Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1487: Queen Guardian II


Mobile reading: m.mucanwenxue

Chapter List Chapter 1487 The Guardian Queen 2

Chapter List Chapter 1487 The Guardian Queen 2


Alice raised her arms, and the waves of fire and magma kept tumbling and rising beside her. In the magma lake in front of her, the giant life striding out of the crystal pillar finally revealed its full picture, almost as tall as a building, but the triangle-shaped bug's head is a human-like body, and it is a female body. , At least the twin peaks standing proudly on the chest were an obvious sign. It's just that its body is wrapped in a red worm shell, even the twin peaks are no exception, plus that terrifying head, there is no capital to fascinate people. Under the pair of peaks, there is a nodular abdomen. Its waist is very thin, and two anti-joint limbs extend below it, like the hind limbs of a locust magnified countless times. Strangely, it has a pair of slender humanoid arms, and the ten slender fingers are moving flexibly. There are six insect wings spread out behind it. The translucent insect wings look like the wings of a cicada. Under the insect wings, there are three pairs of insect opposite feet. The toes of the opposite feet are all bright red diamond-shaped crystals. . As for the back of the strands, a long nodular tail like a scorpion hangs down. The long tail stirs the magma from time to time, causing flames and heat waves.

"Queen Guardian, my real body. The time has come, we must reappear as the Black Gate Commander. So, accept my return!" Alice opened the box and caught the silver heart. She opened her mouth, and her heart flashed with silver light, separated into mercury-like substances, and flew into Alice's mouth. When the heart disappeared from her hand, Alice closed her mouth, and a silver line emerged from her neck, extending down, and converging towards her chest. Following a strong heartbeat sounded on the platform, with the platform as the origin, the magma in the lake spread out in all directions like a tide. The clothes on Alice suddenly exploded, turning into thousands of butterflies, igniting pieces by piece, turning into ashes and falling to her feet. She was naked, exposing the perfect curve to the air. Alice opened her arms, and the knotted abdomen of the giant creature opened one by one, revealing a cavity inside. A dozen squirming tentacles drilled out of the cavity, they traversed the space, gently wrapped around Alice's arms, legs, and waist, and then lifted Alice back into the empty wrist. Alice turned around leisurely in the air, slowly retracted her hands and staggered them on her chest, smiled and entered the giant worm's abdominal cavity, and the nodular shells closed one by one.

After closing her plastron, Alice was sent up through a special passage. There is a hollow space in the chest cavity of the giant worm, and Alice rises from a mass that is like a biological cushion, and there are roots like vines around it. These are biological nerve threads, covering Alice's body and burrowing through her skin. Alice closed her eyes and heard a emotionless voice in her head: "The nerve line is initialized."

Then a light appeared in a dim world, and Alice's consciousness swam towards this light. When entering it, she seemed to have entered a tunnel of light. She gave birth to the feeling of rising upwards, and finally as if breaking the water surface, she opened her eyes, saw the magma lake and the platform, and gave a panoramic view of the entire volcanic hall .

"Nerve connection is complete." That voice said.

Alice raised her hand, and what she could see was not her crystal-clear arms, but the long, different hands wrapped in a worm shell. She had become one with the giant insect. A lot of information circulated in her mind, if Allen could read this information, she would be surprised. Because Alice made reservations about the heart, the heart stolen by Spinak, strictly speaking, should be this giant worm, which Alice called the "engine" of Queen Garter's life. Alice is the container of the heart and also the "brain" of Queen Garter. When she returned to the giant worm, it was the time when the biological weapon that had existed for a long time, the Queen Guardian regained consciousness.

Her full name should be Alice Guardian!

The Queen Guardian strode towards the shore of the lake. She raised her long legs and stepped onto the shore. Magma kept dripping from between the shells of its legs. It looked around, raised its arms, and uttered human words from the worm's mouth: "This planet has already violated the original intention of the creator. Now, in the name of Commander Black Gate, I order you. Reawaken from the long sleep. , My bees! It’s time to wash the planet!"

Circles of invisible fluctuations radiated from the Empress Garter's body. After a while, the vines hanging from the dome of the hall began to descend. They got into the moss clothing on the ground, and the red light flickered regularly. The moss clothing also bloomed with warm light, and the rich energy breath began to surge. They were injected along the moss coat into the spherical moss clusters, and the moss clusters began to shake after a while. There was a pounce from a certain moss ball, the moss ball split, and a worm limb was drilled inside, followed by the second. Then the worm's limbs spread out on both sides, tearing the surface of the moss ball, and crawling out of a round worm. After it came out, it used the worm limbs to tear off the case of the moss ball, and then sent it into the mouth to chew.

More and more of these larvae began to crawl out of the moss ball.

Outside the volcano hall, the large and small hills were shaking violently, and large pieces of sand and stones continued to flow down, revealing clusters of things that shone with a dark red halo. The hot wind blows away some sand and dust on the surface of these things. What was originally hidden in the hills is also clusters of red moss in balls. Looking around, there are such moss all over the Kannon Black Gate. There is one larva sleeping in each moss ball, so there are millions of larvae in the black door!

At this time, the first larvae in the Volcano Hall had eaten up the moss. Those red moss are rich in energy and are the first meal for larvae to wake up. After storing enough energy, each of them entered a static state, as if dead. Only a moment later, there was a crackling sound. The backs of some bugs began to split, and a pale red giant bee crawled out of them. These giant bees, which evolved from larvae, play the role of workers in the colony. They first eat their shed shells and then fly out of the hall.

A very small number of larvae evolved into larger dark red giant wasps with six wings and a bulging belly. These giant bees can't fly, and their six wings can only support them to fly at low altitude. These are not worker bees, but queen bees, but also the producers of the colony. They each occupy a certain corner of the volcanic hall. The closer they are to the Queen Garter, the higher their position in the colony, the more resource tilt they can get.

Before the many lives on Agareth hadn't noticed, in the depths of the relic, behind the Canon Black Gate, a swarm of bees quietly awakened.

At the same time, there is an army on Earth preparing to leave.

The army of Idahuaxing.

On the square of the Dawn Base, Union soldiers lined up in two phalanxes, and a grand farewell ceremony was being held. This time, Idahuaxing has invested a total of 300,000 troops in order to constrain the space fleet of the Nirm with the main force of Sirius. Otherwise, the war on the surface will be extremely difficult to fight, and it will not even be able to withstand the emergency of Mosuoxing, thus forcing the Nirm to retreat.

While the guard of honor was playing a lively music, Federal President Mobit and Ida Huaxing's Duke Grievous walked out from the gate of the command building side by side. Behind the two are important officials of the Federation and Ida Huaxing. It should have been Caprow behind Mobit. But now Capulo has left the federation, so Windsor Bello, who came in behind, is replaced. The young female marshal is now walking behind Mobitt, and from another aspect, it can be seen that Marshal Greed Wolf is already a hot big figure. Only Silfa is an admiral behind Windsor Bello, and the others are second-level lieutenants and major generals. Fendi is dead for the four generals of the Federation, and Rusen and Meilin are in other star areas, making this team seem to be withered. However, Mobitt has decided to appoint Catherine and Mirren as the new generals of the Federation. Both of them have shown the strength of generals in the past battles~www.readwn.com~ This promotion is a real name. Return.

The two teams stopped in front of a starship. The starship was less than a hundred meters in length. Naturally, it was not the Duke Griffith's seat ship, but just a landing ship entering the planet. In fact, Idahuaxing’s fleet is ready to go out of space, just waiting for the Duke to return.

"Just send it here." Grand Duke Griffith smiled slightly, and said to Mobitt: "I wish you peace and eternal life, and the earth will be a waste of time. If there is anything you need help, President Mobitt will bring it up. We will help the earth recover its vitality as soon as possible."

Mobike said: "I am very grateful for the support Idahuaxing has given us. How can I trouble you any more."

"Don't say that, your Majesty said, everyone is a member of the alliance, so naturally they should help each other."

The two said a few more politely, and Grand Duke Griffith entered the starship with his team. As soon as Mobit raised his hand, the two sides of the base square burst into salutes. In the sound of the gun, the landing ship began to lift off, and after turning around in midair, it turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared into the sky.

On one screen, Capulo also saw the starship lift-off. The former Federal Marshal was biting a cigar with a cold expression.

"The Idahua star will leave the earth today, and Mobit will definitely do something next. Kaproyuan, sir. Kapro, what are your plans?"

A voice sounded behind Capro, the old lion grinned, put down the snow box, turned the chair, and looked at the two figures sitting on the other side. Those two are not fresh faces, but Vig from the Smith family and Maine from the Alexander family!

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