Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1466: Big fish

"This is really beyond my expectation." Allen couldn't help sighing. The blood-eyed man, who handed him to the core Tracey, turned out to be a chess piece for Ramer.

Tracey lowered her head, without showing Alan's expression.

Ramer walked up to her and said, "If it wasn't for the adults' expectation, how could I be the top ten killer of my Shadow Army, known as one of the ten shadows, and Miss Tracey ranked ninth? ."

"Originally, she was just a **** that I placed in the wasteland to monitor the movement of the wasteland. I didn't expect it to happen, but joined Lord Allen's hand. Tracey is my trump card, and I still think about it. One day you can surprise the adults when you need it. There is no way now. The adults and us have become allies. It is too unreasonable to keep a piece of this kind next to the adults."

Lamo leaned forward and said, "My lord, what do you want to do with this pawn. Should I take her away or kill her?"

Trisili's body trembled slightly.

Alan squinted his eyes, and he could see that Ramo was not joking. In order to show his sincerity, he could sacrifice a senior powerhouse casually, which gave Alan a new understanding of the Baal people.

"No, let her stay." Allen said: "Anyway, you will place other chess pieces beside me. Instead of this, it's better to leave her behind. Anyway, everyone is old acquaintance."

"But I'm very curious, since you have Tracey, why don't you use it when I attack Morkdan?"

Ramo said with a smile: "I want to use it, but your majesty didn't agree. Your majesty does not even know what he plans."

He glanced at Tracey again and said, "Since Lord Ellen is willing to keep you, from today onwards, you will no longer be one of my ten shadows. From now on, life or death will have nothing to do with me. I understand. Yet?"

Tracey trembled and nodded. Allen asked her to get up and asked, "So, that core?"

"That's true." Tracey said frankly.


"Yes, Master." Tracey smiled reluctantly: "If it's a fake, I'll be recognized by the owner at the time. It's just that if the core is destroyed, I won't die immediately, but I can only live ten more. Years only."

Allen snorted, and said to Lamo: "You guys are really fighting too."

"Serving your majesty, what can you do without working hard." Lamo smiled and said: "Yes, Lord Allen. This is the specific information on the two provinces that your majesty has assigned to you, including the army, resources, number of people in the territory, and others The product. Your Majesty will not take it, all of which will be placed under the hands of the adults, and the adults can be checked carefully.

He handed Alan a tablet brain.

Allen didn't even look at it, and directly handed it to Melanie, saying: "Master Lamer is a guest from afar, please go to the City Lord's Mansion to rest."

Lamo was disrespectful and generously agreed. Allen invited him to take a ride to the city lord's mansion.

If the star field is regarded as a space, then Mosuo star is located in the middle of this space. On it, there are the wild stone star where the Catu people live, the dark star where the Ghana people inhabit, and the **** where the blade demon lives. Stars; below, there are the mechanical stars of the Kidd people, the giant planet, and Agareth.

The location of Mosuo Star is very advantageous, that is, it is not sandwiched between Pluto and Wild Stone like Dark Star, so it has been dark for many years. It's not like Agareth is located at the bottom of the star field, sitting on two suns, dry and thick all year round.

But if you think that the environment on Mosuo is beautiful and livable, you would be wrong. In fact, due to the over-exploitation of the Nelm people, the planet has been covered by a steel forest. Natural disasters are becoming more and more serious. There are very few green things on Mosor.

The Nirm people have planetified industry, building buildings and factories everywhere, and cities on the planet are full of icy, inorganic flavors. There are countless polluted oceans and rivers. If at night, most of the rivers will flash with green fluorescence, as if they were polluted by nuclear waste, and they are not so heavy. In the land where it is difficult to work on Mossor, the food of the Nirm people has already developed from farming and fishing to industrial production. They don’t have a wide range of recipes like the earth. The Nilm’s food is basically a dark paste, which they call "cosiba."

This kind of food is rich in energy and nutrients, and is usually preserved with soft utensils. When eating, it is delivered to the mouth like a toothpaste. Cosiba will quickly decompose after entering the body, forming enough water and nutrients to be absorbed by the body. But it is definitely not delicious, and even has an oily taste.

The Nirm people on Mossor are eating this.

When Catherine smelled Cosiba, she felt sad for the Nirm. Of course, the Nelm people would certainly not have this idea, after all, the values ​​of the two races are completely different.

After receiving the order from President Mobyton, Russen appointed Catherine with full authority to direct the spread of death, through the speedy passage directly to the Yorton star field, and then attacked Mosso. The spread of death entered this planet smoothly. The only remaining space defense line of the Nirm was maimed by the Rose Queen who had acted in advance, and the spread of death did not encounter much resistance.

As previously expected, the Nirmites drew their main forces away and threw themselves into the war to invade the earth. The force of the mother planet was pitifully small. The spread of death and the Queen of Rose worked together, and soon the native army of the Nirm was retreated, and the city was lost one by one.

Seeing that the two ace armies of the Federation are about to hit the capital of the Nirm, the Braka known as the Iron City. It's a pity that at this time, the Kidders even dispatched a huge fleet to enter the Mosuo Star, biting the two major legions of the Federation from behind their ass. The number of Kidd dispatched was really huge, and the death spread was separated from the Queen of Roses. In desperation, Catherine and Merlin could only occupy a city each and fight against Kidd.

The war has lasted for more than a month, and even if the two legions exhausted their methods, they could not repel the Kidd. On the contrary, the federal army has gradually fallen into a disadvantage. There is a tendency to be pushed back by the Kidd. At this time, both Catherine and Merlin showed extremely toughness.

On the one hand, they occupied the city and defended, on the other hand, they continued to take the initiative, trying to find fighters, creating riots and dividing pressure. However, recently, the Kidd side also came up with corresponding countermeasures. They dispatched a team composed of strong men to hunt down the federation teams that dared to go out of the city. At the same time, the intensity of the siege was increased, and the main force of the legion was overwhelmed.

On this day, a big battle has just ended. A Nirm city where the death spread was finally broken, but Catherine was prepared for it. Sure enough, she gave up the outer edge of the city and condensed the army into the center of the city, relying on the inner defensive circle established this month to continue to resist the kidd attacks.

Before the attack on Mossor, many generals of Death Spread were unhappy about Rusen's appointment of Catherine to command the army. But after attacking Mosuo Xing, especially after the Kidd army crushed the territory, Catherine used enough strength to be a general, so that the former generals who were dissatisfied now all became submissive. It is also thanks to Catherine's superior combat power that she has repeatedly reversed the situation, otherwise it is still unknown whether death spread can be supported for so long.

When smoke and fire were wafting in the distance, Catherine, who had just stepped down from the battlefield, walked into the temporary headquarters. After listening to the battle report, she quickly issued a series of orders. Her own tactical staff communicated these orders to Every corner of the war zone.

After finishing the arrangement, she saw an officer hesitating to speak. Catherine said coldly: "If you have anything, just point it out."

"Yes, General." The officer said, "Today our guerrillas suffered heavy losses. Seven teams have already lost contact with each other. I'm afraid it's more fortunate. I didn't need the general to worry about this kind of thing, but today's battle damage ratio is huge Amazing, so..."

"Seven?" Catherine asked casually: "We have sent several guerrilla warfare teams, and which general is in charge of the command?"

"A total of nine teams, the general, and the commander is Lieutenant General Eugene."

"Where is the lieutenant general?" Catherine glanced at the surrounding crowd, and did not find the general of Munner.

The officer lowered his head slightly and said in a deep voice, "The lieutenant general has died."

The atmosphere froze~www.readwn.com~ Catherine said blankly: "It seems that Kidd has a lot of money, and there are still seven teams that can kill the lieutenant general, at least to invest in the fighting power of the golden nobles. I see. Take a trip in person, don't you want this big fish white?"

"General, you just got off the battlefield, you can't play again, at least you have to rest." A major general frowned. Catherine was the main battlefield and the legion commander. Once something happens to her, it will be a fatal blow to the spread of death.

Catherine glanced at the major general and said: "You are right, I have to rest.


"Just ten minutes."

Then left the headquarters.

After she left, let the men present. A bald general threw his fists hard: "It's only ten minutes? Damn, we are so useless! General Catherine is even just a girl, but now, she has only ten minutes to rest."

The major general who spoke just now patted his colleagues on the shoulders and said: "Stop talking, now what we can do is fight as hard as Lieutenant General Eugene. In this case, we can share the burden on General Catherine's shoulders."

After sighing for a while, everyone left and rushed towards the front defense zone they were responsible for.

Catherine walked into her room, she took off her uniform and soft armor in front of the mirror, revealing a slightly green but absolutely seductive body. It's just that the physical injuries are everywhere, and some old and new injuries are almost overlapped. Catherine took out the medical kit and dealt with several new injuries for herself without expression.

After dealing with the injury, she put on a new soft plus and uniform, and then lay down on the bed to rest. After five minutes of this, she opened her eyes, and then left the room with a firm step.

Go to the battlefield again!

Source: Edge of Doom

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