake fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was vaguely visible that a huge black shadow was rising in the lake. But for a moment, suddenly there were many water jets on the lake surface, and a brilliant blue light rose from the lake. In that blue light, there was a roar of some kind of beast.

The cave was shaken by the roar, and even the passage where Allen was hiding had cracks. The savages in the cave were shaken, and there were only a few who could stand. However, the Eclipse Fire stood firmly, and they all made a threatening roar toward the blue light at the mouth of the lake, and then dropped the cave barbarian and rushed towards the direction of Earth Lake.

Kurumba knelt in the direction of Dihu, raising his hand and shouting "Holy Lord". The cave barbarians didn't care about their powerful enemies, all turned around and knelt down in the direction of Dihu, shouting with the old man. The son of Bada and the people he brought were also on the spot for a while, forgetting to kill the enemy nearby.

An eclipse fire rushed to the sky above the lake, biting end to end, and the whole body spurted fire like a fire wheel, just like this, it plunged into the blue light. A fireball was immediately exploded in the blue light, and the light vibrated, and several blue light bands stretched out, randomly scraping across the bank or the dome of the cave. The place where the light belt swept through immediately opened the thick cracks of the arms, a large amount of sand and gravel poured down from the cracks, and the whole cave was shaking.

The Eclipse fire flew upside down from the blue light, fell to the ground and reluctantly got up. It bleeds all over, and even one eye is blind~www.readwn.com~ but it still yells at the lake.

The blue light was fading, and Allen could see a huge figure inside. When the light faded, a huge creature appeared in the earth lake. It's like putting a Tyrannosaurus Rex in a giant lobster, or a giant dragon with a tyrannosaurus head. In short, this creature is completely beyond Allen's likeness.

It turned out that the so-called Holy Lord was an alien creature that combined the head of a Tyrannosaurus and the body of a lobster. There are large and small blue crystal clusters on the head of the Holy Lord and the lobster-like body, especially in the middle of the chest, there is a dark blue spar as big as a round table. In that spar, you can see the silver lines like branches, the lines will glow and shine at intervals, and then the gaps in the holy master's shell will spray out misty light.

Only half of the saint’s body was exposed on the surface of the lake, and the lower body was hidden in the lake. Judging from the long black shadow that stretches into the depths of the lake, this alien creature is of a long body, like a flat bug. Its pair of powerful claws are covered with irregular spikes, let alone being caught, even if it is rubbed, it will never be a pleasant experience.

Those fire-eating beasts naturally have fire origin power, as for this holy lord's body, water vapor is surging. These two alien beasts are incompatible with fire and water, and they are simply natural enemies! (Edge of Doom: 1111083)--(Edge of Doom)

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