Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1478: Warrior Three

In the control center of the Star Destroyer, Cagaso looked towards the transparent floor, and below was the earth. He seemed to be standing on this planet with a grinning smile: "Those stupid earth people intercepted the information I deliberately leaked to them. Now that the troops and the strong have been dispersed, I want to see why their Dawn base can take this shot!"

A general knelt down in front of him and said: "Your Majesty, the first stage of the recharge of our ship's main gun is ready to be completed."

"What are you waiting for, let's shoot!"

Above the ground, in the command center of Liming Base, a tactical staff yelled: "The coordinates of the enemy Star Destroyer can already be confirmed. The ship has arrived in outer space. The location is."

The staff's voice trembled: "Just above us!"

There was a sudden silence in the command center.

Mobit sighed heavily: "It's my fault. I miscalculated. The Nirmite collection bases are traps. The purpose is to divide our forces and the strong. The real killing should come from above our base. One shot."

Everyone changed. A blow from the main gun of the Star Destroyer was the ultimate destruction of the planet. This was also the origin of the name of the Star Destroyer. If the Nirm's star destroyer were to fire a shot at the earth, it would be enough to erase the dawn base and open a transparent gap on the earth!

"No, the Nelm people have limited energy reserves during this time, and they have to open the space channel to return to the Jotun star field, so I think the opponent's main gun should not be able to be 100% charged.

Mobitt paused: "But it is still possible to erase our base. "

"Of course, I won't let them succeed." Mobit began to unbutton his neckline.

Alster next to him narrowed his eyes and said, "What do you want to do?"

"I am the President of the Federation, but at the same time, I am also a fighter. At this time, the President of the Federation is no longer needed. What Dawn Base needs is a fighter, a fearless fighter who can withstand the shelling." Mobit twitched. A smile appeared: "That person is me."

"You make sense. There is no need for a president now." Alstai put down the paper cup with a smile: "You can need it later, Mobit, these people still need you to lead them down. You are irreplaceable, relative In contrast, a Chancellor of the Exchequer can be replaced at any time. Then, Mr. President, I am here to resign to you. I'm sorry, but time is running out, so I won't give you resignation."

At the last sentence, Alstai's fat hand was already on Mobit's chest. Mobit opened his mouth and wanted to scream. The Fat Minister had already exerted force suddenly. A force slammed into Mobit's body, oscillating with a special frequency. Suddenly Mobit flew out, hitting the door by the entrance, but passed out in a coma.

Alstai said to a tactical staff member: "Take care of him." Then he was full of vigor and slammed directly out of the window of the command center. After a few dexterous jumps, they have appeared on the roof of the command building.

"This is the first time, but it's also the last time. It's a pity, I still want to have the opportunity to practice with the old guy Horne, and see if he is better in the King of Rising Sun clothes, or if my ancestral form is stronger." Stey raised his head, the sky was getting brighter and brighter, and he could feel a terrifying energy forming and descending outside of space.

This is the fact.

A group of extremely dazzling brilliance has been condensed in front of the star destroyer’s main guns. When a circle of visible air ripples was ejected, a strip of light spurted down from the brilliance, and the ripples bloomed in succession. The strip of light has crashed into the atmosphere, wiping out a flame and falling vertically.


(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The base building looks to the sky,

The clouds in the sky are being pushed away by an invisible force, revealing an unusually clear sky. Alstai could already see the band of destruction light falling from outside the earth. At this moment, he was still in the mood and smiled, suddenly bursting out from his body the brilliance of the naked eye. Alstai took a sharp breath, his fat body receded, and the fat burned at a terrible speed, turning into energy and forming muscles.

However, in a short period of time, Alstai has changed from a fat man to a strong man, his whole body muscular and clear. Then, gray-white nail pieces emerged from under the skin, like the shell of some kind of insect. Under the rapid coverage of the nail piece, Alstai has become a bug man.

A muscular bug man.

Most of his head was covered with a hard shell, and he even grew a huge T-shaped horn like a unicorn. Two palatine teeth pierced from the left and right sides of Alstai's cheeks. When some dark red streaks emerged, Alstai could no longer see human characteristics.

Raising his head, Alster, who even had a few more dark red lines in his eyes, let out a loud roar from his mouth. The carapace on the back cracked and rose. It turned out to be a pair of insect wings. Then the pair of insect wings flapped the air at a super high speed, and Alster was lifted into the air.

He flew faster and faster, and finally turned into a gray line and rushed to the sky.

Above the sky, the light belt hangs down like a huge waterfall.

Before it fell to the ground, he hit Alstai. He used his huge T-shaped horns, with both hands, hit the light belt with the source of his body. At the moment when the two collided, a violent shock wave formed a gray ring and spread in all directions. When the gray ring expanded hundreds of miles, the ring fragments shattered and exploded, forming a violent wind blowing endlessly.

Alstai roared and continued to rush up, his huge horns began to give birth to thin cracks, the cracks spread down. Then came the arms, head, shoulders on both sides. The fine cracks extended downwards, and after a while, they were all over the body. At this moment, Alstai looked like a statue full of cracks, which would be broken at any time.

The sky suddenly brightened, and a circle of brilliance spread, and then turned into tens of thousands of light beams splashing down the vast space. There was a burst of light and rain in the sky, and these deadly raindrops fell on the earth, on the top of the mountain, on the vast grassland or forest.

Then there were endless explosions.

The earth became riddled with holes, the roots of the mountains were broken, the grasslands and forests were on fire, and countless animals screamed and ran. However, in this apocalyptic scene, the unscathed Dawn base seemed to be as dazzling as it was.

The brilliance above the base receded one by one, and the band of light finally consumed all its energy and disappeared into the air. In the cloudless sky, Alstai gradually moved into his hands. Even with the slightest movement, you can see the ash flocculation continuously floating from the cracks in his body when his arms are lowered.

"You are not the only warrior, Mobit" Alstai smiled, his expression frozen. When the last dark red line on his body also lost its color, starting from the huge horns, Alstai's whole body was scattered into small gravels, which were blown high in the sky by the wind, and there was not even a single cell left.

In outer space, when the dawn base appeared intact on the screen, Cagaso was furious: "Why is this! I don't allow this to happen, shelling, continue shelling!"

The general kneeling on the ground reminded: "Your Majesty, with our energy reserves. Neither saturation bombardment nor continuous bombardment can be done, otherwise the energy to open the space channel will not be enough!"

"Asshole, that would be too cheap for them." Cagaso clenched his fists and finally sat down on the chair.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Weakly waved his hand: "Forget it, let's go, let's return to Mosuoxing."

After a while, a space passage spanning hundreds of kilometers wide slowly opened, and the Star Destroyer slid into the passage. Behind it is the huge fleet of the Nirm. On this day, the Nelm invaded to no avail, and finally had to choose to evacuate.

The moment the Nirm people evacuated, it happened to be dawn on the earth, and the first rays of sunlight fell on the dawn base, and Mobit's wish for this base was finally realized.

On this day, mankind won the second dawning war!

The third day of the end of the war.

On a mountain behind the dawn base, this mountain was the only one that survived the space bombardment of the Nirm that day. It faces the east, it can be like for a long time in the future, the first ray of sunlight rising from the east will first fall on it~www.readwn.com~ I don’t know when there will be more on a platform halfway up the mountain. A tombstone with Alster’s name written on the tombstone, and a line of text below: May the souls of the brave sleep here.

The signature below the text is Mobit.

Mobitt stood in front of the tombstone, staring at the tombstone and said: "You are always careful, you have never made any mistakes in your life. How come you are so impulsive in the end, a guy like you, who is so desperate, would actually change his life Hero's title. Hello, is it worth it?"

No one answered, only the mountain breeze howled.

Mobit gently placed a flower on the tombstone and walked back. Later, Horn came over and looked at the tombstone and sighed: "I have a lot to say, but I don't know where to start. After thinking about it, it seems that you and I don't need such a mother-in-law. So, goodbye Well, my friend. One day, we will meet in another world, I believe."

Then there is Windsor Bello, Caprow, and Vincent. There are heads of aristocrats and giants, as well as high-ranking officials and generals from the Federation, and hundreds of people each put a flower on the tombstone. Soon, the flowers were scattered around the tombstone, and the fragrance of flowers permeated.

"Salute!" Mobit bowed in the direction of the tombstone. Behind him, a group of people bent down.

Then came the gunfire.

The cannons shook the sky.

This is not only for Alstai, but also a tribute to the heroic spirits who died in the war. They used their blood and lives to lay the foundation stone for the human race called "freedom."

When the last cannon sound was over, Mobit turned around and looked at everyone: "Go back, their war is over. But our war is not over yet."

He looked at Capulo intentionally or unintentionally.

The former marshal squinted and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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